Unit Module - Transformations Around Me

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EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
Summary of Unit

This unit is centered around the attributes of transformation and how change can often cause progress to develop a certain skill. The
students will be able to describe their ideas and interests through verbal and non-verbal communication, that will make them better
contributors to their communities. They will be exposed to several mediums (videos, apps, fictional and non-fictional text etc…).
Students will respond by constructing short text for different purposes and documenting changes they encounter in a visual
diary/journal. The learning experiences build to a performance task (summative assessment) that asks students to express their
understanding by creating a short video and present their ideas to their audience.
EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
Stage (1): What is our Purpose?
Central Idea Summative Task
1)! Reading and writing transforms depending on the The students observe things that transform around them. They should be able to identify
context and communication purpose. when transformation creates progress and when it does not. Students should collect

2)! Natural transformations happen in response to other evidence and document their discoveries using a medium of their choice from the
changes that illustrate wider connections. following: short videos, drawings, graphic organizers, mind maps, comparison charts.
Finally, students will choose a way to present their ideas and chain of thoughts to their
3)! The relationship between systems and organisms seek audience. (Check Appendix A)
to create equilibrium.

4)! Systems and organisms have causal relationships that

lead to impactful consequences
EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
Stage (2): What do we want to learn?
Standards Concepts
1)!Reading: Demonstrate understanding of the Micro-concepts Macro-concepts
organization and basic features of print. •! Organization •! Form
•! Comprehension •! Connection
•! Explanation •! Change
2)!Oral & Listening: Describe people, places, things, •! Text structures •! Relationships
•! Progress topics
and events with relevant details, expressing ideas
•! Skills/strategies
and feelings clearly. •! Understanding
•! Expression/personal
3)!Writing: Write informative/explanatory texts in •! Vocabulary
•! Direction
which they name a topic, supply some facts about
the topic and provide some sense of closure.
EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
Stage (3): How might we know what we have learned?
What are the possible ways of assessing students’ What are the possible ways of assessing student
prior knowledge and skills? What evidence will we learning towards the generalizations? What
look for? evidence will we look for?

Pre-assessments: Formative Assessments:

1)!Students to engage in visual thinking routine “I see, I 1)!Students will write a short descriptive (opinion) piece
think, I wonder” after reading the story “I See Winter”. about their favorite season that will include specific
Teacher to provide flashcards with critical language critical language shared by the teacher.
from the story along with picture prompts, when
needed. 2)!Students to participate in “Think – Pair – Share”
activity after watching the videos in groups of 2.
2)!Teacher to model for the students what is required.
Students to engage in Frayer Model visual thinking
routine in pairs to dissect the concept of 3)!Students to use Seesaw app to record themselves
transformation. speaking and describing their favorite season. This
assessment focuses on speaking, analyzing and
3)!Students to engage in concept mind mapping activity describing skills.
guided by the teacher to assess their knowledge on
the four seasons of the year.
EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
4)!Before starting with learning activity #4, the teacher 4)!Students to use Seesaw app to take pictures of their
to prepare guided questions about the four seasons writing activity by describing the season of their
on Socrative.com, an in-class polling system. choice using the correct critical language and
Students to log in and answer each question adjectives learnt across the unit.
5)!Students in groups of two to recreate the story “The
Little Red Hen” in their own way using Book Creator
5)!After reading “The Little Red Hen”, students to engage
in a gallery walk to discuss and generate ideas from
the fictional story. This will also help the students in
their role play and group discussions.
EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
Stage (4): How best might we learn?

Learning Experiences BL G F S
1). Teacher to bring artifacts associated with winter ie: clothing, sleds, ski hats, Correlations
gloves, snow boots, etc…). Teacher to brainstorm with students the different Analyze 3 4 TS
aspects of winter. Teacher and students to read short story “I See Winter”. CS
Students to engage in learning activity to put the story in the correct order using
flashcards with picture prompts and simple sentences from the story.

2). Students to analyze how things change physically over time, as the teacher
provides flashcards and picture prompts. Students then are grouped in pairs Analyze 5 4 SS
heterogeneously and have the choice of the following recourses: Evaluate 6 5 CS
Understand 6 TS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmIFXIXQQ_E (four seasons time lapse) Apply 7 SMS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5RSpMQQOpw (cycle of a butterfly) 9
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq2ZJQQnlSE (day and night)

3). Students to engage in a scavenger hunt game. Teacher will provide flashcards
with characteristics of season scattered around the classroom. Students to find Analyze 2 4 CS
clue (characteristic) and match it to the correct season on the board. Teacher Apply 4 5 SS
should provide enough clues/characteristics equals to the number of students ie: Understand 6 TS
20 clues for 20 students – 5 for each season). After game, students group Remember 7 RS
themselves (students’ choice) 5/season and present their season to the rest of the 9 SMS
EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
4. Following the above learning activity, students to participate in writing activity
in which they should from simple sentences describing one season of their choice. Create 7 3 CS
Teacher to provide clues to help each group. Correlations Analyze 8 4 TS
Apply 5 SMS
(students grouped homogenously) Understand 6
Remember 7
Group A: write sentences from memory Group C: fill in the blank worksheet 8
ie: “winter is ______”.* 9
Group B: write sentences from Group D: match sentence to the
picture prompts correct picture

5). Teacher to read short story “The Little Red Hen” so that students can identify
and analyze the characters and the plot. Students to engage in reenacting the story Evaluate 2 1 CS
through role play. Whole group discussion to identify reasons for conflict and Analyze 3 3 SS
how the characters in the story developed and solved that conflict. Apply 6 4 TS
Understand 5 RS
Remember 6 SMS
* teacher to form worksheets based on student’s abilities
EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
Stage (4): How best might we learn?
Differentiating – Tailoring the Learning Plan to the Learners
Strategies for Differentiating the Input Strategies for Differentiating Process and Product
Readiness Readiness
1) Provide texts at varied reading levels and in students’ primary languages 1) Use tiered activities (different levels of difficulty but focused on the
2) Use reading buddies or partners to work with texts materials same learning goals)
3) Use flexible groupings to address knowledge and skill gaps 2) Provide materials in the primary language of second language learners
3) Provide detailed and highly structured task directions for learners who
need it, while leaving the task more open for the more capable and
independent students

Learning Profile Learning Profile

1) Use applications, examples, and illustrations from various intelligences 1)Allow multiple options for how students express their learning (varied
2) Teach from both whole to part and part to whole approaches products and performances to allow learners to work to their strengths)
3) Use wait time to allow for student reflection 2) Allow students to have choices regarding their preferred working mode

Interests Interests
1) Provide interest centers to encourage further exploration of topics 1) Establish interest-based work groups and discussion groups
2) Provide a wide range of materials related to student interests and 2) Use both like-interest and mixed-interest work groups
cultures 3) Use the jigsaw cooperative strategy to allow students to specialize in
aspects of a topic they find interesting
EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
Stage (4): How best might we learn?
Interdisciplinary Experiences

1. Science
a)! Melting activity. Explain how water can transform to ice and how ice can transform to water. Make sure to conduct a small
science experiment for the children to be engaged it.

b)! Students will plant their own seeds of wheat or lentils. Have the children water and take care of their plants so see them
grow and transform. This activity could happen in parallel to learning activity #5.

2. Math
1)! Students will solve problems and critical thinking questions that involve understanding and applying properties and the
relationships between addition and subtraction. Explain how a change in size, shape, orientation of an object is called
transformation (in geometry).
EDCO602 – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Fall 2017
Dr. Alain Gholam
Stage (5): What resources need to be gathered?

1)! I See Winter: http://bit.ly/2i6pcnQ
2)! The Little Red Hen: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/stories/fairytale/littleredhen/story/
1)! Four Seasons Time-lapse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmIFXIXQQ_E
2)! Cycle of a Butterfly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5RSpMQQOpw
3)! Day and Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq2ZJQQnlSE
1)! SeeSaw App:
2)! BookCreator App:
Props for role play and reenacting story
1)! Costumes
2)! Wigs

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