Thursday, Nov. 29: Carroll Livestock Sales

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Timet Herald, Carroll, la.

, Tuesday, November 27, 1979 - faae 11

SS M I A—rtrmni f t Went 65 Uted C a r t » Trwtltt
3 FAMILY GIVE US • try before you buy 1972 G R A N T o r i n o . Red title TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE
BASEMENT SALE Halbur Realty Co.. Carroll. BEDROOM d u p l r x . w i t h Hcst offer 792-5191 7I23I-3IC
TKSm O-SB-ttc garage. Very nice Available
Wednesday «. Thursday Dec. Isi 7 9 2 - 9 5 1 5 a f t e r G R I F F I T H FORD-MERCURY
LET US do your lor | J : 15 65-232-»tc Inc Authorised sales 4 ser­
Nov. 28 A 29 9*4 you M ft N Real Estate.
vice Jet H w v . 7 1 * 3 0 - C a r ­
mtau O-Hltfcl B E A U T I F U L N K W K R 2
432 East 7th Apt. 4 bedroom a p a r t m e n t . Hespon- roll 712-1505 71 10 tfc
TO BUY or tell homea. (armt. ACROSS 47 Collects U N I T E D Feature S y n d i c a t e
sible adults Neat it w a t e r fur­ K O R F . R G C H E V R O L E T - Your 1 Jewish ser­ 51 Pigeon
M»ll> acreages, commercial — nished. ' 2 3 0 A f t e r 6 c a l l M o n d a y s P u M l e Solved
authorised G M dealer in Car­

Wilson Real Estate. 7ff-»74 vice 52 Slips back

712-SBI or Ttl-im R5 232 5tp roll Top dollar paid for used 6 On 54 Gizzard
W-HMrcl c a r s 792-9230 71-124-tfc
CONSOLE STEREO - Sear* with 58 Revise
Sitventm <watfM) m P h : KASTGATE REAL Estate « 10 R o b b e d : 59 Excursion
Used Cam i> Truth 71
TW-4WI. »ais>c Insurance Insure with con­
fidence msxn omtfc
Calendar of Arch 61 Egypt's capi­
1973 FORD 4-wheel d r i v e pickup 14 Sheeplike tal
I I Dedham U-atVftc Nowset For lent
4 spd. Lock-out hups M3-39fil Sale Dates 15 Shavetail 62 Dub
Dedham 7l2303tc
m FT of M s . M ft long new 4 BEDROOM house, close to Claimed 16 King ot Israel 6 3 Tai M a h a l
1971 M O N T E Carlo P S . P H . a i r
native lumber. ' M . Ph school Available now. automatic C a l l 792 4909 o r and 6 4 — Island
Wt-MSI. »-»5tp 7V2-4SI3 at-astc 65 War god
792 I09S 71-229 5IC Auction Sales 6 6 Spool
SMALL MODERN farm house. 1974 C O R V E T T E - w h i t e T top. All types of auctions will be run
electric dryer. J'» years old 6 7 Gash
7924390 •HB-Rp loaded. E x c e l l e n t condition
Call 7K-SM between 3 30 pm in this Auction Calendar F R E E if
andtHpm ttmatp 3 BEDROOM house In Carroll - 1901 Buick hearse Good con we have the advertising copy of
l ' i baths, finished basement, ditton — needs paint 699 25IH your a d in our office
UNITED AIRLINES reduced attached garage. Immediate after 0 Ask for K e n 71-229 4tp
fare coupons. OM 7451 possession Ph.: SU-4154 after EVERY THURSDAY— 21 — Canals 42 M e n u item
st-nntc 1972 NOVA Auto, new rubber,
0 p.m. >4-232->c clean, real good condition I 00 I ' M Carroll Livestock 23 Coasted 43 Gadgets
Sale 25 O p e r a e«tra 44 Abrades
MSI GMC pickup Good shape • FOUR BEDROOM house - south •1195 00 712-2303. 71 229 5tc
track tape player 7H-S74S af­ 27 Astern 46 Dress
side near schools. 792-2371 bet 1971 DODGE O m n i 4 d r 4 c y l . 28 Christians 47 Stadium
ter! 5M77 IQtp ween 5ft 7 >4-232-3tc EVERY SATURDAY—
automatic. P S . f a c t o r y a i r . 29 Flanders riv­ 48 Tree
rear window defoKgcr. custom 1 I ' M Farmer's Livestock
NURSERY STOCK Locally TWO B E D R O O M house er 49 Weather
grown. Carroll Nursery Available immediately • » a interior and e x t e r i o r package 30 Clocked 50 Fabric
7W4BI SMtfc month 792 2034 04422 3tc Just 21.000 local one owner SATURDAY. DECEMBER 34 Enticed 53 Beget
miles 1977 Chev C a p r i c e Clas I- 35 Custom 55 Girl s n a m e
TO FINANCE the appliance of HOUSE IN Jefferson Available sic 4-dr sedan, factory a i r . tilt 12 30 I ' M Winkleman Farms
your choice see Personal Len­ 36 StaKe 56 G o d d e s s ot
Dec I 712 052 3400 days. wheel, speed c o n t r o l , power 3Rth Annual Pony Auction
ders. Thomas Plata. Carroll 37 Grass discord
712 052 3293 evenings. seats, windows & door locks Lohrvillc. Iowa. Cogley •
Call 792 2568 SMJtfc 04230-Vc 39 Polaris 57 T w a d d l e
plus many other extras .15.000 L i » r . Auctioneers. 40 E«pos g a m e 6 0 Friend
IN ARCADIA 3 bedroom house actual miles — super sharp SUNDAY. DECEMBER t -
with garage. Gas furnace. No throughout Wjttrock Motors
5ft 7l-23Hf<
2 I ' M Household * antiojue
pets Deposit 000 2271. sale Mrs Rose Hetsterkamp.
FOR RENT Mobile 2 bedroom 0432»5tc TO F I N A N C E your new or used Owner l>oeated in Mt Car 5 THERE MUCH CALL
home M25 a month — in Lake
View Winteriwd 75^3411 RURAL FARM home for rent. 2 car see P e r s o n a l L e n d e r s m e t G y m Schartenkamp. FOR 5MUP66P CIRCLES?
miles from Templeton. Thomas I'laza. C a r r o l l Call I t u p i p c r & McCarville. Auc­
5*232 Mp 792-2555 71-23.1-lle
7929234 04 220tfc tioneers

IN AUBURN. 2 bedroom brick 1177 P O N T I A C G r a n d I ' m 2 dr SUNDAY. DECEMBER t -

for Rent 37 l oo I ' M 4 bedroom house •
house — new furnace, at­ h'dtop. a i r . cruise, tilt. I'S
O F F I C E - COMMERCIAL tached garage. George N P B . m e t a l l i c brown t a n clcith lot. 215 N Main. Carroll
space for rent 1000 sq ft Wernimont 792-4221 04-170-lfc i n t e r i o r . 4 0 6 0 seat l.\iep Lloyd Nepple. Owner. McCar-
Highway frontage 100 Heat tionallv clean, reasonable v i l l e . Scharfcnkamp It
furnished. 792 5555 After • 40.000 "miles 792-9551 a f t e r K u p i p e r . Auctioneers
p m 792-4019 57 205 lie AppBftwwnt »P#oT wt#iif *SS 4 7l-232-5tr SATURDAY. DECEMBER
THREE BEDROOM upstairs 1973 D O D G K '.• t o n w i t h i n fr­
St apartment — available Dec sulated 36" topper N e a r new it) A M 230 acres Rosetle
4th All utilities paid. •200 a snow t i r e s , h a l l h i t c h a n d T o w n s h i p Carroll County-
DELUXE DUPLEX or house in month plus deposit w i r e d for trailer :».«*> miles land Known as the Frances
Carroll Next spring or early 0225205 05-222 »c
summer. Would like to know T o p shape P h 712-653-2719 I r l m e i e r F a r m Located from
now what will be available ONE BEDROOM apartment fur 7l-232-5tp Hoselle 2' i miles south or
then. Haw no children or pet* nished - utilities included f r o m Templeton I mile east 3
1975 P O N T I A C C a t h ' t l t o p
Write Box 0/17. Daily Times 7924410 05-232 5lc Stereo I t new radials '2295 mi
miles north Rupiper. Schar­
Herald SMJI-Mp G l l d d e n Auto Sales 71 2;t2 I n f c n k a m p & McCarville. Auc-
t ioneers
new 2 bedroom apts Available 1972 KIRKItllll) Hlue P S I'll
Jan I '175 00 ft up Must SATURDAY. DECEMBER
high rubber M r C a m l l t - & Son
HOUSE FOR sale or rent Com­ qualifv Call 792 3310 Apts Motors 712.1211c
pletely remodeled house in near hospital 05-231 »c 12 .to P M Closini! out f a r m
Breda Will sell on contract K O R S A I . K 1955 K O l t l ) K i w i sale b i c a t e d f r o m Glidden
A V A I L A B L E D E C 15 I ton pickup Needs paint and "'.- m i l e s south ' « east or
Contact Dick Happe. H r i r r s bedroom apartment '200 per
Electric 7922112 59203He b a t t e r y , r u n s 1:0ml H I S I r u m Coon I t a p i d s 6 miles
month Heat ft water paid overhauled Best idler 1
north ft I ! miles west Oscar
7929798 05-230 tic 792 1459 alter ftp in 7123211 & Dale Lloyd. Owners
HovsosrVSato 63 2 HEDHOOM downttairs apart­ Itupipcr. Seharfenkamp A
ment Available now. 791-4375 1979 PONTIAC TRANS AM Kerkholf. Auctioneers i f ETIE BAILEY
HAVING PROBLEMS o r e v e n i n g s 792-4590. l i m i t e d e d i t i o n Repossessed SUNDAY. DECEMBER 9 -
792-9050 05-220 51c
GETTING A LOAN? I m m o c u l a t c locidvd I P M Complete closing out
If you c a n r««d t h i s T-Shirt, . . . a n d a r e in d a n g e r of having your
TAKING APPLICATIONS for • 7 9 0 0 or best otler l . i r m s^ile & household items
B E T T E R CHECK new 2 bedroom apts. Available Financmci a v a i l a b l e l.ncated from A r c a d i a O i l Ujou are t o o dose. e y e s a l t e r e d by rny o o y f r i e n d b e h i n d

[ML ^"
THISONE! J a n 5 '170.00 ft up. must Ph.: 515-386-3141
Station 2 miles east & I ' i m i
(mi Income Property qualify Between 9 00 and 5 00 or 3 8 6 - 2 0 5 0
mirth Wilttum Nobiling.
Ph 792-5555 Q5-223Uc owner Gerkvn, Schar-
2 unit apt. l e i i k a m p \ R u p i p e r . Aue-
Houto located clow to clown' 2 HK.DHOOM upstairs apart­ Auto Service 75 honeers
town. CcjKtroet ovoildl>lr> ment Close to downtown
' 3
Reduced to t a l l . Only M O , 9 0 0 Available Nov I 792-29.11 after ED& LEOSEZ:
• 6 , 0 0 0 down — 9 % interest. 5 p in 8.V2I3 tfc 12 3d I ' M V a l Zinke f a r m
•250 monthly payments. Courtship it thot short space of sale 4 miles east, l ' i south It
47 east nl H a m l i n . 1A M e r y l
Farms For Solo time between lipstick and
Kerkhnff a n d Lloyd
HALBUR REALTY mopttick. l.auyhcrv. Auctioneers
792-2866 »i » a i» FARMS FOR SALE SUNDAY. JANUARY 4 -
WINNJKE & MASCHING 12 :ui P M Clarence Fledder-
SERVING THE Carroll a r e a 917 Acres — Adair Co.
over 30 years. I'udcnz- Excellent buildings.
OH. CO. inan f a r m sale l o c a t e d south
Kunecke Real Estate. Hmy 30 Tank Wagon Delivery ul I t e d h i i m J c t 161 141. ' . m l KELLY « DUKE
West Erv Pudeiu. 792 1440 642 Acres -Woodbury Co. Corns' H^MOr 71 * 3rd S. siuitlM'ast on pavement & 2 ' }
Gary Kunecke. 792 3231 Large cattle feeding yards. 7*2 9132 Carroll m i east (in g r a v e l road F r o m A WOMAN'S P H Y S I C M - BEAUTY IT'S M O N E Y
M22HU- C ( « I I I Kapids — 6 m i west on B E A U T V IS HOT A L U IS O N L Y THAT REALLY
•aVj PioducH l l u v 141. I ' . m i north • YOU
CALL US to buy or sell your Buildings. m i west Auctioneers Spor- / SAID
home, farm or commercial 80 Acres — Audubon Co. the C h o i c e
properly. Fleahner Family
Realty, 792 1513 63137 Hr
Bare land. of Thrifty P e o p l e
rer Dave & M e r v l Kerkhoff &
/ IT

James Weber
BIERL REALTY Co C o m m e r P h . : 712-563-3042 r
cial. residential, rentals
792 5555 U-SS-tfc
COMES REAL Estate 7924295
Oak Realty Co. Inc.
3015 — 49th,
or 712-1071 to buy or sell Des Moines, IA 50310
homes, acreages, farms Ph.: 515-276-8200 8.2 A c r e s
63-146tfc 6 7 J J J JK
w i t h n i c e 4-5 b e d r o o m h o u s e .
Complete set of buildings.
CARROLL LIVESTOCK SALES Long term, low interest contract available.
Located 1 mile west & 1 north of Glidden.

THURSDAY, NOV. 29 P h o n e 659-3750 after 7 p.m.

U - l l t Stc
^ e r f t M f e r o M
W O o M D
e. .
Starting time 1:00 o ' c l o c k

ESTIMATING 1800 to 2000 PIGS

Merlyn Zubrod — 100 fancy White pigs — SO lbs. As
good as money can buy.
Bennie Otto — 170 Reputation White pigs — 65 lbs.
This is the top end of 400 head and will suit the
most particular hog buyer.
Monro* Bates — 60 Fancy crossbred pigs — 45 lbs.
Roger Larson — 65 Reputation Ouroc pigs — 50 lbs. It Belongs on Your Home
Merle Dial — 100 Strictly choice crossbred pigs — 40 1
Slops Costly Painting
Dick Tigges — 75 Fancy crossbred pigs — 45 lbs.
Plus many more by sale time. As this ad is being writ­
i J f c * S a v e s
'Fuel, Outside Repairs
difference. If you don't
ten on Monday we expect to have a very outstanding ll There is a
offering of fancy pigs. Due to the Thanksgiving ing — Know your local
holiday we were without a sale and receipts could ii 1 f dealer Talk to a reliable local com-
definitely exceed our expectations. Dany


W e a r e imured wi»H hundreds All Types
We are looking for 800 to 1000 CATTLE.
or t a t u f i e d customers as
Wotch the paper for listings. Vinyl • Steel • Aluminum
our b e t i sales persons
Doors • Windows
Check with us We
N O T BE U N D E B S O I D Awnings • Gutters • Shutter*
v Kingman: W a y n e Rupiper
Auciionoart: John Schorrenkomp Gory Rupipar 6 Harold Wi»land


Gary Supipw 6 6 9 - 3 5 1 9 Ph 7 9 2 - 3 1 7 0 Ed Buoiloi 7 9 2 - 9 4 0 7 Aluminum Products
John Scharfenkomp 8 2 2 - 5 5 3 9 « r > j u lit Coll collect now for o FREE ESTIMATE
611 N. Main Carroll

People who ran and the ventriloquist seem
"HOWOOMA make their voic- to carry on a conversation.

Q •
* es seem to come
from somewhere away
from themselves are called
The ventriloquist is saying
the words, but his (or her)
lips are not moving, so you
"ventriloquists." You may think the dummy is talk­
MATTWtW M 3 0 N 6 M , have seen one on a televi­ ing. By using a different
Of* f P R i k j M I L O i M A . . sion show. The ventrilo­ voice for the dummy, the
V l f l N » A P « i t t PO« quist holds a dummy (a actual speaker is able to
TMtfj CJURfmON. large doll) on one knee, fool you even more.
placing one hand in the You i j n win a World Ainu-
n.jc it yuur ijur.liun i t (elect.
dummy's back to operate t d Strnd vuur nam* and age
the head, eyes and mouth • Hi JOHNNY WONDER c p
tins neuspjper. 1*0 B o i
Oltrt umt*d F M I U I * Syndic*!*, mc During the act, the dummy Santa C'rui. CA H506I
i H IN* u • m on 11/27

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