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Directions for The Scramble for Africa T-Chart

Students will be grouped into fours for this assignment. They will watch the PBS
documentary “The Scramble for Africa” which focuses on two figureheads: General Gordon and
Cecil John Rhodes. Within these groups, students will be divided once more, making two groups
of two per group of four. These groups of two will be assigned with focusing on one of the two
historical figures, taking down important notes and events regarding their subject while the other
group of two does the same for the remaining figurehead. Once the documentary is over, groups
of two will share their notes with everyone in their group of four in an attempt to fill out a T-
Chart, answering questions that apply to both General Gordon and Cecil John Rhodes. Students
will be able to compare and contrast the methods and legacy each historical figure had as well as
their importance to Great Britain’s involvement in The Scramble for Africa. Upon completing
the assignment, each student will be given an evaluation sheet to report on the work and help
given by their partners. This is to ensure each student is on task and responsible for an equal
amount of work.

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