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Chapter 4

Findings and Analysis

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Chapter 4

Findings and Analysis


Chapter 3 has clearly explained about Research Methodology that has been used in achieving the
research objective prescribed. Next, chapter 4 will elaborate more on the findings received from the
research that has been done. Moreover, these findings has been analysed and elaborated to provide
assurance towards the stated objectives from the earlier stage.

This chapter will explained on the findings of the formulative study, questionnaire research, model
concept, interview study and finally the development of PKP model.

Thus, the following is the interpretative of the research that has been made in achieving the agreed


4.1.1 Introduction

The formulative study is being done to find out on the BPIMB staff satisfaction on preparing BPIMB
in facing calamity threat which will impacting continuity of BPIMB business.
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The formulative study which is constructed is by sending 70 sets of questions to random BPIMB
staffs and collecting all the completed sets after 5 days. However, only 63 respondents have
returned the completed form.


The formulative study findings in the preparation of handling calamity threat which will impacting
continuity of BPIMB business are as followed:

Table 1: Result of Employees Satisfaction Level for Preparing BPIMB To Handle Calamity Threat

Overly Very Very Overly

No Subject Dissatisfy Dissatisfy Satisfy Satisfy Total (%)
% % % %
BPIMB is ready
1 to face calamity 76 14 8 2 - 100
BPIMB business
continuity can be
2 continued if 73 18 5 2 2 100
there is any
calamity threat
BPIMB has a
3 63 21 13 3 - 100
Continuity Plan
BPIMB is able to
make sure
BPIMB operation
continuity can be
4 recovered in the 69 19 9 2 1 100
duration of 2
hours from the
time that the
threat begun
The overall level
of satisfaction in
preparing BPIMB
5 82 13 3 2 - 100
during the
handling of
calamity threat
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From the above table, we can see that most respondents of “Overly Dissatisfy for The Overall Level
of Satisfaction in Preparing BPIMB During The Handling Of Calamity Threat” is 82% followed by 76%
in regards to preparation BPIMB of handling calamity threat and next 73% thought that BPIMB
business continuity will be disturbed if calamity threat occurs.

The level of respondents satisfaction for all questions issued are very low. This above findings can be
summarized as follow:

BPIMB needs to make preparation in handling calamity threat in making sure the BPIMB business
continuity will be able to progress.


4.2.1 Introduction

The questionnaire research has been distributed to 200 officer and management employees of
BPIMB in BPIMB Headquarter. The clerical staffs, officers and management team of BPIMB have
been given 5 days to fill in the questionnaire form completely. However, only 83 forms were
returned back and only 75 forms were found completed. The clerical group only received SPM
education and below and does not involved in making decision on behalf of BPIMB.

The officers are the ones that consist of degree holder which include junior officers and senior
officers. Meanwhile, the management team consists of managers up to senior managers and the
Upper Management team consist from General Manager until Operation Manager.

The questionnaire research has been processed by using SPSS software and the result is based on
frequency statistic report and anova.
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4.2.2 Findings

Findings based on questionnaire research are as followed: Section A

Respondent’s background

Section A is to find out more on the background of the respondents and to evaluate on how far the
understanding of the respondents in regards to PKP.

Below is the result of the questionnaire research after processing through the SPSS software through
the frequency method :

1) Staff Group

Table 2: The Result of Questionnaire for the Staff Group

Staff Group Amount of Staff (%)

Upper Management 5
Management 35
Officer 43
Clerk 17

The respondents who participated in the questionnaire research are consist of 17% from clerical
group, 43% from the officer group, 35% from the management team and 5% from the Upper
Management team.
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The officer group is considered as the biggest respondent because the officer group has the largest
amount in the BPIMB organisation compared to other groups.

2) Sector/Department/ Section

Table 3: Result of Sector/Department Questionnaire

Sector/Department Total (%)

Banking Development Sector 23%
Banking Infrastructure Sector 27%
Corporate Management Sector 21%
Service Sector 12%
Corporate Foreign Affairs Department 17%

The Banking Infrastructure Sector is found as the largest respondent which contributed about 27%
from the overall respondents. The Banking Infrastructure Sector is the most important sector in
BPIMB because this sector is supporting the country vision in developing country infrastructure
development project such as the ERL project, Westport, Monorel, Tanjung Pelepas Port and other
mega projects that cost up to billion ringgits.

Other than that, the second biggest respondent is consist of Banking Development Sector. This
sector is the second most important sector in BPIMB. This sector is one of the sector which helped in
developing the native born entrepreneurs in the small and big industries. The next respondents
include 21% of Corporate Management Sector, 17% of Corporate Foreign Affairs Department and
12% of Service Sector.
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3) Your Level of Understanding on “Business Continuity Plan-PKP”

Table 4: The Result of Employee Level of Understanding on PKP

Level of Understanding Total (%)

Really Understand 22
Understand 43
Somewhat Understand 18
Don’t Understand 9
Don’t Really Understand 8

From the above questionnaire research, it seems that about 43% is the majority who understands on
the Business Continuity Plan and only 22% respondents which really understand. While there is only
18% somewhat understand, 9% do not understand and 8% do not understand at all.

It is very important to have a high level understanding to simplify the execution process later on in
BPIMB. The research that is being done will be easier and the highest level of commitment will be
given due to the high understanding outcome. Researcher was worried earlier on if the level of
understanding of the respondents were poor as this will made the research implementation difficult
to be executed afterwards.

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