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Formal Classroom Observation

EAL Year 3
Pre-Observation Questions for the Instructor
(Please write your answers to the following questions and give them to the observer before class begins.) Instructor: RehamElSawaf
1. What are your objectives for today's lesson?
# of Students: 6
•Write instructions with a capital letter and a full stop.
Observer: D r .N a der a AL Bo r no
• Use time words to start a new sentence – First, Then, Next, After that, Finally.
2. How do the objectives for today's lesson relate to the goals of the course?

 I can use full stops, commas, question marks at sentence level with some accuracy when writing
independently and link sentences using basic coordinating connectors.

Outstanding Good Fair Poor
The instructor had a clearly discernible lesson plan **
There was an appropriate balance of structured and open-ended/communicative activities **
The exercises and activities were introduced in context **
The plan was geared toward real life learning and authentic language use **
Comments: Reham created an activity about the Chinese new year which was related to the school assembly. She also collaborated with the
Chinese teacher in the school to learn more authentically. Well done!
The instructor used the target-language in the classroom appropriately and effectively. **
Comments: I would steer away from words such as “bossy” verbs and use the target language of “instructions” or “imperatives” as this what
they will be hearing later in the classrooms.
The lesson was presented effectively and clearly **
The activities/exercises chosen to achieve the objectives were effective **
There were smooth transitions between activities **

1 Adapted from:

The time allotted for activities was appropriate. **
The amount of teacher talk and student talk was appropriate **
The type and amount of teacher feedback was effective **
Cultural instruction was integrated into class activities **
Comments: Reham was more organized in presenting the material to the students. The transition smooth. Reham needs to simplify the
instructions so that less time is needed to understand the exercise and more time can be allotted to the work and her support to the more
challenged ones.

2 Adapted from:

The use of small groups/pair work during each activity was appropriate **
The seating arrangement facilitated learning **
The instructor divided his or her attention among students appropriately **
Student participation was on task. **
Comments: The grouping was done using pictures which saved time and the students were excited in finding their spots. More attention is
needed regarding noise level in the classroom. Reham needs to devise ways to help students in their listening skills. Currently they speak
while she is explaining. Reham should not be speaking over their voices.
Student participation was active and lively **
The class atmosphere was warm, open and accepting. **
The instructor was sensitive to students' difficulties and abilities **
Comments: Once the pay more attention to instruction, Reham will be able to provide more personalized attention to the struggling students

Use of technology (video, audio, web materials) was appropriate given the material being **

Comments: Kahoot and Dojo system and stories using the smart board.
Students in ELL classes can benefit from the use of interactive stories using the smart board, where they can control the narrative of the

Other Comments:

The real strength to Reham is her aspiration to improve and grow. She has done many changes in her classroom and I can see that she will continue to
grow. She is also creative and loves her profession.

Suggestions for Improvements:

See above comments!

3 Adapted from:

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