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Arduino Home Security System

Hussam Abedi
University of Kashan , Kāshān · Department of Thermal Sciences and Fluid

This a Home Security System using Arduino Mega 2560, which will
trigger alarm when any door is opened or movement detected in the
room when the system is activated. Its a nice project for anyone in final
year in the university. you can upgrade it even much better. will be here
to help. Have fun!!

Step 1: Items Needed

Show All Items

the items needed are shown in the pictures, not forgetting the camera,
you can use a dashcam from the ones use in a car. you can also add IP
camera to broadcast live videos online.
all this components can be purchased cheap on eBay
> Arduino Mega 2560 is the main brain for the system
> Arduino Uno is for the lights in the house
> keypad for entering pin to activate and de-activate the system
>breadboard for the components and connection
>Servo for the movement of the camera with respect to the sensor or
motion detected
>PIR motion sensor for the rooms to detect any movement
> 20X4 LCD display screen for display of the results and indicating the
location of the motion detected, alarm status etc
>Magnetic Door rid switch, this is attached to the doors to detect when
door is open or closed
> buzzer for the alarm
> Jumper wires for connection
>DS 1305 for interrupt input
>RGB led
> 1KOhm resistorsX4
>4.7KOhm potentiometers X2
>Relay to control camera on and off status and the LED if you using
12V LEDs if not you can choose to ignore the relay and power up the
camera with your laptop and any low voltage LED's with 3V-5V can
power up with the Arduino..
this devices will be connected using the circuit diagram shown in next

Step 2: Circuit Diagrams of the Connection

With the circuit diagram the circuit creation begins following the pattern
arranged on the diagram.
I must say that this isn't for beginners new to Arduino and programming
in Arduino but can challenge you to learn more as you create it, am here
to help every step of the way to help you build and make it better than

Step 3: Connection of the Devices

First test the LCD screen display with the short code. test the
components functionality with code as you build along to solve error
problems and avoid a system that dosn't work. a complete system with
error can be hard to solve if it was handled step-by-step. most of the
problem that will arise are due to either wrong connection, code error or
defective component used. be sure to watch out for those alone the way
NB: remember to attach 1KOhm resistor to the positive leads of the PIR
sensor to act as pull-up resistor.

Step 4: Build Your House Model

the model depends on how you want it to look like, chose a design and
build, that will help to test the device in a real-time situation. i used
plywood at first, and later tried it with cardboard paper. Any can be
great for the job.
it doesn't matter the compartments you choose to build, if you build 3
bedrooms, you will need 3 PIR sensors and an additional code which is
similar to the others but different pin-outs and it will still work great.
you can also have a garage or make it more complex.
the roof i used a cardboard and cut out a print of patterns from A4 paper.

Step 5: Assembly Components Into the Model House

The Magnetic door rid's go behind the front door and backdoor, while
the PIR sensors go in the rooms, label the rooms as bedroom 1 and
bedroom 2 or 3 if you chose to add more.
Now perform a test on the servo's operation, be sure its moving the right
direction and angle required. you will have to update the code if your
model house isn't the exact shape and size as mine. That's just to change
the position in the code.

Step 6: Final Phase

Put all stuffs together and give it one more trial. each door opening
should trigger the alarm and the screen displays which door is opened.
any motion in the rooms should also trigger the alarm and displayed
onscreen the point of movement.
attached is the code!!

Step 7: Code of This Project


#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#include <Wire.h>

#include <Password.h>

#include <Keypad.h> //

#include <Servo.h>

#include "RTClib.h"


Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo

int pos = 90; // variable to store the servo position

int passwd_pos = 15; // the postition of the password input

//Real Time Clock



Password password = Password( "1456" );

const byte ROWS = 4; // Four rows

const byte COLS = 4; // Four columns

char keys[ROWS][COLS] = { // Define the Keymap

'1','2','3','A' }

'4','5','6','B' }

'7','8','9','C' }

'*','0','#','D' }


byte rowPins[ROWS] = {

46, 47, 48, 49}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad

byte colPins[COLS] = {

50, 51, 52, 53}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad

// Create the Keypad

Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins

LiquidCrystal lcd(7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12); // Assignign arduino pins to LCD display module
//Stroke LED Lights

int ledDelay = 50; // delay by 50ms

int redPin = 29;

int bluePin = 31;

//constants for LEDs, inputs and outputs

//int blueLED = 36;

int greenLED = 37;

int redLED = 38;

int pirPin1 = 39;

int pirPin2 = 34;

int reedPin1 = 41;

int reedPin2 = 42;

int speakerPin = 35;

//int relay1 = 3; //

int relay2 = 4; // connected to 12V Blue LED strip

int relay3 = 5; // Cam

int relay4 = 6; //

int alarmStatus = 0;

int zone = 0;

int alarmActive = 0;

void setup(){


lcd.begin(20, 4);
//Adding time



//If we remove the comment from the following line, we will set up the module time
and date with the computer one

RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));

myservo.attach(2); // attaches the servo on pin 2 to the servo object


//Police LED Lights

pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);

//setup and turn off both LEDs

pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);

pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);

pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT);

//pinMode(relay1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(relay2, OUTPUT); //12V Blue LED lighting

pinMode(relay3, OUTPUT); //camera, 5V external DC supply

pinMode(relay4, OUTPUT); //

pinMode(pirPin1, INPUT); //Bedroom 2

pinMode(pirPin2, INPUT); //Garage

pinMode(reedPin1, INPUT); //Front door

pinMode(reedPin2, INPUT); //Back door

digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);

digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH);

digitalWrite(speakerPin, LOW);

//digitalWrite(relay1, LOW); //

digitalWrite(relay2, HIGH); // 12V Blue LED lighting

digitalWrite(relay3, HIGH); // camera, 5V external DC supply

digitalWrite(relay4, LOW); //

keypad.addEventListener(keypadEvent); //add an event listener for this keypad


void loop(){

//display time and date

DateTime now =;



lcd.print(now.month(), DEC);


//We print the day

lcd.print(, DEC);

//We print the year

lcd.print(now.year(), DEC);

lcd.print(' ');



lcd.print(now.hour(), DEC);



lcd.print(now.minute(), DEC);


//lcd.print(now.second(), DEC);






if (alarmActive == 1){

if (digitalRead(pirPin1) == HIGH)

zone = 0;


if (digitalRead(reedPin1) == LOW)

zone = 1;

if (digitalRead(reedPin2) == LOW)

zone = 2;


if (digitalRead(pirPin2) == HIGH)

zone = 3;


///////////////////////// Functions /////////////////////////////////

//take care of some special events

void keypadEvent(KeypadEvent eKey){

switch (keypad.getState()){


if (passwd_pos - 15 >= 5) {

return ;


switch (eKey){

case '#': //# is to validate password

passwd_pos = 15;



case '*': //* is to reset password attempt


passwd_pos = 15;

// TODO: clear the screen output





void alarmTriggered(){

int expected_pos;

int incr;

digitalWrite(speakerPin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(relay2, LOW);

digitalWrite(relay3, LOW);

digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH);



alarmStatus = 1;

// alarmActive = 0;


lcd.print(" SYSTEM TRIGGERED ");


if (zone == 1)

lcd.print(" Front Door Open ");

expected_pos = 65;


if(zone == 0){

expected_pos = 40;

lcd.print("Motion in Bedroom 1 ");


else if(zone == 2){

expected_pos = 10;

lcd.print("Backdoor Open");


else if(zone == 3){

expected_pos = 145;

lcd.print("Motion in Garage");


if (expected_pos > pos) {

incr = 1;

} else {

incr = -1;

for (pos = pos; pos != expected_pos; pos += incr) {

myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

delay(5); // waits 5ms for the servo to reach the position


for(pos = 0; pos < angle; pos += 1) // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees

{ // in steps of 1 degree

myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

delay(20); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position

for(pos = angle; pos>=1; pos-=1) // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees

myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

delay(20); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position



void StrokeLight(){ //Stroke LED Lights

digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH); // turn the red light on

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // turn the red light off

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH); // turn the red light on

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // turn the red light off

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH); // turn the red light on

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // turn the red light off

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

delay(10); // delay midpoint by 100ms

digitalWrite(bluePin, HIGH); // turn the blue light on

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(bluePin, LOW); // turn the blue light off

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(bluePin, HIGH); // turn the blue light on

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(bluePin, LOW); // turn the blue light off

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(bluePin, HIGH); // turn the blue light on

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

digitalWrite(bluePin, LOW); // turn the blue light off

delay(ledDelay); // wait 50 ms

void checkPassword(){ // To check if PIN is corrected, if not, retry!

if (password.evaluate())

if(alarmActive == 0 && alarmStatus == 0)


else if( alarmActive == 1 || alarmStatus == 1) {


else {


void invalidCode() // display meaasge when a invalid is entered




lcd.print("INVALID CODE! LOL!");


lcd.print("TRY AGAIN!");

digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);


digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);



void activate() // Activate the system if correct PIN entered and display message on
the screen

if((digitalRead(reedPin1) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(reedPin2) == HIGH)){

digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);

digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);


lcd.print("SYSTEM ACTIVE!");

alarmActive = 1;




deactivate(); // if PIN not corrected, run "deactivate" loop

void deactivate()

//digitalWrite(camera, LOW);

alarmStatus = 0;

digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);

digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH);



lcd.print(" SYSTEM DEACTIVATED!");

digitalWrite(speakerPin, LOW);

alarmActive = 0;



digitalWrite(relay2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(relay3, HIGH);


void displayCodeEntryScreen() // Dispalying start screen for users to enter PIN



lcd.print("Enter PIN:");


lcd.print("Home Security System 1");


lcd.print("Christian Davies");

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