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Topic : Should the death penalty be mandatory for people that kill other people?

Topic sentence: Due to the death penalty for the law ,self, and state
Brainstorm :

Yes No
(it is a good idea…) (it is not a good idea…)
Uphold justice for what he done Defying human rights law for life
Reduce crime The offender can not correct himself for his
Prove if the law is firm Brotherood with other countries is theatened
Only Allah swt can take human life of man
as its creator
There can be misunderstandings Suffering
the families of the executed victims
There can be misunderstandings

Make Paragraph:
Due to the Death Penalty for the Law ,Self, and State
I disagree with the topic should the death penalty be mandatory for people that kill
other people. In Indonesia this several year implemented death penalty be mandatory who do
crime cruel example murder, drug dealer, and others. Here we choose about murder crime.
Seen from terms impact, death penalty give negative impact more compared with the
positive. In Indonesia eksintance HAM from born one of them right to life. this eksintance
death penalty meants to appose regulations that have been made. then ,to perpetrators which
has crime cruel will definitely feel sorry. when the offender wants to change himself and not
do it again however because of the death sentence then the perpetrator so can not change.
Many prepetrator murder in indonesia from countries other get what he wants so it must be
put to death. From impact that willthe result in the range or the breakup of the brotherhood
with country whose citizens are affected death penalty in indonesia can even break the
cooperation that has been made. man is created by Allah swt, then the right to take human life
is Allah no life. the subject has familiy who will feel lost because exposed death penalty.
Other damps that arise is there can be misunderstandings, meaning for the affected
perpetrator death prepetrator he did not do it that crime because lack of evidence when
deciding. Then will happen there are pros cons between one party with another. Can be
concluded from the impact it should be before deciding the death penalty or not see the
positive or negative impact that will arise so that no one is harmed.

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