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J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001

DOI 10.1007/s00360-014-0861-9


Thermal plasticity of skeletal muscle mitochondrial activity

and whole animal respiration in a common intertidal
triplefin fish, Forsterygion lapillum (Family: Tripterygiidae)
J. R. Khan · F. I. Iftikar · N. A. Herbert ·
Erich Gnaiger · A. J. R. Hickey

Received: 6 January 2014 / Revised: 3 September 2014 / Accepted: 9 September 2014 / Published online: 1 October
2014 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Oxygen demand generally increases in ecto-therms ˙

metabolic rate (M O2 max) both generally increased with
as temperature rises in order to sustain oxidative
phosphorylation by mitochondria. The thermal plasticity of temperature, aerobic metabolic scope (AMS) was maximal at
ectotherm metabolism, such as that of fishes, dictates a 24 °C, giving the impression that whole animal (meta-bolic)
species survival and is of importance to understand within an performance was optimised at a surprisingly high temperature.
era of warming climates. Within this study the whole animal Mitochondrial oxygen flux also increased with increasing
assay temperature but WA fish showed a lowered response to
O2 consumption rate of a common New Zealand intertidal
temperature in high flux states, such as those of oxidative
triplefin fish, Forsterygion lapillum, was investi-gated at phosphorylation and in chemically uncoupled states of
different acclimation temperatures (15, 18, 21, 24 or 25 °C) as respiration. The thermal stability of mitochondria from WA
a commonly used indicator of metabolic per-formance. In fish was also noticeably greater than CA fish at 25 °C.
addition, the mitochondria within permeabi-lised skeletal However, the predicted contribution of respirational flux to
muscle fibres of fish acclimated to a moderate temperature ATP synthesis remained the same in both groups and WA fish
(18 °C Cool acclimation group—CA) and a warm temperature showed higher anaerobic activ-ity as a result of high muscle
(24 °C. Warm acclimation group—WA) were also tested at lactate loads in both rested and exhausted states. CA fish had
18, 24 and 25 °C in different states of coupling and with a comparably lower level of resting lactate and took 30 %
different substrates. These two levels of analysis were carried longer to fatigue than WA fish. Despite some apparent
out to test whether any peak in whole animal metabolism acclimation capacity of skel-etal muscle mitochondria, the
reflected the respiratory performance of mitochondria from ATP synthesis capacity of this species is constrained at high
skeletal muscle representing the bulk of metabolic tissue. temperatures, and that a greater fraction of metabolism in
While standard metabolic rate (SMR- an indicator of total skeletal muscle appears to be supported anaerobically at
maintenance metabolism) and maximal higher temperatures. The AMS peak at 24 °C does not
therefore represent utilisa-tion efficiency of oxygen but,
rather, the temperature where scope for oxygen flow is
Communicated by I. D. Hume. greatest.
J. R. Khan · N. A. Herbert
Institute of Marine Science, Leigh Marine Laboratory, University of Keywords Mitochondria · Temperature acclimation ·
Auckland, P.O. Box 349, Warkworth 0941, New Zealand Electron transport system · Lactate · Anerobic metabolism

F. I. Iftikar · A. J. R. Hickey ()

School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland,
3a Symonds Street Thomas Building, Auckland, New Introduction
Zealand e-mail:
The metabolic rates of organisms are acutely sensitive to
E. Gnaiger
D. Swarovski Research Laboratory, Department of General and
temperature, and for ectotherms such as intertidal fishes,
Transplant Surgery, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innrain environmental temperatures have significant influence over
52, Christoph‑Probst‑Platz, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria bio-energetic processes. The oxygen consumption rate of

\992 J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001

ectotherms, which serves as a common and practical meas-ure Iftikar et al. 2014; Seebacher et al. 2010). While thermal
of aerobic metabolism, typically increases with tempera-ture acclimation of mitochondria has been explored and dis-
to maximal limits and then collapses (Clark et al. 2013; Healy cussed (Bouchard and Guderley 2003; Guderley and St-
and Schulte 2012; Pörtner 2002; Pörtner and Knust 2007; Pierre 2002; Seebacher et al. 2010; St-Pierre et al. 1998),
Pörtner et al. 2004) suggesting that fish will struggle to little of the previous work has focused on the relative con-
survive at extreme high temperatures. Understanding the basis tributions of components of the electron transport system
and the capacity to alter these thermally-mediated lim-its is and relative proportions of flux derived from the OXP and
becoming increasingly important given predictions of global the ETS when flux is measured in the presence of a chemi-
warming (Clark et al. 2013; Franklin et al. 2013). cal uncoupler (ETSu) at different temperatures (Iftikar et
The aerobic metabolic rate of ectotherms is dependent al. 2014). For example Complex II of the ETS, which does
on activity level, and the standard metabolic rate (SMR) not directly pump protons contributes less to ATP syn-
reflects respiration that sustains basic physiological pro-
cesses of an unfed animal at rest under standardised con- thesis that Complex I. Changes in flux contributions from
˙ ETS components will therefore affect ATP yields and effi-
ditions. Maximal metabolic rates (M O2max) represent an
animal’s oxygen uptake during periods of high physi- ciency, and this has yet to be explored in skeletal muscle of
˙ thermally acclimated animals.
ological demand. Measurement of the M O2max and SMR
Here we test how animal respiration and skeletal mus-cle
permits calculation of the aerobic metabolic scope (M mitochondrial function at different temperatures using an
O2max−SMR = AMS). When determined across a range of intertidal New Zealand triplefin fish, Forsterygion lapil-lum.
temperatures an inflection in the AMS can pinpoint critical We chose skeletal muscle because in unfed states this
thermal limits on aerobic metabolism (Tcrit) (Farrell 2002; represents the bulk of a fish’s metabolically active tissue.
Pörtner and Knust 2007; Pörtner et al. 2004). Forsterygion lapillum, is a small (20–50 mm) benthic fish
˙ found in harbours, coastal reefs and in intertidal rock pools.
M O2max generally increase more substantially with tem-
perature than SMR, indicating disproportionate demands on Lower latitude populations inhabit waters with winter and
oxygen flux as temperatures increases while conse- summer sea surface temperatures of approximately 15 and 23
quently increasing the AMS (Pörtner et al. 2004). The Tcrit °C respectively, and rockpool habitats occasionally, albeit
predicted from AMS and M O2max—temperature plots often briefly, reach 28 °C (Hilton et al. 2010). This species
occur at lower temperatures compared to Tcrit values pre- therefore provides a useful experimental model to explore
dicted from the SMR (Fry 1971). thermo-tolerance and acclimation metabolism, which is
This discrepancy suggests a loss of stability at high res- becoming increasingly relevant in the contexts of climate
piration rates (or O2 flux) as temperatures rise, and this change (Iftikar and Hickey 2013).
likely impacts ATP synthesis capacities of mitochondria. Fish were acclimated to a range of temperatures to
This also likely coincides with changes and increased ATP determine the SMR, MMR and AMS. Then mitochondria
demands to support muscle contraction and recovery within permeabilised skeletal muscle fibres were com-
immediately post exercise. pared between fish acclimated to 18 °C (a cool acclimation
“Leak” state respiration, which represents the mitochon- group—CA) and 24 °C (a warm acclimation group—WA),
drial oxygen uptake not contributing to oxidative phospho- the latter representing a maximal but chronically toler-able
rylation (OXP), likely results from hydrogen ion leak from the temperature. These fish then had their mitochondrial
mitochondrial intermembrane space back to the matrix parameters tested at different 18, 24 and 25 °C, with 25 °C
through uncoupling proteins the adenine nucleotide trans- providing insight to the effects of temperature immedi-
locase (ANT) and inner membrane and potential electron ately above the maximum tolerable temperature. Multiple
slippage within the electron transport system (Pesta and substrates were used in assays to activate the two princi-pal
Gnaiger 2012). Leak respiration generally increases with electron chains centred around Complexes I(CI) and
temperature (Hilton et al. 2010; Iftikar and Hickey 2013; II (CII), both independently and in combination. Respira-
Iftikar et al. 2010, 2014; Parks et al. 1955), and likely results tion was measured in the leak, OXP and uncoupled state to
from elevated proton permeability through increased resolve potential limits on skeletal muscle mitochondria
membrane fluidity with rising temperatures (Seebacher et al. and how their function alters with acclimation. We also
2010; Zukiene et al. 2010). This acts to depress mito- measured tissue lactate loads at rest and following exhaus-
chondrial membrane potentials as temperature rises (Zuk-iene tive exercise at relevant acclimation temperatures. Overall
et al. 2010) and suppresses ATP synthesis (Iftikar and Hickey we aimed to test whether any peak in the AMS tempera-
2013). The increase in non-productive or inefficient leak ture relationship was mirrored by changes in mitochondrial
respiration may explain why whole animal metabolism is function with subtle elevations in temperature. We show
compromised at high temperatures in ectotherms with high that while the combination of substrates to fuel both CI and
demands on ATP synthesis (Iftikar and Hickey 2013; CII simultaneously elevates flux in both acclimation

J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001\ 993

groups, acclimation impacts the stability of mitochondrial data acquisition system (DAQ) and a computer was used to
function, with greater stabilities yet lower overall control the measuring/flush phase of the respirometry protocol
(see below). Adequate mixing in the chamber was achieved
capacities being apparent in WA fish.
using a Gilson® Minipuls 2 peristaltic pump that continuously
circulated water. M O2 was measured repeat-edly by
Materials and methods switching the flush pump off for 20 min and meas-uring the
decline in [O2] within the chamber in a sealed state. During
Specimens and acclimation
respiration measurements, [O2] was main-tained above 85 %
saturation, and water was re-oxygenated to 100 % between
Forsterygion lapillum (2.08 ± 0.087 g, 69 ± 2.98 mm SL) measurement phases in 5 min pulses with the flush pump. The
were collected using baited minnow traps and also using change in oxygen saturation in the chamber was recorded by a
custom-built slurp-guns on snorkel at Ti Point and Mathe- fibre-optic O2 sensor (NTH-PSt1-L5-NS-40x1, 20-YOP.
son’s Bay around Leigh, New Zealand. Upon capture they Presens, Germany) connected to a Microx® TX3 meter
were immediately transported to the Leigh Marine Labora- (Presens, Germany) operating at a frequency of 1 Hz. The
tory, University of Auckland. Specimens were acclimated Microx® oxygen measurements were integrated using custom
to one of five different temperature treatments (15, 18, 21, software, which also coor-dinated the flush pump control. The
24 and 25 ± 0.5 °C) for a minimum of 4 weeks in temper- decrease in chamber
ature-controlled tanks. The responses of whole animal per- ˙
[O2] was calculated by the slope α ( O2sat/ t) and M O2 (mgO2
formance traits by acclimation in fish can be observed by −1 −1
g h ) was subsequently calculated using the fol-
4–6 weeks of exposure to the new external condition (Con- lowing formula:
don et al. 2010; Hammill et al. 2004; Johnston and
Lucking 1978; Wilson et al. 2007). Mitochondrial MO2 = α × VRESP × β × M
oxidative capaci-ties are known to alter in fish within 2
where Vresp is the volume of the respirometer less the vol-
weeks of warm and cold acclimation (Bouchard and
ume of the fish (mL), β is the oxygen solubility constant
Guderley 2003). We contend that the 4 week steady state
and M is the mass of the fish (g). After each experiment
exposure used in this study would have led to complete
was complete, background oxygen consumption readings
acclimation of F. lapil-lum. Three insulated 36 L tanks
(rate of oxygen decline in the respirometer without the
were used to house fish at an approximate low density of 6
3 specimen) were taken to test for bacterial respiration. This
g/m at each temperature. Temperatures did not vary more was always negligible.
than ±0.5 °C during the 4 week acclimation period in any ˙ ˙
M O2, SMR, M O 2max, and subsequently AMS, were
tank and water which was pumped from the ocean was measured in 10 fish at each of the five acclimation tem-
heated and then pumped a 200 mL min (replacing each ˙
peratures (15, 18, 21, 24 and 25 °C). M O2 was recorded
tanks’ volume every 3 h). All specimens were exposed to a from the point fish were first introduced to the chamber
constant 12L: 12D light cycle and were fed daily on a and for the following 19 h. SMR was estimated by aver-
mixture of freeze-dried mysis shrimp and fresh mussel. ˙
aging the lowest 10 % of M O 2 values recorded from the
point fish were introduced to the respirometry chamber.
Respirometry ˙ 2
Only M O2 values with R values >0.85 for α were used.
Pilot experiments showed that SMR estimates were simi-
24 h prior to experimentation, fish were housed individu-ally lar to those of specimens that had been left in the appa-
and fasted. Metabolic rate was determined as the mass- ˙
˙ ratus for several days. M O2max were induced by remov-
specific rate of oxygen consumption (M O2) per hour per ing fish from the respirometer and forcing the fish to the
gram. Measurements were carried out with an automated, point of exhaustion by lightly tapping its tail in aerated
seawater at the appropriate temperature for a period of 5
intermittent-flow respirometer (Khan and Herbert 2012). A min. The specimen was then returned to the respirom-eter
100 mL acrylic tube respirometry chamber housed individ-ual ˙
fish and was placed in an insulated 36 L reservoir tub filled and the highest observed M O2 value resulting from three
with filtered, UV sterilised seawater. The entire appa-ratus short (10 min) measuring periods (Reidy et al. 1995)
was maintained at the specimens’ acclimation temper-ature ˙
were assumed to be the M O2max. This method of meas-uring
using freshwater within coils of PVC that was heated/ cooled ˙
® oxygen debt repayment as a proxy for M O2max is often used in
by a Julabo F12 heater/chiller unit. The reservoir was species that are not necessarily suited to
aerated rigorously using a compressor connected to an air Brett-type swim flume respirometers (Clark et al. 2013;
stone and a “flush” pump (Sicce® MiMouse) was used to Dupont-Prinet et al. 2013; Khan and Herbert 2012). AMS
flush aerated water (from the reservoir) through the chamber. was then estimated as the difference between the SMR and
The apparatus was connected to a custom-built ˙
M O2max for each specimen.

\994 J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001

Mitochondrial experiments Gnaiger 2012)]. ADP (1.5 mM) was added to stimulate
oxidative phosphorylation (OXP), followed by cytochrome
Given the small size of F. lapillum mitochondrial isola- c (10 µM), to test mitochondrial integrities, and then fol-
tion was not feasible. Therefore, we used a permeabilised lowed 2 mM ADP to ensure Complex I(CI) mediated OXP
fibre method used elsewhere (Hilton et al. 2010), which was maximised. Succinate was added to maximise OXP
preserves the arrangements and structure of mitochondria flux with combined electron inputs from Complexes I and
within cells (Picard et al. 2011). The caudal peduncle, or II (CII). Carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy) phenyl-
trunk musculature, is predominantly fast-glycolytic, with hydrazone was then titrated (3 × 1 µM FCCP) to uncou-ple
minimal superficial slow-oxidative fibres (Hickey and respiration and to determine the maximal uncoupled flux
Clements 2003). Skeletal muscle fibres were dissected by
capacity through the electron transport system (ETS).
filleting each side of a fish. The myotomes were rap-idly
Complex I, II and III were selectively inhibited by addition
teased into 0.5 × 1 mm fibre bundles after placement in 1
of rotenone (1 µM), malonate (15 mM), and antimycin a (1
mL ice-cold high-energy relaxing solution (in mM unless
µM) respectively. The residual non-mitochondrial oxy-gen
stated, BIOPS: 2.77 CaK2EGTA, 7.23 K2EGTA, 5.77 flux was subtracted from other measures of flux. Three
Na2ATP, 6.56 MgCl2·6H2O, 20 taurine, 20 imidazole, flux-control ratios were calculated. (1) The relative con-
0.5 dithiothreitol, 50 K-MES, 15 Na-phosphocreatine and tribution of leak respiration to OXP, (2) the ratio between
50 Sucrose, pH 7.1). Fibres were then permeabilised, fol- maximal ETS flux (uncoupled)/OXP, and the additive
lowing the transfer into 2 mL fresh high-energy relaxing effect of succinate (CII substrate) was determined by
solution with saponin (50 µg), and agitated for 30 min on subtracting the flux attributable to CI.
ice, as described previously (Veksler et al. 1987). Saponin
perforates the sarcolemma of muscle fibres by targeting Concentrations of lactate, and aerobic and glycolytic
cholesterol but leaves intracellular structures such as mito- potential indicators (CS, LDH) in rested and exhausted
chondria intact due to their lower cholesterol content. Sap- CA and WA fish
onin and cytosolic constituents were washed from fibres
following three 10 min washes in ice-cold assay medium
Fish were acclimated to either 18 or 24 °C for a period of 4
(0.5 EGTA, 3 MgCl2·6H2O, 60 K-lactobionate, 20 taurine, weeks prior to experimentation (n = 16 at each, mass 1.27
−1 g ± 0.95 g, FL 49.56 mm ± 1.4 mm). 8 each of the 18 and
10 KH2PO4, 20 HEPES, 160 sucrose and 1 g. L BSA,
essentially free fatty acid, pH 7.24 at 20 °C). Fibre bundles 24 °C acclimated specimens were placed individually in 10
were rapidly blot-dried on lint free filter paper and L buckets of 50 µm filtered seawater at their acclima-tion
approxi-mately 20–30 mg of skeletal muscle was weighed temperature and chased to exhaustion by light physi-cal
for respi-ration assays. stimulation applied to the tail. The specimens were
A multiple substrate-inhibitor titration protocol was considered to be exhausted when fish failed to react to the
employed to test respirational flux in vivo and to explore physical stimulus and the time to exhaustion for each indi-
the relative capacity of the ETS and OXP components vidual was recorded. Once exhausted each individual was
(Gnaiger 2008). Three OROBOROS Oxygraph-2Ks euthanized immediately and placed into liquid nitrogen.
(Oroboros Instruments, Innsbruck, Austria) were used, and The remaining 8 specimens at each of the acclimation tem-
respiratory measurements of fibre bundles were performed peratures were transferred individually to 10 L buckets of
at 18, 24 and 25 °C in 2 mL incubation assay medium. seawater at their acclimation temperature but were imme-
Respiration was measured as weight-specific oxygen flux diately euthanized and placed in liquid nitrogen without
[pmol O2 (s · mg wet weight) ], calculated as the time being chased to exhaustion.
derivative of oxy-gen concentration using DatLab A portion of peduncle muscle was cut from semi-
software, OROB-OROS (Innsbruck, Austria). thawed frozen specimens and homogenised in a 1:10 w/v 4
To avoid O2-limitation due to the diffusion constraints % ice-cold per-chloric acid and neutralised with NaOH.
across muscle fibres, the chamber stoppers were raised and Lac-tate was measured in the muscle by the reversible L-
gaseous O2 was added to the header space left within the LDH method and all measurements were performed using
chambers to super saturate the assay medium to ~450 nmol a Molecular Devices Spectramax-340 plate reading
−1 spectro-photometer at 25 °C.
mL . Once achieved the stoppers were lowered expelling
remaining gas. Chambers were re-oxygenated to maintain Additional muscle (~40–60 mg) was cut and equili-
−1 brated within a 1:20 volume (w/v) of ice-cold homogenisa-
oxygen above 280 nmol mL (Gnaiger 2008). The titra-
tion protocol maximised respirational flux through the tion buffer (25 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.8, 1 mM EDTA, 2 mM
ETS. Firstly, malate (5 mM), glutamate (10 mM) and pyru- MgCl2, 50 mM KCl, 0.5 % Triton X100) in 2 mL centri-
vate (10 mM) were added to determine the leak state res- fuge tubes containing metal ball bearings and homogenised
piration [synonymous with state 2 respiration (Pesta and with a tissue lyser (Qiagen, New Zealand). Homogenates

J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001\ 995

were centrifuged at 14,000g and the resulting supernatant normality was not met data were log transformed. T-tests
removed and immediately assayed for citrate synthase (CS) were also used to make comparisons of respirational fluxes
and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), with modifications from between treatment groups at respective assay temperatures.
previous workers (Hickey and Clements 2003; Newsholme Differences in skeletal muscle lactate were measured in
and Crabtree 1986). rested and exhausted F. lapillum following log transforma-
Citrate synthase (CS) was determined at 412 nm with tion of data and a two way ANOVA (assay versus acclima-
5 μL tissue homogenate in 100 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0, 0.1 tion temperature), followed by Holms-Sidak test for spe-
mM acetyl coenzyme A, and 0.2 mM 5,5′-dithiobis-(2- cific post hoc differences.
nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), and reactions were started
following addition of 5 mM oxaloacetate. LDH was meas-
ured at 340 nm with 5 μL tissue homogenate using a reac- Results
tion mixture containing 100 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.0, 1 mM
EDTA, 2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM dithiothrietol (DTT) and 0.15 Whole animal respirometry
mM NADH, and reactions were started following the
addition of 1.5 mM pyruvate. Measurements were made at SMR increased linearly with temperature in F. lapil-lum
340 nm by observing the disappearance of NADH. All between 15 and 24 °C but increased at a greater rate
assays were conducted at 25 °C. ˙
between 24 and 25 °C. M O2max were essentially stable over
the entire investigated temperature range except for a dis-
Statistical analyses proportionate increase at 24 °C which decreased at 25 °C
(Fig. 1). AMS was therefore unchanged at all investigated
AMS estimates were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey post temperatures except for at 24 °C where it showed a signifi-
hoc pairwise comparisons to identify any significant differ- cantly higher peak than at 15 and 21 °C (Fig. 1). While the
ences between acclimation temperatures. Comparisons of AMS plot indicates the potential for a modest increase in
enzyme activities were made using students’ T-tests. Where scope at the elevated temperature of 24 °C, slopes from the

Fig. 1 The standard metabolic rate (SMR, dashed line) and maxi- ˙
shows Arrhenius plots for SMR (open circles) and M O2max where the
˙ slopes of linear regressions are theoretically proportional to activa-
mal metabolic rate (M O2max solid grey line) of F. lapillum specimens
acclimated to 15, 18, 21, 24 or 25 °C and measured as the rate of oxy- tion energy of a system. Therefore, the more negative the slope the
gen consumption (mgO2·g− ·h− , n = 10 at each temperature). The
1 1
greater the sensitivity to increases in temperature. Letters represent
aerobic metabolic scope (AMS, black solid line) was determined as
˙ significant differences between temperatures within each measure of
the difference between SMR and M O2max for each individual. Inset metabolism. All values are shown with ± sem

\996 J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001

Fig. 2 Representative trace respiration titration protocol measuring tional ADP (2 mM) to ensure OXP was maximised. Succinate was
oxygen concentration (nmol. mL− , blue line, left y-axis) over time
added to maximise OXP flux with combined electron inputs from CI
(mins) and mitochondrial respirational flux (pmol O2. (s. mg)− , red
1 and Complex II (CII). Carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy) phenyl-
line, right y-axis). Titrations of mitochondrial substrates, poisons and hydrazone was then titrated (3 × 1 µM FCCP) to chemically
inhibitors and their time of addition are shown with arrows: Respi- uncouple respiration to determine the maximal uncoupled flux capac-
ration states are indicated. Leak respiration (state 2) represents res- ity through the electron transport system (ETSu). Complex I was then
piration with Complex I (CI) substrates malate (M), pyruvate (P) and inhibited with rotenone and Complex III with antimycin. The residual
glutamate (G) in the absence of ADP. Oxidative phosphoryla-tion non-mitochondrial oxygen flux (ROX) was determined. Respiration
(OXP-CI) was then initiated with ADP addition (1.5 mM) and states discussed in the text have been highlighted. Note the increase
cytochrome c (c) added to test mitochondrial integrity (no significant in O2 concentration during the assay represents reoxygenation, to
effect was detected across all samples), and further followed by addi- ensure O2 was not limiting (colour figure online)

˙ addition of excess ADP, flux increased with CI substrates and

Arrhenius plots of M O2max and SMR differ (P < 0.05,
inset Fig. 1 inset), suggesting that SMR is potentially more this provided information on OXP capacities with CI
˙ substrates (OXP-CI, Fig. 3b). By the subtraction of leak
sen-sitive to temperature increase than M O2max.
respiration from OXP-CI it is apparent that similar frac-tions
Mitochondrial function of the net flux contribute to phosphorylation (Fig. 3b). This
residual fraction of OXP relative to leak was greater for 24 °C
Mitochondrial outer membrane integrity remained intact at acclimated fish at all temperatures indicating a relative
all assay temperatures with no significant increase in flux increase in the apparent efficiency in OXP-CI in this group
observed with the addition of cytochrome c (Fig. 2). We (Fig. 3c). The fraction of OXP-CI contributing to
note a 25–30 % increase in respirational flux on addition of phosphorylating respiration was between 5 to 10 % greater in
succinate, showing the added contribution of CII to the 24 °C acclimated group for all temperatures meas-ured.
respira-tion. This contribution was also mirrored in When assayed at respective acclimation temperatures the
measurements following the addition of rotenone in the acceptor control ratios ACRs were 5.73 ± 0.22 at 18 °C and
FCCP uncoupled state. Data for this state were not 5.35 ± 1.99 at 24 °C (Fig. 3e).
presented as the time till maximal inhibition was variable. In both CA and WA groups the addition of succinate
Respiration was generally highest in all respiration activated CII and increased flux above that of CI mediated
states for the 18 °C acclimated fish relative to 24 °C accli- respiration (Fig. 3d). With succinate addition the fractional
mated fish at equivalent assay temperatures. Oxygen flux flux increase was greatest for 18 °C acclimated fish
generally increased with increasing temperature, and flux assayed at 18 and 24 °C with 35 and 30 % increases
rates of muscle fibres from fish acclimated to 18 °C and respectively (Fig. 4b). However, when fibres from CA fish
measured at 18 °C were similar to 24 °C acclimated fish were assayed at 25 °C, the fractional increase in OXP-CI
assayed at 24 °C. This was most evident for leak state to OXP-CI,CII was equivalent to that for the WA fish.
respiration (Fig. 3a) with similar rates when groups were While chemical uncoupling with FCCP also ele-vated
assayed at their acclimation temperatures. Following flux in both acclimation groups, FCCP had the

J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001\ 997

Fig. 3 Respirational fluxes were

determined at 18, 24 and 25 °C a 0.7 Leak b 3.0 OXP CI *


for skeletal peduncle muscle from
0.6 2.5

F. lapillum moder-ate acclimation
temperature of 18 °C (open 0.5
circles, MA) and warm

acclimation temperature of 24 °C 1.5

(closed circles, WA). Leak 0.3


respiration (a) was higher in CA 1.0

fish (open circles) than WA fish

at all assay tempera-tures. b
Complex I(CI) medi-ated
oxidative phosphorylation (CI 0.0 0.0
Oxp flux, grey represents CI leak 17 19 21 23 25 17 19 21 23 25
flux prior to ADP addition).
While similar flux rates were
apparent for fish assayed at their c 0.7 Residual OXP (OXP-Leak) d 4.5
respective acclimation tempera- OXP CI,CII
0.6 4.0

tures, flux rates are highest for in




CA fish at each temperature. c 0.4 3.5


Subtraction of the leak flux from 3.0

OXP-CI predicts that


the flux contributing to ATP



synthesis remains similar 0.3 2.0



across temperatures within 1.5

groups, but was lowest in the
CA group at 23 °C. d Addition
of succinate further elevated 0.1 0.5 OXP CI
respiration flux (black) in CA 0.0 0.0
and WA fish. The fractional 17 19 21 23 25 17 19 21 23 25
increase in suc-cinate mediated
flux is greater in CA fish than
in WA fish when assayed at 24 e 10 f 0.40 Leak/OXP-CI
°C, yet this increase was not
sustained with a further 1 °C 8
increase in assay temperature
(n = 4 duplicates, error bars = 6
SEM, *P > 0.05, ***P > 0.005) 0.20

0 0.00
17 19 21 23 25 17 19 21 23 25
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

greatest effect when assayed at 18 °C (Fig. 4c). This chemi- responsive to increasing temperatures in all high flux states
cal uncoupling response with FCCP diminished from a 15– 20 (i.e. excluding leak). However, above 24 °C OXP-CI,CII
% flux increase to only 5 % flux increase as temperature was and ETS decreased with a change of only 1 °C in the 18 °C
increased to 25 °C in both groups. While the overall ETS flux acclimated fish while the 24 °C acclimated fish showed a
was highest in the 18 °C acclimated fish, the frac-tional greater stability at higher temperatures.
increase was similar in both groups (Fig. 4c).
To make comparisons between groups in terms of their Marker enzyme activities, resistance to exercise
responses to temperature, we compared the change in fatigue and tissue lactate‑loading
oxygen flux per °C ( O2 flux/°C) was calculated for each
group in different flux states (Fig. 4d). We note here that Citrate synthase activities were almost 40 % higher in CA
traditional Q10 relationships are extremely sensitive over fish WA fish, while LDH activities remained simi-lar
small temperature increments and resulted in highly between treatments (Table 1). LDH/CS ratios further
variable estimates, moreover they do not represent direct reinforced a shift to increase aerobic capacities in CA fish
changes in flux. It was apparent that between 18 and 24 °C relative to WA fish (Table 1). CA fish took almost 30 %
acclimated groups, the 18 °C acclimated fish are more longer to fatigue than WA fish (Table 1). Muscle lactate

\998 J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001

Fig. 4 a Respiration flux a 0.4

increased from the coupled 5.00 ETS b 1.40 Flux increase in OXP CII

OXP flux (grey) state on addi-

pmol O2. (
tion of the uncoupling agent 4.00 0.80 0.35

FCCP (black). b The absolute
increase in flux declined with

ol O2
increasing temperature. c 0.60
When presented as a fractional

increase from the OXP flux OXP CI,CII 0.40 0.25
1.00 Fractional increase
state, the apparent “reserve” 0.20 with CII
ETS capacity decreases 0.00 0.00 0.2
similarly in both CA (open 17 19 21 23 25 17 19 21 23 25
circles) and WA (closed circles)
acclimated fish. d Comparison Temperature oC Temperature oC
of the changes in flux/ C in leak c 1.20 ETSu/OXP CI,CII 0.25 d 2.00
(squares), OXP-CI (diamonds),
Fractional increase
pmol O2. (
OXP-CI,CII (triangles) and

1.00 0.20 1.50
uncoupled respiration-ETS

( /-

(circles). In both groups of fish 0.80

OXP-CI,CII and ETS show a 0.50

lack of capacity to increase 0.10 0.00

flux between 24 and 25 °C. In -0.50

CA animals a general loss of 0.20 ETS-OXP
capacity in the 24-25 °C
0.00 0.00 18-24, 24-25, 18-24, 24-25,
occurs (n = 4 duplicates, error 17 19 21 23 25 18 Accl 18 Accl 24 Accl 24 Accl
bars = SEM, *P > 0.05)
Temperature o C 18oC 24oC
acclimated acclimated

Table 1 Mass length ratios showed no significant differences the predicted respirational flux that can contribute to ATP
between treatment groups pro-duction remains similar for both CA and WA groups at
Acclimation temperature 18 °C 24 °C their respective acclimation temperatures. While this indicates
an efficiency gain in ATP synthesis with warm acclimation,
Mass length ratio (g/mm) 0.033 ± 0.003 0.028 ± 0.001 mus-cle lactate loads in resting animals were high in WA
CS (U/g wet wgt) 3.33 ± 0.240 2.019 ± 0.18 (t 366) rested fish, demonstrating a relative deficiency in aerobic
LDH (U/g wet wgt) 177.7 ± 15.9 155.7 ± 10.2 (t −1.163) capacity even with acclimation to warmer temperatures.
LDH/CS 54.3 ± 3.9 83.9 ± 7.8*** (t −8.082)
An apparent maximisation of aerobic performance, or
Time till exhaustion (s) 213.6 ± 10.6 165.0 ± 12.01 (t 3.03) scope following acclimation to 24 °C could be inferred by
Citrate synthase (CS) activity differed while lactate dehydroge-nase the AMS to be maximal at 24 °C (Fig. 1) but these contrast
(LDH) did not, which was reflected by the ratio of LDH to CS with the species’ general habitat temperature of around 20
activity. Time till exhaustion was determined by stimulating fish till
°C. While temperatures as high as 28 °C are reached in
rock pools inhabited by F. lapillum (Hilton et al. 2010),
Mean ± sem, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, n = 16
this is limited to short periods at low tide. This species also
suffered from high mortality with chronic acclimation at
concentrations at rest and following exhaustive exercise 25 °C (55 % after 2 weeks) in this present work. The maxi-
detected a significant effect of acclimation temperature misation of AMS at temperatures towards the upper ther-
(ANOVA, F = 4.506, P = 0.04) and exercise stress (Fig. 5, mal limit of a species follows the alternative model of the
F = 10.68, P = 0.003). Most relevant for this study was the oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance (OCLTT)
lack of significant difference between rested WA fish and hypothesis (Clark et al. 2011, 2013). While high tempera-
exercised CA fish, indicating that relatively high baseline tures are encountered by wild fish populations, reproduc-
lactate loads are present in rested WA fish. tive success is greater at cooler temperatures (Clark et al.
2013; Richter and Kolmes 2005). Moreover, decreased
growth rates occur in northern killifish (Fundulus hetero-
Discussion clitus) acclimated to temperatures maximising the AMS
(Healy and Schulte 2012).
In this study, we demonstrate that while the apparent aerobic Although temperature-dependent growth rates have not
scope was maximal in WA fish, skeletal muscle mitochondrial been investigated in F. lapillum, this species appears to
capacities were lower relative to CA fish (Fig. 3a). However, preferentially select temperatures (21 °C) below those

J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001\ 999

14 (Pörtner et al. 2004). For F. lapillum survival was impaired

above 24 °C and mitochondrial function (discussed below)

12 reflected this as it was less robust above 25 °C, or ceased to

wet s-

increase regardless of acclimation. Therefore, AMS likely

represents for the maximal oxygen flow, but not the most
efficient use of oxygen. Temperature-mediated increases


in mitochondrial oxygen flux occur because of thermody-

6 namic effects (Q10) on enzyme function, and also as a result
of increased mitochondrial inner membrane proton leak,

4 2
the latter of which results in a loss of efficiency (Brand The s keletal mus cle fibre res pi ration data do not mir ror


the profiles for the whole animal AMS data, in particular

0 at 24 °C, as OXP flux rates of fibres from WA fish are less
18oC Rest 18oC Exhausted 24oC Rest 24oC Exhausted than those of CA fish. The increase in AMS at 24 °C may
therefore mirror higher order processes such as hepatic lac-
Fig. 5 Lactate is elevated in resting skeletal muscle of WA F. lapil- tate clearance or increased cardiovascular demands may be
lum. Skeletal muscle lactate was measured in rested and exhausted
WA and CA fish. Lactate was lowest in rested CA fish, which elevate. Notably mortality for F. lapillum was not impacted
elevated following exhaustive exercise (P = 0.02). Resting mus- at 18 or 24 °C (0 %), but at 25 °C was 55 % mortality after
cle contained more lactate in WA (n = 8) fish than those CA fish 2 weeks. This also means that the AMS measurements for
(n = 8, P = 0.017), and had similar lactate loads to exhausted CA 25 °C acclimated fish warrant caution as it was performed
fish (P = 0.12) and exhausted WA fish (P = 0.36). Symbols represent on the survivors, and therefore these fish do not represent
similar groups
those of a general population.
Mitochondrial flux rates were also tested at saturating
where the AMS is maximal (Khan and Herbert 2012). Sur- substrate concentrations to mimic substrate supplies to
vival at 25 °C was limited, (55 % mortality after 2 weeks) skeletal muscle at MO2max. High sub strate concentrations

and not impacted at all at 18 or 24 °C (0 %). should elevate mitochondrial potentials, and therefore leak
We also provide a paradoxical observation in that while respiration rates (Brand 1990, 2005), which are further
SMR does not increase with temperature as much as M exacerbated by high temperatures (Fig. 3b, c). An increase
O2max in terms of absolute rates, SMR increases propor- in mitochondrial leak respiration with increasing tempera-
tionally faster with elevation in acclimation temperature tures is well described in ectothermic and endothermic
(inset Fig. 1), i.e. that it is more sensitive to temperature. mitochondria (Seebacher et al. 2010; Zukiene et al. 2010),
Arrhenius plots show that SMR has an approximately and has been observed in permeabilised cardiac fibres of
˙ different crab species (Iftikar and Hickey 2013; Iftikar et al.
66 % greater sensitivity to temperature than MO2max.

As F. lapillum is a benthic species it will likely gener- 2010), and triplefin fish heart fibres including F. lapillum
ally function at levels closer to the SMR than MO2max. (Hilton et al. 2010).
One view is that this should increase resource utilisation Leak respiration flux was also similar for CA and WA
at higher temperatures. An alternative perspective is that groups when measured and assayed at their respective
the ˙ MO may be under tighter constraints for increas- 2max acclimation temperatures, indicating adaption of this vari-
ing capacity with rising temperature relative to the SMR, able. Assuming that the subtraction of leak from OXP-CI
in particular at temperatures above 24 °C, as species provides a measure of the residual flux that contributes to
must survive environmental extremes, not environmental ATP synthesis, it is apparent that this value remains simi-
means. lar across assay temperatures and acclimation regimes
As a cautionary note, we highlight that our measure- (Fig. 3b). These data indicate that despite higher absolute
ments of MO2max are not measured during sustained swim- oxygen fluxes in OXP for CA fish, no more ATP is prob-
ming, as it is not possible to measure respiration rate while ably formed aerobically, but oxygen demand to support
swimming. We therefore make the assumption, as have oth- leak respiration increases. The ACR, or ratio of leak res-
ers (e.g. Clark et al. 2013; Dupont-Prinet et al. 2013; Khan piration to OXP was higher in CA fish than WA fish at 18
and Herbert 2012), that post-exhaustive exercise respiration and 24 °C, but both indices were similar at 25 °C (Fig. 3e,
closely represents ˙ MO and in turn reflects maximum 2max f). This will place greater demands on the cardio-branchial
rates of mobilization and disposal of lactate. systems of CA fish acutely exposed to warmer tempera-
The AMS peak has been suggested to present a critical tures as more oxygen is required to maintain equivalent
point, beyond which organismal function is compromised ATP supplies.

\1000 J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001

The multiple substrate approach of this study also pro- Given that F. lapillum survives brief exposure above this
vides insight to dynamics of the ETS. Mitochondrial Com- temperature, anaerobic metabolism likely meets temporary
plexes I and II did not respond uniformly at each tempera- metabolic demands.
ture, or with acclimation. Historically most mitochondrial We further assayed fibres from both CA and WA groups at
analyses employed simpler titration protocols with isolated 25 °C. It was generally apparent that for the CA group, a drop
substrates (Galli and Richards 2012). Mitochondria in vivo in OXP-CI, and OXP-CI,CII was observed. While for WA
are fuelled by multiple substrates (e.g. CI and CII are fish 25 °C appeared to be better tolerated. These data indicate
simultaneously active) and in combination these increase that 24 °C is probably very close to the maximal temperature
oxygen flux and place additional demands on ubiquinone that this species can chronically tolerate.
pools and downstream respiratory complexes (Gnaiger When fibres from CA fish were measured at 18 °C, they
2011). While succinate addition should increase the respi- showed 38 and 42 % higher OXP-CI,CII and ETSu fluxes
rational flux in both acclimation groups, OXP-CI,CII flux respectively relative to WA fish. When measured at a stand-
increased more in absolute terms and as a fractional meas- ard temperature of 24 °C, CS was also 40 % higher in CA
ure (Fig. 4b) in CA fish. This increase was not uniform, as fish. The similarity between CS and mitochondrial flux
while there was a 35 % increase at 18 °C in the CA group, measures indicates a tight linkage between citric acid cycle
this increase dropped to ~30 % at 24 °C, and then 26 % at flux, OXP and the ETS, and this indicates a depression in
25 °C. When measured at 18 °C the CA fish also showed mitochondrial mass at 24 °C. LDH activities however dif-
the greatest fractional increase in flux when transitioning fered less with acclimation temperature, and this indicates that
from the OXP-CI state to the OXP-CI,CII state (112 %). within these acclimation temperatures F. lapillum adjusts
This difference was less when assayed at 24 °C, and was aerobic pathways but not anaerobic glycolytic capac-ities. The
abolished (i.e. it was similar to WA fish) at 25 °C assay lack of shift in LDH and CS/LDH ratios means that CA fish
temperatures (Fig. 4b). WA fish maintained similar frac- have greater aerobic capacities, yet have simi-lar anaerobic
tional increases regardless of temperature. These data indi- capacities to the WA group. On that basis it is not surprising
cate that temperature acclimation influences the dynamics that resting levels of lactate were higher in WA fish than
within the ETS and OXP system. We also note that we rested CA fish, and lactate levels within rested WA fish did
have observed different contributions to from CI and CII to not differ significantly from fish exposed to exhaus-tive
OXP in heart mitochondria from tropical and temperate stress. Exhaustion also occurred 30 % more rapidly in WA
wrasse species (Iftikar et al. 2014). fish than CA fish tested at 18 °C. These data indicate that WA
The increase in flux with chemical uncoupling with fish have less endurance than CA fish when stressed at their
FCCP provided a measure of ETS reserve capacity (ETSu). acclimation temperatures, and this contrasts with the AMS
While the meaning of this apparent reserve capacity data predicting optimal aerobic performance at 24 °C.
remains unresolved, this too showed temperature sensi- In summary, we have shown that for this species the AMS
tivity and the flux enhancement with FCCP was greatest at does not mirror mitochondrial function directly, but the peak
cooler temperatures. The CA fish appeared to show the at 24 °C is consistent with a failure in metabolism
greatest increases with chemical uncoupling. However, immediately above this point. Mitochondria within skeletal
when presented as a percentage increase from the OXP muscle fibres showed an expected increase in leak respira-
state to the uncoupled state, both acclimation temperatures tion, and this increased disproportionately relative to OXP-CI
showed similar responses to temperature. This indicates with increasing temperature. With warm acclimation the
similar controlling, or limiting effects on the OXP system fraction of leak respiration could be decreased indicating that
at cooler temperatures, or of the ETS at higher tempera- species can adjust this parameter. The dynamics with multiple
tures. The loss of excess capacity ranged from 15 to 20 % electron inputs also show that the two major sites of electron
when assayed at 18 and 24 °C, with only a 5 % increase input (CI and CII) respond differently to tem-perature and
when assayed at 25 °C. acclimation. Further research should explore the relative ATP
The OXP system (F1/F0 ATP synthase, phosphate production rates at different temperatures in the presence of
transporter and/or adenine nucleotide transporter (ANT)) different substrates (e.g. Iftikar and Hickey 2013). The limits
may be limiting at cooler temperatures, and/or the ETS or control of the ETS and OXP systems also appear to change
may become limited at warmer temperatures. The greater with temperature and, while a rising leak respiration
chemical uncoupling effect at cooler temperatures has been contribution may depress OXP effi-ciencies, loss of the
observed in permeabilised teleost heart fibres (Iftikar and reserve ETS capacity may also become limiting, and the
Hickey 2013; Iftikar et al. 2014). A loss of the apparent uncoupled ETS state presents less evi-dence for acclimation.
excess ETSu may impair the capacity, or plasticity of mito- The decreased ETS reserve capacity and mitochondrial mass
chondria to adjust to increased flux demands, or endog- may explain the high lactate loads in rested and WA F.
enous ETS inhibitors such as nitric oxide (Brown 1999). lapillum.

J Comp Physiol B (2014) 184:991–1001\ 1001

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