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ISSN 1067-8212, Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2016, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 529–532. © Allerton Press, Inc.

, 2016.
Original Russian Text © V.P. Zhukov, 2016, published in Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, 2016, No. 4, pp. 13–16.


Mathematical Modeling of the Deoxidation Kinetics

of Liquid Blister Copper with Carbon
V. P. Zhukov
Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, 620002 Russia
Received September 30, 2014; in final form, November 16, 2014; accepted for publication December 3, 2014

Abstract⎯The mathematical description of various stages of the deoxidation kinetics of copper with charcoal
is performed as applied to the reduction stage of fire refining of blister copper. It is shown that the process rate
is controlled by the carbon mass transfer in the melt bulk and the reduction of oxygen contained in metal is
performed according to the two-stage scheme. To intensify the copper deoxidation, it is recognized as rea-
sonable to blow-in the finely dispersed coal immediately into the liquid metal bulk with inert or natural gas.

Keywords: carbon, deoxidation, mass transfer, time-dependent diffusion, anodic smelting

DOI: 10.3103/S1067821216060171

The deoxidation of the copper melt is one of finish- OF THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL
ing stages of fire refining of blister metal and largely OF COPPER DEOXIDATION
determines the technical-and-economical process WITH SOLID CARBON
characteristics [1–4]. High-cost mazut is used for When modeling, we considered the possibility of
anodic smelting performed in stationary furnaces running the following main kinetic stages of copper
[2, 3]; therefore, the reduction of its consumption and reduction in the melt.
total or partial replacement by lower cost alternative
reducing agents are of interest for the theory and prac-
tice of copper refinery production. Mass Transfer of Oxygen in the Liquid Phase Bulk
The authors of [5, 6] previously investigated the Assuming that the reduction of copper(I) oxide
kinetic regularities of copper deoxidation with the with solid carbon at the phase interface is described by
products of incomplete combustion of natural gas and the time-dependent diffusion law, the mass of trans-
mazut and showed that the process rate is limited by ferred oxygen was calculated according to the time-
the mass transfer of oxygen in the melt bulk. Solid car- dependent diffusion equation:
bon-containing reducing agents (graphite, coke, coal
dust, and charcoal) are most often used for the deep dM [O]Cu
DO m0
deoxidation of liquid copper [7, 8]. The peculiarity of F , = (1)
dτ πτ V
using such reagents is the lower gas-saturation of
metal, which positively affects anode quality. where τ is the contact time, s; m0 = 5.59 g is the initial
oxygen mass in the copper charge (1700 g); DO =
The known results of studying the deoxidation 6.51 × 10–9 cm2/s (1423 K) is the oxygen diffusivity in
kinetics of oxygen-containing copper with solid car- the copper melt [10]; and F = 41.83 cm2 and V =
bon [9] are referred to the initial oxygen concentration 204 cm3 are the contact surface with the reducing
in the melt of ~(3–4) × 10–3, which is considerably agent and melt volume according to the experimental
lower than in the practice of copper fire refining, when conditions, respectively.
the deoxidation is performed at the initial oxygen con-
tent of 0.4 and higher. Somewhat other process kinetic The integration of Eq. (1) from the initial oxygen
regularities should be expected in this case. mass (m0) to its current value (mi) for the reduction
time from 0 to ti gives the integrated quantity
This study is aimed at a mathematical description
of the main stages of reduction of oxygen contained in mi = m0 − 1.12 DOt i Fm0 V . (2)
copper with solid carbon based on the experimental
data found in experimental conditions identical to Dividing the total reduction time of 4800 s into
deoxidation with mazut [6]. 16 steps (n) with the duration of each Δτ = 300 s and


ln (1 – α) Chemical Reaction
–0.1 We assume that the interaction between solid car-
–0.2 bon or carbon dissolved in copper with copper(I)
–0.3 oxide is performed according to the two-stage scheme
Cu 2O + CO = 2Cu + CO 2, (9)
–0.6 CO 2 + C = 2CO. (10)
–0.7 In this case, the general differential equation of the
–0.8 process dynamics can be derived as follows. Assuming
0 20 40 60 80 100 the presence only of carbon monoxide and dioxide in
t, min the gas phase, the condition is fulfilled for each time
Dependence of experimental degree of deoxidation α on
the reduction duration. C CO + C CO2 = 1. (11)
In this case, the formation rate of carbon dioxide
depends on rate constants of corresponding reactions
accepting ti = Δt = 300 s, we derive the general expres- according to the equation
sion for the oxygen mass transfer:
n dC CO2 dt
min = m0 − ∑1.12 DOt i Fmin −1 V . (3) = K (9) − 2K (9)C CO2 − 3K (10)C CO 2 + 2K (10).
i =1
Equations (2) and (3) are the resulting formulas;
using them, numerical modeling was performed. The 2K (9) − 3K (10) = a,
current values of the experimental oxygen mass in the (13)
2K (10) − K (9) = b,
melt during the deoxidation were calculated according
to the equation we finally have
M i @ = M Cu [O]Cu 100, (4) dC CO2 dt = b − aC CO2 . (14)
where [O]Cu is the actual oxygen concentration in the After the integration, we derive
copper melt by the results of measurements, wt %. i
C CO 2
= b 1 − e − aτ i . ) (15)

Mass Transfer of Carbon in the Melt Bulk We accept the degree of copper reduction
This quantity was quantitatively evaluated accord-
α = C CO
i k
C CO , (16)
ing to an equation similar to previously used Eq. (3) 2 2

n i k
where C CO and C CO are the current and final CO2
mi (C) n = ms (C) − ∑ 1.12
2 2
DCt i Fmi (C) n −1 V , (5) concentrations in the gas phase; the latter is expected
i =1 for the infinitely long reduction duration (t → ∞). In
where mi (C) n is the current carbon mass in the melt for k
this case, C CO 2
→ b/a, and then
n steps; ms(C) is its amount corresponding to the concen-
tration of the saturated solution equal to 6.54 × 10–4 g; α = C CO
C CO 2
= 1 − e − aτ i . (17)
and DC = 2.0 × 10–5 cm2/s (1423 K) is carbon diffusiv- The mathematical processing of the experimental
ity in copper [10]. data shows (see the figure) that function ln(1 – α) ver-
The removed oxygen mass was determined accord- sus time t is described rather well by a straight line,
ing to the formula which evidences the possibility of applying Eq. (17) to
Δ mi = 32mi (C) n 12, (6) describe the process kinetics and is an indirect confir-
mation of the two-stage deoxidation scheme.
where 32 and 12 are molar masses of oxygen and car- The interaction reaction of carbon with metal
bon in CO2, which is formed according to the gross oxides was investigated in many researches. According
reaction to the results of numerous investigations, the carbon-
2Cu 2O + C = 4Cu + CO 2. (7) thermal reduction of oxides is most often limited by
The variation in the experimental oxygen mass at the gasification of carbon [11–14], and its kinetics can
the ith step was determined as be described using the equation [15]

υ(10) = 6.94 × 10 exp ( − 22236 T ) PCO 2 xC,

6 s
min = m0 − Δ mi . (8) (18)



Results of calculations and experimental data on the evaluation of the residual oxygen mass in the copper melt

Values of min (g) determined according to the equation

n ti, min Mexp, g
(3) (5) (20)

0 0 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95

2 10 4.42 5.54 4.85 5.90

4 20 3.06 4.99 3.74 5.87

7 35 2.38 4.49 2.62 5.80

12 60 1.87 3.90 1.49 5.70

16 80 1.53 3.40 0.35 5.62

where PCO2 = 0.01 atm (1423 K) is the partial pressure of CONCLUSIONS

carbon dioxide in the gas phase and xCs = 3.6 × 10–5% is It is shown by the mathematical description of the
the surface carbon concentration, which corresponds kinetics of various stages of copper deoxidation with
to the saturated solution [10]. solid carbon of charcoal that the process rate is most
likely limited by the carbon mass transfer in the melt
Considering υ10 as dmC/dt and performing the inte- bulk. The carbon-thermal reduction runs according to
gration, we derive the expression for the calculation of the two-stage scheme in this case. To eliminate the
the carbon mass loss for time ti diffusion obstacles and intensify the removal of oxy-
gen, it seems reasonable to blow-in the finely dis-
Δ miC = 6.94 × 10 6 exp ( − 22236 T ) PCO2 xCs , (19) persed reducing agent into liquid copper with the help
The current oxygen mass is calculated according to of inert gases or natural gas.
the formula
min = m0 − 32 12 Δ miC. (20) REFERENCES
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