TCC Government Efficiency 1-10-17

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The government

we need
How proven
solutions can
save taxpayers
more than
$1 trillion
over a decade
while enabling
more effective

January 2017
The Technology CEO Council (TCC) is the information technology industry’s leading public policy
advocacy organization comprised exclusively of chief executive officers from America’s top
information technology companies.

For 25 years, the Technology CEO Council, formerly known as the Computer Systems Policy
Project, has focused on advancing policies that promote innovation and U.S. competitiveness
through technology leadership. Our CEOs meet with policy makers on issues of importance to
the high-tech industry and offer insights and recommendations on ways technology can help
solve global challenges.

Currently, the Technology CEO Council is driving public policy initiatives related to compet-
itiveness (including a level playing field on tax and trade, as well as 21st century infrastructure
that enables innovation) and policies that empower entrepreneurs with the technology they need
to change to world.

The Technology CEO Council includes some of the nation’s most well-known brands and
globally integrated enterprises, generating more than $300 billion in annual revenues and
employing more than 900,000 workers.

D. Mark Durcan, Chair Michael S. Dell Steve Mollenkopf

CEO Chairman and CEO CEO
Micron Technology, Inc. Dell Technologies Qualcomm Incorporated

Jeff Jacobson Brian M. Krzanich Virginia M. (Ginni) Rometty

CEO CEO President and CEO
Xerox Corporation Intel Corporation IBM Corporation

Safra Catz Dr. Tom Leighton

Oracle Corporation Akamai Technologies

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

IMPLEMENTATION­—HOW TO GET IT DONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

COST REDUCTION OPPORTUNITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Improving Resource Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Shared Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Fraud and Improper Payments Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Improving Government Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Big Data and Analytics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Cognitive Computing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Investing in Modern Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

IT Modernization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Cybersecurity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Mobile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Optimizing Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Supply Chain and Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Energy Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

SCORING ADMINISTRATIVE SAVINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

CONCLUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

APPENDIX: Report Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

For most of the past 70 years, federal policy makers faced a stark, binary
choice: spend more, or cut the deficit? Better government generally required
more dollars, necessitating higher taxes or larger deficits. Fiscally prudent
government usually accomplished less, with fewer services and lesser impact.
There is a better way.
Leveraging existing, proven-effective strategies, the federal government
can reduce costs by over $1 trillion on operations over the next decade,
while improving the reach and quality of government services.

Right now, the federal government spends implemented by government agencies to

roughly 30% on operations that support mis- save money and improve outcomes. There are
sion delivery, according to studies over many likewise similar exemplars in the U.S. federal
years. Efficient private-sector organizations government, but these efforts tend to be epi-
spend roughly 15% for similar overhead.1 While sodic in nature. It is time for government-wide
government will always have unique demands embrace of these modern improvements.
and obligations that prevent its reaching
This report highlights opportunities and
the level of private-sector efficiencies, it can
pathways for innovation in federal use and
significantly improve operations. Government
deployment of information technologies (IT),
must raise its performance and become more
supported by clear implementation plans that
cost-efficient at all levels over the next decade.
focus on proven systems and methodologies.
Agencies can meet their missions more We offer estimates for the scope and scale of
quickly, at a lower cost, and with less risk by potential cost reductions that could be real-
implementing modern and interconnected ized, summarized in the table on the next page.
processes and systems. Current technologies
The new administration can and should
enable faster, more informed and efficient
make government efficiency a top priority from
decision-making, more productive coordination
day one. This goal has bipartisan support,
among agencies, improved physical and digital
with many across industry eager to contribute
security, and more responsive services for
know-how, lessons and recommendations.
Change is never easy, but improving govern-
Around our country and around the world, ment efficiency is critical to our future success
we have seen meaningful reforms successfully as a nation.

Gore, A. (1993). From red tape to results: Creating a government that works better & costs less: Report. Washington, D.C.:
National Performance Review.

 stimates on overhead costs for the U.S. Department of Defense range from 23% in a 2015 report prepared for the
Defense Business Board (DBB) to approximately 40% in a 2013 DBB report.
documents/investigations/defense-business-board-study-from-jan-2015-identifying-125-billion-in-waste/2236/?ref and


page 2
Cost reduction estimates, highlighted in necessitate additional investments in people,
the table below, were derived through analysis process and technology. Based on previous
of specific examples featured throughout this analysis of similar initiatives, we estimate that
report. The cost reduction estimates shown by up to 40% of the cost reduction opportunities
the examples have been extrapolated to reflect identified in this report may be “scoreable” by
the size and scope of the federal government, Congressional Budget Office (CBO) standards.
assuming effective implementation; cost To produce a more refined estimate of score-
reduction figures reflect the total estimated able cost savings, further review with CBO
opportunity over a 10-year period, and may officials would be required.


COST REDUCTION AREA Estimated 10-Year Cost Reduction

Supply Chain and Acquisition $500 Billion

Fraud and Improper Payments Prevention $270 Billion

Big Data and Analytics/Cognitive Computing $205 Billion

IT Modernization $110 Billion

Shared Services $47 Billion

Energy Use $3 Billion

Mobile Improved Efficiencies

Cybersecurity Cost Avoidance


A review of these opportunities should assess the degree to which any figures already have been incorporated into the

CBO baseline. A portion of the cost reductions included in this table and further described throughout this report may be
underway already through current investments and initiatives or may be subject to overlap across initiatives, which could
reduce the new opportunities in some areas. In addition, any review of opportunities should include a detailed estimation
of any additional investments required to achieve these savings.


page 3

The United States operated at a $587 billion budget deficit in Fiscal Year (FY)
2016,3 representing approximately 3% of gross domestic product (GDP) and
adding to the over $19 trillion in existing federal debt.4 Over the long term, this
debt will have ever greater impacts on the economic health of our nation—it is
projected to continue to grow unless actions are taken to change how the federal
government operates. The new president thus inherits a challenging fiscal position.
The new administration has a critical opportunity to rethink how to reduce costs
across the government, while maintaining or improving the quality of services for
the American public.

Meaningful spending reduction will require Realizing these cost reductions will
an aggressive, disciplined and multifaceted require technology innovation that supports
approach that is government-wide and inte- improved processes and decision-making.
grated into early budget proposals and stra- According to U.S. Chief Information Officer
tegic plans. Simply looking for a cheaper way (CIO) Tony Scott, the government’s existing
to continue operating in the current manner technology infrastructure is widely outdated,
is no longer a viable option. Instead, the new expensive to maintain, not secure, and incom-
administration needs to empower the govern- patible with new innovations.6 Expanding
ment with new technology-enabled capabilities current efforts to modernize the federal IT
that fundamentally improve the way it does the portfolio and the processes that support it will
business. The implementation of modern, add value by enabling agencies to meet their
interconnected technologies and processes missions more quickly and completely, with less
presents an opportunity to realize sustain- overhead, at lower cost and with reduced risk.
able cost reductions of over $1 trillion in the
In addition to the tangible cost reductions
next 10 years. Others have reached similar
that can be delivered by existing technologies,
conclusions. For example, a 2012 study con-
this report identifies other opportunities and
ducted by Oxford Economics estimated that
approaches that drive innovation, facilitate
the United States could save nearly $1 trillion
improved operations and provide general public
through 2025 by increasing the efficiency of
benefit. Avoiding costs by preventing problems
delivering public services by just 1%.5
before they occur, such as those incurred from



page 4
cybersecurity attacks and duplicative invest- n Improving Resource Management
ments, can be as beneficial as reducing costs
n Improving Government Decision-Making
over time.
n Investing in Modern Technology
Recent events have provided cautionary
examples that underline the importance of n Optimizing Processes
modernizing the federal IT environment and
America’s technology industry is pre-
business processes in order to increase
pared to support the new administration in
security and reliability. While progress has
implementing the recommendations in this
been made by administrations over time, the
report by leveraging our collective experience
extensive list of programs still appearing on
and capabilities supporting federal, state and
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
local government initiatives and managing
high-risk list—as well as high-profile challenges
private-sector enterprises.
like the launch of—illustrate
potential negative outcomes that only become We believe that the new administration
more likely as the federal IT environment grows has an opportunity to think strategically,
increasingly antiquated. Furthermore, current operate as a modern enterprise and aggres-
government IT security is not sufficient to sively address the challenges facing the
prevent future attacks and failures. nation.
It should be noted that the cost reduction We urge the administration to consider
rates realized in the examples in this report are the recommendations in this report in pre-
based on real experience in the private sector, paring policy priorities, a transition roadmap
and have been extrapolated to reflect the and investment strategy. It is imperative that
scope of the federal government. As such, they the government not settle for operating in the
should be viewed as estimates for potential status quo, but instead challenge the barriers
achievements based on effective implemen- of the current operational structure and seek to
tation at a government-wide scale, and not build a foundation for breakthrough innovations
precise budget forecasts. that better serve the American public.
This report highlights the necessity
for innovation to modernize government IT,
supported by clear implementation plans. The
work, which builds on our 2010 One Trillion
Reasons report,7 focuses on achieving this
imperative across four areas of activity:



page 5

The cost reduction opportunities identified in this report are valuable only to the
degree that they can be successfully implemented by the new administration.
Understanding how, where and when to engage will be critical to incorporating
these opportunities into government-wide priorities and realizing the benefits.

To implement these recommendations, we urge the following actions:


 ire a strong federal CIO at the start
of the administration. nC
 onsult with private-sector
leaders on tech-enabled change
n The CIO should advise the Office
management and meet with them
of Management and Budget (OMB)
periodically to assess progress.
director with input on all budget
areas impacted by IT. n Include both short-term
implementation and a plan to keep
n The CIO should prioritize
up to date on emerging commercial
coordination of efforts across all
agency CIOs.
 ffer a timeline for implementing
n The President should issue an
these and other recommendations
executive order empowering the CIO
over the next three years.
Council as the implementing body
for technology deployment, with the nB
 egin immediately—incorporate as
President’s Management Council many recommendations as possible
serving as a board of directors. in the FY 2018 budget.

n The CIO Council should work closely n Offer five-year cost estimates, which
with agency chief financial officers, are more consistent with private-
chief acquisition officers and chief sector experience, allowing small
human capital officers councils to up-front investments to catalyze
ensure alignment. large changes that generate long-
term savings.


page 6


Technology can enable data-driven management decisions and establish cross-
agency, enterprise-wide perspectives. Too often, critical data exists in disparate
systems across disconnected agencies or operational areas, hiding the overarching
operational picture and hindering effective coordination. By integrating across
domains and networks and raising the level at which decisions are viewed and
organizational investments are aligned, the new administration can identify
cost-cutting opportunities and recognize risks that are not otherwise evident.
Furthermore, the federal government should continue taking steps toward defining
a regulatory environment in which data can be collected and used while protecting
privacy, confidentiality and security.

SHARED SERVICES improved productivity and better communica-

tion as benefits. The shared services strategy
Transitioning common administrative agency
has delivered significant value over the past
functions to shared service centers is a proven
method to reduce costs while increasing the
effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. The Human Resources Line of Business
Shared services represent an opportunity to (HR LOB) in the Office of Personnel Manage-
transition agency resources from focusing ment (OPM) has shown that this model can be
on administrative tasks, such as processing highly effective for the federal government. By
human resources and finance transactions, consolidating 26 agency payroll systems down
toward strategic, value-added activities. to four payroll shared service centers and
migrating agency HR systems to one of the six
The OMB Federal Information Technology
federal and four private-sector HR shared ser-
Shared Services Strategy, published in 2012,
vice centers, the HR LOB estimated reduced HR
recognizes the opportunity that shared ser-
and payroll costs of $1.6 billion from FY 2004 to
vices provide for agencies “to innovate with
FY 2015, and estimates continued cost reduc-
less given current fiscal constraints, increasing
tions of $184 million per year going forward.9
mission requirements, rising customer expecta-
Applied to other administrative functions, the
tions, and the ever-evolving landscape of IT.”8 In
impact of shared services could be even more
addition to providing higher return on invest-
ment for IT systems, the strategy also identifies



page 7
In the current government shared services of shared services across six categories of
model, providers have been responsible for a administrative shared services. The cost reduc-
complete technical and operational solution tions may not be “scoreable” by CBO until the
including infrastructure, platform, data and projects are initiated, but the potential benefits
services including call centers, IT support are evident all the same.
and consulting. Numerous agencies have set
up shared services to support their internal
departments. More recently, many in the shared
services community have come to support It is estimated that approximately $3.5 trillion
a new “21st century delivery model.” In this is lost to fraud globally each year, and the
configuration, the various critical components federal government is hardly exempt.11 The
to shared services, including infrastructure and previous administration has taken productive
platform, are better provided “as a service.” steps toward reducing improper payments by
In this new model, providers will focus their the government.12 However, federal agencies
attention exclusively on service and price, and still made an estimated $137 billion in improper
agency clients can shop for the provider best payments in FY 2015 and over $1.137 trillion in
aligned with their service preferences. improper payments since 2004.13

Through its Unified Shared Services Shared services, discussed above, also
Management (USSM) office, the General can be applied beyond the administrative
Services Administration (GSA) has set up a functions of agencies to reduce costs. For
framework for a 21st century delivery model example, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
that will bring stakeholders together to Services (CMS) have a fraud detection unit to
create standards of performance and data help identify and stop fraudulent healthcare
management. USSM hopes to create a dynamic claims. However, other large agencies process-
competitive marketplace that also includes ing similar claims do not have equivalent fraud
interoperability, enabling agencies to change detection capacities. Agencies could work
providers if service doesn’t meet agreed-upon together to share fraud detection services and
performance levels. This kind of competitive investments, resulting in greater economies
marketplace approach is key to achieving the of scale, reduction of duplicative investments,
efficiencies described above. development of best practices and, ultimately,
lower costs and improved performance.
In March 2015, the Partnership for Public
Service, supported by commercial and govern- A state exemplar shows the potential.
ment industry participants, released a Shared Indiana has partnered with Xerox to
Services Roundtable report10 that estimated reduce error rates and backlogs in its wel-
up to $47 billion in costs can be reduced over fare enrollment operation. The state worked
the next 10 years through the increased use with Xerox on a hybrid eligibility solution that



page 8
blends centralization and localization in a an immediate $40 million in savings from the
high-tech and high-touch manner, supporting agreement. These improvements took place
program recipients and program administrators even as program demand surged from 695,000
alike. Indiana’s new solution, workflows and to more than 1.8 million applicants per year,
processes have delivered these results:
 without comparable increases in staff.

n Improved citizen access to program infor- Advanced analytical models have shown
mation via phone and online. Residents can a strong capability to identify and stop fraud.
apply for benefits in person, by mail, fax and In 2014, the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS)
phone and online, or by using a kiosk in a Return Review Program (RRP) identified about
local office. 
 1 million potentially fraudulent tax returns
claiming over $10 billion in tax refunds that
n T
 he timeliness of decisions on all programs
otherwise would have been granted.14 Leverag-
increased from 75% in 2005 to more than
ing predictive analytics to identify fraudulent
95% in late 2014.

payments also has been proven successful
n E
 rror rates for the Supplemental Nutrition at the state level. IBM supported the New
Assistance Program (SNAP) decreased by York State Department of Taxation and
48%. Finance by implementing predictive
modeling and advanced algorithmic
n Backlog was reduced by two-thirds.

capabilities that stopped $1.2 billion in
n T
 he percentage of applications for Tempo- improper or questionable refunds from
rary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) being paid.15 Assuming that applying similar
processed in a timely manner doubled. techniques could result in preventing 20% of
improper payments, the federal government
Overall, Indiana’s welfare agency returned
could reduce improper payments by approxi-
$22 million in gainsharing to the state based
mately $270 billion over 10 years.16
on operational efficiencies—and there was

Manage the federal government from an enterprise perspective,
using technology enablers to drive consolidation of core services
and improve analytical capabilities.

$270 billion is 20% of the $137 billion estimated volume of improper federal tax payments per year identified above,
multiplied by 10 years.


page 9
Before an investment can be made, a project launched or services delivered, the
government must decide what to do with limited resources. Where do we invest?
How do we make the investment? When do we invest? In an environment with
complex considerations, limited resources and time constraints, improved decision-
making capabilities are critical.

Over the past five years, while the areas of majority of data is not effectively used. Despite
opportunities to reduce costs identified in the efforts of the federal government to push
One Trillion Reasons have remained relatively for greater transparency with wide-ranging
consistent, analytics capabilities have improved initiatives, including the White House Open
significantly. These capabilities include the Government Initiative,18 more than 50% of
potential to define requirements and evaluate stored data reportedly is considered “dark”
multiple potential solutions for augmented data whose value is unknown and untapped.19
decision-making with cognitive technologies.
Lowering costs requires better leveraging
Decision-making is not just about having more
of data for decision-making and the effective
data, but about how to most effectively mine
use of analytics capabilities to evaluate oppor-
available data and use that data to make better
tunities. Today, much government spending
is not driven by evidence, meaning that many
Technology-enabled decision-making has decisions are made based on “hunches.”
the potential to “raise the tide” and grow the However, decisions based on evidence have
national economy, rather than simply identi- clear benefits. For example, CMS set out in
fying opportunities to cut from the existing 2011 to reduce hospital-acquired infections
budget. Making existing data visible is a first by 10%. With over 1 million such cases a year,
step toward applying analytics, which leads to analytics helped CMS identify patterns, trends
better decisions, more standard performance and priorities to allow targeted interventions.
management and improved outcomes. The approach is working, as the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services
has estimated that 50,000 fewer patients died
Modern tools provide unprecedented ability to in hospitals and approximately $12 billion in
consume and analyze the vast amounts of data healthcare costs were saved as a result of a
to which government agencies, and the general reduction in hospital-acquired infections from
public, have access. 2010 to 2013.20

It is estimated that we create 2.5 quin- The new administration must continue
tillion bytes of data per day,17 but the vast to build on the efforts of the Government



page 10
Performance and Results Act (GPRA) government today. The Federal Emergency
Modernization Act of 201021 to apply a fact- Management Agency (FEMA) can leverage
and evidence-based approach to budgeting. weather data to build knowledge that can help
This can help the government reduce costs experts better predict natural disasters and
while delivering the same or better services make decisions for planning and response.
to citizens. The CDC can utilize public health data to
help officials learn from a wide variety of data
While these types of cost reductions
sources quickly to determine, for example, how
cannot be officially scored as “countable”
best to mitigate the risk of epidemics. The U.S.
reductions that can be tied to specific budget
Department of the Treasury and the Securities
appropriation accounts by the CBO, there is
and Exchange Commission (SEC) can identify
broad agreement that investment in and adop-
real-time trends in the financial markets and
tion of analytics throughout the government is
proactively take steps to reduce the likelihood
critical to addressing budgetary issues in the
of a financial crisis and provide a more stable
current fiscal environment.
economy. Across the federal government,
COGNITIVE COMPUTING the opportunities are many and the potential
benefits are clear and significant.
The concept of analytics and its applications
continues to expand as supporting technolo- We conservatively estimate that the
gies become more mature and move toward federal government could save, on average,
cognitive solutions. Analytics is the scientific 10% on its operations and maintenance costs
process of transforming data into insight for by implementing cognitive monitoring technol-
making better decisions.22 Cognitive-based sys- ogies.24 The U.S. Department of Defense alone
tems build knowledge and learn, understand spends over $200 billion a year on operations
natural language, and reason and interact more and maintenance costs. 25 Add that to the
naturally with people than traditional program- equipment maintenance per year for other
mable systems—cognitive approaches supple- large “power-user” agencies, such as the U.S.
ment traditional analytics by providing real-time Department of Transportation and GSA, and
insight that improves human decision-making.23 the opportunity to reduce costs by over $20
billion per year—or $205 billion over 10 years—
The amount of data available to govern-
is evident and likely understated. These cost
ment continues to grow, but most of that data
reductions are potentially “scoreable” by CBO,
is unstructured (such as images or maps). Cog-
to the extent that they can be tied to specific
nitive technologies can digest this unstructured
projects and budget accounts.
information and produce valuable insights for
decision-makers. Cognitive capabilities can be Other technologies have great cost reduc-
applied to solve some of the most challeng- tion potential for federal agencies. Our expe-
ing and mission-critical problems facing the rience has shown that by adopting Internet of

 ttp:// and


page 11
Things (IoT) technologies, and supporting the in an estimated savings of $58 million from
interoperability that enables systems to work reduced use of water, increased parking
together, substantial cost savings are possible revenue of $50 million per year and decreased
across a range of applications and industries. lighting costs of $37 million per year.27 Applying
Additionally, though separate from this discus- similar technologies and capabilities across
sion of government savings, a recent study by U.S. cities and to federal resources would
McKinsey suggests that strategic deployment be expected to yield similar benefits but at a
of IoT potentially could grow the global econ- significantly larger scale.
omy by $4 trillion to $11 trillion a year by 2025,
Using data to make informed choices
through improvements that include better
that optimize limited resources while delivering
operations management in industrial produc-
timely and quality services to American taxpay-
tion, more efficiencies in city services such as
ers serves as a foundation for cost reduction
traffic and public safety, and enhancements in
opportunities. The government must commit
retail sector productivity.26
to making iterative, data-driven decisions that
In addition, cities around the world are support the opportunities identified throughout
utilizing IoT to deliver services at lower costs, this report and effectively prepare for invest-
among other benefits. Barcelona has adopted ment, management and optimization.
numerous IoT technologies that have resulted

Use analytics and cognitive capabilities to identify meaningful
and actionable information from both structured and
unstructured datasets and transform that data into insights—
allowing officials to reason and learn in a way that enables faster,
more consistent decisions and optimizes the use of limited



page 12
Well-planned but bold and innovative investments must be made to overcome
challenges in the current federal environment. It is imperative for the new
administration to capitalize on the pockets of innovation that exist today, and take
the risks necessary to transform the government into a modern, efficient enterprise.
While promoting an innovative culture involves accepting elements of risk and
tolerating some level of failure, a resilient organization anticipates these failures
and learns from them as part of empowering employees to develop truly paradigm-
shifting solutions.

Strategic investment should be seen as an functions that rely on aging platforms. The
ongoing process, not an isolated decision or government must consider its spending on IT
one-time fix. Identifying and prioritizing efforts and how to make the right investments that
for investment, integrating these priorities into can increase efficiency and decrease cost.
federal agency and budget planning cycles,
U.S. CIO Tony Scott has estimated that $3
and applying appropriate measures to track
billion worth of federal IT equipment will reach
the success of key efforts will strengthen the
end-of-life status in the next three years.28
foundation for continuous improvement.
According to the GAO, over 75% of spending
Private-sector experience has demon- on IT in 2016 was allocated to the operations
strated that these investments are key to and maintenance (O&M) of legacy systems that
achieving long-term cost reductions and thus already are, or are rapidly becoming, obsolete.29
have significant return on investment. The U.S. GAO’s report highlights 10 critical mission
government’s recent proposal for an IT Mod- systems, such as the IRS individual taxpayer
ernization Fund of $3 billion to drive progress master file and the Defense Department’s
across the $90 billion annual IT budget is a missile command-and-control systems, which
good starting point for discussions about are both over 50 years old. This allocation of
assessing costs and benefits. IT spending is not sustainable and only treats
the symptoms of the problem, instead of
modernizing to actually correct the problem.
Federal IT infrastructure is aging and in need For example, Intel’s research shows that
of modernization, yet federal IT spending is at servers over four years old deliver just 4% of
an all-time high. Many agencies struggle with the performance of modern servers while using
managing an infrastructure transition to new more energy. Continuing to funnel spending
technology while maintaining the operational into inefficient systems only exacerbates
status and security of critical systems and current problems. The government should shift



page 13
spending away from legacy systems and into productivity—could yield billions in reduced
modern technologies that provide better return costs. At the identified cost reduction rate, and
on investment. assuming a shift of only 5% of approximately
$65 billion on federal O&M IT spending, the
Duplicative and obsolete legacy systems
government could cut costs by over $110 billion
should be sunset wherever possible, and
during the next decade.34
necessary systems should be replaced with
modern technologies on more cost-efficient Many in Congress have recognized the
platforms. As a recent example, GAO and some challenge and expense posed by such legacy
federal agencies acted on a recommendation systems, and lawmakers are considering
in One Trillion Reasons to consolidate data legislation that would authorize working capital
centers.30 In alignment with that report’s funds for every federal agency to upgrade and
recommendation, GAO stated that agencies modernize IT systems. Such funds could allow
are expected to save over $5 billion from the agencies to innovate by repurposing unneces-
consolidation of data centers over the next sary operations dollars and investing in more
three years.31 Ultimately, the report suggests, efficient technology, and then keeping a portion
these cost reductions likely will be even higher of the savings. This program could prove highly
given that 10 of the 24 participating agencies effective, encouraging federal agencies to seek
had not yet fully developed their cost estimates out cost savings and increased productivity
at the time of publication. while also modernizing outdated IT systems
and holding CIOs accountable for spending.35
A recent report by the Information
Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) Dell Technologies has demonstrated
suggests that state governments could save the benefits of moving away from on-site
$11 billion over the next five years through IT infrastructure to a cloud-based model.
increased productivity resulting from technol- Through its Collaboration Pathfinder
ogy investment and adoption.32 Another study Platform, Dell provides email, instant
cited in ITIF’S report33 estimates that every $1 message, desktop voice/video communica-
increase in new IT spending by a state govern- tions, productivity tools and user storage
ment CIO led to as much as a $3.49 reduction to the U.S. Air Force. Not only does this
in overall state expenditures. Applied to the solution streamline the Air Force’s primary
federal government, investing in new IT sys- communication tools, but it also allows key
tems—and in so doing, shifting spending from technical resources to realign to mis-
legacy O&M to modern systems to increase sion-critical assignments. Dell estimates

Per GAO (, O&M represents 75% of federal IT spending. Applied to a reported
2017 IT budget of $89 billion (,
shifting 5% of O&M spending ($3.3 billion) and applying the ITIF report’s 3.5x1 ROI spend reduction finding results in an
overall cost reduction of $11 billion per year.
ITIF recently included a similar recommendation in a report to the new administration.


page 14
that the Air Force will achieve a 50% previous contracts, a reduction of 40%
reduction in the total cost of ownership to 50%, while delivering greater levels of
from its existing services. service to Army customers.

In 2015, Xerox helped Indiana scale its Pivotal (part of Dell Technologies)
eligibility and processing services to suc- has demonstrated how leveraging modern
cessfully launch the Healthy Indiana Plan technology platforms for building and
(HIP) 2.0 at an accelerated pace. Within running software applications can drive
the first 14 months, the state successfully significant speed and efficiency improve-
processed more than 800,000 applications ments for government agencies. Software
through this scalable, flexible platform. development programs and other processes,
such as security accreditation for new appli-
The Federal Communications Commission
cants that traditionally have taken several
(FCC) is another example of an agency cur-
months to complete, are now handled in a few
rently working through a significant IT mod-
weeks. Across agencies using these platforms,
ernization effort. The FCC began its transition
the task of setting up environments for soft-
by moving from a capital expenditures model
ware developers to do their work has been
to an application expenditures model. This
reduced from two to four weeks to less than a
enabled the agency to modernize its applica-
minute. In addition, these modern techniques
tion portfolio in coordination with a move to
are “cloud agnostic,” enabling the government
cloud hosting. Subsequent steps will focus on
to seamlessly shift workload between com-
data and application rationalization to support
mercial cloud offerings or on-premise cloud
enterprise-wide modernization en route to a full
capability whenever cloud economics shift or
cloud environment. Critical to this sequence for
security requirements dictate.
the FCC was a relatively small up-front invest-
ment in moving from legacy infrastructure to While we estimate cost reductions of up
managed services, which left room in its bud- to $110 billion over 10 years by investing in mod-
get to effectively implement other necessary ern vs. legacy systems, these estimates may
changes, such as migration and rationalization. not be “scoreable” by CBO in the aggregate,
but could be scored for individual projects and
In another example, the U.S. Army Materiel
Command Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA)
has significant costs. Working with IBM, CYBERSECURITY
LOGSA migrated its procurement operation
The importance of strengthening and main-
to an on-premises hybrid cloud model that
taining effective cybersecurity technologies
now processes 40 million unique daily data
and best practices for government cannot be
transactions and is used by more than 150
overstated. The 2016 Ponemon Cost of Data
Army suppliers around the globe. LOGSA is
Breach Study36 found the average consolidated
saving more than $2 million a month over



page 15
total cost of a data breach grew to $4 million, MOBILE
while the average cost incurred for each lost or
Mobile devices continue to transform the way
stolen record containing sensitive and confi-
Americans work, live and learn and the way
dential information increased to $158. OPM’s
all enterprises do business. Per a May 2015
2015 data breach, in which approximately 21.5
GAO report, the federal government currently
million personnel records were compromised,
spends about $1.2 billion annually on about
has cost the government more than $350 mil-
1.5 million mobile devices and associated
lion thus far.37 Based on the Ponemon figures,
services.39 Continued expansion of mobile self-
this breach could ultimately cost more than
service and supporting infrastructure is essen-
$3.3 billion.
tial to meet the needs and expectations of the
The government must be proactive in federal workforce and the American public.
preparing for and identifying cyberattacks
Xerox is helping organizations unlock
by strengthening its online infrastructure.
the value of expanded mobile adoption.
Akamai recently supported the U.S.
Working with cities including Los Angeles
State Department’s implementation of a
and Denver, Xerox developed an innovative
secure cloud-based web presence that
mobile platform, the Mobility Marketplace,
has successfully denied approximately 10
to help travelers manage multiple modes
million malicious triggers each month and
of travel using reservation and information
offered full protection against one of the
systems from multiple federal and private
largest distributed denial of service (DDoS)
enterprises to find the cheapest, fastest
attacks against the agency. Given that the
and most environmentally friendly routes
average cost of a DDoS attack is $40,000 per
possible. The platform also enables enterprise
hour (for an average total cost of $500,000 per
owners to view key metrics for their services,
incident),38 the cost avoidance to the agency is
such as demand forecasting and payments.
This platform not only provides a valuable
Clearly, the cost avoidance from prevent- service to citizens, it also helps governments
ing cybersecurity attacks government-wide explore opportunities to reduce transportation
is immense. However, it is much more difficult spending and improve sustainability. Optimized
to assign specific cost reduction estimates travel planning for federal employees and bet-
to these opportunities, let alone “scoreable” ter management of the federal vehicle fleet are
savings. If expensive breaches continue, the just two of the benefits that could be realized
impact of cost reduction initiatives will almost from the implementation of a similar platform
certainly be reduced, and thus avoiding these at the federal level.
attacks is equally as critical.
Mobile technologies also are critical to
agencies such as FEMA and the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) that have agents and



page 16
first responders in the field, often in remote or urban environments more efficient, safe,
disaster locations. In an interview, FEMA’s CIO sustainable and innovative. Qualcomm’s
stated, “Our strategy focuses on getting mobile technological solutions aim to reuse exist-
technologies into the hands of those at the end ing systems such as mobile broadband net-
of the spear. They interface directly with survi- works, reimagine existing infrastructure
vors. We want to ensure they have the tools to to derive additional value and transform
quickly get information and data incorporated single-purpose devices into multipurpose
into devices and transmitted, as well as get devices to maximize efficiency.
appropriate funds and services out to the
A recent cross-industry study by IBM
survivors and first responders.” 40 Improving and
found that, on average, return on investments
expanding mobile capabilities for these types
in mobile initiatives results in a 7% increase in
of specialized roles has the potential to save
revenue and a 6% decrease in costs.41 For com-
lives and promote increased general well-being
mercial industry, successful mobile initiatives
of the American public.
enable enterprises to use new business models
The potential benefits of mobile tech- and reach new markets or audiences while
nology to cities across the United States and helping avoid new costs. Effective management
worldwide go well beyond current use cases, of mobile technologies can help government
and involve widespread application to infra- improve security while providing enhanced
structure, energy, transportation, buildings and services and controlling expenses. Since this
more. Engineers at Qualcomm have been is a relatively new area, and it is unclear how
working with government authorities and cost reductions in the federal government
industry partners to deploy wide- and will compare to commercial industry, we have
local-area connectivity processing technol- not attempted to calculate a number for this
ogies that include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G category of cost reductions.
LTE and small cells to make fast-growing

Make strategic investments in modern, cloud-enabled IT
infrastructure, cybersecurity and mobile services, which offer
substantial cost-savings potential across the federal government
and can establish the foundation for paradigm-shifting



page 17
As effective management and decision-making structures and processes take
shape, it is critical that the new administration reinforce the need to continually
improve federal government operations. Supply chain management presents a
particularly impactful cost reduction opportunity. Smarter spending, network
optimization, transportation analytics, inventory optimization and demand-reduction
efforts have proven to be effective means to reduce supplier spending, improve
mission outcomes and minimize operational costs in large commercial entities and,
to a smaller degree, within the federal government.

SUPPLY CHAIN AND ACQUISITION for procurement agents. Further, these tools
can capture seemingly unrelated data, like
Federal agencies purchase more than $450
weather, and correlate them to potential supply
billion of goods and services annually.42
chain risks. Cognitive tools have also ingested
Despite efforts to consolidate acquisition
the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
efforts across the federal government,
and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations
these activities continue to be performed
(DFAR), whereby guidance on the process can
through a range of independent department
be provided to federal acquisition special-
and agency processes. The opportunity to
ists through a Virtual Agent Assistant. Most
leverage the collective buying power of the
importantly, these cognitive tools learn from
federal government remains largely untapped.
every interaction to enable more targeted and
Agencies across the government could apply
relevant data capture and offer better advice,
their cognitive and analytics capabilities to
consistent with how a supply chain practitioner
ingest and learn the breadth and depth of
would address a problem.
complex procurement laws and procedures
that individuals or standard computing models The government’s recent shift in focus to
cannot process. For example, a key enabler category management as a Cross-Agency Prior-
of IBM’s $7 billion in annual savings in ity (CAP) goal is a positive step towards reform-
supply chain spending focused on the ing federal procurement, but its implementation
application of cognitive and analytic tools. has had varying degrees of success and
maturity across categories. The government
These cognitive tools will capture and
must expand the success of GSA’s Federal
use structured and unstructured data around
Strategies Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) and cat-
suppliers, markets and prices, from internal
egory management to coordinate acquisition
and external data sources, to assist and
of common IT and support services through
accelerate the market intelligence process



page 18
standard platforms. Success implementing over the next 10 years. While the cost reduc-
similar programs also has been demonstrated tions related to category management may
in the government of the United Kingdom. Over be “scoreable” by CBO, the cost reductions
the course of five years, the UK reduced costs associated with supply chain improvements
by over $13 billion using category management may not be—budget scoring for both initiatives
to streamline its supply chain. will require further review.

McKesson, a pharmaceutical and medical ENERGY USE

supplies company, has leveraged enterprise
Although the government’s energy use has
data with advanced transportation, inventory,
been declining since its peak in the 1970s,
network and sustainability analytics to enable
there is an opportunity to reduce energy use
just-in-time inventory management. Shifting
further. Real industry experience demonstrates
the focus from purely lowest price within each
that a 10% return in energy cost reduction can
operational process to holistic optimization,
be achieved by applying efficient technologies
McKesson gained a broad view of its supply
to energy use. Based on current government
chain that revealed substantial opportunities,
estimates for its energy expenditures,43 the
leading to reduced costs and improved service
government can reduce non-petroleum-based
to end customers. Examining these processes
energy costs by approximately $3 billion over
independently would not have made sense, but
10 years. These cost reductions are potentially
by taking a broad view the company has saved
“scoreable” by CBO on a project-by-project
an estimated $1 billion with its investment in
advanced analytics.
Dell EMC implemented flash
Based on our experiences and the suc-
technology for the Indiana Office of
cess of other government initiatives, we believe
Information Technology (OIT), providing
that strong category management, better use
a 69% power and cooling reduction and
of supply chain assets across federal agencies,
a 70% decrease in floor space while
advanced analytics and process improvements
accelerating the provision of virtual
proven to be effective with large commercial
machines for workloads/applications
firms have the potential to reduce supply chain
from several minutes to 15 seconds.
costs by 10% to 20%. IBM reported annual
Dell also helped the Transportation Security
savings of over $7 billion from nearly $50
Administration (TSA) remove on-premise server
billion in global supply chain spending
racks, decreasing cooling costs and reducing
managed (a 14.5% savings). Conservatively,
floor space needs to save $2 million annually.
the federal government could achieve similar
We estimate that similar efforts applied at
improvements in supply chain performance
other federal agencies could generate a 10%
and reduce spending by more than $500 billion

Based on fuel consumption data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (

detail.php?id=19851). Using a benchmark of $9.4 billion in annual energy costs—a recent historical low, selected to
produce a conservative estimate—and addressing non-petroleum sources, including electricity, coal, natural gas and
other, produced an annual energy expenditure figure of $3.4 billion. Conservatively applying the 10% savings rates from
case studies cited in this report to the estimated expenditure produces an annual savings opportunity of at least $300


page 19
cost reduction, on average, from reducing system provides more efficient aircraft routes
power and cooling costs, as well as freeing up from departure runway to arrival runway while
floor space. increasing flexibility in the national airspace.
These optimized routes, already in effect at
In the private sector, GE is working with
some U.S. airports, are estimated to save
Boeing and airlines to deliver next-generation
millions of dollars annually in each metro area.
engines that use cognitive technologies to
reduce fuel consumption by 11%.44 Fuel con- Businesses also are effectively using
sumption is the largest operating expense to analytics for route optimization, with United
airlines, accounting for almost one-third of Parcel Service (UPS) showing how the federal
operating costs and growing at an average government could more effectively manage
rate of 19% per year.45 The federal government federal fleets. According to company sources,
used over 400 trillion BTUs of jet fuel in 2015,46 when UPS’s On-Road Integrated Optimization
costing approximately $5 billion.47 Investing Navigation (ORION) system is fully deployed in
in modernized engines that could reduce fuel the United States, the company will reduce by
consumption by 11% represents another oppor- 100 million miles annually the distance driven
tunity to cut costs by over $500 million per by company drivers, saving $300 million and
year. 10 million gallons of fuel, along with the sig-
nificant environmental benefits from reduced
The Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) NextGen performance-based navigation

Optimize the federal supply chain and federal procurement
processes, which has the potential to unlock substantial savings
across the federal government, while enabling better, more
reliable and more timely delivery of goods and services.




page 20

Specific rules govern how savings are “scored” in the federal environment.
These rules are different than those that used to calculate savings estimates in
the private sector, and those leading reform initiatives must recognize some of the
key distinctions.
Savings from reduced administrative spending can be scored if the President
proposes and Congress enacts lower appropriations for agencies, signaling
agencies to realize savings via operational reforms. Agencies are likely to resist
such budget reductions for fear that efficiencies are “speculative,” and lower
budgets could ultimately reduce core functions and mission-related activities.
In the private sector, our customers have found that administrative savings are
consistently real and mission-enhancing. For government, this process could be
implemented as follows:

n T
 he President’s Budget would propose n Both the Budget Resolution and subsequent
allocating overall savings targets to budget appropriations legislation would have to
accounts for individual Agency programs. include reductions from one of the two
Forecasted savings would be allocated different overall spending caps—one for
among specific programs in the President’s defense programs, one for non-defense
budget request. programs—established by the Budget Con-
trol Act (BCA) of 2011. (This presumes that
n C
 ongress would then incorporate these sav-
Congress has not acted in the meantime to
ing targets into its annual Budget Resolu-
override or waive those caps, as occurred
tion. Savings could be achieved in individual
for the first four years of the BCA.)
program accounts if Congress reduced the
ceiling amount that agencies could spend n W
 ith less money allocated through the
for those programs in that year. Budget, agencies would have to operate
 echnically, this would reduce “budget
T these programs more efficiently, through the
authority” through a process known as proven means recommended in this report
“302” allocations. To score as savings, and/or other methods. If the administrative
the annual Budget Resolution would savings were not achieved, agencies would
have to allow appropriators to reduce still have to reduce spending in other areas
the total 302(a) allocation for that year, of the program to stay within their overall
and subsequently reduce 302(b) alloca- spending targets.
tions for individual programs to appro-  lternatively, allowing agencies to retain
priations subcommittees; otherwise, the some portion of savings for discretion-
savings could simply be used for other ary use might create greater incentives
discretionary spending within the total for agency leadership to drive necessary
provided in the Budget Resolution. change.


page 21
 ll of this would have to be tracked for each savings would be scored over a multi-year
individual program for which savings was period, reflected in reduced spending esti-
estimated, as well as at the aggregate level, mates for those programs.
to show savings relative to the previously
In the longer term, the administration
established defense and non-defense
could work with Congress to develop con-
caps. This could be a complex and lengthy
sistent scoring rules for multi-year savings.
Under existing rules, CBO would incorporate
These steps would apply to all programs the impacts of current investments in baseline
funded each year by the Budget, which are estimates, but would not normally include the
known as “discretionary” programs because changes in the legislation enacting new invest-
Congress has discretion on whether and how ments that would have future-year impact. As
much to appropriate. described above, much of the savings would
arise in discretionary accounts subject to
For “entitlement” programs such as
annual appropriation. Future appropriations
Medicare, a portion of the administrative
could be lower, but under existing rules Con-
costs are funded out of the overall amount
gress could not claim any of the savings for
collected to operate the program, as opposed
current initiatives because the appropriation bill
to annual appropriations. These are known as
covers only the current year. Allowing agencies
“mandatory” programs, because the spending
to count savings over multiple years is more
is “mandated” based on how many services
consistent with how capital accounting for
participants use and how much those services
IT-enabled savings is done in the private sector.
cost. Reductions in mandatory spending, such
as savings in improper payments identified in
this report, can be scored if legislated changes
to the authorities for those programs mandate
the actions that produce these savings. The


page 22
reduce costs.

The world is in the midst of a digital revolution, which is fundamentally transforming

the way people access and act on information to benefit their lives. Technology is
no longer a cost used merely to automate previously manual processes. Technology
today is user-centric, integrated across platforms, ubiquitous, smart and agile. It
can disrupt previously entrenched business models, drive up service quality and

Technology can democratize access to infor-

mation and open up new uses for the vast
amounts of data, leveling the playing field for
capabilities have been demonstrated and the
benefits have been realized in both commercial
and public-sector applications. Cumulatively,
all. The federal government must not only join the opportunities highlighted in this report
this revolution, it needs to become a driving represent potential decreases in costs of over
force behind it. $1 trillion over the next 10 years, in addition to
other benefits to the government and public
It is imperative that we take steps as
that would result from their implementation.
a nation to reduce the budget deficit and
modernize the federal IT environment. The We are optimistic that the capabilities
recommendations in this report provide a of modern technologies and our collective
realistic roadmap toward resolving both of experience supporting the government will
these issues. The new administration has the enable success. We look forward to supporting
opportunity to incorporate these recommenda- the transition to an efficient, modern federal
tions into its policy priorities, establishing the IT environment that directly improves the way
foundation for substantial cost reduction over government works and ultimately benefits the
the next 10 years. American people.

The recommendations in this report are

not hypothetical suggestions based in hopes
for the future. The opportunities are real, the


page 23

With a focus on presenting recommendations immediately available for

implementation, the opportunities highlighted in this report are presented in a
project lifecycle approach—Decide, Invest, Manage and Optimize—familiar in both
government and industry environments. The intent is to provide a helpful framework
and also to emphasize that these opportunities are real examples of current
capabilities and approaches that have been implemented with success and can be
applied right away to the federal government. A structured, management-focused
approach helps sequence actions, promote efficiency and enable tracking against
performance targets. At the same time, the approach increases the speed at
which benefits can be realized and promotes both innovative and more iterative
improvements that move the government closer towards the larger goal.

nD  ANAGE: Effective
government can make oversight, governance
more informed decisions and management
that lead to reduced CID practices are required
costs by better using IN to ensure the security
the vast amounts of VE and performance of
government, private and federal programs and

open data sources. investments.


n INVEST: Technology-  PTIMIZE: Systems and


enabled capabilities and processes enable the


solutions are needed federal government to

to support a modern, NA operate efficiently and
innovative and secure effectively, promoting
federal IT environment. continuous improvement
rather than settling for
the status quo.

Rather than conveying a sense that We recommend that the new administra-
these opportunities are unrelated, stand-alone tion consider its priorities and evaluate how to
recommendations, we recognize the interde- link these initiatives together with policy pro-
pendencies and increased benefits of having posals, staffing decisions and budget planning.
a consistent vision for improving services and
decreasing costs in the federal government.


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U.S. Government Accountability Office. (May

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