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Inggris (Wajib) - 09

Read the texts carefully and answer the questions correctly !

1. Woman : What do you think of my appearance ?
Do I look okay ?
Man : Well, yes. But, It would be more elegant if you wear a long black dress.
Woman : All right.
Narrator : What ‘s the dialogue about ?
A. The man’s complaint about the C. The woman black dress
woman D. The woman’s dress
B. The woman’s appearance E. The elegant woman
2. Rina : Andita, you look downhearted. What happened to you ?
Andita : My mother is seriously ill. She ‘d been in the hospital for a week.
Rina : I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your mother will get better soon.
Andita : Thank you.
Narrator : What do we learn from the dialogue ?
A. Andita is happy D. Andita is sad
B. Andita is terrible E. Anditais surprised
C. Andita is inconvenient
3. Woman : Holidays are coming up. What do you plan ?
Man : I’m going to Bali. I would go to some tourist resorts, such as
Tampaksiring,Bedugul,Kintamani, Kuta, and KutaSsquare. I would go shopping,
swimming and see beautiful scenery. I’m going to be there for a week.
Woman : Oh, it sounds wonderful. I envy you.
Narrator : What is the main topic of the conversation ?
A. Having journey for a week D. Beatiful scenery
B. Going shopping E. Discussing holiday plans
C. Going swimming
Text One :

Sport Physical Site Change
Sports physicals will now be held at the Minnie Hamilton Blenville Office Pediatric Clinic on
Mineral Road. For more info, contact 304467322. On June 12,2016 from 8 a.m to 4.p.m.

4. What does the announcement tell about ?

A. The grand opening of Minnie Hamilton Glenville Office
B. The opening of Pediatric Clinic
C. The new sport physical site
D. The cancelling of sport physical meeting
E. The movement of sport physical site
5. How long does sport physical site open in a day ?
A. Six hours C. Five hours E. Eight hours
B. Twelve hours D. Seven hours
Text Two:
Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can destroy ships at sea, as well as houses and buildings
near the shore . What causes waves ? Most waves are caused by winds blowings over the surface of the
water. The sun heats the earth, causing the air to raise the wind to blow. The wind blows across the
sea, pushing little waves into bigger bigger ones.
The size of the waves depends on how strong the wind is, and how large the body of water is. In
a small bay, big waves will never buid up. But at the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.
A rule says that the heigh 0f a wave ( in meters) will usually be more than one-tenth of the wind
speed ( in kilo meters). In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hours, most
waves willbe about twelve meters. Of course, some waves may combine to form giant waves that are
much higher. In 1993 the united States Navy reported the largest measured wave in history. It rose in
the Pacific Ocean to a height of thirty-four meters.
6. What does the text tell us about ?
A. An explanation how a wave of a height of thirty – four meters happened
B. An explanation wind is blowing over the surface of the water.
C. An explanation how wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour
D. An explanation how and why waves come to existence
E. A description about how beatiful the waves are
7. What is the purpose of the writer in presenting the text ?
A. To explain how to measure the height of waves
B. To expalain how 120 km/hour will happen
C. To explain how a beautiful waves happens
D. To explain how bigger waves are formed
E. To explain how waves happen

Ujian Sekolah Kurikulum 2013

Bhs. Inggris (Wajib) - 09

8. “ The size of the waves depends on how strong the wind is, how long it blows, and how large the
body of water is.” The bold typed word can be replaced with ..............
A. Restore D. Enlighten
B. Rely on E. Elucidate
C. Explicate
9. Sometimes bigger waves are formed.....................
A. When winds blow across the sea
B. When the sun heats the surface of water
C. When smaller waves come together
D. When smaller waves destroy ships
E. Winds blow over the surface of water
10. What is the type of the text above ?
A. Explanation D. Discussion
B. Description E. Review
C. Analitycal Exposition
Text Three :
Spring Garden Apartment
The Spring Garden Apartment Complex offers you and your family country living at its best.
Surrounded by beautiful woods and hills, Spring Garden is located ten miles outside the city
but only several minutes from downtown on the free way.
Unfurnished two-bedrooms apartments are available. Each apartment has a dishwasher, central
heating, air conditioning, and a laundry room. Children and pets are welcome.
In addition, there are tennis and basketball courts, two swimming pools, and playground.
There are two parking spaces for each apartment .(Richard, Hull, & proctor, 1995 : 19).
11. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing the text ?
A. To explain how to get to the apartment
B. To inform reader about apartment
C. To entertain readers with the story about the place
D. To persuade the readers so that the apartment becomes their choice to live
E. To describe a particular object and its characteristics
12. . “…and your family country living at its best.”
The underlined word refers to ?
A. The Spring Garden Apartment Complex
B. The Spring Garden Apartment
C. The Spring Garden
D. Garden
E. Country
13. In addition, there are tennis and basketball courts, two swimming pools, ..(par 3)
The underlined word can be replaced with ___
A. Therefore D. Accordingly
B. Otherwise E. Although
C. Besides
14. Which of the following statement is not true according to the text ?
A. The apartment is equipped with adequate facilities.
B. The inhabitants are not allowed to take their kids and pets with them to the apartment
C. Jungles can be found around the Spring Garden
D. There are tennis and basketball courts.
E. The inhabitants can have their clothes washed
Text Four :
Cars Should be Banned from Cities
Cars should be banned from the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road
deaths and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, as well as we know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a
deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancers and “triggers” of asthma. Some of these
illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.
Secondly, a city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in
the city, which causes them to die. Today cars are the biggest killers on roads.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or
concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.
15. What does the text about?
A. The cars create serious pollution and a lot of road deaths.
B. The cars might endanger the pedestrians.
C. The cars might have certain route in the cities.
D. The cars caused a lot deaths on the roads.
E. The inhabitants in the cities do not need cars as a means of transportation .

Ujian Sekolah Kurikulum 2013

Bhs. Inggris (Wajib) - 09

16. … Cars should be banned from the city…

The antonym of the underlined word is…
A. Prohibited D. Abolished
B. Admitted E. Permitted
C. Omitted
Text Five :
I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side. At first I
thought a tire had gone but then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchstick. The rock came
tumbling across the road and I had to abandon the car. When I got back to town, well, as I said,
there wasn’t much left. It was really a frightening experience, and, of course, unforgettable as
17. The passage above is an example of _____
A. narrative D. anecdote
B. recount E. reviews
C. spoof
18. What tense is mostly used by the writer in the text ?
A. Simple Present Tense D. Past Progressive
B. Simple Past Tense E. Past perfect tense
C. Present Progressive
19. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage ?
A. To entertain the reader with the news about earthquake
B. To describe how terrible the earthquake was
C. To retell memorable experience
D. To share the reader about amusing story
E. To explain the effects of earthquake
20. “I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side”. The underlined
word means the same as ________
A. fell down D. moved forward
B. broke down E. came in front of
C. stalled out
Text Six :
Solar energy is cheaper than other fossil fuels because we can get an abundant source from the
sun. In sunny desert area, 50% of the sun’s radiation that reaches the ground could be used to produce
electricity for businesses and industry and to provide heat, light, and hot water for homes. Experimental
solar ponds can also produce hot water to drive generators.
Unfortunately, we can’t yet power our homes entirely on sunlight. Solar energy can only be used
effectively in bright light. Its greatest potential therefore is in hot countries that have clear skies for most
of the year. But, unfortunately most houses are not in the sunniest parts of the world. Moreover, in order
to harness solar power, solar cells are needed to convert sunlight directly into electricity. Solar cells are
very cheap to run, but relatively expensive to buy and many people can’t afford them.
21. What is the topic of the text above?
A. everlasting energy D. experimental solar ponds for electricity
B. solar energy E. Electricity
C. the experimental solar cells
22. What makes solar energy cheaper that other alternative sources of energy?
A. there is abundant source from the sun
A. we only have to prepare the solar ponds
B. it can produce hot water to drive generators
C. it can be used effectively in bright light
D. it is a major source of energy for society.
23.“…we can get entirely in sunlight….”
The underlined word means….
A. abundant D. expensively
B. wholly E. cheaply
C. absolutely
24. In this modern era, technology has developed to such a certain degree that scientists are able to
create new forms of life. One of them is cloning. The debate whether cloning of animals should be
allowed or not seems endless.
The paragraph tells that…….
A. Cloning is the newest form of animal’s life
B. Cloning is still in a controversy
C. Cloning is one of the ways to develop animal’s life
D. The debate on cloning will soon be ended
E. The debate on cloning will never be existed anymore

Ujian Sekolah Kurikulum 2013

Bhs. Inggris (Wajib) - 09

Text Seven :
There are some reasons why we should have advertisement in newspaper and magazines. One
reason is advertisement give us information about what is avalaible. Looking at advertisement we can
find out what is on sale and what is new in the market. This is an easy way of shopping. Another reason
is that advertisement promotes business. When shops owners compete each other, the buyer saves
money. More people come to their shops and they sell more goods.
On the other hand, some people argue that advertisement should not be put in newspapers and
magazines for these various reasons. Firsly , ads cost the shopkeppers a lot of money to print onto
paper. Also people don’t like junk mail also in their letter boxes. Advertisement also inluence people to
buy items they don’t need and can’t reallyafford. Advertisement use up a lt of space and a lot of effort
has to be made to make the ads eyecatching.
After looking at both sides of issue, I think we should not have advertisement because they cost
a lot of money and take up a lot of room in the papers. I don’t think I find some of them interesting. I
maily disagree because it’s junk mail.
25. Why does the writer present two sides of opinions of advertisement ?
A. Wants to take sides
B. Wants to be in the affirmative side
C. Uses the opinions to emphasize her own stance
D. Wants the readers know the opinion about the issue
E. Wants the readers to understand her stance
26. “Advertisement use up a lt of space and a lot of effort has to be made to make the ads
The bold typed word above is closest meaning to .............
A. Newsworthy D. Impressive
B. Subtle E. Delicate
C. Plain
TextEight :

34 suthertland Mews North,

London SWIR 4 AL
27th March, 2010

Dear Mr. Frank Sinatra,

The Fun World, Co would like to welcome you as new customer to our firm. We know that you will be extremely
satisfied with our line of products and the service we provide to our customers.
You are invited to purchase our merchandise on our regular open account terms, from April until 30 th, 2010.Our credit
manager, AndiNico, will be happy to discuss any aspects of our credit policy with you and your convenience.
I am enclosing our catalog and pice list for your review. I believe that you will find our prices competitive and in keeping
with industry trends. Throughout the year we offer our valued costumers frequent discount as an incentive and as a
showing of our appreciation.
I do hope you will afford us the opportunity to serve you in the near future.
Your faithfully,
R.S.J. Edward

27. The letter is about …………………………………..

A. A new customer welcome
B. Discounts offered about services provided
C. A description about services provided
D. Information on prices of new products
E. An appeal to a new customer to buy the company’s products
28. Beside sending the letter, the company also attached ……. To its customers.
A. Catalogs and price lists D. Merchandise and catalogs
B. Products and price lists E. Merchandise and lists
C. Incentives and products
29. “I do hope you will afford us the opportunity to serve you in the near future.” ( Par 4).
The sentence means………………………..
A. I will send the products soon
B. I hope you enjoy having our product
C. I give you a chance to join the company
D. I give you discount if you buy our product
E. I hope we could give you the best service soon
Text Nine :
Energy can change form. Electrical energy usually is the transformation of chemical energy.
But sometimes, it is also a subsequent result of mechanical and kinetic energies. Electrical energy
can also transform into heat (e.g. electrical cooking appliances). Our body is fundamentally chemical
based energy and when we do some actions, this energy converts into mechanical energy. But the
human’s main energy source is the sun that has a diversity of energies and forms.

Ujian Sekolah Kurikulum 2013

Bhs. Inggris (Wajib) - 09

30. The passage tells us about __________

A. energy changes D. electrical energy
B. energy sources E. kinds of energies
C. forms of energies
31. The heat that we get when we are cooking using electrical cooker comes from _____
A. electrical energy D. solar energy
B. chemical energy E. solar heat
C. kinetic energy
Text Ten :
Do you know what the largest lizard is? This lizard is called komodo. It lives in the scrub and woodland of
a few Indonesian islands.
Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The largest Komodo ever
measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size
of komodo in the wild is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg).
Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. They use their keen
sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away. They also hunt other lizards as
well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.
The Komodo dragon’s teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the gums bleed,
creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the Komodo dragons saliva causes
septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its prey, and then follow it until the
animal is too weak to carry on.
This lizard species is threatened by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.
32. The main information of paragraph 4 is … .
A. The descriptions of komodo dragons D. The food of komodo dragons
B. The skins of Komodo dragons E. The prey of Komodo dragons
C. The teeth of Komodo dragons
33. What is the evenly size of komodo in the wild?
A. It is 150 pounds.
B. It is 150 pounds and can reach up to 366 pounds.
C. It is 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg).
D. It is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg).
E. It is 200 pounds up to 400 pounds in weigh.
34. Which one is the incorrect description of Komodo dragon?
A. Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail.
B. Komodo dragons skins are scaled and a strong tail.
C. The Komodo dragon’s teeth are almost completely covered by its gums.
D. It has scaly skin and gums covering its teeth.
E. This lizard species is threatened by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.
35. How do Komodo dragons hunt for foods?
A. They bite the prey and cause septicemia, then they follow the prey until it is too weak.
B. They bite the prey and eat it greedily.
C. They follow the prey and then bite all parts of its body.
D. They bite using their teeth and tear up repeatedly.
E. They follow the prey wherever it go
36. The type of the text is …….
A. Report D. Review
B. News items E. Letter
C. Analytical Exposition
Text Eleven :
TOKYO : A Japanese man made his way to a spot about 100 meters (328 ft ) above ground on a
famous Tokyo landmark on Sunday. It may have been a reckless attempt to impress a girl.
Japnese private broadcaster” TV Asahi” showed the footage of a man standing on an iron frame
on the exterior of the 33meters Tokyo Tower and unfurling a banner adorned with a large red heart and
word that appeared to be the name of a girl.
“ May be he intended this as a message for someone. I suspect that is the case since it had a
heart on it,” Tokyo police official said. The man who claims to be 31, came down from a spot around 100
meters high after being persuaded by the police and was arrested for trespassing, the police official said.
Just how he managed to get up there remains a mystery.
“it’s not clear how he got in and he began his climb,” the police official said. A Tokyo Tower
official said there was no way to get to where the man had climbed from the inside.
37. The main idea of the first paragraph is ...
A. A Japanese man intended to impress a girl.
B. The man came down from a 100 meters spot.
C. How the man got up the 100 meters spot is a mystery.
D. A Japanese private TV broadcaster showed footage of a man.

Ujian Sekolah Kurikulum 2013

Bhs. Inggris (Wajib) - 09

E. A Japanese man made his way to a spot arround 100 meters high.

38. From the text we can conclude that the man was ...
A. in love with a girl.
B. frustated by the official.
C. trying to commit suicide.
D. showing his capability in climbing.
E. unfurling a banner for advertisement.
39. “It may have been a reckless attempt to impress a girl” (paragraph 1)
The similiar meaning of the word printed in bold is ...
A. Aim D. Means
B. Way E. Intention
C. Effect
40. Arrange the following sentences into a good text !
1. Sift flour and baking powder, then add half to butter mixture with half the yoghurt, beat until
just combined. Repeat with remaining flour and yoghurt.
2. Preheat oven to 180 C. Place cupcake papers in a 12-hole muffin tray.
3. Spoon into cupcake papers(an ice cream scoop is perfect for this) and bake for 25 – 30 minutes
until a skewer inserted into the middle of a cupcake comes out clean.
4. Beat butter and sugar for 2-3 minutes until pale in colour and creamy. Add the eggs one at a
time, beating well between each addition. Beat in the zest and juice.
5. Transfer to wire racks and allow to cool completely.
6. Spread icing on cakes and top each with a frozen raspberry. As the raspberries defrost, lovely
rivers of pink juice work their way down the icing.
7. To make icing, combine icing sugar with enough lemon juice to make a spreadable paste.
A. 2-4-1-3-5-7-6 D. 2-6-1-3-4-7-5
B. 2-3-4-5-1-6-7 E. 2-4-6-7-1-3-5
C. 2-5-7-1-6-3-4
Text Twelve :
Yesterday was my terrible day. First, I (41)…… late because I forgot to set my alarm. I
took a bath and wore my uniform (42)…..,then , my naughty brother ate my breakfast,
so I had no breakfast. Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the bus, but of course I
(43)……,It. My parents were not at home, so I could not ask for money to take a taxi.
Finally, I walked the three miles to my scool. But, What happened? It was holiday. I
didn’t see my calendar. My brother didn’t tell me. How poor I was.

A. wake up D. am waking up
B. woke up E. get up
C. waking up
A. slowly D. hurriedly
B. carefully E. terribly
C. rarely
A. caught D. relieved
B. missed E. chased
C. enjoyed

Text Thirteen:
2012 is Roland Emmerich’s film which uses the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies
for their doomsday scenario. It imagines the world coming to an end in 2012.
2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when Cusack
drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all around him
from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax
occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission.
Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the requisite clarity. In 2012 film,
Emmerich leaves us befuddled as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich’ 2012
deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack supplies his trademark hangdog charm. McCarthy has perhaps
his best role ever as Peet’s cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the tormented president.
Chiwete Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Platt has fun
playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bug-eyed radio prophet
trying to warn his listeners about Armageddon.

Ujian Sekolah Kurikulum 2013

Bhs. Inggris (Wajib) - 09

All in one, 2012′s cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music
also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing
anthem over the end credits.

44. What does the text tell you about?

A. The story of some Mayan people’s life
B. Review of 2012 movie
C. The resume of 2012 novel
D. Conclusion from a popular novel
E. Advantage and disadvantage from watching movie
45. What is the communicative purpose of the text above?
A. To tell the readers about past events.
B. To entertain the readers.
C. To describe a particular thing.
D. To analyze and evaluate a creative work.
E. To persuade the readers to do something.
46.……uses the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies for their doomsday
scenario.”(paragraph 1) The underlined word means…………………..
A. Prediction D. Hopes
B. Orders E. Advices
C. Appeals
The questions Number 47 till 50 have no relationship with the text above.
47. ....Campbel reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car.
A. Because D. Although
B. While E. If
C. When
48. Nobody would have agreed the idea if it....................... unfair For them.
A. Was D. Hadn’t been
B. Wasn’t E. Weren’t
C. Had been
49. They have a number offices in this city. The biggest one is not yet completed. It a well
known architect now.
A. Is still being designed
B. Is designed
C. Be designing
D. Isdesigning
E. designs
50. Last night My mother and I bought........................................ in Roxy Departement Store.
A. A beautiful big new round yellow table cloth
B. A beautiful new big yellow round cloth table
C. A table cloth new beautiful yellow big
D. A table cloth yellow big new beautiful
E. A table cloth beautifulbig new round yellow


Ujian Sekolah Kurikulum 2013

Bhs. Inggris (Wajib) - 09

Ujian Sekolah Kurikulum 2013

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