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ASTROLOGIAN Aslender woman deapod i fine robes site in adore roo a EE ee, Feseascs her Panisphere anda fry of trot cards io the aic Vrom the squall of cards she draws and divines the man's fate. instr inthe lst seul a sense of peace and hope Sor tire ee ote fol ore tated Nirre fis Star Globe tothe sky and bens co channel every into ths ‘oot Using the power of the stars abore, soothing enceay raliates outwards, enveloping his alles, turning the tide of battle fom the price die creomstance they fonght asin ‘Awal vend Astrologian stands before congregation of people She hes come to mpreal the word of her fare new at, ‘offering understand ofthe future through the powes ft stars. She stands befere the people not asa want, bat asa destined fate, seibed to herby the stars themselves. It has eee emer eae WIELDERs OF FATE ‘The fest sank ofall Anruloans inte sina mancry wer using 2 deck oftaret ears. To them, fonunereing 2 teol Wwiich allows them to interpret the stars themsches Their decks based on the constellations that they stud. The Actralogians are ged a deck of Tarot candi whea they bein thoirsiudy fom their mast They act a2 conduit forthe magi eneeny gathered ty thelr star globes, passing the ‘empowering magic from the starstotheiralies. Ay Etecant Toor, The Star Globe i tool used by Astrologians which allows them to fecate and draw in power frem the stars. The ales fare formed by lange ngs of precious metal and lenses. The ngs are marke sing larg: spreal of precise markings land which allows the user io find end map the stars in onder todraw power without a view ofthe sky. Creatine AN AsTROLOGIAN Astrolagans hail fom a faraway island where knowles rere ca eh nit eel scholars by trade, and specialized in the sady of atromancy. ‘Ota they fad themsches born ito the scholar’ le or into hhighborn families. Sometimes low born apprentices find themselves working beneath a master of astromancy and earn how to tap into the magic ofthe stars. Asrlogions are bloocod with the ability 1 rad the Ftace. Through the ace of tarot cards and the stars they ar capalde of tapping into te feu, though the farther they look, hc lessclear things become. Some Astrologians travel the land to share TE ‘offoresight with everyone. while others seck out ‘oppertanitioso spread thee young ror of magic arced Fe ese sient mtr ste stars hud mandated thatthe Astologian et out en a quest for atask which they cannot see the end o.Asrologians borrow power from the cosmos, and in rum secks to see that the will the stars done

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