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PET OTe “This part of the module will provide you a litle tour of Southoast Asia. itis vory important for you 10 learn the historical background and basic concepts that you wil need as you goon with the lessors. Our discussion will focus on the vocal and instrumental musie of Southeast Asian counties particularly in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myenmer, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Cambodia & one of the mest beautiful countries in Southeast Asia Mis aso. known as Kampichéa. It was the center of the Khmer (Cambodian) kingdom fof Angkor, a great empiro that dominated Southeast Asia for G00 years. Ther music gained a world- ‘wide reputation in the 1960s until ‘the dramatic poltical problems in Cambodia ‘Art musie ic highly influenced by ancient forms es well aS Hindu forms, Cambodian court music ie roughly similar to that of Java, Indonesia. They feature ‘chotuses with large orchestras based on struck keys and gongs. ‘Cambodian people also absorbed and adopted Indian, Chinese, European, and ‘ther cultures to sult their own traditions and tasies that resulted in a distinct ‘Cambodian culture. ‘The Pinpeatis a Cambodian musieal ensemble or an orchestra that usually ‘accompanies ceremonial music af the royal courts and temples. Music is always pat of their court dances, masked plays, shadow plays, and religious ceremonies. This group is simiar to the Piphat ensemble of Thailand and usuelly consists of rine or ten instruments. "THE PINPEAT ‘ONEAT — ay ‘SAMPHOR -a SFE ee (ic’ophore) double-headed pum paved es ‘CHHING — finger imbals (diophone) KONGVONG - gon: (membranophone) sees eS) ‘crdes (Glopton) ‘SKORTHOM - iwo big drums similar to Japanese (membranophone) TEACHER-ASSISTED ACTIVITY: you have access to the internet, vist and type In the lnk below to watch video clips of Pinpeat. in case you dont have internet acoass, ask your teacherto lend you a CD copy o’ the Pinpeat ensemble performances taken from the website. Afier watching the performances, answer the questions found on the next page. Write your anewers in your nateback. pte pubecon wae ®-2 a NEY Fapsewne te coat SV EARS ‘QUESTIONS: 1. Ina-Ssentences, desorbe how the Pinpeat musicians play their instruments. 2. How many instrument piaye's were needed to form the Pinpeat? 3. Ave thair instruments made of wood or metal? You can algo vit the following web pages for additional reference: + hitpz/wwwistov.deth mis/cambodia/cambodia_start.htm! + hitp/en.wikipedia.orgiwikiGambodian_ music, + hitpu/wvuw keosambethmuse comiindex. him WGambadia hasthe Pinpaal ensemble, do ‘other Southeast Asian Countries have their ‘own musical ensembles? Let’s find out! — Indonesia is an archpelago_ in Southeast Asia comprising approximately 17,500 islands. With over 238 milion peopl, Indonesia ie the works fourth most populous country end is the fourth biggest hation of the world, Through interaction wih other cultures such as Indian, Arabe, Chinese and European, a wide ‘ange of musical styles has been developed. Taday the contemporary music of Indonesia ie popular not only in the region but also in the neighbouring countres. 3 ‘There are two basic kinds of Indonesian music scale: © Slendro ~ five (5) equidistant iones in octave © Pelog—heptatonic (7) tone scale wih semitone oth vocal andinstrumental music in Indenesia use slendro and pelog scales. > Polyphonic stratification kind of melody is a result of hockev/nterlock. > Interlocking is a common technique used in gong ensembes. is an Indonesian term {or tempo Gamelan The Gamelan or Gamelan ‘orchestra is the mest popular form ‘of music in Indonesia. There are many types of Gamelan tut the famous Javanese and Balinese Gamelan are the most famous. It contains a variety of instruments such as. matallophones, xylophones, kendang and gongs: bamboo flutos, bowed and plucked strings, AGE SOURCE psNonerge ce cerns Vocal music ic used ae ornamentation of the Gamelan. Ite ae important ae gamelan. 1. Pesinchenis afemale soloist singer who sings with @ Gamelan 2. Gerong reters to the unison mele chorus that singswth the gamelan Karawitan is the term for every kind of gamelan music in Java, Gamelan orchestras - ere used to accompany ‘dances, songs, and Wayang Kult = are belleved to possess ‘supernatural powers = consider their instruments sacred, therefore siepping ‘vor the instrument ie a sign of disrespect = musicars bow before playing the instruments to show respect Youre probably wonderng how you can distinguish the Javanese gamelen trom the Balinese ‘gamelan. Follow the lirke bebw each TV screen icon. ‘Watch and listen to how they play PARTNER ACTIVITY: ‘Alter watchinglistening to the Javanese ané Balinese gamelan, write dawn your deseripton ef each musical ensemble in a sheeto! paper. You may use the {guide questions below. As soon as you've finished answering, compare your answers wih your partner. Check ifyou have the same deseription ‘The Gamelan Music of Indonesia ‘The Balinese Gamelan Se al ‘The Javanese Gamelan mprwayoaiee come rOSIRCS ‘QUESTION: 1. In 3-5sentences, descrbe how the Javanese and Balinese musicians play their instuments, 2. How many instrument playore ara nepded te form each ensemble? 5. We thair instruments made of wood or metal? ‘Ace your answers in the previous actvily similar to the chart below? ‘Javanese Gamelan T Balinese Gamelan Used for court music Used for sacred music ¥ Percussion dominated ¥ Consistof metallophone and mesty Styl of playing givoe solemn gorge Y Sudden change of tempo and ‘dynamics are the basic characteristic. ¥ Sounds are very bight and briliant ¥ Use of fast and rattling sounds of ‘oymbals makes distinctive charactors cheracter ‘So, Cambodia has the Pinpeal ensemble while Indonesia has the Javanese en Balnese gamelans. However, the Indonesian gamelans have singers performing with them. Do other Southeast Asian countries have singers ae well {as their musical ensembles? Let's read on. Myenmer was known as Burma unti 1989. When the country’s name was offically ‘changed by the miltary goverment that took over in 1988. Early Giullzation in Myanmer dates back 0 the 1* century with archaeological evidences of the Pyu Kingdoms. of Thayekhittaya (Sri Ksetra), Beitnano (Vien), and Hani Eo a “The music of Myanmar (or Burma) has similares with many other musical rections inthe egion, including Chinese music and Thai musi, probably because is langest and border is shared with China ‘The Heaing Waing is Myanmar’ traditional folk musie ensemble. It & mado up mainly of diferent gongs and crums as well as ober instruments depending on the nature of the performance. Myanmar’s musical instuments are categorized into 2 types. the loud sounding land soft sounding. The loud sounding instruments are performed in open-air ‘oncombos at coromonios and festivals. Most of the Heairg Waing inctruments belong tothe loud sounding category. ‘Other instruments in the Hsaing Waing are the: maung ‘chauk on hsaing (larger pat (a set of 8 bronze gongs ina tuned drums) rectangular frame) hnne (@ double rood pipo) pat = waing (a sotof 21 dums n'a ercle) kyl waing (emall bronze gongs in a cular rama) Not shown in the picture is the siand wa (bell and clapper) For more formal and classical performances that are performed indoors, the ‘ensembe may be accompanied by the saung gauk the national instrument of (19-

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