MineSight Release Notes

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The “MineSight 2017 Release 6”, released on August 8, 2017 is a full installation of MineSight®.

This Bundle release includes the MineSight product versions listed below. Click on a link below to go to
the Release Notes for each product.

If you have any questions about this installation, please contact Hexagon Mining Technical Support.

Table of Contents:
MineSight 3D (MS3D) v12.0-6
MineSight Atlas (MSAtlas) v4.2
MineSight Basis (MSBasis) v17.30-2
HxM Blast (HxMBlast) v3.20.4
MineSight Data Analyst (MSDA) v3.30-6
MineSight Economic Planner (MSEP) v4.00-6
MineSight Planner (MSPlanner) v4.2
MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO) v10.0
MineSight Strategic Planner (MSSP) v3.70-03
MineSight Tools (MSTools) v1.50-4
MineSight Torque (MSTorque) v5.40
MineSight Geologic 1.1
MineSight Stope Optimizer 1.0.0
MineSight Sigma 1.0

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
v.12.0-6 – MineSight 2017 Release 6 – August 8, 2017
MineSight 3D (MS3D)

Adds more details for import error with code 372 to indicate we are unable to convert a
character encoding (MS3D-14253, CRDB-6288, SCP-70862)

➢ Grade Shells

Fixes instability that may occur when terminating the gradeshell execution from the
command line (MS3D-14450, CRDB-6509)

➢ Interactive Planner

Fixes creating connections to existing plans not working (MS3D-14561)

➢ MSSP Period Map Tool

Fixes selection highlight box not appearing in the xViewer (MS3D-14224)

Fixes the preview not working in the xViewer (MS3D-14223)

➢ Viewer

Fixes misplaced line label center of mass when working with vertical exaggeration (MS3D-
14485, CRDB-6560, SCP-73487)

➢ xViewer

Fixes edit grid updating in unfocused xviewers (MS3D-14504, CRDB-6473)

MineSight Data ASCII Reformat Tool (MSDART)

➢ General

Fixes adding model items causing problems on the translations order (MSDART-452, CRDB-
6485, SCP-72864)
Fixes instability when you decide not to clear tabs when your input file changes by changing
the choices so it is easier to handle an input file change (MSDART-451, CRDB-6421, SCP-
Fixes instability with working with single block sub-blocked projects (MSDART-454, CRDB-
6549, SCP-72932)
Fixes significant figures to be correctly respected when saving a setup (MSDART-458,
CRDB-6618, SCP-74022)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
Fixes the model center to be disabled when the PCF is rotated to help avoid confusion
(MSDART-448, CRDB-6212, SCP-69730)

➢ Reblocking

Improves wording for "two pass loading" to provide "optimize for memory" and "optimize for
speed" options during reblocking and make it clearer that there is a faster option for
reblocking available (MSDART-456, CRDB-6534, SCP-73261)
Fixes ambiguities between project and model coordinates during reblocking (MSDART-450,
CRDB-5700, SCP-64614, SCP-71846, SCP-74396)

MineSight Haulage 7.2.5

➢ General

Fixes localization error when saving to SQL Server. (MSHAUL-893, CRDB-6490)

MineSight Reserve 3.40-4

➢ General

Adds clarification to some doc subjects. (RESENGINES-542, CRDB-6791, RESENGINES-

530, CRDB-4614, RESENGINES-519, CRDB-5560, RESENGINES-453, CRDB-3875)
Fixes issue with running reserves in batch mode. (RESENGINES-539, CRDB-6540)
Fixes issue with running reserves using a partials files created with m639v1. (RESENGINES-
510, CRDB-5281)
Fixes issue with subcell count with a subblock file. (RESENGINES-480, CRDB-4382)
Fixes issue with entering an incorrect model file path. (RESENGINES-477, CRDB-828)
Adds ability to report that there are duplicate cut names and an option to change the names
automatically. (RESENGINES-472, CRDB-3866)

MineSight Database Manager (MSDBM)

➢ General

Adds support for MineSight Torque 5.40 (MSDBM-696)

Adds support for QAQC 1.2 (QAQC-1965, QAQC-1997)
Adds support for Geologic 1.1 (GEOL-1034)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
July 5, 2017
v.4.2.0 – MineSight 2017 Release 5 – July 5, 2017
This version is compatible with MS3D v.12.0-5 or greater.
Simplified grades added for cycle time reporting (ATLS-10326)
Stores ramp geometry used for destination seed selection (ATLS-10268)
Exposes destination states in Process Points (ATLS-10256)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
v.17.30-2 – MineSight 2017 Release 6 – August 8, 2017

➢ Programs
Interpolation programs

Fixes an issue when using unfolding “re-run” option with MineSight Torque input. (MSBASIS-


Relaxed licensing restrictions to create a block model file to be in line with non-MineSight Basis
creation methods. (MSBASIS-1710)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
v.3.20-4 –July 18, 2017
This version is compatible with MS3D v.12.0-5 and MSTorque v.5.30-1 or greater.

Fixes an issue with validation rules not being saved. (MSBLAST-2945)

Fixes an issue with displaying downhole geometry after importing actual information

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
v.3.30-06 – MineSight 2017 Release 6 – August 8, 2016

Updated to work with the latest version of MineSight Dynamic Unfolding (MSDA-3209)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
v.4.00-06 – MineSight 2017 Release 1 –February 28, 2017

Improves performance of license check when using a commuted license. (MSEP-508)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
v.4.2.0 –MineSight 2017 Release 5– July 5, 2017

This version is compatible with MS3D v.12.0-5 or greater.

Simplified grades added for cycle time reporting (ATLS-10326)
Exposes destination states in Process Points (ATLS-10256)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
V10.0 – July 18th, 2017
Minimum Software Requirements

▪ MS3D 12.0-3 or higher

▪ MSAtlas/MSPlanner 2.4 or higher (optional)
▪ MSHaulage 7.0.4 or higher
▪ MSReserve 3.30.7
▪ ARC 4.11

Adds Dynamic Haulage module (MSSO-2767)

Adds options for varying cutoff grade by period, mining area, phase, level, or cut (MSSO-5684)
Fixes an issue with Full Report where some haulage information was missing (MSSO-6011)
Fixes an issue with ‘export destinations to CSV’ where the comma thousands separator was
mishandled (MSSO-5895)
Fixes an issue with Digline Sequencing (MSSO-5780)
Fixes an issue that levels were not assigned to the cuts between the crest and the first bench

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
v.3.70-03 – MineSight 2016 Release 9 – December 8, 2016

Updated licensing software to support future enhancements.

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
v.1.5-4 – May 31, 2016 – included in MineSight 2016 Release 4

➢ Variogram.exe
Fixes variogram.exe to make the correct conversion when the Minor is longer than the Major and
the Major is long than the Vertical (MS3D-12012, CRDB-3798).

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
v.5.40 – MineSight 2017 Release 6 – August 8, 2017
includes QAQC v1.2

➢ Requirements

MS3D 12.0-6 or later

Rock.Net 2.96.1 or later
MSDBM v 3.30 or later

➢ New Features and Improvements

Added database support for Geologic 1.1

➢ General Importer

Fixed an issue when importing Sample Site Geometry for large data. (MSTORQUE-6001)
Fixed an issue when importing Assays with Fill Gaps option for large data. (MSTORQUE-6002)
Importing Collars with invalid date no longer results in data loss after Save. The invalid dates are
set to missing after import. (MSTORQUE-6003)

➢ Archive/Retrieve Tool

Fixed the Torque Retrieval tool to properly retrieve sample sites that have a mixed of actual
and/or design geometry. (MSTORQUE-6015)
Fixed an issue when retrieving Torque data in Blast. (MSTORQUE-6014)

QAQC v1.2
➢ Requirements

MineSight 2017 Release 6

o MSDBM v3.30

➢ New Features and Improvements

Added statistical tests namely Paired T-Test and F-Tests to chart in Analysis view.
Added support to add, filter and do Analysis by Sample Categorical Attributes such as ROCK
type code.
Added Summary Statistics Table view for a chart in the Analysis view. This views allow user to
generate and report statistics for different Categorical Attributes.
Added support to remove highlights for all points on a chart via the right-click menu.

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
1.1 – MineSight 2017 Release 6 –August 8, 2017
➢ Requirements

MS3D v12.0-6 or later

MSTorque 5.40 or later (Strongly Recommended)
MSDBM 3.30 or later (Strongly Recommended)

➢ Local Faults

We added the ability to create and manage Local Faults in the Timeline. When a Local Fault
intersects a stratigraphic surface, a “tear” will occur in a manner which depends on the
properties of the Local Fault.

➢ Bug Fixes

A significant number of minor bug fixes were implemented.

Copyright© 2012 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
1.0.0 – May 23, 2017
➢ Requirements

MS3D v12.0-3 or later

➢ Key Features and Benefits

Identifies both economic and sub-economic stope shapes

Works with sub-blocked and non-sub-blocked models
Supports irregular stope frameworks
Use of surfaces for controlling and restricting stope creation
Uses industry standard algorithm
Allows for complex stope shapes
Integration with MineSight 3D
Allows for detailed constraint and optimization options
Allows reuse of saved templates across different models

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017
1.0.0 – June 19th, 2017

MS3D v12.0-4 or later

➢ Highlights
A statistical application for univariate, bivariate and spatial analysis of geological data.
Support for multiple concurrent data source types including Block Models, Torque, MSBasis and
text files.
Integrated with MineSight 3D for selection and visualization of Torque and Block Model data.
Modern and intuitive user interface for batch creation, viewing and editing of graphs.
Geostatistical graphs feature advanced data analysis algorithms for simplified variographical
Intelligent defaults based analysis of the input data to help initial graph creation.

Copyright© 2012 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
August 8, 2017

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