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Prelims & Mains
7th social science with key answers
# 5, old by-Pass Road,National Theatre
( Near- opp - Benzz Park ) Vellore- 4

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1. The Pallava ruler,who conduct expedition agaist ceylone was?
A) Mahendran I B) Narashiman I C) Narashiman II D) Mahendran II
nyA;ifapd; kPJ gilbaLj;j gy;yt muru;.
A) kBfe;jpud; I B) eurpk;kd; I C) eurpk;kd; II D) kBfe;jpud; II
2. The Capital of Mohammad Ghor kingdom?
A) Delhi B) Agra C) Lahore D) Kurushetram.
ne;jpahtpy; KfkJ Bfhup murpd; jiyefuhf nUe;jJ?
A) bly;yp B) Mf;uh C) yhTu; D) FUBrj;jpuk;.
3. Which of the Delhi sultan established the separate Military Department „Diwan-e-Arz‟?
A) Ala-ud-din-khilji B) Balban C) Firoz Tughlaq D) Ibrahim Lodi.
“jpthd;- n-mu;!;” vd;w jdpg;gil gpupit bjhlA;fpa bly;yp Ry;jhd;?
A) myht[jPd; fpy;$P B) ghy;gd; C) gpBuh&; Jf;sf; D) ng;uhfpk; Byho.
4. Timur‟s invasion in India was in
ijK}upd; ne;jpag; gilbaLg;g[ eilbgw;w Mz;L.
A) 1414 B) 1398 C) 1359 D) 1451
5. Arrange correct chronological order of the following sayyid Rulers.

1) Mohammed shah 2) Ala-ud-din-Shan 3) Mubarak Shan
fPH;fhZk; iraJ tk;r muru;fis rupahdfhy tupirapy; vGjt[k;
1) KfkJ &h
A) 4,3,1,2
2) myht{jpd; &h 3) Kghuf;&h
B) 4,1,2,3 C) 4,2,1,3
4) Khizir Khan

4) fpsu;fhd;
D) 4,3,2,1
6. Concept of Division of Labour was Propounded by
A) Lionel Robbina B) Adam Robbina C) Elliot D) None of the above.
Btiy gFg;g[ Kiwiaf; Twpatu;.
A) nyazy; uhgpd;!; B) Mlk;!;kpj; C) vypal; D) njpy; ahUkpy;iy.
7. Choose the correct statement.
1) Division of labour enables large scale production.
2) Division of labour encourage the growth of handicrafts.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f
1) Btiy gFg;g[ Kiwapy; ePz;l myF cw;gj;jp bra;a KofpwJ.
2) Btiy gFg;g[ Kiw iftpidg; bghUspd; tsu;r;rp Cf;Ftpf;fpwJ.
A) 1 kl;Lk; B) 2 kl;Lk; C) nuz;Lk; D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.
8. Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme for the children came into operation in.
uh$pt; fhe;jp FHe;ij fhg;gf jpl;lk; bfhz;L tug;gl;l Mz;L.
A) 2006 B) 2007 C) 2008 D) 2009

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9. In 1954, the president of UN‟s General Assembly was ?
A) Muthu Lakshmi B) Subbu Lakshmi C) Vijaya Lakshmi D) Dhana Lakshmi.

bghJr; rigapd; 1954 Mk; Mz;od; jiytu;?

A) Kj;Jyl;Rkp B) Rg;g[ yl;Rkp C) tp$ayl;Rkp D) jdyl;Rkp
10. Match the following:
a) India‟s Land frontier 1) 15,200 km
b) India‟s Coastal length 2) 7,516.6 km
c) India‟s North south length 3) 3,214 km
d) India‟s West-East length 4) 2,933 km
a) ne;jpah epy vy;iy 1) 15,200 km
b) ne;jpah flw;fiu ePsk; 2) 7,516.6 km
c) ne;jpah bjw;F-tlf;F ePsk; 3) 3,214 km
d) ne;jpah Bkw;F-fpHf;F ePsk; 4) 2,933 km
a b c d
A) 2 1 4 3

Chokamela saint belongs to which state ?
A) Bengal B) Maharashtra C) Karnataka D) Kerala.
“brhf;fBkdh” vd;gtu; ve;j khepyj;ij rhu;e;j Jwtp Mthu;?
A) tA;fhsk; B) kfhuh&;ouk; C) fu;ehlfk; D) Bfush.
12. Which of the following statement is not correct about earthquake wave „S‟ ?
1) It is a Secondary waves
2) This waves travel by the compression of earth materials forward and backward in its direction.
3) Speed 5 km/sec.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) 3 only D) All of these.
epyeLf;f „S‟ miy gw;wpa Tw;Wfspy; jtwhdJ?
1) nuz;lhk; epiy miyfs;
2) gazk; bra;a[k;BghJ bghUl;fis Kd;Dk; gpd;Dk; mGj;Jk;.
3) Btfk; 5 fp.kP/beho
A) 1 kl;Lk; B) 2 kl;Lk; C) 3 kl;Lk; D) mizj;Jk;
13. Choose the correct statement.
1) Active erosion on the river banks widen the “V” shaped valley.
2) River in its lower course has large quantity of sediments.

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A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f.
1) MW gs;sj;jhf;F ghijapy; Jupjkhd mupj;jy; brayhy; “V” tot
gs;sj;jhf;fpd; fiufis mjpfkhf;FfpwJ
2) MW jdJ K}g;g[ epiyapy; mjpfst[ got[fisf; bfhz;oUf;Fk;.
A) 1 kl;Lk; B) 2 kl;Lk; C) nuz;Lk; D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.
14. Choose the correct statement.
1) Temperature decreases with increasing latitude. 2) Exosphere has Hydrogen and Helium gases.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f
1) ml;rBuif mst[ cau;tjw;F Vw;g btg;g epiyapd; mst[k; Fiwa[k;.
2) tsp kz;ly vf;Bzh!;gpau; mLf;Fk; i#l;u$d;, #Pypak; tha[f;fs; cs;sd.
A) 1 kl;Lk; B) 2 kl;Lk; C) nuz;Lk; D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.
15. Choose the wrongly matched pair.
Rajput Region
A)Rathore 1) Kanurj
B) Chaukan 2) Delhi

C) Prathihar
D) Palar
jtwhd niziaj; Bju;f.
A) uBfhu;
3) Avanti
4) Gujarat.

1) fd;Bdh$;
B) brsfhd; 2) bly;yp
c) gpujpfhuu; 3) mte;jp
D) ghyu; 4) F$uhj;
16. Choose the correct statement:
1) The Early Medieval period is 5-12 the century A.D
2) The later Medieval period is 12-20th Century A.D
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these
rupahd Tw;wpid Bju;f?
1) Ke;ija nilf;fhyk; vd;gJ 5k; Ehw;whz;L tiu.
2) gpe;ija nilf;fhyk; vd;gJ 12k; Ehw;whz;L Kjy;;
Ehw;whz;L tiu.
A) 1 kl;Lk; B) 2 kl;Lk; C) nuz;Lk; D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.
17. Choose the correct statement.
1) Mahipala Tomar was a ruler of Ajmeer

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2) In 1043 AD Mahipala Tomar captured Thaneswary and Nagarkot.
3) Delhi was captured by the chauhana in the 12th century.
A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 1 and 3 D) All of these.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f?
1) kfpghy Bjhku; M$;kPu; gFjp muru; Mthu;.
2) kfpghy Bjhku; jhBd!;tuk; ehfu;Bfhl; Bghd;w gFjpfis 1043 y;
3) k; Ehw;whz;oy; brsfhd;fs; bly;pia ifg;gw;wpdhu;.
A) 1kw;Wk; 2 B) 2 kw;Wk; 3 C) 1 kw;Wk; 3 D) midj;Jk;

18. Which of the following ruler is not matched with others?

A) Bapa Rawal B) Rana Ratan singe C) Mihirabhoja D) Rana Sangha.
fPBH cs;s muru;fshy; bghUj;jkpy;yhjtu; ahu;?
A) ghghuthy; B) nuzh uj;jd; rpA; C) kpfpu Bghrh D) uhzh rA;fh;.
19. Choose the Southern most North Indian Kingdom.
A) Konark B) Naalanda C) Malwa D) Bundelkhand.
fPBH cs;s tl ne;jpa muRfshy; bjw;fhf mike;J cs;sJ vJ?

20. www.Padasalai.Net
A) bfhdhu;f; B) ehse;jh C) khs;th
Which of the literary work is called as „River of Kings‟
A) Gita govinda B) Rajatarangini

C) Katha sarithasagara D) Bala Ramayanam.

ve;j nyf;fpak;‟muru;fspd; MW‟ vd miHf;fg;gLfpwJ?
A) fPj Bfhtpe;jk; B) uh$juA;fpdp C) fjh rupj;rfuh D) ghyuhkhazk;.
21. Choose the correct statement.
1) The Southern region was not usually affected much by the historical events of North India.
2) The Medieval period witnessed the rise of chalukyas and the Rashtrakutas in the Decan.
3) The Deccan was separated from Northern India by the vindhya and satpura Mountains. Narmada and
tapti and the dense forests.
rupahd Tw;wpid Bju;f.
1) tl ne;jpahtpd; tuyhw;W epfH;t[fs; bjd;dpe;jpahtpy; bgUk; ghjpg;gpid
2) nilf; fhyj;jpy; rhSf;fpau;fSk;, uhl; ouTlu;fSk; jf;fhzj;jpy; Ml;rpia
3) tpe;jpa rhj;g{uh kiyfSk;,eu;kij,jgjp ejpfSk; mlu;j;jpahd fhLfSk; tl
ne;jpahit bjd;dpe;jpahtpy; nUe;J gpupf;fpd;wd.
A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 1 and 3 D) All of these

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22. The last of the chalukya kings of Badami was
A) Vikramaditya I B) Vijayaditya C) Kirtivarman II D) Ashokavarman III.
ghjkp rhSf;fpa filrp muru;.
A) tpf;fpukhjpj;ah I B) tp$ahepj;ah C) fPu;j;jp tu;kd;-II D) mBrhftu;kd; III
23. Choose the correct statement.
1) The period of Early Western Chalukyas were 6-8 century A.D.
2) The period of later Western Chalukyas were 10-12 the century A.D
3) The period of Eastern Chalukyas were 12-15 the century A.D.
A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 1 and 2 D) All of these.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f.
1) Kw;fhy Bkiy rhSf;fpau; fhyk; 6-8 Ehw;whz;Lfs;
2) gpw;fhy Bkiy rhSf;fpau; fhyk; Ehw;whz;Lfs;
3) fPiH rhSf;fpau; fhyk; Mk; Ehw;whz;Lfs;
A) 1 kw;Wk; 2 B) 2 kw;Wk; 3 C) 1 kw;Wk; 2 D) midj;Jk;
24. The battle between Pulekasin II & Harsha took place in
g[ypBfrp II kw;Wk; #u;&u; nilBa Bghu; eilbgw;w Mz;L
A) A.D 662 B) A.D 637 C) A.D 624 D) A.D 646

Choose the correct statement:
1) The Chalukya rulers were the followers of Hinduism.
2) The Chalukya rulers also patronized Jainism.
3) Chalukya rulers had built around 70 Vishnu temples.
A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 1 and 3 D) All of these.
rupahd Tw;wpid Bju;f.
1) rhSf;fpa muru;fs; ne;J rkaj;ij gpd;gw;wpdu;.
2) rhSf;fpa muru;fs; rkz rkaj;ija[k; Mjupj;jzu;.
3) rhSf;fpa muru;fs; 70 tp&;Z Bfhapy;fid fl;oa[s;sdu;.
A) 1 kw;Wk; 2 B) 2 kw;Wk; 3 C) 1 kw;Wk; 3 D) midj;Jk;
26. Arrange the correct chronological order of Rashtrakuta kings.
1) Karka II 2) Krishna III 3) Govindha III 4) Amoghavarsha I
uh&;ou Tl muru;fis rupahd fhy tupirapy; vGjt[k;.
1) fufh II 2) fpU&;zh III 3) Bfhtpe;jh III 4) mBkhftu;&h I
A) 3,4,2,1 B) 2,1,4,3 C) 4,1,3,2 D) 1,4,3,2
27. Kailashnath temple at Ellora was built by
A) Krishna I B) Krishna II C) Govindha I D) Govindha II
vy;Byhuh ifyhrehju; Bfhapiy fl;oatu;
A) fpU&;zh I B) fpU&;zh II C) Bfhtpe;jh I D) Bfhtpe;jh II

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28. Which of the Hoysala ruler founded the pillar of victory at Rameshwaram.
A) Virballala B) Vinayaditya C) Narshiman II D) Bhillama.
uhBk&;tuj;jpy; btw;wpj;Jiz el;l B#ha;rhs muru; ahu;?
A) tPugy;yhdh B) tpdahjpj;jd; C) eurpk;kh II D) gpy;yhkh
29. Kohinoor Diamond was unearthed in
A) Nellore B) Kollur C) Chellore D) Pullur.
BfhfpZhu; ituk; fz;blLf;fg;gl;l nlk;.
A) bey;Yhu; B) bfhs;Su; C) bry;Yhu; D) g[y;Yhu;.
30. Choose the correct statement.
1) Pangea split into seven major plates and smaller plates.
2) The pacific plate is the largest plate and it covers about 1/5th of entire earth surface.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f.
1) ghd;$pah VG bgupa jl;Lfshft[k; gy rpwpa jl;Lf;fshft[k; cile;jJ.
2) grpgpf; fl;L kpfg;bgupa jl;L nJ cyf gug;gpy; 1/5 nlj;ij bgw;Ws;sJ.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
31. The Average Density of the crust is about.
g[tp BkByhl;od; ruhrup mlu;j;jpahd vz;

A) 6g/cm B) 4g/cm
Choose the correct statement.
C) 3g/cm

1) Primary waves travels at a speed of 8km/sec.

2) The point of origin of the earthquake is called the Epicenter
D) 2g/cm

rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f

1) Kjy; epiy miyfs; behof;F 8 fp.kP Btfj;jpy; gazk; bra;fpd;wd.
2) epy eLf;fk; Bjhd;Wk;nlk; btsp ikak; vdg;gLk;.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
33. Mt. Mckinley volcano is in?
A) South America B) North America C) Europe D) Africa.
bkf;fd;yP vupkiy ve;j fz;lj;jpy; cs;sJ.
A) bjz; mbkupf;fh B) tl mbkupf;fh C) IBuhg;gh D) Mg;upf;fh
34. Match the following:
Volcano Country.
a) Barren Island 1) India.
b) Mounolova 2) Itally
c) Vesuvivs 3) Hawai
d) Fujiyama 4) Japan.

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vupkiy ehL
a) ghud;jPt[ 1) ne;jpah
b) BkhdByhth 2) nj;jhyp
c) btFtpay; 3) #tha;
d) g;a&pahkh 4) $g;ghd;
a b c d
A) 1 3 2 4
B) 1 3 4 2
C) 3 1 4 2
D) 3 1 2 4
35. Seismograph scales ranges from.
rP!;Bkhfpuhg;gpy; cs;s mst[fs;
A) 0-15 B) 0-9 C) 0-7 D) 0-11
36. Ox-bow lake found in which stage of the river
A) Upper stage B) Middle stage C) Lower stage D) None of these.
Fjpiu FHk;g[ Vup fhzg;gLk; epiy.
A) Bky;epiy B) eLepiy C) fPH; epiy D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.

Hydrolysis in rock is a process affecting which of the following mineral.
A) Oxide B) Halide C) Silicate
ghiwfspy; ePupd; Bru;f;ifapy; ghjpf;fg;gLk; jhJf;fs; vit?
A) Mf;i!L B) B#iyL C) rpypBfl;
D) Carbonate.

D) fhu;gBdl;
38. Which of the river relates with lake Itasca.
A) Mississippi B) Nile C) Amazon D) Thames.
nl;lh!;fh Vupa[ld; bjhlu;g[ila MW vJ?
A) kprprpgp B) iey; C) mBkrhd; D) Bjk;!;
39. Choose the correct statement
1) World‟s longest beach is in United States of America.
2) A beach is sand deposition along the coast.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f.
1) cyfpd; kpf ePz;l kzw;flw;fiu mbkupf;fh If;fpa ehLfspy; cs;sJ.
2) flw;fiuia Rw;wpYk; kz;goaitj;jyhy; Bjhw;Wtpf;fg;gLk; epyj;Bjhw;wk;
A) 1 kl;Lk; B) 2 kl;Lk; C) nuz;Lk; D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.
40. Continental Glaciers are found in.
A) Poles B) Foot hills C) Hill Top D) None of these.

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fz;lg; gzpahdJ fhzg;gLk; nlA;fs;
A) JUtk; B) kiyaothuk; C) kiyapd; Bky;gFjp D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.
41. Choose the correct statement.
1) Narrow ridges of sand cover-Seif 2) Crescent shaped dunes-Barchan.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
rupahd Tw;wpid Bju;f
1) FWfyhd kzw;Fd;Wfs; br|g; 2) gpiwre;jpu tot kzw;Fd;Wfs; gu;fhd;
A) 1 kl;Lk; B) 2 kl;Lk; C) nuz;Lk; D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.
42. 2011 population density of India is
ne;jpahtpd; 2011 kf;fs; bjhif mlu;j;jp
A) 382 persons/sq km B) 555 persons/sq km C) 293 persons/sq km D) 443 persons/sq km
43. The Minimum Age to contest in the election of president of India is
FoauR jiytu; Btl;ghsupd; Fiwe;jgl;r taJ.
A) 25 years B) 30 years C) 35 years D) 18 years.
44. Indian National Flag was adopted by constituent Assembly in
ne;jpa Bjrpaf; bfhoia murpayikg;g[ rig Vw;Wf; bfhz;lJ vg;BghJ?
A) Jan 26, 1947 B) July 22, 1947 C) Jan 26,1950 D) Aug 14, 1947

Choose the correctly Matched pair.
1) National Fruit- Mango
rupahd nizia Bju;f
2) National Game – Circket 3) National River – Ganga.

1) Bjrpa gHk; - khk;gHk; 2) Bjrpa tpisahl;L – fpupf;bfl; 3) Bjrpa MW-fA;if

A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 1 and 3 D) All of these.
46. Asteroid belt found between?
A) Earth and Mar‟s B) Mars and Saturn C) Mar‟s and Venus D) Jupiter and Mar‟s
FWA;Bfhs;fs; vA;F mike;Js;sJ?
A) g{kp kw;Wk; brt;tha; B) brt;tha; kw;Wk; rdp
C) brt;tha; kw;Wk; bts;sp D) tpahHd; kw;Wk; brt;tha;.
47. Which is the largest planet in our solar system.
A) Mars B) Jupiter C) Saturn D) Uranus.
r{upaf;FLk;gj;jpy; kpfg;bgupa Bfhs; vJ?
A) brt;tha; B) tpahHd; C) rdp D) a[Bud!;
48. The Number of coastal Districts in Tamil Nadu is ?
jkpH;ehl;oy; flw;fiu khtl;lA;fs; vj;jid?
A) 13 B) 14 C) 15 D) 12
49. The Average distance between sun and Earth is ?
g{kpf;Fk; R{upaDf;F ruhrup bjhiyt[?

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A) 150 Million km B) 149 Million km C) 150 Billion km D) 149 Billion km
50. Vardhamana Mahavirth lived during.
A) B.C 534-462 B) B.C. 462-534 C) B.C. 534-402 D) A.D. 534-462
tu;j;jkhd kfhtPuupd; fhyk;
A) fp.K.534-462 B) fp.K. 462-534 C) fp.K. 534-402 D) 534-462
51. Match the following:
Island Ocean
a) Newzealand 1) Arctic.
b) Canaries 2) Indian Ocean
c) Madagascar 3) Atlantic
d) Iceland 4) Pacific.
jPt[ bgUA;fly;
a) ePa{rpyhe;J 1) Mu;of;
b) fhduP!; 2) ne;jpag; Bguhkp
c) klfh!;fu; 3) ml;yhz;of;
d) I!;yhe;J 4) grpgpf;

D) 4 3 2 1
52. Which of the following statement is/are not correct about U.N. Security Council?
1) The total strength of the security council is 10.
2) Number of permanent members is five
3) The tenure of non-permanent members are two years. ghJfhg;g[ FG gw;wpa Tw;Wfspy; jtwhdJ?
1) ghJfhg;g[ mitapd; bkhj;j cWg;gpdu; vz;zpf;if – 10
2) epue;ju cWg;gpdu; vz;zpf;if Ie;J.
3) epue;jukw;w cWg;gpdu;fspd; gjtpf;fhyk; nuz;Lk; Mz;Lfs;.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) 3 only D) All of these.
53. Match the following.
Ruler Dynasty.
a) Vira Ballala 1) Western Chalukyna.
b) Pratabarudra 2) Yadavas
c) Jaitra pala 3) Hoysalas.
d) Taila-pa II 4) Kalkatiyas.

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muru; tk;rk;
a) tPu gy;yhdh 1) Bkiy rhSf;fpau;
b) gpujhg Uj;ud; 2) ahjtu;
c) b$a;jpughyh 3) b#ha;rhdh;
d) ijyg;gh II 4) fhfjPau;
a b c d
A) 2 3 1 4
B) 3 4 2 1
C) 2 3 4 1
D) 3 2 1 4
54. Choose the correct statement.
1) Thirumangal Alwar was the contemporary of the pallava ruler of Nadivarman II.
2) Pallavas architecture is the Dravidian style of Architecture.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f.
1) jpUkA;if MH;thupd; rkfhyj;jpa gy;yt muru; nuz;lhk; ee;jptu;kd;.
2) gy;ytu;fhyfl;olf;fiy jpuhtpf; fiyia rhu;e;jJ.

55. www.Padasalai.Net
A) 1 kl;Lk; B) 2 kl;Lk;
Choose the wrongly matched pair.
A) Somnath expedition -
C) nuz;Lk;

1025 AD
D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.

B) First Battle of Tarain - 1191 AD

C) Chandwar Battle - 1093 AD
D) Second Battle of Tarain - 1192 AD
jtwhf bghUe;jp cs;s niziaj; Bju;f
epfH;t[ Mz;L
a) Brhkehj gilbaLg;g[ - 1025
B) Kjy;jbua;d; Bghu; - 1191
c) re;j;thu; Bghu; - 1093
D) nuz;lhk;jbua;d; Bghu; - 1192
56. Which of the following was not under the Mamluk Dynasty of Delhi Sultanate is
A) Deva giri B) Malwa C) Lahore D) Agra.
bly;yp Ry;jhd;a khkYf; Ml;rpapy; nlk; bgwhj gFjp vJ?
A) Bjtfpup B)khd;th C) yhTu; D) Mf;uh
57. Arrange the correct chronological order.
A) Aravidu, Sangama, Saluva, Tuluva. B) Sangama, Saluva, Tuluva, Aravidu.

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C) saluva, Tuluva, Aravidu, Sangama D) Tuluva, Sangama, Aravidu, Saluva.
rupahd fhytupirg; go vGJf.
A) mutpL, rA;fkh, rhSt, Js{t B) rA;fkh, rhs{t,JSt,mutpL.
C) rhSt, JSt, mutpL, rA;fkh D) JSt,rA;fkh, mutpL,rhSt
58. “The way to reach God was by love and not by rituals”-advised by
A) Thirunavukkarasar B) Thirugnanasambandhar
C) Manikkavasagar D) Sundarar.
“flt[is mila xBu tHp md;g[ kl;LBk jtpu rlA;Ffs; my;y” vd
A) jpUeht[f;furu; B) jpUqhdrk;ge;ju; C) khzpf;fthrfu; D) Re;juu;
59. Fill in the blanks.
Average depth of SIAL __________km
Average depth of SIMA__________km
Bfhol;l nlA;fis epug;g[f:
rpahypd; ruhrup MHk; __________fp.kP
rpkhtpd; ruhrup MHk; __________fp.kP
A) 20,30 B) 25,30 C) 20,25 D) 25,35
“Till” is relates with
A) Wind B) Earthquake
“jpupa[k; ghiw” vd;gJld; bjhlu;g[ilaJ
A) fhw;W B) epyeLf;fk;
C) Glacier

C) gdpahW
D) Ocean tide.

D) fly;Xjk;
61. The type of cloud formed due to the Tornodoes.
A) Cumulonimbus B) Stratocumulus C) Cirrocumulua D) Nimbostratus.
Fiwf; fhw;wpdhy; cUthFk; Bkfk;
A) fhu;jpud; B) gil jpud; Bkfk; C) fPw;W jpud; Bkfk; D) fhu;gil Bkfk;
62. South China sea is a part of
A) Indian ocean B) Pacific C) Atlantic D) Arctic.
bjd;rPdf; fly; ve;j BguhHpapy; mike;Js;sJ
A) ne;jpag;bgUA;fly; B) grpgpf; C) ml;yhz;of; D)Mu;of;
63. The total number of nominated members of Rajya Sabha by the president is
khepyA;fs; mitf;F FoauRj; jiytuhy; epakdk; bra;ag;gLk; cWg;gpdu;fs;
vz;zpf;if .
A) 02 B) 14 C) 12 D) 20
64. Match the following:
Book Author
a) Kathasaritasagar 1) Nammalvar

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b) kavirajamarga 2) Amogha varsha.
c) Kiratharjuniyam 3) Somdev
d) Thiruppallandu 4) Paravi.
Ehy; Mrpupau;.
a) fjhrupj rhfuk; 1) ek;khH;tu;
b) ftpuhr khu;f;fk; 2) mBkhftu;&d;
c) fPu;jhu; fdpak; 3) BrhkBjtu;
d) jpUg;gy;yhz;L 4) ghutp
a b c d
A) 2 3 1 4
B) 4 1 3 2
C) 2 3 1 4
D) 3 2 4 1
65. Choose the wrongly matched pair.
Rajputra clan Ruling area
A) Paramarar - Malwa
B) Sisodiya - Marwar

C) Rathore
D) Sena

jtwhf bghUe;jp cs;s niziaj; Bju;f

uh$g[j;jpu kug[ Ml;rp gFjp
A) guhkuh; - khs;th
B) rpBrhjpau; - khu;thu;
C) uj;Bjhu; - fd;Bdh$;
D) brdu; - tA;fhsk;
66. Capital of Rashtrakutas was
A) Aihole B) Ellora C) Malkned D) Kalyani.
uh&;ou Tlu;fspd; jiyefu;.
A) ma;Bfhy; B) vy;Byhuh C) khy;bfl; D) fy;ahzp
67. The basic administrative unit of pallavas period is
A) Gramavai B) Ur sabhal C) Gram sabha D) Ur avai.
gy;ytu; fhyj;jpy; nUe;j mog;gil epu;thf myF.
A) fpuhk mit B) Cu;rig C) fpuhk rig D) Cu; mit
68. The Grammarian Katyayana belongs to the which language?

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A) Sanskrit B) Gujarat C) Rajput D) Bengal.
fj;ahazu; ve;j bkhHpapd; nyf;fz mwpqu; Mthu;?
A) rk!;fpUjk; B) F$uhj;jp C) uh$g[jpdk; D) tA;fhsp
69. Choose the correct statements.
1) Balban belongs to a Mamaluk Turk
2) IItutmish was the first Turkish ruler to introduce Arabic coinage.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f
1) ghy;gd; JUf;fpa ndj;jpy ny;gwp; gpupit rhu;e;jtu;.
2) muhgpa bkhHpapy; ehzaA;fs; btspapl;l Kjy; JUf;fpau; vd;w rpwg;ig bgWgtu;
A) 1 kl;Lk; B) 2 kl;Lk; C) nuz;Lk; D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.
70. Choose the incorrect about Mohammadbin Tughlak.
1) Original name – Ghazi Malik. 2) Ruled from 1320AD to 1360 AD.
3) Destroyed puri jagannath temple.
KfkJ gpd; Jf;sf; gw;wpa Tw;wpy; jtwhdJ?
1) naw;bgau; - fhrpkhypf; 2) ntuJ Ml;rpfhyk;

3) g{up b$fe;ehj; Bfhapiy mHpj;jhu;.
A) 2 and 3 B) 1 and 3 C) 1 and 2
Which of the Bhamini sultan transferred his capital to Bidar?
A) Mohammed Shah IB) Bhaman Shah C) Ahmed Shah
D) 1,2 and 3

D) Mohammed Shah II.

ghkpdp Ry;jhd;fspd; jiyefiu gPlhUf;F khw;wpatu; ahu;?
A) KfkJ &h I B) ghkd; &h C) mfkJ &h D) KfkJ &h II
72. Choose the correct statement.
1) Sankaracharya was the earliest exponent of the Bhakti cult in South India.
2) Ramanuja spread Bhakthi Movement to the North India.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f
1) gHA;fhyj;jpy; bjd;dpe;jpahtpy; gf;jp naf;fj;ij bjhlA;fp itj;jtu;
2) gf;jp naf;fj;ij tl ne;jpahtpy; bfhz;L Bru;j;jtu; uhkhDru;.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
73. The earth layer, which is responsible for continental drift is
A) Crust B) Mantle C) Cone D) None of these.
fz;l efu;tpid cz;lhf;Fk; g[tpapd; mLf;F vJ?
A) BkByhL B) ftrk; C) fUtk; D) njpy; VJkpy;iy.
74. Consider the following facts.

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1) Long, narrow ridges of sand for a miles, lying parallel to the directions of the prevailing winds
2) Crescent Shaped dunes, They are moving steadily in the direction of Prevailing wind.
3) The fine dust blown beyond the desert limits is deposited on neighbouring lands.
Choose the related Landforms respectively.
A) Loess, Self, Barchan. B) Self, Barchan, LoessC) Barchan, Self, Loess D) Self, Loess, Barchan.
fPH;fz;l Tw;Wfis Ma;f.
1) fhw;W tPRk; jpirf;F nizahf gy fpByh kPl;lu; ePsj;jpw;F mike;Js;s
FWfyhd kzw;Fd;Wfs;.
2) gpiw re;jpu tot kzw;Fd;Wfs;, fhw;W tPRk; jpirf;F Vw;g epiyahf efUk;
jd;ik bfhz;lit.
3) ghiy tzj;jpw;F mUfhikapy; cs;s gFjpfspy; goj;jpUf;Fk; Ez;zpa
bjhlu;g[ila epyj;Bjhw;wA;fis Bju;f.
A) Byha!;, br|g;, gu;fhd;. B) br|g;,gu;fhd;, Byha!;
C) gu;fhz;,br|g;, Byha!; D) br|g;, Byha!;, gu;fhd;.
75. Match the following
Local wind Location

a) Sirocco
b) Purga
c) Norte
d) Chinook
1) Russia
2) Gulf of Mexico
3) USA
4) Sahara Desert.
jyf;fhw;W nlk;
a) rpuhf;Bfh 1) u&;ah
b) g[u;fh 2) bkf;rpBfh tisFlh
c) ehu;l; 3) USA
d) rpd;Dhf; 4) rfhuh ghiytdk;
a b c d
A) 1 4 3 2
B) 4 1 2 3
C) 4 1 3 2
D) 1 4 2 3
76. The height of the Troposphere is (in km)
tspkz;ly fPH; mLf;fpd; cauk; (fp.kP)
A) 8 Kjy; 18 B) 15 Kjy; 20 C) 3 Kjy; 10 D) 5 Kjy; 30
77. In India, Tsunami warning centre is located in ?

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A) Bangalore B) Hyderabad C) Delhi D) Chennai.
ne;jpahtpd; Rdkp Muha;r;rp ikak; mike;Js;s nlk; vJ?
A) bgA;fSu; B) i#juhghj; C) bly;yp D) brd;id.
78. Choose the correct statement.
1) Oceans modify earth‟s temperature
2) The average depth of Antarctic is 4500km‟s
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f.
1) BguhHpfs; g[tpapd; btg;g epiyia khw;wp mikf;fpd;wd.
2) mz;lhu;of;fh BguhHpapd; ruhrup MHk; 4,500fp.kPl;lu;fs; MFk;.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
79. The National Anthem was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on.
Bjrpa fPjk; murpay; epu;za rigahy; Vw;fg;gl;lJ vg;BghJ?
A) 1911 B) 1947 C) 1949 D) 1950
80. The first meeting of Indian Constituent Assembly was presided by
A) S.Sinha B) Rajendra Prasad C) Jawaharlal Nehru D) B.R. Ambedkar.
ne;jpa murpay; epu;za rigapd; Kjy; Tl;lk; ahUila jiyikapy; ele;jJ?
A) v!;. rpd;fh B) uhB$e;jpu gpurhj; C) $tu;yhy; BeU D) B.R. mk;Bgj;fhu;

Right to Education Act, for 6 to 14 year children, came in to force in ?
6Kjy; 14 taJila FHe;ijfspd; fy;tp cupik rl;lk; bfhz;L tug;gl;l Mz;L
A) 2010 B) 2013 C) 2012
The reign of Paramaras came to end with the invasion of
D) 2014

A) Babur B) Ala-ud-din-khilji C) Mohammed-bin-Tughlaq D) Mohammad of Ghor.

guhkuu;fspd; Ml;rptPH;r;rpf; fhuzkhd gilbaLg;g[
A) ghgu; B) myht{jpd; fpy;$p C) KfkJ-gpd;-Jf;sf; D) KfkJ Bfhup
83. Choose the wrongly matched pair.
King Rajput clan
A) Rajyabala - Prataikar
B) Jayachandra - Sena
C) Raj Bhoj - Paramarar
D) Yasodha Varman - Chandella.
rupahfg; bghUe;jhj niziaj; Bju;f.
muru; uh$g[j;jpu ndk;
A) uh$;aghyh - gpujpfhuu;
b) b$are;jpud; - Brdu;
c) uh$hBgh$; - guhkuu;
D) aBrhj tu;kd; - re;Bjyu;

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84. Choose the correct statement.
1) Lingaraja temple is in Bhubaneshwar. 2) child marriage was practiced during Rajput‟s period.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f.
1) ypA;fuhrh Bfhapy; g[tBd!;tuj;jpy; cs;sJ.
2) uh$g[j;jpuu; fhyj;jpy; FHe;ij jpUkzk; eilKiwapy; nUe;jJ.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
85. The Rashtrakuta king who participated in the Battle of Takkolam was ?
A) Krishna III B) Govindhan II C) Thandidurga D) Krishna II.
jf;Bfhyk; Bghupy; NLgl;l uh&;ouf;Tl muru;.
A) fpU&;zh III B) Bfhtpe;jd; II C) jz;oJu;fh D) fpU&;zh II
86. The last ruler of Yadava‟s of Devagiri was ?
A) Singhana B) Krishna C) Mahadeva D) Ramachandra.
Bjtfpup ahjtu;fspd; filrp muru;.
A) rpA;fdh B) fpU&;zh C) kfhBjth D) uhkre;jpuh
87. The Kalabras period in Tamil Nadu was.
A) B.C 300-400 B) B.C. 300-500 C) B.C. 300-600 D) B.C. 300-800
jkpHfj;jpy; fsg;gpuu; fhyk; vd;gJ.

A) fp.K. 300-400
C) 300-600
B) fp.K. 300-500
D) fp.K.300-800
The pallava ruler who built the Kanchi Kailashanath temple was ?
A) Narashima II B) Nandhivarman II C) Rajasimhan D) Mamallan.
fhq;rp ifyhrehju; Bfhapiyf; fl;oa gy;yt muru;.
A) eurpk;ktu;kd; II B) ej;jptu;kd; II
C) uh$rpk;kd; D) khky;yd;
89. Choose the correct statement.
1) Warm currents origins in equatorial region and moves towards poles.
2) Cold currents origins from polar region and move towards equator.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f.
1) btg;g ePBuhl;lA;fs; g{kj;jpa Buifapy; cUthfp JUtA;fis Behf;fp xLfpd;wd.
2) FsPu; ePBuhl;lA;fs; Jut Buifg; gFjpapy; cUthfp g{kj;jpa Buifia Behf;fp
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
90. Spits Bergen Island are situated in the ocean of
A) Arctic B) Pacific C) Atlantic D) Indian Ocean.
!;gpl;bgu;$d; jPt[fs; ve;j BguhHpapy; mike;Js;sd.

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A) Mu;of; B) grpgpf; C) ml;yhz;of; D) ne;jpag;BguhHp
91. Choose the correct statement.
1) Tornadoes are formed when hot air and cold air are mixed.
2) The country is declared as drought affected when overall rainfall deficiency is more than 10% over a
long period.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f.
1) r{iwf; fhw;Wfs; btg;g kw;Wk; Fspu; fhw;Wfs; re;jpf;Fk; BghJ cUthfpd;wd.
2) ePz;l fhykhf xU ehl;oa 10%f;Fk; Fiwthf kiHg;bghHpt[ nUf;FBkahdhy;
me;ehl;il twl;rpahy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l ehL vdyhk;.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both D) None of these.
92. Pampero is a ______ wind. Its blows in __________.
A) Cool, Argentina B) Warm, Argentina C) Cool, Alps region D) Warm, Alps region.
|ghk;bgBuh vd;gJ ________ fhw;W. nJ
A) Fspu;, mu;b$d;odh B) btg;gk;, mu;b$d;odh
C) Fspu;, My;g;!;kiy D) btg;gk;, My;g;!;kiy
93. In which layer of the atmosphere temperature decreases with increasing altitude is.
A) Troposphere B) Stratosphere C) Lonosphere D) Exosphere.

tspkz;lyj;jpd; ve;j mLf;fpy; cauk; mjpfupg;gpdhy; btg;gk; FiwfpwJ?
A) l;BuhBgh!;gpau;
C) maBdh!;gpau;
B) !;l;Buhl;Blh!;gpau;
D) vf;Brh!;gpau;
94. „Cirque‟ structure is formed in which type of action of glacier?
A) Frost wedging B) Plucking C) Abrasion D) Deposition.
gdpahwpd; ve;j braypdhy; „ru;f;‟ mikg;g[ Vw;gLfpwJ?
A) ciwvdp cilg;g[ B) gupj;bjLj;jy;
C) cuha;e;J mupj;jy; D) goaitj;jy;.
95. Transportation of very fine sediments in a river water is by means of
A) Traction B) Saltation C) Suspension D) Hydraulic process.
Mw;wpy; rpwpa mst[s;s Jfs; ve;j Kiwapy; flj;jg;gLfpwJ?
A) nGj;Jr; bry;yy; B) jht[jy;
C) bjhA;Fk; epiy D) ePu;jhf;fk;
96. Narcondam Island is situated in
A) West Andaman B) East Andaman C) South Andaman D) North Andaman.
ehu;fz;lk; jPtpd; miktplk;.
A) Bkw;F me;jkhd; B) fpHf;F me;jkhd;
C) bjw;F me;jkhd; D) tlf;F me;jkhd;

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97. The average density of the mantle is
g[tp ftrj;jpd; ruhrup mlu;j;jp vz;
A) 03 B) 08 C) 05 D) 12
98. “--------God is breath of all breath”- propounded by
A) Mirabai B) Kabir C) Gurunanak D) Chaitanya.
“midtuJ K}r;rpYk; miwtdJ K}r;R fye;jpUf;Fk;” vdf; Twpatu;
A) kPuhgha; B) fgPu; C) FUehdf; D) irjd;ah
99. Choose the correct statement
1) Ramanuja invited the downtrodden to vaishnavism.
2) The administrator of Provinces in Bhamini sultanate is Amir.
3) Tarikh-ul-hind was written by AI-Beruni.
4) Dhai Dinka jhonpara Mosque is in Lahore.
rupahd Tw;wpidj; Bju;f
1) uhkhD$u; itzt kjj;ij fPH;Fos; gpd;gw;Wtij tuBtw;whu;.
2) ghkpdp murpd; khepy epu;thfp mkPu; Mthu;
3) jhUf;fp-vy;-ne;j; vd;w Ehiy my;gUzp vGjpa[s;shu;.
4) jha;od;fh – B$hd;guh kr{jp yhTupy; cs;sJ.

A) 1,2 and 3 B) 2 and 3
100. Vikaramasila University was founded by
A) Gopala B) Dharmapala
tpf;fpukrPyh gy;fiy fHfj;ij epWtatu;.
C) 3 and 4

C) Devapala
D) 1 and 3

D) Mahipala

A) Bfhghyu; B) jUkghyu; C) Bjtghyu; D) kfpghyu;

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1 B 21 C 41 C 61 A 81 A

2 A 22 C 42 A 62 B 82 B

3 B 23 A 43 C 63 C 83 B

4 B 24 B 44 B 64 B 84 C

5 A 25 D 45 C 65 B 85 A

6 B 26 A 46 D 66 C 86 D

7 A 27 A 47 B 67 D 87 C

8 A 28 C 48 A 68 A 88 A

9 C 29 B 49 A 69 B 89 C

10 D 30 C 50 A 70 D 90 A

11 B 31 C 51 D 71 C 91 C

12 B 32 A 52 A 72 A 92 A

13 C 33 B 53 B 73 B 93 A

14 C 34 A 54 C 74 B 94 B

15 D 35 B 55 C 75 B 95 C

16 D 36 C 56 A 76 A 96 D

17 B 37 C 57 B 77 B 97 B

18 C 38 A 58 C 78 C 98 B

19 A 39 C 59 C 79 D 99 A

20 B 40 A 60 C 80 A 100 B

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Why to choose Chennai IAS academy?

Chennai IAS has a Special focus for TNPSC Examination.
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