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the normal order of Actions.

Acrobat (Rogue)
Nimble contortionists, acrobats have been trained in ba-
lance, dexterity and coordination above all. Acrobats
Classes of Adventurers usually make a living as actors and jugglers, but sometimes
Within the Brotherhoods there are all kinds of Adventu- their exotic skills are sought by adventurers or mercenaries,
rers who are distinguished by their abilities. who have nothing to do with art.
A Brotherhood can't include more than two members of
the same Class: it may have a maximum of two Rogues, Acrobatic Dodge: Once per Mission, and until the end of
Warriors, Wizards or Social. Additionally, the Adventurers the Turn, an Acrobat can ignore any Close Combat attack
can never be of the same Occupation: the Brotherhood if he passes a Dodge check.
can not have two Sorcerers, two Soldiers, etc. Different
Occupations of the same Class are allowed. Ranks: 26 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
The Adventurers can belong to the following Classes, STR DEX CON POW INT MOV AP BRV
which are divided into Occupations: 11 11 10 8 10 2.5 4 11

Rogues CC 9
(Acrobat, Duelist, Pirate, Scout, Spy, Thief)
RC 0
Rogues combine abilities to hide, perform precise attacks,
support in combat or survive alone. DEF 2

At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
(Barbarian, Gladiator, Martial Artist, Mercenary, Shooter, X X X
Slayer, Soldier)
Warriors stand out for their expertise in Close Combat or
Ranged Combat. They are the most deadly members of
the Brotherhood, but also the most limited in terms of Alchemist (Social)
Skills. Trained by old masters of the elements, alchemists mix
plants, minerals and parts of some animals to prepare all
Wizards kinds of incredible potions.
(Necromancer, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warlock, Warrior
Priest) Potions: An Alchemist who has a Briefcase can carry a
Wizards are the great sages of the arcane, individuals with number of potions or poisons equal to the members of his
supernatural abilities that can channel magic. Brotherhood. During his Activation, he can use any potion
Wizards are the only Adventurers who can cast Spells. in the table to ingest it or give it to an Ally.
It isn't necessary to specify what potions are included in the
Social Briefcase: you can specify each potion when you are going
(Alchemist, Bard, Hunter, Courtier, Engineer, Healer, Va- to use it. Just take into account the total number of potions
gabond) used.
Social characters are individuals used to urban life. Alt- If the Alchemist gives potions to his Allies, at the end of the
hough they are not the best fighters, their knowledge and Mission you must delete those unused from any Adventu-
skills make them extremely valuable in the streets of Gor- rer's Equipment.
Ranks: 30 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
To create an Adventurer (including your Captain) the first
thing you should do is choose his Occupation. 9 10 9 10 12 2.5 4 9
Here are all the Circle of Blood Occupations with their de-
tailed description, Special Skill, Attributes and Ranks. It CC 8
is time to choose an Occupation and copy all the default RC 2
values in the Adventurer Sheet. DEF 2
Each Profession has a Special Skill that can be used outside
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS Barbarian (Warrior)
X X X Barbarians are tenacious warriors, feared for their strength
and endurance. ey are famous for living in a hostile envi-
ronment, away from civilization, where they forge their great
fighting skills.
Martial Artist (Warrior)
Adventurers of this Occupation can channel their spirits
Brutality: Once per Mission, and until the end of the Turn,
and inner strength. Martial artists pursue the path of the
all the attacks of the Barbarian will cause the maximum da-
warrior, which will lead them to a state of higher conscious-
mage for DB, no roll needed.
ness. ey are the most skilled and powerful fighters that
exist, since they do not need weapons to be lethal.
Ranks: 19 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
Path of the Warrior: e Martial Artist's blows with Natural STR DEX CON POW INT MOV AP BRV
weapons cause 2d6 damage instead of 1d6. Also, once per 13 9 11 8 8 2.5 4 13
Mission, for one Turn he can ignore all the Penalties requi-
red for using any Talent. CC 10
RC 4
Ranks: 22 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks. DEF 2
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
11 10 10 9 10 2.5 4 13
CC 10
RC 4
Bard (Social)
DEF 2 Bards are refined fighters and music artists who sing heroic
deeds of renowned heroes. Sometimes, bards join groups of
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
adventurers to be witnesses and participants in their achie-
X X X vements. ey master the art of interpretation like no other
and are able to evoke all kinds of feelings on their audience.

Slayer (Warrior) Inspire: On his Activation, a Bard who is holding his Musical
Slayers are stealthy fighters specialized in infiltration and Instrument may spend a Short Action to add 1 to damage,
the extermination of their objectives. ey are hired in ex- BRV and ARM of all Allies at a distance of 12 Links or less.
change for goods or favors throughout Farenhell and ese bonuses will remain until the Bard changes the Wea-
usually act alone or in small groups. ey are expert head- pons Group. Also, the Bard can not Hide while using Inspire.
hunters, as hated as they are used.
Ranks: 30 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
Blood Promise: Once per Mission, and until the end of the
Turn, a Slayer can halve the DEF of any opponent against
all his attacks. 9 11 9 10 11 2.5 4 9

CC 8
Ranks: 25 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
RC 2
12 9 9 9 11 2.5 4 13
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
CC 10
RC 4

At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS Hunter (Social)
X X X Hunters make a living by setting traps and hunting beasts of
the world. ey are skilled shooters and better trappers. Hun-
ters are men and women of strong conviction and indepen-
dence. In a Brotherhood, hunters are valued for their array
of tactical possibilities. Large Template on the Courtier, which can Deploy the State
Guard within its range. If the Courtier is Level 4 or less, the
Trapper: A Hunter can set any type of Trap using a Short Ac- Deployed NPC is a State Soldier, if his Level is higher the
tion instead of a Long Action. NPC is a State Sergeant.
e State Guard will Serve the Courtier.
Ranks: 30 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
STR DEX CON POW INT MOV AP BRV Ranks: 30 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
9 10 10 10 11 2.5 4 9 STR DEX CON POD INT MOV AP BRV
8 10 10 10 12 2.5 4 9
CC 2
RC 8 CC 2

DEF 2 RC 8
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
X X X At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS

Shaman (Wizard)
Shamans are rural magicians who, in the right state of cons- Duelist (Rogue)
ciousness, are perfect as a link between Farenhell and other Duelists are skilled fighters, willing to always enjoy a good
planes. All shamans are accompanied by spirits of their an- hand-to-hand combat. Due to the laws and culture of Gor-
cestors, who protect and guide them in times of danger. malak, duelists are very numerous in the city, acting as
bounty hunters, bodyguards and other similar professions.
Medium: e Shaman can cast a Spell of cost "0" in MP at a
maximum distance of 8 Links. If successful, the target will Fast Offensive: A Duelist can repeat any Initiative Roll. If he
lose 1d4 MP. does, he must keep the result of the second roll.

Ranks: 16 Skill Points, 1 Spell Talent, 1 Spell of 1 or 2 MP and Ranks: 26 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
300 Sparks. e Schools a Shaman can learn are: Creation, STR DEX CON POW INT MOV AP BRV
Summoning and Destruction.
11 11 9 8 11 2.5 4 11
CC 9
8 9 10 13 10 2.5 4 11
RC 3
CC 4 DEF 2
RC 2
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
X X 12

Spy (Rogue)
Used to infiltrating behind enemy lines, spies carry out acts
of sabotage, collect all kinds of information and plot political
Courtier (Social) intrigues. ey are expert stalkers and even better in the art
ey are the kings of Gormalak's social life. ey are famous, of disguise, which allows them to go unnoticed where they
they know a lot of people and they have contacts in different please.
groups. ese adventurers tend to come from gentrified and
sophisticated environments. Perhaps their combat prowess One with the Shadows: Once per Mission, and until the end
is not remarkable, but their flair and charisma make up for of the Turn, the Spy can double the value obtained in all his
it. Stealth Opposed Rolls.

Favors: Once per Mission, you can call a State Guard that Ranks: 26 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
owes you a favor. During the Courtier's Activation, place the
Sorcerers are conscientious scholars of the arcane. rough
9 11 9 10 11 2.5 4 11
knowledge of universal laws they manipulate reality at will
CC 9
and can summon Spells. Sorcerers are beings of supernatural
and unprecedented powers.
RC 3
DEF 2 Mind Blast: e Sorcerer can cast a Spell of cost "0" in MP at
a maximum distance of 8 Links. If successful, the target loses
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS 1d4 + 1 LP that ignores ARM.
Ranks: 16 Skill Points, 1 Spell Talent, 1 Spell of 1 or 2 MP and
Scout (Rogue) 300 Sparks. e Schools a Sorcerer can learn are: Creation,
Scouts go into the wildest and unknown places in the world. Destruction and Enchantment.
ey are hardened survivors who are always alert. Both in
the most civilized and in wild societies, scouts have stood out
for their unique strategic abilities. 8 10 8 12 12 2.5 4 11

CC 3
Always Alert: An Scout can React to any type of Action from
an enemy that is in his Perception Range, not just againt Of- RC 3
fensive Skills. He must follow the rest of the normal rules of DEF 2
a Reaction.
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
Ranks: 26 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks. X X 12
9 11 11 9 10 2.5 4 11
Engineer (Social)
Inventors, physicists and chemists, teachers in their works-
CC 3
hops, engineers have attended the university and have suc-
RC 9 cessfully graduated. ey know gears, pistons and
DEF 2 mechanisms like the palm of their hands. Although they are
not the most agile, nor the strongest, without a doubt they
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS are the most intelligent and their inventions more than com-
X X X pensate for all their weaknesses.

Graduate: Engineers are the only Adventurers who can equip

Gladiator (Warrior) themselves with Gormalak Gadgets. During the creation of
Heroes of the old arena of Gormalak who have fought in the Adventurer, and in each Rest Phase, an Engineer can fa-
countless fights against giant beasts or fighters from the dar- bricate a single Gormalak Gadget.
kest corners of Farenhell. ey have survived dozens of batt-
les and have seen death face to face. Nothing stops their Ranks: 30 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
determination and their brutal fighting skills.
Hard to Kill: Once per Mission, and until the end of the 10 10 9 9 12 2.5 4 9
Turn, the Gladiator can double his DEF.
CC 2
Ranks: 21 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks. RC 8
11 10 11 9 9 2.5 4 13
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
CC 10 X X X
RC 4
ief (Rogue)
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
ese cunning characters enjoy stealing in markets, squares
and scamming the unsuspecting. Although they tend to be
individuals with a strong ego and extreme personality, they STR DEX CON POW INT MOV AP BRV
are unique in performing all types of infiltration works. For 9 8 10 12 11 2.5 4 11
this they use subtlety, stealth and surprise.
CC 2
Sneaky: e Perception Range of every enemy is halved to RC 4
detect the ief.
Ranks: 27 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
X X 12
9 11 9 10 11 2.5 4 11
Pirate (Rogue)
CC 9
Pirates live off the assault and pillage of unsuspecting ships.
RC 3 Although the stories have always exaggerated their bad re-
DEF 2 putation, pirates are cunning, liars and selfish, but not neces-
sarily evil.
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
X X X Old Sea Dog: e Pirate ignores the Penalty for Moving when
he makes a Ranged attack.

Mercenary (Warrior) Ranks: 26 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.

Sometimes it is difficult to find an adventurer who needs a STR DEX CON POW INT MOV AP BRV
captain. In these situations, it is best to go to the Assassins
10 10 10 9 11 2.5 4 11
Square looking for the hero you need. Do you want a good
and reliable warrior? Hire a mercenary. CC 3
RC 9
Versatile warrior: Due to his experience, a Mercenary begins
with a high CC and RC. DEF 2

At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
Ranks: 21 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
11 9 11 10 9 2.5 4 13
Warrior Priest (Wizard)
CC 10 Warrior priests are students of the body and the psyche in
RC 10 equal parts, but they venerate the gods and protect their word
DEF 2 above all else. Warrior priests learn to fight and the use of a
strange magic, born of the divine will.
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
Dogma of Faith: Once per Mission a Warrior Priest can ig-
nore all Penalties when casting a single Spell.

Necromancer (Wizard) Ranks: 16 Skill Points, 1 Talent or 1 Spell of 1 or 2 MP and

ese individuals hold the power of Death. ey study the 300 Sparks. A Warrior Priest can learn from the Prayers of
secrets of the Exile, the plane of the dead, to obtain dark and Order spell list.
fearsome powers. Necromancers are usually unsociable and STR DEX CON POW INT MOV AP BRV
distrustful individuals, persecuted in other kingdoms far
11 9 11 10 9 2.5 4 11
from Gormalak.
CC 9
Blood Sacrifice: As a Short Action, a Necromancer can loss
RC 0
as many LP as he wishes to add them to his MP.
Ranks: 16 Skill Points, 1 Spell Talent, 1 Spell of 1 or 2 MP and
300 Sparks. A Necromancer can learn the Schools of Des- At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
truction, Enchantment and Necromancy. X X 10
Healer (Social) Ranks: 20 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
To a healer, suturing, placing bones and repairing tissues is
as simple as getting dressed in the morning. ese war doc-
tors are the best if survival is what you want. Not only they 10 11 9 9 11 2.5 4 13
do their best so that others live, healers are also clever and
competent in a fight. CC 4
RC 10
Blood Affinity: ese Adventurers use Medicine with just a DEF 2
Short Action, intead of a Long Action.
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
Ranks: 30 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks. X X X
8 10 11 9 10 2.5 4 9
Wanderer (Social)
CC 8 Wandering and homeless individuals who find in Gormalak
RC 2 an ideal place for their way of life. Sometimes wanderers join
DEF 2 more or less prestigious brotherhoods and put their services
at their disposal. Services that for the most prudish may be
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS in bad taste or inappropriate.
Provoke: Once per Mission, and until the end of the Turn, a
Wanderer may impose a 2 points Penalty on all rolls to all
Soldier (Warrior) non-Allied models in his Perception Range.
Soldiers dedicate their lives to serving an army and partici-
pate in campaigns on behalf of some nation or cause. Besides Ranks: 29 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks.
their training in combat, a soldier also learns the art of war STR DEX CON POW INT MOV AP BRV
tactics. His experience is vital in the worst situations.
10 10 9 10 11 2.5 4 9
Training: A Soldier, and all his Allies within his Perception CC 8
Range, may repeat Bravery checks, keeping the new result.
RC 2
Ranks: 19 Skill Points, 1 Talent and 300 Sparks. DEF 2


At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
12 9 12 9 8 2.5 4 13

CC 10
RC 4 Warlock (Wizard)
DEF 2 Warlocks are warrior-wizards who combine their dexterity
with weapons with the casting of destructive spells. Although
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS they are apprentices compared to other wizards, the combina-
X X X tion of their abilities can be lethal.

Conviction: Once per Mission, and until the end of the Turn,
Shooter (Warrior) a Warlock can double his MR.
Closing an eye to aim is for newbies, a shooter could hit his
objective closing both. ese men and women have trained Ranks: 16 Skill Points, 1 Talent or 1 Spell of 1 or 2 MP and 300
their whole life in the art of shooting with all kinds of wea- Sparks. A Warlock can only learn Spells from the School of
pons. ey are tactical fighters without rival. Destruction.
Aim: Once per Mission, and until the end of the Turn, a 9 11 10 10 10 2.5 4 11
Shooter can ignore all Penalties, except those imposed by the
use of Talents, in all his Ranged attacks.
CC 9 of 1d10, to Trade during the Rest Phase.
RC 0
-Tallith: When a tallarian Defeats another miniature he
DEF 2 adds +1 damage to all his attacks until the end of the Mis-
sion. If your Brotherhood has an alderai you can not recruit
At Sg Dg Pr Tc Md MS
a tallarian.
X X 10
-Vareloth: During his creation, a valtian gets 6 points, ins-
Skill Points tead of 5, to distribute in Characteristics, and his LP are
Adventurers receive an amount of Skill Points determined equal to CON + 6.
by their Occupation. It is time to use these points to in-
crease their Skills. Astral Marks

Each Skill point spent adds one point in any Occupation's If the hero you are creating is your Captain, it is time to
highlighted Skill. In any other Skill, every 2 Skill points choose his Astral Mark and write it in the appropriate slot.
spent increases its value by 1. Its effects are permanent and you have to apply them al-
ways, but remember that only your Captain benefits from
You can not use these points to increase CC, RD or Sp. the effects of the Astral Mark, not all the Brotherhood.
ese Skills can only increase when leveling up.
-e Shield: +1 to ARM.

Origin of the Adventurer -e Sword: +1 to the damage of any Offensive Action.
e next step is to select the Origin of your character. e
Origin determines the environment in which the Adventu- -e Phoenix: You can repeat the Survival Table roll if you
are Defeated.
rer was raised, its culture and racial capabilities.
ese are the Origins that you can select for your Adventu-
-e ief: You get 100 additional Experience points for ro-
rer and the advantages that each one brings.
lling Critical Successes and for surviving to a Mission.
-Alder: When an alderai Defeats another miniature, he re- -e Pegasus: +2 to MR.
covers 1 LP or MP. If your Brotherhood has a tallarian you
cannot recruit an alderai. -e Tower: When the Adventurer is Pushed, it is affected
by fractions of 15 points of damage, instead of 10.
-Aughrum: For each aughrumese, the Brotherhood can sell
1 weapon, armor or item at full value during the Rest Phase.
-Echo Forest: e saiën ignore Difficult Terrain. Besides,
they are not affected by any type of Condition.

-County of Ederim: For each ederian, all members of the

Brotherhood add 1 to their BRV.

-Gormalak: A gormalese adds 0.5 to his MOV.

-Hon-Muul: When a muulian moves to stop being Engaged

in combat, the first Opportunity Attack he receives is igno-

-Ileon: For each ilenai the Brotherhood can repeat a failed

Renown check.

-High Kingdom: A meihemese adds 4 Skill Points to those

received by his Occupation. ese points can not increase
a Skill value beyond its maximum.

-Kingdom of the Sun: Each midarian grants 2d10, instead

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