Penawaran Buku

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Penawaran buku

bahan ajar SMK

Untuk Jurusan dari
Teknik Otomotif rekanan
Teknik Mesin bisnis Andi Publisher
Submitted by
Client rojib fauzi
Dear SMKN 1,

Terimakasih waktu yang telah diberikan kepada kami dimana kami ingin memperkenalkan
diri, Maubuku,com adalah rekanan bisnis dari Perusahaan yang sudah melalang buana di
bidang buku cetak, untuk semua golongan mulai dari sekolah, universitas, dan lainnya yang
bernama Andi Publisher has been delivering best-in-class search, display, and video campaigns to
our clients for over 10 years. We build our AdWords campaigns within your master account,
giving you full administrative access, transparency, and control. We're here to deliver the
highest quality traffic to your site, and ensure you're seeing a true return on your investment.

We employ a wide range of tools and skills to develop a comprehensive strategy to meet
your digital acquisition goals. If you have any questions or concerns about this proposal,
please don't hesitate to leave a comment or email me at


rojib fauzi
Scope of Services
We did a little research for you free of charge. Did you know your top competitor is
currently spending $30,000 a month on paid search ads? And they're getting 6,000,000
impressions and 60,000 clicks each month.

In addition to competitive insights, we use industry-leading tools to discover more about

your customer's online activities, interests, and demographics. We dive deep into your
website and online presence to discover what's working well, and identify new
opportunities. All of this combined with our expert keyword insights allow us to develop a
kick-butt digital strategy!

You need a comprehensive digital customer acquisition strategy using the insights
generated from our in-depth research, grounded in proven consumer behaviour and
marketing fundamentals.

We will provide you with a comprehensive PPC / SEM / AdWords strategy outlining our
recommended techniques for reaching your audience and rolling out a campaign that
delivers on your digital objectives and goals.

Measurement and Key Performance Indicators

No brand, product, industry, or campaign is the same. We work with you to ensure you
reach your goals and we measure the effectiveness of our campaign against those goals
with meaningful KPIs.
Whether your conversion is a purchase, a lead generation form, or a PDF download, we can
track, report on, and optimize the campaign to deliver on those objectives. It's not the 1960s
anymore - we know when advertising works!
If you don't have a hard conversion on your site, and your main objective is to increase the
awareness of your brand against your target audience, we can do that too! We use
Google's Brand Lift surveys to understand the impact our campaign has had on the
awareness of your brand.


Click to play video in browser

Campaign Setup
and Execution
Search Ads
Ad Groups
Your campaign will be divided into specific ad groups, allowing for the best possible
optimization between different industries, product categories, or geographies targeted by
the campaign.

Text Ad Development
Next, we take those keywords and build you the best search ads possible. We write the
best copy to catch your customer's eye, and use industry best practices and features
including sitelinks, call extensions, callouts, and more.

We deliver more than just a list of words! We start with an initial consultation meeting to
discuss your product/service, clients, industry, competition, and more. After this meeting,
Agency Co will use the most sophisticated tools available to uncover which keywords will
perform the best for your campaign and determine exactly which terms and phrases your
customers are searching for.
Landing Pages
Optimizing landing pages is a key part of a successful digital campaign that is too often
overlooked. We provide valuable feedback on the structure and content of your landing
pages to make the best use out of every dollar we spend sending customers to them.
The better your landing page, the higher quality score your ads will have, and the more
conversions you will see.

Bid Optimization
We will use the bidding strategy best aligned with the identified KPIs of the campaign,
whether that be Cost per Click (CPC), Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM), or Cost per
Acquisition (CPA).

Display Ads and Remarketing

Outside of search, Google partners with thousands of sites to learn more about your
consumer. Through sophisticated online targeting tactics, we can deliver your brand
message to the right consumer at the right time. We will use a combination of the tactics
below to best target your consumer.

• Contextual Targeting - We show your ads exactly when the audience is consuming
content contextually relevant to your product
• Interest Categories - We reach your target audience, showing them relevant
messages across the web
• Remarketing - We bring your customers back! These customers have shown interest
in your product, but did not convert. This is a great way to re-engage those users.

Video Ads (YouTube)

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, second only to Google itself. We
will put your impactful video brand message in front of your ideal audience. Using
YouTube's TruView ad format, you will only pay when a user views your video for 30
seconds, or to completion, whichever comes first.
Campaign Management
Managing these campaigns takes a lot of time, something most business owners and
marketers don't have. We're here to help. On a monthly, weekly, or daily basis, our
optimization experts will manage and optimize your campaign, including but not limited to
removing underperforming ads/keywords, testing new ads/keywords, adding negative
keywords, and landing page optimization recommendations to improve quality score.

How do you know if all of this is working? Don't worry - we provide monthly reports
including valuable campaign metrics and results, as well as a summary of all the awesome
optimizations and insights we have from the previous month. We will let you know which
adgroups, ads, and keywords are performing the best, and what we are doing to deliver the
most conversions.

To complete the work outlined in the project scope, we'll need approximately six weeks to
the going live date, depending on feedback at each milestone. Upon signing the proposal,
we are prepared to start work immediately.

Phase Week
Discover/Kickoff Meeting 1

Research and Audit 1-2

Strategy Development 2-3

Present Strategy 4

Campaign Setup 4-5

Go Live 6
Your Investment
Description Price Quanity Total Price
Research and Strategy Development $5,000 1 $5,000
Competitive, customer, website, and
keyword insights. Scoping, planning and
presentation of strategy.

Campaign Setup and Execution $2,500 1 $2,500

Search, display, and video.

Campaign Management and Reporting $1,500 12 $18,000

Ongoing optimization of keywords, ad
copy, targeting, bidding, and overall
campaign health. Monthly reporting of
campaign metrics, results, optimizations,
and insights.

Monthly Ad Spend $2,000 $2,000 12 $24,000

Option 1: $2,000 per month for 12
months. Not recommended as
effectively segmenting and optimizing
the campaign into multiple ad groups
will be prohibitive.

Monthly Ad Spend: $5,000 $5,000 12 $60,000

Option 2: $5,000 per month for 12
months. Recommended to most
effectively leverage ad spend for top
positions and effectively segment the

TOTAL $25,500
Our Team
Kristy Read, Director of Strategy
Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet,
lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. lacinia vel, tellus.

Donnie MacIsaac, Media Analyst

Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet,
lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. lacinia vel, tellus.

Karl Jordan, Digital Marketing Specialist

Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet,
lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. lacinia vel, tellus.

Cindy Day, Manager, Paid Research

Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet,
lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. lacinia vel, tellus.

Kelly Lynch, Copywriter

Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet,
lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. lacinia vel, tellus.

Why Us? is a certified partner for both Google AdWords and Google Analytics, as well
as being Bing Accredited. We strive to continue being leaders in our industry, and to deliver
the best possible return on investment for our clients.
Note: This is a sample contract - we are not lawyers and recommend you have your own legal
counsel review any contract prior to sending out.

Date: Not yet submitted

Between "us",, and "you", sekolah
You sekolah, located at are hiring located at to perform penawaran buku for
the estimated total price of $25,500.00 as outlined in our previous correspondence.

1.0 Services Rendered

We'll deliver a branding strategy and design a new logo. After the strategy and design is
approved we'll deliver a branding guidelines document.

You'll have two or more weekly opportunities to review our work and provide feedback. If,
at any stage, you're not happy with the direction our work is taking, you will pay us in full for
everything we've produced up to that that point and then cancel this contract.

We can't guarantee that our work will be error-free (we're human!) so we can't be liable to
you or any third-party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental,
consequential or special damages, even if you've advised us of them.

2.0 Mutual Cooperation

We agree to use our best efforts to fulfill and exceed your expectation on the deliverables
listed above. You agree to aid us in doing so by making available to us needed information
pertaining to your website and to cooperate with us in expediting the work.
3.0 Charges for Services Performed
Requests above and beyond those listed in the budget may be considered out-of-scope
and an amendment to the budget will be recommended. Projects that go dormant for
longer than 45 days will incur fee to resume work at the discretion of

4.0 Terms of Payment

We're sure you understand how important it is as a small business that you pay the invoices
that we send you promptly. We're also sure you'll want to maintain a positive working
relationship and keep the project moving forward, so you agree to stick tight to the
following payment schedule.

The total budget for this project: $25,500.00 will invoice sekolah for fifty per cent (50%) of the initial fees at point of this
signed contract agreement which will act as the deposit. The remaining 50% will be billed
monthly as the service hours are spent or when the project is launched.

sekolah will supply with all necessary purchase order numbers and other
internal information required for invoice processing before the close of the month of work (if


You agree to pay our initial (1st) invoice upon receipt which will act as a deposit for the
project. Every invoice after that will have 15 day payment terms. In the event payment is not
made within 15 days, will charge a late payment fee of 1% per month on any
overdue and unpaid balance not in dispute, to cover the manpower, interest, and other
costs pays for carrying overdue invoices from sekolah. In addition, reserves the right to stop work until payment is received.


In the event that we incur legal fees, costs and disbursements in an effort to collect our
invoices, in addition to interest on the unpaid balance, you agree to reimburse us for these
5.0 Cancellation of Plans
You have the right to modify, reject, cancel or stop any and all plans or work in process.
However, you agree to reimburse us for all costs and expenses we incurred prior to your
change in instructions, and which relate to non-cancelable commitments, and to defend,
indemnify and hold us harmless for any liability relating to such action. We agree to use our
best efforts to minimize such costs and expenses.

6.0 Responsibilities of and

We shall obtain releases, licenses, permits or other authorization to use testimonials,
copyrighted materials, photographs, art work or any other property or rights belonging to
third parties obtained by us for use in performing services for you (If applicable).


You guarantee that all elements of text, images, or other artwork you provide are either
owned by your good selves, or that you have permission to use them. Then when your final
payment has cleared, copyright will be automatically assigned as follows:

You'll own the visual elements that we create for this project. We'll give you source files and
finished files and you should keep them somewhere safe as we're not required to keep a
copy. You own all elements of text, images and data you provided, unless someone else
owns them.

We'll own the unique combination of these elements that constitutes a complete design
and we'll license that to you, exclusively and in perpetuity for this project only, unless we
agree otherwise. We can provide a separate estimate for that.


You shall be responsible for the accuracy, completeness and propriety of information
concerning your products and services which you furnish to us verbally or in writing in
connection with the performance of this Agreement.
7.0 Confidentiality acknowledges its responsibility, both during and after the term of its
appointment, to use all reasonable efforts to preserve the confidentiality of any proprietary
or confidential information or data developed by on behalf of sekolah or
disclosed by sekolah to

8.0 Term and Termination

8.1 Period of Agreement and Notice of Termination
This Agreement shall become effective as of Not yet submitted and shall continue until
terminated by either party upon not less than 60 days' notice in writing given by either party
to the other.


Either party to this Agreement may terminate the Agreement if the other party defaults in
the performance of any of its material duties and obligations and the default is not cured
within thirty (30) days of the receipt of notice of said default, or if the default is not
reasonably curable within said period of time, unless the defaulting party commences cure
within said period of time and diligently proceeds to cure the default.

In addition, either party may immediately terminate this Agreement by giving written notice
to the other party if the other party is insolvent or has a petition brought by or against it
under the insolvency laws of any jurisdiction, if the other party makes an assignment for the
benefit of creditors, if a trustee, or similar agent is appointed with respect to any property or
business of the other party, or in the case of the Client, if the Client materially breaches its
obligations to make payment pursuant to this Agreement.


Any non-cancelable materials, services, etc., we have properly committed ourselves to
purchase for your account, (either specifically or as part of a plan such as modules,
photography and/or external services) shall be paid for by you, in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement. We agree to use our best efforts to minimize such liabilities
immediately upon written notification from you. We will provide written proof, upon request
of the sekolah, that any such materials and services, are non cancelable.
If upon termination there exist any materials furnished by us or any services performed by
us for which you have not paid us in full, until such time as you have paid us in full you
agree not to use any such materials, in whole or in part, or the product of such services.


Upon termination of this agreement, provided that there is no outstanding indebtedness
then owing by sekolah to, shall transfer, assign and make
available to sekolah all property and materials in its possession or control belonging to
sekolah. sekolah agrees to pay for all costs associated with the transfer of materials.

9.0 General Provisions

This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the
Province/State of STATE/PROVINCE.


The parties each individually represent and warrant that each has full power and authority
to enter into this Agreement and to perform all of their obligations hereunder without
violating the legal or equitable rights of any third party.


Except as otherwise set forth or referred to in this Agreement, this Agreement constitutes
the sole and entire Agreement and understanding between the parties hereto as to the
subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements and
understandings of every kind and nature between them as to such subject matter.
If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under any
present or future law, then that provision will be fully severable. In such instance, this
Agreement will be construed and enforced as if the illegal, invalid, or unenforceable
provision had never comprised a part of this Agreement, and the remaining provisions of
this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
1. Please read the contract on the previous page to make sure you understand all the
details involved with us working together. It's really important to us that everything is
transparent and understood from the beginning so that we lay a solid foundation for a
great working relationship.
2. If you have any questions at all, please let us know. We're happy to clarify any points
and there may be some items that we can sort out together. We're committed to
finding the best way to work together.
3. Once you feel confident about everything and are ready to move forward, please click
the 'sign here' button below.
4. Sign in the box that pops up to make the acceptance official.
5. Once we receive notification of your acceptance, we'll contact you shortly to sort out
next steps and get the project rolling.
6. If you'd like to speak to us by phone, don't hesitate to call

SMKN 1 Yogyakarta, sekolah

rojib fauzi,

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