April 10 City Council Agenda

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APRIL 10, 2018

6:30 pm ~ Council Meeting

Please note that action (including final action) may be taken on any or all of the
following items:

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Call to Order

3. Approval of minutes from March 27, 2018, meeting

4. Approval of March 2018 bills

5. Approval of agenda

6. Consent Agenda

A. Renewal of Tavern Liquor License for Dena Garcia dba Popular

Bar located at 24 W. Victory Way, Craig. No cause shown for

7. Audiences

A. Swearing in of new police officer Josh Lyons.

B. Life Saving award to be given to Craig Police Officer Tracy


C. Harry Blakeman will appear to speak about the drainage, curb and
gutter repairs on certain streets in Woodbury Subdivision.

D. Dave Ulrich, Superintendent for the Moffat County School District

will appear to discuss a possible partnership with the City on some
school building.

8. Other Business

A. Award of Bid for pneumatic tire roller compactor.

B. Award of bid for roof on Center of Craig.

C. Request authorization to sole source repair and improvements of

high service pump for the water treatment plant for $46,900.

D. Request for authorization to sole source the repair of a recycle

pump at the Wastewater plant for $56,994.

E. Authorize engineering services with SGM for design and

specifications for a mandated upgrade to the city’s water treatment
system not to exceed $114,068.

F. Ordinance No. 1075 ~ Supplemental Budget and Appropriation

ordinance for year 2018 budget with a transfer between funds.

G. Resolution No. 3 ~ Appropriation of additional funds for 2018.

H. Resolution No. 4 – Setting fees and penalties for the

implementation and collection of city sales tax.

9. Staff Reports

A. March 2018 monthly Police report

10. Audience Comments

11. City Manager/City Attorney Reports

12. Council Reports

13. Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-6-402 (4)(f)(1) to

discuss personnel matters regarding the former City Manager
and pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-6-402 (4)(b) to receive legal advice
from the City Attorney on specific legal questions.

14. Adjourn

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