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A Study of the Lucas Test

Richard A. Kjonaas
Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809
Bernie A. Riedford
Mt. Vernon Senior High School, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620

Because of modern instrumentation, most of the classical Experimental

wet tests used for organicqualitative analysis no longer have Pasteur pipets C'disposahle pipets") were used for dispensing
any value in chemical research and quality control. Some of drops of the Lucas reagent and all of the alcohols except neopentyl
them do, however, continue t o serve as valuable tools for alcohol, which is a solid at room temperature. The Lucas reagent
teaching organic functional group reactivity in sophomore wasprepared by dissolving 1.00 mol(136 g, Fisher certified ACS) of
organic and allied health chemistry. One very well known zinc chloride in 1.M) ma1 (100 g or 84.0 mL, Fisher reagent ACS) of
example, the Lucas test,' distinguishes between primary, concentrated hydrochloric acid with cooling. In performing the Lu-
secondary, and tertiary ( l o ,ZO, and 3') alcohols, and demon- cas test, the alcohol (1,2,3, or 4 drops) and reagent (10 drops) were
placed into a 13 mm X 100 mm test tube followed immediately by
strates the relative ease of lo,ZO,and 3' carhocation forma- vigorous swirling of the test tube for about 3 to 5 s to mix the
tion. Even thouah the Lucas test is venr easv to undersand contents and then setting it aside. The amount of time between the
and perfurm,.st;dentsoften fail t o r e p o ~ a p & i t i v etest with initial addition and the first appearance of a definite eloudineas was
Z0 alcoholn. This observation holds true when using either a taken as the test time. The temperatureof the room and test materi-
macro- or microscale procedure. Furthermore, lab manuals ala was closely held at either 20 'C or 25 "C. When necessary to
are unclear in defininr! the range of alcohols for which the distinguish between insolubility and a very fast reaction, the cloudy
test is applicable. Theoriginal paper by Lucas is not of much test mixture was immediately centrifuged,and the organic layer was
help because it is based upon so few examples. In an effort to withdrawn with a Pasteur pipet and analyzed hy IR and NMR
optimize its reliability for the teaching laboratory, we have spectroscopy and hy gas chromatography.
undertaken a study of the Lucas test and our observations Observatlm and Dlscuoslon
are reported herein.
T o review the Lucas test briefly, an unknown alcohol is Table 1is a list of the 1"and 3 O alc'ohols used in this studv
treated with several volumes of Lucas reagent (ZnCls and along with their cost and boiling points. As expected, the 3;
concentrated hydrochloric acid in a 1:l molar ratio). As alcohols reacted instantlv, and the loalcohols failedto eivea
shown in the equation below, this reagent transforms the positive test within 1 h . I n fact, with these alcohols-it is
alcohol into an alkyl chloride. almost impossible to do the test in such a way as to get a n
incorrect result!
ROH + HCl- RCL + H,O
Since the alkyl chloride is not soluble in the Lucas reagent, Table 1. Cost and Bolllng Polnt of all 22. Nonsacondary
the test mixture becomes cloudv and eventuallv a senarate C#)I,*,O ( n 5 6 ) Alcohols
layer appears. The appearance of cloudiness is usually what
the student is instructed to watch for. Hecause of the relative Alwhol Boillng Polnt. 'C Cost, @/go
ease of 3 O carbocation formation, 3 O alcohols react instantly,
whereas loalcohols require much longer than 1 h. For Z0 memano1
alcohols, test times such as "3-4 min", "about 5 min", and PRIh4ARYALCOhwLS
"3-10 min" are usually cited by the authors of lab manuals. ethanol 78 1
Alcohols that are not sufficiently soluble in the reagent 1-propanol 97 1
might lead to a false conclusion since their insolubility can 2-methyl-lpropanol 10s 2
bemistaken for alkyl chloride formation. As a follow-up teat 2,2dime~yl-l-propanol 113(mp = 52 'C) 45
to confirm 3 O alcohols, the test can be repeated using con- l-butanol 117 1
centrated HCI rather than the Lucas reagent; 3' aliohole 2-methyl-1-butanol 129 1
should react within 5min, whereas loand 2' alcohols should 3-melhyl-l-butanol 132 2
not react within any reasonable length of time. 1-pentanal
For this study we performed the Lucas test using cyclo- 3.3dlmeMyC1-butanol
uentanol. cvclohexanol. and all 33 (ienorine stereoisomer- 2.3dlmelhyI-1-butand
ism) of the saturated aciclic monofun~ional&ohols having 2-melhyl-l-pamano1
six or fewer carbonatoms (all C,H~,,~Oalcoholswithn 3 6). 24h+l-bulanol
Also, in keeping with the trend toward microscale proce- 4-melhyl-l-pentan01
dures, drops rather than milliliters were used as the volume 3-melhyl-l-pantand
unit. I t should be noted, however, that a certain alcohol/ l-hexanol
reagent volume ratio measured in drops might not be pre- ERTIARY ALCOHOLS
cisely the same milliliter ratio since the size of the drops 2-melhyl-2-pmpanol
varies among different compounds. 2-melhyl-2-butanol
Presented In palt In the Division of Chemlcal Educatlon Poster 3-methyl-3-pentanol ,-" ,,
Session at the 24th Mldwest Reglonal Meetlng of the American Ignoring sterecl~somar~sm.
Chemical Soclety, November 1-3, 1989. 'eased on me beat 1990 plce in qusmitles of 2 kg a leu d at least 97% pure
'Lucas. H. J. J. Am. Cham. Soc. 1930,52.802-804. marial.

704 Journal of Chemical Education

Table 2. Lucaa Test TImm ol Cyclownlanol, Cyclohexanol, and All 11. ol the Secondary C , J i 2 d r 0 ( n 5 6) Alcohols wlth 10 Drops ol

Test Time.'Minutes
Boiling Order of Drops of Alcohol (TempraNre.OC)
Alcohol Point, "C Additionb l(20 'C) l(25 ' C ) 2(25 OC) 3(25 'C) q25 ' C ) Cost.Q/g
A to R -L 15
R to A 20
AtoR 3.0 1.0
R to A 1.0
A to R 0.5 0.25
RtoA 0.25
A to R 0.5 0.25
R to A 0.3
A to R 1.3 0.5
R to A 0.75
A to R 0.25 0.1
R to A 0.1
AIoR 0.2 0.1
R to A 0.1
AIoR 1.3 0.5
RIoA 0.7
A to R 0.2 0.2
RtoA 0.2
AtoR 0.25 0.2
R to A 0.3
A to R 1 0.5
R to A 0.5
AtoR 0.25 0.15
R to A 0.15

'Ign~ring~ t e r B O i m r i S m .
'"A tow means mat the alcohol was added to ma reagent: "R M A" means that the reagent was added to the alcohol.
<mgamount of time between me initial addition and the first appearance of a definite cloudinem.
M the best 1990 orics in ousntities of 2 ka or less of at least 97% owe matwial.

' I many of Vlese #sopropy1abahoi runs, no claudines appeared at all.

Table 2 eives the 2' alcohol test times that were obtained In light of all this, one can easily see some reasons why the
by alteringthree variables: temperaure, reagentlalcohol vol- test so often fails with 2- alcohols. For example, some stu-
ume ratio, and order of addition. The data shows that (1) a 5 dents might use "a little extra" alcohol thinking that, if
OC drop in temperature can give as much as a threefold anything, this should cause the test to work better! Some
increase in the test time, (2) using more alcohol per given instructors may want to caution students about this and
amount of reagent leads to longer test times, and (3) thk test about additional swirling; others may choose rn let the stu-
times are often longer when the reagent is added to the dentv pay the consequences of not followingdirections. Even
alcohol rather than when the alcohol is added to the reagent. if the students do follow the directions, some lab manuals
A fourth variable that affects the test times but that is not provide procedures that, because of the reagentlalcohol vol-
reflected in the table is the extent of mixing. No matter what ume ratio, are likely to fail or, in some cases, certain t o fail.
the order of addition, extensive mixing can lead to longer Also, students might be using larger than desired amounts of
test times. As would he expected then, swirling a just barely alcohol simnlv because some medicine dronoers deliver lare-
cloudy test mixture will, in some cases, cause i t to clear up er drops t h k o t h e r s . The instructor can &imize the nu;-
and then..uDon sittine.
& -.become cloudvaeain.
- -
For consistencv
in this study, the test mixtures weremixed by swirlingvigor-
her of failed tests bv havine the students use a Lucas test
procedure that giveaveryshGrt test times and then by citing
ouslv for about 3 to 5 s and were then olaced in a test tube an expected test time that is long enough to accommodate
rack and allowed to sit until cloudy. A little more initial
swirline. such as 10 to 15 s. usually has verv little effect on The reaaentlalmhol
. .- - - - ratio
~ .effect
. -~-~ and the temaereture
- effect were-
-~~ -
the tesitimes; i t is additional swiriing sometime during the
~ ~~
7 - ~ ~~ ~

both very b k i y mentioned in the original paper by Lucas, out the

waitin2 ueriod that, in some cases, substantially delays the order 01 addition effect and the extent of mixing effect were not. The
appearance of cloudiness. Continuous swirling "ntil duudy extent of mixing effect might be due, at least in part, to a loss of aikyl
has little effect on some alcohols hut with others, especially chloride from the test mixture: i.e.. increased agitation might encour-
some of the low-molecular-weight alcohols as well L& those age alkyl chloride volatilization. It could also be a ramiflcation of the
with long test times, i t can cause the cloudiness virtually reagentlalcohol ratio effect;i.e., areas of low alcohol concentration
never t o appear. The reason for the increase in test time that result from inefficientmixina miaht auicklv.~~~~
become cloudv. , The

when using a smaller reagent/alcohol volume ratio might be order

. of addition
~-~~ ~ ~ ~
effect miaht~~~.
be. to some extent. an examale of
~ ~

mixing effect. However, that would not explain the observation that
- the

due to the ability of the alcohol to dissolve the alkyl chloride when 4 drops of 3.3dlmethyl-2-butanol are added to 10 drops of
as i t forms. In fact, a cloudy test mixturecan often becleared reagent followed by continuous and vigorous swirling until cloudy, the
up by adding another drop or twoof the alcohol being tested. testtime is increased tooniy about 3 min ratherthan to 8 min, which is
The reasons for the order of addition effect and the mixing the test time that is obtained when 10 drops of reagent are added to 4
effect are not as easy to e ~ p l a i n . ~ drops of the alcohol with 3 to 5 s of mixing.

Volume 68 Number 8 August 1991 705

most factors that tend t o delay the onset of cloudiness. in the list of unknowns are soluble and can therefore be
These factors include. but are not limited to, temoerature.
relied upon to give a true result. Lab manuals, however, are
quality of the reagent (vide infra), and moderate variations inconsistent in telling which ones are soluble. The following
in the reaeent/alcohol volume ratio. The followina procedure statements are typical (our italics):
appears be the best choice. Place 10 drops ofiucas re- (1) "The Lucas test is used to distinguish between l o , ZO,
agent into a small test tube. Add one drop of the alcohol to and 3O monofunctional alcohols having fewer than six
be tested. Mix the contents by vigorously swirling the test carbon atom^."^
tube for about 3 to 5 s, and then d a c e it into a test tube (2) "The Lucas test distinguishes between lo,ZO, and 3'
rack,hnd allow it tostand, withoutadditional mixing, until alcohols having less than eight carbon^."^
cloudy. With 3" alcohols, cloudiness appears instantly Using a 10:l reagent/alcohol volume ratio, 1-octanol gives
when the alcohol is added to the reagent; 2' alcohols re- an insoluble mixture that does indeed look very much like a
auire from about 5 s to 5 min, and loalcohols require 1 or positive test. 1-Heptanol and 2-heptanol, however, are both
A r e hours.
Because of its very long test time, isopropyl alcohol is a
ouite soluble in the Lucas reaeent. and manv. mavbe all. of
~ ~

the seven-carbon CnHzn+20arcohbls might &so de soluble.

problem. Some lab books explain that isopropyl chloride is Assembline a stock of all of them (39 if stereoisomerism is
too volatile to appear as cloudiness. At least one of them ignored) f; testing would be a difficult task. Based on the
recommends heating, but most just ignore the problem. By results of this study, using 1 drop of alcohol added to 10
using the short test time procedure suggested above, isopro- drops of reagent, it can be said that, a t the very least, all
pyl &oh01 consistently gives a positive test in about 15 min saturated acvclic monofunctional alcohols hauing six or
at 25 OC. With isopropyl alcohol, it is especially important carbons are soluble in the Lucas reagent.
not to suoolv anv additional swirlina or aaitation other That statement may not be true when 3 or 4 drops are used
than the Enttk mixing. The 15-min test timecan, of course, per 10 drops of reagent. In fact, sometimes when 10 drops of
be shortened bv heatine. A simole wav of doine this is to hold
~~~ ~
reagent are added to 3 or 4 drops of some of the alcohols, an
it in the palm of the ha&; this ;educes the tes't time to about interesting event occurs after ;delay of a couple of minutes
5 min. or so. Apparently, some undissolved alcohol that has been
Some lab manuals mention that the Lucas reagent "works clineine
.--- t o the bottom of the test tube suddenlv breaks loose
~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~

best if freshlv oreoared". The tendency of Lucas reagent to and, by streaming to the surface of the very dense Lucas
lose its reactivity Is perhaps due to both the loss of H C and
~ reagent, gives a momentary illusion of a positive test. The
the uotake of water from the air. When 100 mL of freshly real cloudiness, alkyl chloride formation, appears later-all reagent was allowed tosit in an open 1-Lbeaker f i r the more reason to use a high reagent/alcohol ratio.
24 h, the volume of the reagent increased to 115 mL, and the
time required for it to gives positive test with 2-butanol (1 Summan and Conclusion
drop added to 10 drops of reagent) increased by a factor of With a little awareness and cautioll on the part of both the
40. b n the other hand, when 160 mL of reagent was stored in lab instrudor and the students, the Lucas test can be very
a stoppered 250-mL bottle with occasional use for 7 months, reliable. Resisting the urge to use a little extra alcohol is
the test time with 2-butanol increased by less than 50%. es~eciallv. im~ortant.
. The data in Tables 1 and 2 should be
Another batch was made from concentrated HCl that had useful to the lab instructor when (1) developing a list of
been stored for several months in a typical mineral acid unknowns, (2) deciding whether a particular batch of Lucas
reagent bottle with a glass stopper; the resulting test times reagent is reliable enough for the students to use, (3) choos-
were more than twice as long as those obtained when a fresh ing a procedure for the students to use, and (4) describing to
bottle of HC1 was used to make the reagent. The data in the students the expected results when 2 O alcohols are sub-
Table 2 can be used a s a measuring stick to check the jected to the Lucas test. One can reliably expect 2' alcohols
quality of a bottle of reagent. to give a positive test within about 5 s to 5 min when adding 1
We have also examined the confirmatory test for 3' alco- drop of alcohol to 10drops of reagent. Isopropyl alcohol is an
hols. The five 3O alcohols in Table 1do indeed react quickly exceotion. There is orobablv no need to include the concen-
(within a minute) with concentrated HCl whereas the 2' tra&d HC1 step (the confirmation of 3' alcohols), especially
alcohols do not. At least for the limited number of alcohols if the list of unknowns includes onlv those alcohols used in
used for this study, there appears to be no need for this this study.
confirmation since even the shortest 2' alcohol test time Althoueh a comolete list (or rule for eeneratine a list) of all
withLucas reagent ( 5 4 s) is clearly distinguishable from the alcohols chat are soluble &the ~ u c a b e a g e nGill
t does not
instantaneous result that is characteristic of the 3" alcohols. exist and orobablv never will, students can at least be told
Furthermore, when using concentrated HC1 instead of the that all C ; H ~ , + ~ OC.~6 alcohols are soluble.
Lucas reagent, the "cloudiness" is not easy t o recognize. I t
quickly turns to larger droplets or to a difficult-to-see layer
of alkylchloride. Of the five 3' alcohols used in this study, 3-
methyl-3-pentanol is by far the trickiest when doing the - -

'Mayo. D. W.; Pike. R. M.; Butcher, S. S. Microscale Organic


concentrated HCI test.

~ ~

Finally, any alcohol that is insoluble in the reagent might Laboratom 2nd ed.: Wllev: New York. 1989: D 41 1.
aooear to be eivine a oositive 3O test. For this reason, it is ato on; 'D. C. Liboriixy lnvesii&tions 'in organic Chemistry;
important forihe &dent to know in advance which alc&ols McGraw-Hill: New York. 1989; p 736.

708 Journal of Chemical Education

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