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WITCH ‘A Tiefling, clad only in moonlight and blood runes, dances wildly around a bonfire of corpses, calling forth spirits of ecstasy and madness to join her in revelry. ‘A heavily: tattooed human, illuminated by hundreds of burning candles, stands ina sacred circle drawn insalt ashe chants to invoke a triple-faced goddess for her ai Avwil-eyed gnome with sticks and leaves dlinging {oher olive colored hair summons a rambling earth clemental from the very ground underneath her feet and rides it nto atte. Witches are weavers of potent sou! magi, able to ‘manipulate the spiritual and elemental energies that surround them, Asa witch, you lear to harness these entities and bind them to carry out your will, ‘while casting powerful spells handed down to you {rom ancient traditions SPIRITUAL BONDS At the core of a witch's philosophy is the belief that everything is connected through spirit, and that Spirits walle among ws daily, Many witches are sensitive to these spiritual entities and have le hhow to bind these souls to do their bidding, OccuLt FELLOWSHIP Whether through the devout worship ofa known deity, or through their connection land, or through macabre blood rites, wit {nto magic through spellwork and ancient t ‘These traditions are closely guarded wit coven, which he or she may choose to join W time i right. The coven that a witch joing ‘manifestation of a philosophy regarding the ofspirits and spelleasting. Though these vary widely from coven to coven, the arcane th that bind these spelicasters together are st and there have not been reports of the Coven Wars, Creatine A WitcH ‘As you make your witch character, {thinking about where you come fo discovered your talent and inc areane mysteries. Were you born| witches where you were privy to passed down through generat pariah within your community, for homeland with suspicion and ‘now that you are in touch with you wish to use f? Do you want threads of life and death justo Would you rather work with ‘mastering powerful spells to (Or do you long to harness the raw clements of creation?

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