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Fundamental Mechanisms of Penetration

in GTA Welding
Liquid metal flow patterns in the weld pool
are of prime importance in the control of
weld fusion zone shape


ABSTRACT. Continued study of arc were clearly implied by the data analy-
TABLE 1—Full Width at Half Maximum of
properties using emission spectrosco- sis.
Current Density Distribution—100 Ampere
py coupled w i t h computer simulation Arcs on Cooled Copper Anode Two questions resulted from this
of the heat flow in welds has led to an work:
understanding of the phenomena that Shi elding gas
1. Do weld pool effects dominate
control weld fusion zone shape. It was over arc character in all GTA welding?
found that the liquid metal flow 100% Ar 50% Ar-50% He 2. What, exactly, is the mechanism
patterns in the weld pool are of prime 10.1 11.9 by which the pool controls weld pene-
importance and that arc current densi- 10.9 12.7 tration?
ty characteristics and base metal prop- 9.8 11.6 To answer the first question, another
erties have only indirect influence. The 10.0 12.3 fusion zone shape effect in arc w e l d -
mode of interaction between the arc - 13.3 ing was explored. Typically, helium is
and weld pool flow is presented in - 11.8 added to argon shielding gas to obtain
Average: 10.2 12.3
qualitative terms. an increase in weld penetration w i t h -
out the increase in weld w i d t h usually
0.5 0.6
Introduction obtained with an increase in weld
current. The resultant increase in
During the course of investigating a fusion zone volume implies an in-
problem encountered in making deep Table 2—Arc Parameters for Extended crease in the energy of electrons strik-
penetration GTA welds in high manga- Weld Series"" ing the workpiece so that the change
nese stainless steel (21Cr-6Ni-9Mn), it in arc anode voltage (not the same as
was discovered that the determinative Arc total arc voltage) was relevant to
effects occurred in the weld pool rath- Current, length, Gas mixture
understanding this phenomenon. The
er than the arc. The details of this work A mm"" (20 cfh total) 1 0 '
change in D / W implies a change in arc
were reported previously,' but high- 100 1.5 100% Ar current density distribution and/or
lights are repeated immediately below 125 2.0 50% Ar - 50% He weld pool flow, making measurement
as background and for completeness. 150 2.5 25% Ar - 75% He of these quantities important in an-
Emission spectroscopy was used to 175 — — swering both questions.
measure temperature profiles in the The results of experiments and
'"Thirty-seven welds using most of the possible combina-
arc plasma immediately above the tions were made, including some repetitions. further computer modeling carried out
weld pool (manganese vapor d o m i - ""1 in. = 25.4 mm.
""20 cfh = 9.44 liters/min in comparing pure argon arcs with
nated) for identical arc parameters and helium-argon arcs are presented in this
different heats of steel. These mea- paper. Conclusions concerning the
flow within the arc which related to
sured profiles were then simulated by general importance of weld pool
the changes in D / W , the differences
a computer solution to the radiation effects and the mechanism by which
had to occur w i t h i n the weld pool. In
equations using assumed radial tem- they interact w i t h the arc to control
perature and vapor density distribu- fact, different patterns of heat and
material flow w i t h i n the weld pools fusion zone shape are also given.
tions. The results of these measure-
ments and calculations showed that
Results and Discussion
the temperature distributions (current Paper selected as an alternate for the 59th
density distributions) were essentially Annual Meeting held in New Orleans, Loui- Current density distribution mea-
the same even though the depth-to- siana, during April 3-7, 1978. surements were made, using the inten-
width ratios ( D / W ) of the fusion sity-maximum method,- on 100% Ar
G. S. MILLS is in joining Research and
zones in the different heats of steel arcs and 50% He-50% Ar arcs. The
Development, Atomics International Divi-
varied by a factor of 1.8. Since there sion, Rockwell International, Rocky Flats values of full w i d t h at half maximum
were no definitive variations in heat Plant, Golden, Colorado. (FWHM) taken from these current

Table 3—Typical Results of Weld Simulation and Comparison w i t h Expe imental Data

Current, density, Fusion zone Depth/width, Depth/width, Energy input, Energy input
A FWHM area, c m ' exp. calculated watts w i d t h , cm

1.5 mm arc length, 100% argon shielding gas

100 72 0.28 0.62 0.62 230 0.27
125 80 0.49 0.65 0.65 288 0.33
150 88 0.64 0.55 0.56 339 0.50
1.5 mm arc length, 50% Ar-50% He shielding gas
100 80 0.40 0.60 0.60 266 0.35
125 88 0.64 0.68 0.70 332 0.30
150 96 0.82 0.68 0.68 380 0.37
1.5 mm arc length, 25% Ar-75% He shielding gas
100 100 0.46 0.62 0.62 285 0.35
125 108 0.71 0.79 0.79 336 <0.10
150 117 0.92 0.85 0.80 394 R_0

d e n s i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n s are s h o w n in 3.0 f l o w equations was p r o g r a m m e d to

d u p l i c a t e t h e f u s i o n z o n e areas a n d
100% Ar
D e s p i t e t h e scatter i n h e r e n t in s u c h w i d t h s of the various experimental
data, the current density d i s t r i b u t i o n welds. The parameters adjusted to
f o r t h e 5 0 / 5 0 m i x t u r e is c l e a r l y b r o a d e r 2.0 obtain the various area-width c o m b i -
t h a n f o r t h e p u r e Ar case. F u r t h e r n a t i o n s w e r e : t o t a l i n p u t e n e r g y per
qualitative measurements of current unit length of w e l d a n d w i d t h (trans-
7,3.0 50%He-50%Ar
d e n s i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n s in arcs w i t h 75% verse t o t h e w e l d p a t h ) o v e r w h i c h
H e - 2 5 % Ar a n d 100% H e s h i e l d i n g gas energy was s u p p l i e d t o the surface of
s h o w e d even more drastic b r o a d e n i n g t h e s i m u l a t e d r o t a t i n g bar. T h e c a l c u -
w h i c h serves t o c o n f i r m t h e fact t h a t o lated i n p u t energy for each w e l d was
i n c r e a s e d h e l i u m spreads heat i n p u t t o > 2.0 d i v i d e d b y t h e t o t a l arc c u r r e n t t o y i e l d
the w o r k p i e c e rather than c o n c e n t r a t - Q an " e f f e c t i v e " a n o d e v o l t a g e , a n d t h e
i n g it. o 3.01 w i d t h s were c o m p a r e d o n a relative
This e f f e c t is q u i t e l o g i c a l in v i e w o f basis t o t h e F W H M o f t h e c o r r e s p o n d -
t h e large t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y of i n g arc c u r r e n t d e n s i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n s .
7 5 % H e - 2 5 % Ar
helium, relative to argon, which C o m p i l a t i o n of these data revealed
e n h a n c e s h e a t t r a n s p o r t transverse t o IOO 125 150 175 t h a t t h e heat i n p u t w i d t h s d e t e r m i n e d
t h e arc axis. T h e e f f e c t o f h e l i u m o n CURRENT (amps) from the calculations d o not correlate
c u r r e n t d e n s i t y is c o n t r a d i c t o r y t o t h e w i t h t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l v a l u e s of c u r -
Fig. 1— Anode voltage drop vs. arc current
observed w e l d shape changes and for three different shielding gas mixtures rent density F W H M . F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e
suggests, a g a i n , t h a t f u s i o n z o n e s h a p e (20 cfh total) and three different arc larger v a l u e s of D / W cannot be
is i n f l u e n c e d m o r e by t h e w e l d p o o l lengths: solid line—1.5 mm (0.06 in.); a c c o u n t e d f o r by d i f f u s i v e heat c o n -
t h a n t h e arc. ( M e a s u r e m e n t s of r e l a - dashed line-2.0 mm (0.08 in.); dotted duction alone and the anode voltage
t i v e c u r r e n t d e n s i t y vs. arc l e n g t h a n d line-2.5 mm (0.98 in.) varies w i t h s h i e l d i n g gas m i x t u r e o n l y
total current exhibited the trends ( i n d e p e n d e n t o f arc l e n g t h a n d c u r -
e x p e c t e d f r o m arc t h e o r y a n d served rent).
to c o n f i r m t h e d e p e n d a b i l i t y o f t h e T h e first p o i n t is seen f r o m T a b l e 3
measurement technique.) by n o t i n g t h a t t h e e n e r g y i n p u t w i d t h s
T o get a m o r e c o m p r e h e n s i v e base vary i r r e g u l a r l y w i t h i n c r e a s i n g c u r r e n t
o f i n f o r m a t i o n o n G T A w e l d i n g re- while the current density FWHM
s p o n s e to p a r a m e t e r c h a n g e s , an increases l i n e a r l y w i t h c u r r e n t . T h e
e x t e n d e d series of w e l d s w a s m a d e o n IOO s e c o n d p o i n t is e v i d e n t f r o m T a b l e 3 as
r o t a t i n g stainless steel bars u s i n g a w e l l , in t h a t an e n e r g y i n p u t w i d t h of
r e p r e s e n t a t i v e range of arc l e n g t h , Fig. 2-Anode voltage drop vs. percent of z e r o or less w o u l d b e r e q u i r e d t o get
argon (mixed with He for a total of 20 cfh or
c u r r e n t a n d gas m i x t u r e v a l u e s — T a b l e t h e largest e x p e r i m e n t a l v a l u e of
566 liters/h) for all currents and arc lengths
2. T h e w e l d s w e r e s e c t i o n e d (90, 180, D/W.
used with each mixture. The error bars
270 d e g after t h e s t a r t ) , a n d p h o t o m a c - include the standard deviation plus the T h e t h i r d p o i n t is i l l u s t r a t e d in Fig. 1 .
r o g r a p h s m a d e to s i m p l i f y m e a s u r e - scatter for each mixture shown in Fig. 1 Here the voltages d o not s h o w any
m e n t o f f u s i o n z o n e area a n d w i d t h . c o n s i s t e n t t r e n d w i t h respect t o arc
These d a t a t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e arc l e n g t h o r c u r r e n t ( t o w i t h i n t h e scatter
c u r r e n t d e n s i t y data y i e l d e d a g e n e r a l , of t h e d a t a a n d t h e i n f l u e n c e of
q u a l i t a t i v e p i c t u r e o f t h e effects o f s e c o n d a r y h e a t s o u r c e s s u c h as r a d i a -
w e l d parameters on w e l d geometry. t i o n a n d heat c o n d u c t i o n in t h e gas).
However, the variety of distinct q u a n - F u r t h e r , Fig. 2 i l l u s t r a t e s a s t a t i s t i c a l l y
titative parameter-effect relationships s i g n i f i c a n t c h a n g e in v o l t a g e vs. gas
derived f r o m the data suggested that a mixture w h e n t h e values for all
g e n e r a l u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e G T A c u r r e n t s a n d arc l e n g t h s are p o o l e d f o r
w e l d i n g process w a s n o t y e t in h a n d . each gas m i x t u r e .
Fig. 3—Schematic of the current flow (solid
As an aid t o u n r a v e l i n g t h e c o m p l e x - lines) and liquid metal flow (dashed lines) W h i l e t h e t h i r d p o i n t is i m p o r t a n t t o
ities o f this p u r e l y e x p e r i m e n t a l e f f o r t , as seen in a transverse (perpendicular to the the general understanding of arc
a c o m p u t e r simulation was e m p l o y e d . welding direction) section of a convecting b e h a v i o r , t h e first t w o p o i n t s m a k e it
A f i n i t e e l e m e n t s o l u t i o n t o t h e heat weld pool—reduces weld penetration clear t h a t w e l d p o o l e f f e c t s are of

22-s I J A N U A R Y 1979
Fig. 4—Illustration ol the convective flow which results from a Fig. 5—Illustration of the absence of convection in the case of a
constricted heat input to a beaker of water and the analogous broad heat source and the analogous welding situation. Note that
welding situation. Note that the ink rises above the heat source in a there is only random stirring of the ink and no overall circulation
well-defined column and sinks outside the diameter of the copper
heat conductor

(and recorder) through a narrow band

primary importance in determining flow developing as above, a predomi- optical filter which singles out manga-
fusion zone shape and the arc current nantly front-to-back flow can occur in nese characteristic emission light
density distribution has, at most, a which heat is carried d o w n by the whose intensity depends on plasma
secondary effect. metal flow at the arc center but is held temperature and manganese vapor
Having confirmed that the behavior near the weld centerline as the metal density.
of the weld pool has primary influence flows backward and then to the The physical set up of camera, torch
on weld shape in the case of varying surface at the rear of the weld and rotating bar is shown in Fig. 7. For
arc parameters as well as the case of pool—Fig. 6. This flow will develop if welds of intermediate to poor D / W , a
varying material properties,' the details the transverse flow is suppressed by a ring of light concentric with the arc
of the mechanism and its interaction broad current density distribution or center appeared—Fig. 8. For welds of
w i t h the arc were sought. The mecha- surface forces which restrain spreading high D / W , a plume of light was emit-
nism which fit all of the welding of the liquid metal. ted behind the arc center, and there
results obtained to date was "inverted Flow patterns such as these have was no ring—Fig. 9.
convection" driven by the flow of been suggested, simulated and (in the These areas of enhanced light emis-
weld current through the liquid met- second case) observed by others. 1 ' 7 sion resulted from local increases in
al. However, a clear, direct observation of manganese vapor density' caused by
Current flowing into the weld pool the vertical, convective cell in a weld the surfacing of manganese-rich metal.
exerts a (Lorentz) force distribution on pool seems usually to be masked by The ring of light suggests the strong
liquid metal; this is the analog of the single or double swirling flows in the convective flow which spreads heat
force exerted by the acceleration of horizontal plane. During the course of transversely and gives a weld of low
gravity acting on a thermally induced this present research, indirect evi- D / W ; the plume behind the arc center
density gradient in a fluid (normal dence of vertical convective flow, corresponds to the front-to-back flow
convection). Under proper conditions, possibly superimposed on the swirling that increases the D / W over that
this force on the weld pool will induce flow, and the front-to-back flow was expected on the basis of thermal diffu-
a circulation of metal downward at the obtained in the case of the high sion alone.
center and radially inward at the manganese stainless steels dealt with
surface with outward flow at the earlier. The surfaces of weld pools
were observed w i t h a video camera Conclusion
bottom completing a stable convec-
tion cell—Fig. 3. The flow of metal The measurements of current densi-
carries heat to the perimeter of the ty distributions and fusion zone geom-
pool and produces a relatively broad, etries w i t h the aid of computer model-
shallow weld. ing, have shown that:
W i t h such a convection analogy in 1. An increase in arc current causes
mind, the effects of the arc current an increase in the half-width of the
density distribution can be under- current density distribution such that
stood. If the distribution is narrow current density remains very nearly
(argon arc) rather than broad (he- constant w i t h no change in anode
lium-argon arc), convection is more voltage drop.
likely—just as in heating a beaker of 2. An increase in arc length causes
water w i t h a constricted (Fig. 4) rather very little if any change in current
than broad (Fig. 5) heat source. In density distribution or anode voltage
the case of a welding arc, another Fig. 6—Schematic ol the current flow (solid
lines) and liquid metal flow (dashed lines) drop but there are changes in second
phenomenon enters which explains as seen in a longitudinal section of a weld order heating effects which can affect
the exceptionally deep, narrow fusion pool exhibiting front-to-back flow. En- D / W in certain cases.
zones. Instead of a strong transverse hances weld penetration 3. An increase of helium in the



Fig. 8—Photograph of a single video frame

from a recording of manganese characteris-
tic light emission above the weld pool of a
Fig. 7—Schematic of the video camera and 100 A arc on low D/W stainless steel. The
weld setup used to make the manganese electrode tip is visible at the top and the
characteristic emission light images shown leading edge of the weld pool is visible at
in Figs. 8 and 9 the bottom. The black dot is a reference
mark on the vidicon face used in obtaining
quantitative data Fig. 9—Photographs of two video frames
argon shielding gas causes an increase from a recording of manganese characteris-
in anode voltage drop and an increase tic light emission above the weld pool of a
in the half-width of the current density 700 A arc on high D/W stainless steel. The
distribution such that current density the welding literature indicating that two views indicate the extent of random
is reduced. (Increasing the electrode fusion zone shape is affected by arc or oscillation from side to side of the plume as
material differences are accounted for it trails out horizontally over the back of the
tip angle has a similar but weaker
by the fact that these differences weld pool
effect on current density.)
determine which metal flow patterns
Computer modeling of the weld
develop in the weld pools. This under-
process to duplicate experimental fu-
sion zone geometries and experimen- standing does not explain the details
of the delicate balance between c o m - lournal, 56 (3), March 1977, Research Suppl.,
tal data have shown that: pp. 93-s to 96-s.
peting effects in every GTA weld but
1. Fusion zone shape is primarily 3. Bradstreet, B. [., "Effect of Surface
serves as a basis for dealing w i t h pene-
dependent on flow patterns of the Tension and Metal Flow on Weld Bead
tration problems in specific GTA w e l d - Formation," We/d/ng lournal, 47 (7), July
liquid metal in the weld pool.
ing processes w i t h o u t having fo's,tudy 1968, Research Suppl., pp. 314-s to 322-s.
2. The current density distribution
the whole arc welding problem w h e n - 4. Woods, R. A., and Milner, D. R., "Mo-
in the arc has a secondary effect in that
ever a new situation arises. tion in the Weld Pool in Arc Welding,"
a decrease in current density (increase
in distribution width without a c o m - We/d/ng lournal, 50 (4), April 1971,
Acknowledgment Research Suppl., pp. 163-s to 173-s.
pensating increase in total current)
5. Demyantsevich, V. P., and Matyukhin,
reduces the tendency toward trans- The investigative results described V. I., "Characteristics of the Movement of
verse metal flow in the weld pool. in this paper were prepared under Molten Metal in the Weld Pool During
3. Two key patterns of metal flow contract EY-76-C-04-3533 for the A l b u - Welding with a Non-consumable Elec-
have been identified; one reduces D / querque Operations Office of the U. S. trode," We/d/ng Piod., 19 (10), 1972, pp.
W and the other (front-to-back) Department of Energy. 1-3.
increases D / W . 6. Lawson, W. H. S„ and Kerr, H. W.,
It is concluded that a general, quali- "Fluid Motion in GTA Weld Pools Part I:
Flow Patterns and Weld Pool Homogenei-
tative understanding of the arc w e l d -
1. Mills, C. S., "Analysis of a High Manga- ty," We/d/ng Res. Int., 6 (5), 1976, pp.
ing process is now in hand. The ques- 63-77.
nese Stainless Steel Weldability Problem,"
tion of whether arc or weld pool Welding lournal, 56 (6),)une 1977, Research 7. Lawson, W. H. S., and Kerr, H. W.,
effects are most important in deter- Suppl., pp. 186-s to 188-s. "Fluid Motion in CTA Weld Pools Part II:
mining fusion zone shape is resolved 2. Mills, C. S., "Use of Emission Spectro- Weld Pool Shapes," Welding Res. Int., b (6),
in favor of the latter. However, data in scopy for Welding Arc Analysis," Welding 1976, pp. 1-17.

AWS B3.0-77, Welding Procedure

and Performance Qualification
This Standard specifies the requirements for the qualification of welding procedures, welders, and welding
operators for joining ferrous and nonferrous metals and applicable combinations of these materials using the
shielded metal arc, gas metal arc, gas tungsten arc. flux cored arc, electroslag, electrogas, submerged arc, plasma
arc, and oxyfuel gas welding processes for groove and fillet welds.
This is a general qualification standard for qualification of procedures and performance of welders and welding
operators and is intended for use in any welding situation where a specific product specification does not exist for
the application. It is not intended to replace the qualification requirements of AWS or other recognized product
codes and specifications.
This Standard contains 112 pages and is saddle-stitched, soft cover, 8V2 x 11 in., and three-hole punched.
AWS B3.0-77 is priced at $12.00 per copy. Discounts: 25% to A and B members; 20% to bookstores, public libraries
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Miami, FL 33125. Florida residents add 4 % sales tax.

24-s I J A N U A R Y 1979

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