067 Please Speak Turkish

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Lesson 67 © Turkish Tea Time

Please Speak Turkish Made with love.
No problem is more endemic to the beginner Turkish learner than
English-speaking Turks. Be vigilant, stay alert, and don't let them switch
back to English on you.

Asking to speak Turkish. Noobie


1 | Christina Merhaba! Ne haber?

2 | Aygen Not much. How’s it going?

3 | Christina Türkçe pratik yapmak istiyorum. Türkçe konuşalım.

4 | Aygen Tamam! Çok iyi. Akşam ne yapıyorsun?

5 | Christina Planım yok. Asmalı Mescit’e gitmek istiyor musun?

6 | Aygen Sure, sounds good. Where on Asmali?

7 | Christina Ya, lütfen İngilizce konuşma! Öğrenmek istiyorum!

8 | Aygen Özür dilerim. Türkçe konuşuyorum.

Dialog Translation

1 | Christina Hi! What's up?

2 | Aygen Not much. How's it going?

2 | Aygen Not much. How's it going?

3 | Christina I want to practice Turkish. Let's speak Turkish.

4 | Aygen Okay! Very good. What are you doing tonight?

5 | Christina I don't have plans. Do you want to go to Asmali Mescit?

6 | Aygen Sure, sounds good. Where on Asmali?

7 | Christina Oy, please don't speak English! I want to learn!

8 | Aygen I'm sorry. I'm speaking Turkish.

Language Points

Let's Learn -elim!

-elim is a handy little suffix in Turkish that suggests an action for the group, very similar to English let us. . . It
follows e-type vowel harmony and can take two forms: -elim and -alım. If you're not ready at this level to start
forming your own -elim words, learn some of the useful phrases below to start getting acquainted.

Türkçe konuşalım!
Let's speak Turkish!

Let's go!

Hadi yiyelim.
Come on - let's eat.

Ne yapalım?
What should we do?

Do you have plans?

One question that you will have to respond to over and over is bugün/akşam/yarın ne yapıyorsun?: what are you
doing today, tonight, tomorrow? Here are some common ways to respond:

Planım var.
I have plans.

Planım yok.
I don't have plans.

Hiçbir şey.

I don't know.

I'm staying in.

Dışarı çıkacağım.
I'm going out.

Saying Sorry

Turkish has several ways to apologize, each having its own appropriate context.

Pardon means, well, pardon. Excuse me. Use it to get someone's attention or to get by someone in a crowd.

Afedersiniz is similar to pardon, but more formal and polite (though, pardon is perfectly polite as well).

Üzgünüm literally means I am sad. It's used to apologize for things you aren't at fault for (I'm sorry your mom
passed away; I'm sorry you failed), as well as for your own mistakes (I'm sorry I lied; I'm sorry I'm late).

Özür dilerim is the strongest of these four and literally means I wish to apologize. Unlike üzgünüm, it's not used to
console people or apologize for things you didn't do. Use it when you wish to sincerely apologize for something
that you will try not to do again.

Pardon me. Excuse me.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry. (for something bad that happened or for something I did wrong)

Özür dilerim.
I want to apologize. (for something I did wrong)


ne haber what's up

pratik yapmak to practice

Türkçe konuşalım let's speak Turkish

plan plan

planım yok I don't have plans

öğrenmek to learn

özür dilerim I'm sorry

İngilizce English


1. Hi! How are you?

a. Türkçe konuşma! İngilizce konuşalım.

b. İngilizce pratik yapmak istiyorum.

c. İngilizce konuşma! Türkçe konuşalım.

d. Akşam ne yapıyorsun?

2. You are trying to get somebody's attention to ask directions. What's the best thing to say?

a. Üzgünüm.

b. Afedersiniz.

c. Özür dilerim.

d. Ne yapalım?

3. What are appropriate responses to Akşam ne yapıyorsun? (pick all)

a. Sinemaya gideceğim.

b. Özür dilerim.

c. Hiçbir şey.

d. Gidelim.

e. Planım yok.

f. Bilmiyorum.

4. Translate: Let's speak German. (Almanca) (write)

5. Your friend just told you they broke their leg. Sympathize with them using something you learned today.

Answer Key

1. c
2. b
3. a c e f
4. Almanca konuşalım , Biz almanca konuşalım
5. Üzgünüm , Ben üzgünüm

More. . .

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