Giandi Ruston Hakim: Contact

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Giandi Ruston Hakim EDUCATION

Contact Universitas Gadjah Mada

Diploma III Electrical Engineering Sekolah Vokasi Universitas
Gadjah Mada
Cirebon, Indonesia
Cumulative GPA : 3.00 INTERNSHIP

+6282226279169 Project : The construction of alternative low-voltage

220v power distribution branch to
correcting the voltage level in Lembah Sari
village, semarang, indonesia.

Computer Operating System: Supervisor project : I Made Wiratha Nungrat, S.T.

Windows, Mac Os.

Software Skills: • Workshop 1.

Help student getting hands-on in basic electrical engineering
Easily Applicable Graphical Layout work. For Example: How to use solder properly, how to handle
Editor(EAGLE), Microsoft Office, components such as Op-Amp, Transistors etc. Guiding students
to design basic electronis circuit like fipflop, rectifier, and
Twidosuite (PLC for Schneider), CX- amplifier.
one (PLC for Omron), ETAP Power
• Workshop 2.
Station. Help student to understanding inner working ADC through a
module consist of oscillator circuit, counter circuit, and display.
• Electronics 1.
Hardware Skills: Help student getting hands-on in electronic devices such as
osilloscope, amplifier, multimeter digital, and power supply with
Osilloscope, PLC omron, a cobination bacis electronic circuit.
Transformator and motor maintenance.


Mother tongue:
• 1st Winner Class D pencak silat by Persinas ASAD Open Yogyakarta
Bahasa Indonesia 2017.
Other languages:
English • Successfully completed the “Desktop Application Training
Professional Level” microsoft in partnership with UGM.


• Staff - Human Resource Development KMTEDI SV UGM

Planing for KMTEDI’s human resources related program, one of
wich is robotic exhibiton, and monitoring all human resources in
• Staff - Human Resource Development teenagers of Arroyan
Monitoring and help all young members of the Arroyan Mosque such
as discussion about worship and fellowship, as well as planning the
timetable of quran and hadith for each level.

• Logistic Staff - PPSMB Universal UGM 2016

Responsible for coordinating and ensuring all the supporting goods
for the event such as foods, beverages, chairs etc from supplier for
the attendees as well as key speakers.

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