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Joel Teixeira

Lider Drying

Operator of industrial processes with expertise in production of carbonless paper and special
( coated , termcontained, selfcontained) dissolving pulp drying, acetate and softwood pulp Fluff
acting for 15 years in the pulp and paper.
Acting in start -up projects of plants and optimization of production processes.

Degree in Information Systems from Unifacs - BA

Technical Pulp paper by Senai Theobald de Nigris - SP
Graduate in Production Engineering - PR ( in progress)
Management of people and processes
Integrated SAP R3 Management / MM module ( Production and Materials Management )
Programming in ABAP ( Advanced Business Application Programing ) customization and

Lider Drying at Klabin S.A.
2015  -  Present
Control of the production process through FoxBoro platforms Metso DNA , Sap , etc.
-Follow Management and Development people in turn relay teams.

Operador de SDCD at Bahia Specialty Cellulose ( Sateri Iternational Group )

fevereiro de 2012  -  2015 (3 anos 11 meses)
process control and Quality dissolving pulp production and cellulose acetate .

Operador de Area at Bahia Specialty Cellulose ( Sateri Iternational Group )

fevereiro de 2007  -  janeiro de 2012 (5 anos)
Start up and commissioning of the drying line 2 plant.

stock preparation operator at Fibria

janeiro de 2002  -  janeiro de 2006 (4 anos 1 mês)
Control Panel Operation productive paper process.

FACEAR - Faculdade Educacional Araucária

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Pós graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Engenharia e Gestão Industrial, 2017 - 2018
UNIFACS Universidade de Salvador
Bacharelado, Sistemas de Informação, 2009 - 2013
Activities and Societies: Treinamento .NET, LINUX Básico, JAVE 2EE, JAVA 2SE Curso de
Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Web com PHP
Escola SENAI Theobaldo De Nigris
Tecnitian, Wood Science and Wood Products/Pulp and Paper Technology, 2003 - 2006

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Joel Teixeira
Lider Drying

Contact Joel on LinkedIn

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