Emergent Case Summary Sheet

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Name: B. Age: 4 Date of Testing: 9/20/17 Grade: Pre-K Examiner(s): Emeline Phipps

Phonological Awareness
Rhyme Awareness Words & Syllables Syllables Blending Phoneme Segmentation Beginning Sound
2/8 2/8 4/8 0/8 0/8 ?
Correct were Did well with the  Did very well He could not blend He could not segment We did not make it to this
mail-sail and first 2 then got with two syllable any words. He words. He became section.
men-hen, they distracted and words and got all became frustrated frustrated and put his
seemed like didn’t want to do it of those correct. and put his head head down.
appeared to be and did not take it He only got 1 one down.
“lucky guesses” seriously. He could syllable word
potential have correct and did not
done more. I will get any with three.
try again next

Alphabet Knowledge Letter-Sound Knowledge Concepts About Print

Upper Case Lower Case Production Spelling Observations
Letter Recognition Letter Sounds
7/26 0/26 0/26 0 3/20

Concept of Word Word Knowledge

Pretest Word List Pointing Word ID Post-Test ID
Timed Untimed
0 0 0 0 PRI PPA
1st PPB
I did not attempt  ***Student was                  
the pretest word unable to
list as the student memorize the Don’t due this section unless
does not know poem during the you are uncertain whether
letters or sounds to session even the child is a Beginner or an
aid in word though we Emergent reader. See me if
identification. reviewed the poem you have questions.
multiple times
between each of
the other

*for borderline students (emergent – beginner), administer WRI using powerpoint

**PP TIMED word list: 5 words correct, administer Readiness; 6-10 words correct, administer PPA; 11-15 words correct, administer PPB
**If 85% or greater on WRC at PPB, the student is likely a Beginning Reader; confirm this finding with additional information

Fluency Word Knowledge Writing Comprehension
Rereading COW Letter Names Letter Sounds Phonological *We did not make it
Awareness to this. I will assess
comprehension in
our second session.
What type of Overall Level of Knows: Knows: Area of Strength: Spacing: Prior Knowledge:
text? COW: M, W, B, P, Q, O none Student is none         
-known nursery undetermined Using/Confusing: Using/Confusing: beginning to Interest in Topic:
rhymes        E, A, S, C none    hear syllables. Other: Legos, sports,
-the alphabet   Absent: Absent: Student wrote fishing
Instructional D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L all     Area of UBC: symbol salad for      
Interest Level: Recommendations: N, R, S, T, U, V, X, Syllabication his name with Responsiveness to
The student Speak to mother Y, Z     Goals:      the correct letter Questions:
liked the zoo and find poems, The student will Area of at the beginning
poem and was rhymes or songs Goals: be able to match Frustration: - B. When he Other:
interested, he already has -The student will letters to their - Rhyming went to ask his      
but unable to memorized to be able to sounds. - Blending mom to spell it
memorize.     attempt again.  identify all - Segmenti for him he was
uppercase and ng able to write Br
Goal: lowercase letters
Instructional Goals: followed by
- The student in the alphabet.
Recommendation - The student symbol salad for
will accurately s: will be able to Brandon.
track memorized (use concept hear rhyming Student was able
text. Instructional sorts to sounds. to draw a
-Student will be Recommendation introduce - The student picture and add
able to say the s: sorting) will be able to details when
alphabet while - Name puzzles - beginning count syllables in prompted.
accurately and alphabet sound picture a word.
tracking.       puzzles sort -The student will Goals:
-font sorts be able to blend -The student will
Instructional -uppercase and and segment use correct
Recommendatio lowercase words. pencil grip.
ns: matching - The student
-sing the -sing the Instructional will use proper
alphabet alphabet Recommendatio letter formation.
-practice ns: -The student will
tracking -rhyming picture be able to
memorized text sort correctly spell
-rhyming head, his name
shoulder, knees, independently.
and toes
-Syllable Instructional
racetrack game Recommendatio
-Syllable sort ns:     
- sort name into
case letters
-write name
with upper and
lower case
letters correctly
-use playdough
to build hand
strength and
make letters

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