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RIMS International School and Junior CollegeTM

Mumbai - 400 049



Morning Date & Day Afternoon

11 October 2010
(AS) Applied ICT Written A 12 9713/12 1 hr. 15 min.
13th October 2010
(AS) Psychology – Core Studies 12 9698/12 1 hr. 30 min. (AS) Mathematics – Paper 12 9710/12 1 hr. 45 min.
15th October 2010
(AS) Psychology – Core Studies 22 9698/22 1 hr. 30 min. (A2) Applied ICT – Written B 32 9713/32 1 hr. 15 min.
21st October 2010
(A2) Psychology – Specialist Studies 32 9713/32 3 hrs.

26th October 2010

(AS) English Language – Passages for Com. 8693/12 2 hrs.

27th October 2010 (A2) Biology – Structured Questions 42 9700/42 2 hrs.

(AS) Business Studies – Short Answer/Essay 9707/12 1 hr. 15 min.
Wednesday (A2) Mathematics – Paper 32 9709/32 1 hr. 45 min.

28th October 2010

(AS) Chemistry – Advanced Practical Skills 9701/33 2 hrs.

(AS) Accounting – Structured Quest. (Core) 9706/22 1 hr. 30 min. 29th October 2010
(AS) Economics – Data Resp. & Ess. (Core) 9708/22 1 hr. 30 min. Friday

02nd November 2010

(AS) English Language – Composition 8693/22 2 hrs.
(AS) Chemistry – Structured Questions 22 9701/22 1 hr. 15 min.
03rd November 2010
(AS) Business Studies – Data Response 9707/22 1 hr. 30 min. (A2) Chemistry – Planning Analysis & Eval. 9701/52 1 hr. 15 min.
(AS) Mathematics – Paper 62 9709/62 1 hr. 15 min.
04th November 2010
(AS) Accounting – Multiple Choice 12 (Core) 9706/12 1 hr. (AS) Physics – Advanced Practical Skills 33 9702/33 2 hrs.

08th November 2010 (A2) Physics – Structured Questions 42 9702/42 1 hr. 45 min.
Monday (A2) Mathematics – Paper 72 9709/72 1 hr. 15 min.

RIMS International School and Junior CollegeTM TIME TABLE REPORT CIE Examination, October/November 2010 Session Page 1 of 2
Morning Date & Day Afternoon
09th November 2010
(A2) Biology – Advanced Practical Skills 33 9700/33 2 hrs.

(A2) Accounting – Probl. Solv. (Supplement) 9706/42 2 hrs. 10th November 2010 (AS) Literature in English – Poetry & Prose 9695/32 2 hrs.
(AS) Economics – Multiple Choice (Core) 12 9708/12 1 hr. Wednesday (A2) Chemistry – Structured Questions 42 9701/42 1 hr. 45 min.

12th November 2010 (AS) Literature in English – Drama 42 9695/42 2 hrs.

(A2) Economics – Data Resp. & Ess. (Sup) 42 9708/42 2 hrs. 15 min.
Friday (AS) Physics – Structured Questions 22 9702/22 1 hr.

15th November 2010 (AS) Physics – Multiple Choice 12 9702/12 1 hr.

Monday (A2) Physics – Planning Analysis Eval 52 9702/52 1 hr. 15 min.

16th November 2010 (AS) Biology – Structured Questions 22 9700/22 1 hr. 15 min.
(A2) Business Studies – Case Study 32 9707/32 3 hrs.
Tuesday (A2) Biology – Plan., Analysis, Eval 52 9700/52 1 hr. 15 min.

17th November 2010

(A2) Accounting – Multiple Cho.(Supplement) 9706/32 1 hr. (A2) Lit. in English – Shak & Ot. Pre 20C Tex 9695/52 2 hrs.

18th November 2010

(A2) Economics – Multiple Cho.(Supplement) 9708/32 1 hr. (AS) Biology – Multiple Choice 12 9700/12 1 hr.

19th November 2010 (A2) Lit. in English – Comment & Appreciati. 9695/72 2 hrs.
Friday (AS) Chemistry – Multiple Choice 12 9701/12 1 hr.

Dr. Kishor Pillai Ms. Sujata Sharma Mr. Parvez Ahmad

Principal Headmistress Examinations Officer

Note : AS-Level is in BLUE colour A2-Level is in GREEN colour

RIMS International School and Junior CollegeTM TIME TABLE REPORT CIE Examination, October/November 2010 Session Page 2 of 2

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