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1. Determine the values of I1, I2, and I3.

Equation 1: I1 - I2 = 3
Equation 2: −78𝐼1 −12𝐼2+82𝐼3=−78
Equation 3: 78𝐼1+4𝐼2 −84𝐼3=0

A= 1 -1 0 B= 3
-78 -12 82 -78
78 4 -84 0

detA= 836

A^(−1)= 0.8133971292 -0.1004784689 -0.0980861244

-0.1866028708 -0.1004784689 -0.0980861244
0.7464114833 -0.0980861244 -0.1076555024

A^(−1) 10.2775119617 A
7.2775119617 A
9.8899521531 A
2. Compute for the Value of V1 and V2.

Equation 1: (𝑗72)�1−𝑗36 𝑉2+18𝑉2=648∟78°
Equation 2: 𝑉1 −𝑉2=78∟45°

A= 72i 18-36i B= 134.7267753+633.8396453i

1 -1 55.15432893+55.15432893i

det A = -18-36i det B= -3113.06053752+358.93827544i

V1 = 26.6131554071111-73.1673261164444i V
V2 = -28.5411735228889-128.321655046444i V
753+633.8396453i 18-36i C= 72i 134.7267753+633.8396453i
893+55.15432893i -1 1 55.15432893+55.15432893i

053752+358.93827544i det C= -4105.83845826+3337.27203766i

3. A balanced abc - sequence Y-connected source with Van = 178 < 10 is connected to a delta connected balanc

Van = 178.29578+30.90937562i Multiplier: 1.5+0.8660254038i

-60.87958551-167.2652865i Load per Phase: 78+4i

Vab 240.675365497484+200.772738300336i
Vbc 53.5366090178852-303.621197374474i
Vca -289.711974547689+105.446535306878i

Iab 3.20914253475493+2.40943805335021i
Ibc 0.485470608835598-3.91747538217713i
Ica -3.63536850385119+1.53830781182414i

Ia 6.84451103860612+0.87113024152607i
Ib -2.72367192591933-6.32691343552734i
Ic -4.12083911268679+5.45578319400127i
ed to a delta connected balanced load (78 + j4) ohms per phase. Calculate the phase and line currents.

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