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G(s) = X(s)/U(s) = Gdc/(s + 1)

 We will assume that x(0) = 0. In other words, the system

starts from rest.
 We will assume that the input, u(t), is a constant.

Next, we compute x(t + t) ~= x(t) + t * (dx/dt)|t, and the value

we use for the derivative is:

dx(t)/dt = - x(t)/ + Gdcu(t)/

This simulation is done for a first order, linear system with a transfer
function, G(s) = Gdc/(s + 1).

The system has a DC gain, Gdc = 1, and a time constant,  =

For this simulation, t = 0.1sec, which is one-tenth of the
time constant, .

First order systems are the simplest dynamic systems to analyze. Some common examples include cruise control
systems and RC circuits.
The general form of the first order differential equation is as follows

The first order transfer function is

DC Gain
The DC gain, , is the ratio of the magnitude of the steady-state step response to the magnitude of the step input.
From the Final Value Theorem, for stable transfer functions the DC gain is the value of the transfer function when
s=0. For first order systems equal to .
Time Constant
The time constant is the time it takes for the system to reach 63% of the steady-state value for a
step response or to decrease to 37% of the inital value for an impulse response. More generally, it represents the
time scale for which the dynamics of the system are significant.

 As the gain is increased, the closedloop pole moves to the left.

 we can say that the smaller the time constant, the smaller the
settling time.

Continuous-time transfer function.

%system gain and time constant
Kp = 1;
Tp = 1;

s = tf('s');
H = Kp/(Tp*s+1)

%integration step length Δt = 0.01


for Δt = 1 (not as smooth as Δt = 0.01)

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