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Name Designation Signature Date

Prepared By

Approved By

Reviewed By

1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements and activities involved for conducting
pressure vessel internal cleaning.

2 Scope
This procedure is applicable for internal cleaning of completed Pressure retaining items or part
fabricated in accordance with Code after completion of all heat treatment and NDE, as applicable,
but prior to painting. It would also be applicable prior to any repair or alteration of pressure
retaining items.

3 Terms & Definitions

 AI – Authorized Inspector
 ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers
 Equipment – Pressure retaining items constructed as per Code.
 PPE – Personnel Protective Equipments
 PWHT – Post Weld Heat Treatment
 QA/QC – Quality Assurance & Quality Control
 QCI – Quality Control Inspector

4 Responsibilities
 In-charge Production
 In-charge QA/QC
 Quality Control Inspector

5 General Requirements

5.1 Cleaning Medium:

5.1.1 Clean fresh water shall be used as cleaning fluid during vessel internal cleaning. In case of
Austenitic Stainless steel materials, potable water with maximum chlorine content 100 parts per
million shall be used as a cleaning fluid.

5.1.2 The cleaning fluid (water) shall be treated if called for by the Client’s specification with corrosion

5.2 Temperature of Cleaning Medium:

5.2.1 It is recommended that the metal temperature during cleaning be maintained at least 10 C
above the minimum design metal temperature specified on the manufacturing drawing and
maximum temperature shall not be more than 48C.

5.3 Preparation for Cleaning:

5.3.1 The Q.C. Inspector shall verify that all welding, non-destructive examination, PWHT (if
applicable) and other related inspections have been completed and accepted to the satisfaction
of the AI before taking up the item for cleaning. The item should not have any coating applied
prior to test at weld joints

5.3.2 In case of repair or alteration job, QC inspector shall verify that no working has been started
before cleaning of vessel internally has been completed.

5.3.3 All instruments, expansion joints and appurtenances (control valves, compressors, pumps,
turbines & indicating devices) which do not form part of the cleaning shall be removed or
otherwise isolated from the cleaning system.

5.3.4 Blind flanges, spades and gaskets shall be installed as necessary. All fittings shall be tightened
except the vent points.

5.3.5 It should be ensure that the vessel is supported adequately before filling cleaning medium.

5.4 Filling with Cleaning Medium

5.4.1 The cleaning fluid (water) is usually filled from the lower end of the item, progressing towards
the vents on completion. The rate of flow should be such that it does not cause excessive
bubbles which may be entrapped in recesses.

6 Cleaning:

6.1.1 Cleaning should be progressed either pumping water with pressure or by just filling the vessel
and giving it a suitable hold time.

6.1.2 Hold time or cleaning time should be sufficient enough that it carries away all rust , deposits,
debris , process fluids (in case of repair of in service pressure vessel).

6.2 Draining of Test Medium

Immediately after completion of the cleaning activity, vents and drains shall be opened for
emptying the vessel. Dry air should be used to force evacuation and dry the inside of the vessel
preventing it from rusting.

7 HSE Instructions
Testing shall be carried out by following safety instructions specified by In-charge HSE and as per
company safety policy.

 In case of repair vessel no nozzle or valve should be opened unless approval has been taken
from the pressure vessel operator, as there could be hazardous fumes or fluids causing some
serious injuries.

 The man working inside or near tank shall have non-permissive coat, gloves, boots, airline mask
or anti-organic gas mask (if applicable).

 All concerned personnel should stand at safe distance and shall wear mandatory PPE’s.

 House keeping shall be ensured and drained water or any other spillage shall be managed

8 Related Documents
The QC Inspector shall record the results of test on the Vessel Cleaning Report. If the result of the
report is acceptable, designated QC and Client’s representative shall sign the report.

Sr. No. Document Name Document No.


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