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Iguassu Falls - Brazil | Friday 09 – Saturday 10 May 2014

Tunnels for Energy

Session 1 : Basic Concepts of Rock Tunnels & Hydro Schemes

08.30 : Site investigations for rock tunnels – Harvey Parker

Geology dominates the feasibility, construction methods, behavior, and cost of any tunnel. Thus, it is vital
that appropriate geologic and geotechnical studies be conducted very early in the planning process even
before selecting a tunnel alignment. Moreover, the geology and the engineering properties of the geologic
medium and the variations of these properties are as important as the properties of the concrete or steel
used to construct a tunnel. Thus, a comprehensive site investigation and collection and evaluation of geo-
technical data and behavior are essential to any successful project.

The results of the site investigation form the basis for evaluating construction risks, selection of the exca-
vation and lining methods, and estimating the cost. It has been shown many times that those tunnels that
have been investigated more thoroughly have fewer cost overruns and fewer disputes during construction.
Difficult ground conditions can be overcome provided they are known in advance.

Geologic and rock mass conditions that must be characterized and the adaptation of site investigation
methods to complex rock environments will be discussed. Selected tools and methods that can be used
for rock tunnel site investigations will be presented together with broad guidelines for planning and con-
ducting site investigations.

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