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Properties and Solutions

Properties of Equality

Name of Property Explanation of the Property Examples of How Property

Is Used

Commutative ● You can switch the ● Is 2+3=3+2

order of the
operation you are Since 2+3=5, and 3+2=5,
performing, and then the commutative
your answer will not property holds true.
● Holds true when you ● Is 3-2=2-3?
are adding and/or
multiplying Since 3-2=1, but 2-3=-1,
● Does NOT hold true then the commutative
when you are property does NOT hold
subtracting and/or true
● Representation


a x b= b x a

Associative ● Usually involves the Does (3 x 4) x 5= 3 x (4x5)?

way you group
quantities that are On the left-hand side of the
being added and/or equation, if you multiply 3
multiplied and 4, the product is 12. If
● Grouping will not you multiply 12 and 5, the
change the final product is 60.
On the right-hand side of
the equation, if you
multiply 4 and 5, the
product is 20. If you
multiply 20 and 3, the
product is 60.

The way you grouped your

numbers did NOT change
your final solution.

● Representation
(q x r) x s= q x (r x s)

Distributive ● When you take a ● Numerical example

quantity and 3 (2 - 7)= 3 x 2 - 3 x 7 (don’t
multiply it with each forget to follow order of
number or term in operations--multiply
an expression BEFORE you add/subtract
● Usually done over
addition and/or ● Algebraic example
subtraction 3 (2m+ y)= 3 x 2m + 3 x y
● May involve = 6m+ 3y (these
numerical or are NOT like terms, so do
algebraic NOT try to combine them)

Addition If you add a quantity to one ● Consider 3=3.

side of an equation, you Suppose you want
must add it to the other to add 5 to only the
side of the equation right-hand side. If
so, your result will
3=3+5. Is this true?
Does 3=8? No!
So, you will have to add 5
to the left-hand side in

order to get a true


3+5=3+5. Now, both sides

of the equation are the

Subtraction If you subtract a quantity ● Consider 2-5=2.

from one side of an Notice, on the right-
equation, you must hand side the value
subtract it from the other remains 2, while on
side of the equation the left-hand side,
the value is -3. So, 5
must be subtracted
on the right-hand
side to get a true

Multiplication If you multiply a quantity to ● Consider 7=3 x 7.

one side of an equation, The left-hand side
you must multiply it from has a value of 7,
the other side of the while the right-hand
equation. side has a value of
21. You will have to
multiply 3 on the
left-hand side of the
equation in order to
get a value of 21.

Division If you divide by a quantity ● Consider 4= 4÷2

on one side of the The left-hand side
equation, you must divide has a value of 4, while the
by it on the other side of right-hand side has a value
the equation. of 2. So, you will need to
NOTE: Division by 0 is not divide by 2 on the left-hand
allowed. side of the equation to get
a value of 2.

Types of Solutions

One Solution Only 1 value will make the equation true

No Solution There is no value that will make the

equation true.

Infinitely Many Solutions There are so many solutions, they can not
be counted!

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