BBC 14 0139to0140

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Helen Tunfey

From : Tina Stowell

Sent: 14 July 2003 15 31
To : Angela Sarkis, ryaer@parhament uk, Dame Paullne Nevlle-Jones-DO NOT DELETE ;
Dermot Gleeson, Fabian Monds, Gavyn Daves, hoggs@parliamerit u k,
r m )ones@bangor ac uk, Ran)it Sondhi; robert smlth@weir co uk, ruth deech@st-
annes ox ac uk
Cc : S!mon Mdner & PA, Ann Stangar, PNJ PA Sue Watson ; vanessa michna@3i com, Blrthe
Fox, e r davies@bangor ac uk, Helen Tunley, irene adams@weir co uk Lisa Kelso,
mwalter@ri)gleas on com ; sandra .madley@st-annes ox ac uk
Subject: FW. Bradshaw letter

Dear All

You will have received a copy of Ben Bradshaw's letter to all Governors in your packs at the weekend, in which he
sought the Board's view on the senionty of Andrew Gilligan's source

The Chairman has today replied on behalf o` the whole Board The attached PDF file contains both Gavyn's reply and
Ben Bradshaw's original let:er for reference


Bradshaw Mr Ben
MP.pdf (70 KB) . . .

7ina Stowell
Heac' of Business Administration

- Room 2354 BrDadcasting House

020 776 54892
020 776 52043 (fax)
Madro una stowell(abbc co uk
11 Jul 03 16 : . . .

LONDON swlA oA .a
Uavvn Davies OBE
Chair BBC Board of 3overnor
July 1'-th 2003

Dear Savy,i,

Afte " the governors' meeting on Sunday, yoJ agreec a statement defending the Today,
;rogramme's -s' a-ice on a sM- .1e anonyrnous source for cFe allegaven .hat Downing
Street inserted the 45 minute intel'igence into the I~aq wlv'D dossier, aga nst t,-e wisn es
of the inte!ligence services, proba'DI, knowing it was wrong, on the exceo:ronal grounf s
that the infonrat,on came from a "serior intelligence" source

You v.i!I know that Mr G'A,gan ~~,as rnac= c!ear that he had only one source ;or t.1s story,
and thatthe Foregn Affars Co-rtmr`:ee tourd these very grave and saecific allegacons
be untrue .

May I ask, given what has emergec s,rce Your ,^iee;:ng last Sunday, whetlFer vcu
persorally 'emarn confident that And ew Cil'igan's sojrce was irdeed a "senror
i^telligence" source, as yo~ had beer led to be ieve?

!am releasing this letter tc tnL press

VJi ;h very test w shes,

Ben Bradshaw MP

Ben Co nst]tuency Office Parliamentary Ofl Ice

Labo~.r HQ '~: o~_ s= of Cc ^im or s
Braclshaw 26o Clifton Hill vVes :7inste :
Exeter EX12DJ London SvaiA oAa
Tel : 0 1392 424 464 Tel : 020 7219 6597
Member of
Fax : 01392 425 630 Fax: C2D 7239 C95C'
Parliament foil
e-mail : bradsnawb@oar ament ~<
website : www berDracshaw : : uk

1 06

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