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Element Baby Book

A Science Project
This grading period, students will be
responsible for an at-home project that
aligns with the in-class science we are learning. During the 3rd grading period we have been
studying physical science and the project for this quarter will focus on our study of atoms and

This grading period’s project goal is to research an element from the periodic table and create a
baby book detailing the important facts and information about that specific element. Think about
what aspects/information are found in a baby book and how you could incorporate your
element’s information into a similar format.

To complete this project, each student must: select one element to investigate from the periodic
table (#2-56 or 72-86), use library books, classroom resources and the internet to learn about the
element and create a baby book that details important information about your element that will
be shared with the class.

Students may select any element of their choosing, but no two students may research the same
element. We will have a class draft to determine the element each student will study. Time will
be given in class to begin research on the element of study, but the majority of the project will be
completed at home.

The entire project will be due and must be turned in on Wednesday, March 21st. Along the way,
there will be a checkpoint where students have to submit their element fact sheet.

Here is how the project points will be earned:

Checkpoint 1 (Element Fact Sheet): 13 points March 14th
Final Project: 30 points March 21st


Parents/Guardians: Please sign the above, showing that you have read this assignment sheet.
Once I have seen your signature, I will give this sheet back to your child.

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