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Part 1: Classroom Information

Grade: 5th Content Area: Physical Education

Group Size: 35 Lesson Length: 40 minutes
Student Context:
Identified Student Needs Accommodations During
Instruction to Support Student

Students with Special Needs 3 students with learning Model/act out each activity, so
(IEP and/or 504) disabilities students have full understanding
of what to do.

1 student with autism Model/act out each activity, so

student has full understanding of
what to do.
1 student with a hearing Have student in the front, so she
impediment is able to hear instruction.
Activities should also be
modeled, so student does not
have to rely on receiving
instruction by listening only.

Students with Specific 2 ELLs Model/act out each activity, so

Language Needs (ELL) students has full understanding
of what to do.
Students with Other Learning A few students with minor If needed, students will be
Needs (Behavior, Struggling behavioral problems strategically placed in groups.
Reader, Struggling Math)

Part 1: Planning for the Lesson

A: Standards

Key Content Standards:

● Body Management: (1.1) Perform simple small-group balance stunts by distributing
weight and base of support.
● Movement concepts: (2.1) Explain the importance of open space in playing sport-related
● Fitness Concepts: (3.1) Demonstrate how to warm up muscles and joints before running,
jumping, kicking, throwing, and striking.
● Aerobic Capacity: (4.11) Measure and record the heart rate before, during, and after
vigorous physical activity.
● Social Interaction: (5.5) Contribute ideas and listen to the ideas of others in cooperative
problem-solving activities.
B. Objectives

i. Learning Objective/Goal: The students will (DO __) to (LEARN ___).

ii. Students will participate in a game involving locomotor movements to learn
teamwork by not bumping into each other and strategizing skills while running in

iii. The students will:

a. Participate in a warm up of dynamic stretches to (3) demonstrate how to
warm up muscles and joints before running (2) while explaining the
importance of open space in playing sport-related games
b. Participate in a game called “The No Name Game” to (5) contribute ideas
and listen to the ideas of others in cooperative problem-solving activities
(strategize) and get their heart rate up by participating in a physically
challenging activity.
c. Participate in a cool down to (1) perform simple small-group balance
stunts by distributing weight and base of support and (4) measure and
record the heart rate before, during, and after vigorous physical activity.

iv. Language Objective:

Key Vocabulary words you’ll teach/use Strategies to teach or use these vocab words
I will show the students how to find their heart
rate by demonstrating where to look for it
(wrist or neck) with two fingers. I will explain
to them that their heart rate at a resting state
should be less than their heart rate at the end of
the game.
Heart rate
Measure heart rate for 10 seconds and multiply
by 6 for beats per minute (bpm).
Pulse can be found on the inner wrist, using
two fingers (pointer and middle), or on the
neck. (PE Framework)
Dynamic- stretches while moving (JJ PE

Static- a stationary condition. For example,

static stretching balance (PE Framework, 322)
Dynamic stretch/ Static stretch
Dynamic stretching is important to do before a
workout while static stretching is important to
do after a workout.

I will explain/ demonstrate these for the

I will explain this concept through dialogue
with students.

The concept of “open space” forms the basis

of all offensive and defensive strategies. The
offense tries to create open space (i.e., areas
where there are no defensive players) so that
Open space
the offense can move a receiver into that space
(invasion sports—basketball, soccer) or hit the
ball into that space (field sports—softball; net
sports—volleyball). The defense tries to close
space (cover all areas) to prevent the offense
from advancing the ball down the field or
scoring. (PE Framework)

C. Assessments:
i. Prior Experience (Determine prior to teaching what you think your students can do,
by observing them beforehand; asking them; asking Master Teacher)….What do you
know about them as it relates to your activity?
a. I know the students in this fifth grade class can follow simple instruction
based on their current physical education curriculum, which is learning
“Thriller” choreography. I know they all know how to run because prior to
the “Thriller” classes, they would run for 11 minutes and then work
through some static stretches together as a fifth grade. I know that these
students have had practice working with teams because they have done
multiple group projects in class as. Some of these students know each
other outside of school and play on sports teams together.
ii. Informal assessment strategies you will use as you teach (What informal assessment
strategies will you use, what specific evidence will you see and/or hear and how will
you note it?)
Assessment Strategy Evidence of Student Learning

Throughout the lesson, I will be

continuously observing the students and
keeping notes on a clipboard about ideas for
improvement or points to talk about during
the closure part of my lesson. In addition, I
will keep notes on individual student effort
in order to keep track of who is trying their
best/ having fun and those who are not
putting in effort.
During my observations, I will be paying
attention to how students work together to
come up with a team strategy, how students
practice kindness and inclusion throughout
the lesson, and for overall teamwork. I will
know students are working well together
based on how well their team does with the
game as well as by the verbal language they
use with one another.
During warm-up, a discussion will be had
about why it is important to stretch and
warm our muscles before beginning physical
activity. We will take our heart rate and
remember it.

During closure, we will begin by taking our

heart rate and comparing it to our initial
heart rate. Students will be asked how they
Discussion worked together to listen and contribute
ideas of strategy in this game. We will talk
about how balance is important when they
perform certain static stretches. We will also
discuss the role that open space had in the
game we played.

During these discussions, I will be assessing

their answers to ensure that they understood
the objectives of this lesson.

D. Lesson Resources/Materials: List all needed equipment and how many of each item. Also,
what facility space you will use (e.g. grass; asphalt) and size (e.g basketball court; 30 x 50
● 30 bean bags
● 7 hula hoops
● 2 outdoor basketball courts for space outdoors (asphalt)
● Whistle

Part 2: Instructional Sequence - Engaging Students in the Learning Process

Warm-Up/Introduction (3 minutes.):
● Lead students in dynamic stretches
○ Hamstrings- alternating cross-body toe touches
○ Calves- pedal heels in mountain climbers
○ Hip flexors- hip circles *both directions
● Explain why the stretches are important to do before working out or partaking in physical
activity (standard 3.1)
● Teach students to measure heart rate for 10 seconds and multiply by 6 for beats per
minute (bpm). (Standard 4.11)
○ Pulse can be found on the inner wrist, using two fingers (pointer and middle), or
on the neck
○ Explain that they need to remember their heart rate because we will be taking it at
least one more time to compare

Body of the Lesson (24 minutes):

Introduction of Skills & Practice (2 minutes):

● With students seated, explain that students will practice
○ Running/ sprints-
■ tell students that sprints are aerobically challenging and sprints get the
heart rate up
○ Teamwork/ strategizing-
■ Tell students that they will need to work together and cheer each other on
to work toward getting as many bean bags as possible in the amount of
time given
○ Healthy competition
■ Cheer on their team mates and congratulate the winners. As long as
everyone is having fun, we are all winners!
Explanation of Game (4 minutes):
● With students seated, I will explain the layout of the game
○ Broken up into 6 teams of 5 or 6 that I will assign
○ Each team will be stationed at their ‘home base’ (hula hoop)
○ Team members will take a turn running to another hula hoop to get ONE bean bag
at a time (all bean bags start in the middle hula hoop)
○ The goal of the game is to collect as many bean bags as possible in the amount of
time given
○ You can steal bean bags from other teams but you MAY NOT follow the
teammate in front of you (i.e. you need to go to a different hula hoop than the
person in front of you)
○ Explain the importance of open space when running to and from the bean bags
■ It is important to keep personal space so students do not run into one
○ Cheer each other on, have fun!
● Check for understanding:
○ How many people run at a time? -One from every team
○ Can you go to the same hula hoop as the person before you? - No
○ Can you throw the bean bag? - No, you need to place it inside your hula hoop
○ How many bean bags can you grab at one time? -One
○ Can you protect your own bean bags? -No

Playing the Game (15 minutes):

● Instruct the students that when they hear my whistle, it means they need to STOP and
look at me for instruction
● Release students one team at a time to their respective “home base”
● Say 1, 2, 3, GO.
● Allow students to collect as many bean bags as they can in one minute
● Pause the game and tell students to count their bean bags
● Instruct students to return send ONE STUDENT from each team to return all the
beanbags to the center hula hoop
● Encourage students work together to strategize for 30 seconds (5.5)
● Tell students to return to their “home base”
● Say, 1, 2, 3, GO
● Allow students to collect as many bean bags as they can for one minute, then stop them.
● Repeat process until there are about 5 minutes left
● **Challenge: If students seem uninterested/bored, have them try a round with just fast-
walking, or galloping, sliding, etc.
● Stop the game

Closure (3 minutes):
● Gather students for discussion/ stretches
● Ask the students to take their heart rate one more time
● Lead a discussion about heart rate will increase because of aerobic activity (running)
● Tell students to spread out and follow my lead on some STATIC stretches
○ Quad stretch- pull back on ankle (standard 1.1)
○ Hamstring stretch- bend and touch toes
○ Hamstring stretch, legs should be shoulder distance and reach to each side, right
and left
○ Shoulder stretch- reach across body
● Explain that static stretches (vocabulary word) are stretches that they do in a stationary
position and help stretch the muscles AFTER physical activity
● Ask students what went well in the lesson and what they enjoyed

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