SPP - Condensed

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SPP 201


Intro Increasing demand,

advancement technology

Most advantageous for client

to involve architect on the
earliest stage of development
(objective project analysis,
establishing parameters to
optimize building needs vis-à-
vis available resources and
attnednat consultants)
Services Pre-design Services
from identification of design
problems to conducting
studies towards
conceptualizing design

Scope of Services CPFSSAASSVDP (12)

Consultation (OWA)

Pre-Feasibility Studies

Feasibility Studies (P/T)


Site Selection and

Analysis (SSC) (MAS)
Site Utilization and Land
Use Studies (SDP)

Architectural Research

Programming (APSP)

Space planning (ASCA)

(PRI) (SA)

Space management
studies (AoSR) (SP)

Value Management

Design Brief Preparation

(ToR, Con,Obj)
Promotional Services
Manner of Providing

After initial meeting: (Ar tyo

submit PD proposal)
Scope of Work

Manner of Payment

Owner's Responsibilities

Other conditions of

Ar can render services in any

of the f ways:
Individial Architect
Architect's own staf
By Association,
Consultation or
Networking (extended
termsof O-A Agreement)
Project Classification None
Method of (5) MoC
Compensation Based on: (1) talent, (2) skills,
(3) experience, (4)
imagination, (5) type and
level of profl services
MDPE (non-creative
work; M=1.5-2.5%
depending on (1) office
setup, (2) overhead and
(3) experience, (4) and
project complexity;
based on technical
hours); R (paid by client)
(transpo, housing and
living allowance for
foreign and local
(exceeding 100 km) from
area of operation;
charged to client: over
the 5 copies submitted
to client, calls, tests,
licenses, fees, taxes and
Professional Fee +
expenses (continuing
relationship involving
series of projects)

Lump Sum/Fixed Fee

(government proj)

Per diem/honorarium
(personal time; plus out
of pocket expenses)
Mixed MoC

SPP 201

Other conditions on
SPP 202

Architectural plan and design

of the bldg property

Apply to both Individual and

Group Practice (juridical
identity complying with Sec

Foreign Architects - subject

to full compliance with Sec
38, DoLE, BoID;
in order to practice, need to
- work permit from DoLE
- work in collab with RLA local
counterpart/ "local
counterpart architect"

BPO and KPO firms (DTI or

SEC-registered) - are not
authorized to practice for
projects located on Philippine
soil; unless registered
satisfying Sec 37.
services amy be increased
and expanded

Regular Design Services

Architect -
Adviser and or

give oral or written advice Project Definition phase
attend conferences 1

make evaluations and appraisals 2

render valuable inputs whether client 3

pursues the proj.

preliminary studies (procurement 4

analysis and use of secondary info)
to aid client on EARLY DECISION
(represent Ars initial assessment Schematic Design Phase
on project soundness) (3)

Detailed Analysis of the project 1

based on pre-feasib (viability of
the proposed development)

(will set the proj against present and 2

future trends to forecast
performance over time)

requires primary data gathering 3


formulation of site criteria Design Development

Phase (4)
assistance to client in site evals (to 1
determine most appropriate site)
detailed analysis of site (site 2
development potential
identification through proper
utilization of the land)
analysis = context of site as well as: 3
surrounding environment and
development controls)
conduct of primary and secondary 4
researches and assembled facts
(basis for conclusion)
analytical problem-seeking Contract Documents Phase
process (lead to statement and (5)
identification of both hor and ver
reqts in ofering a solution)
space program of 1
characterizations of the envisioned
spaces: ambiance, cost range, etc.
determining adequate size and 2
configuration and assemblage:
use, allocation and interface of

done mainly thru primary data 3

gathering (interviews, consultations,
interfaces, FGD, space planning
surveys, space
and subsequent analysis (spatial 4
layouts with stacking concepts)

analysis of space requirements 5

( based on org structure and
functional setup, pinpoint linkages
and interaction of spaces)
formulation of space program Bidding or Negotiation
(serve as basis for the development Phase (3)
of the ar plan/design)
applied in cost management
associated with cost reduction 1
goal: achieve an unimpaired program
at minimum cost (revised plans at
same performance with costlier
ar states ToR (Terms of Reference)
including the concept, objectives
and other necessary reqts to bid out
ar's services public or private
projects may require (in order to
develop financial support and
acceptance from govt agencies or
general public.

Ar can act as agent of owner 2

(producing and coordinating addtl
but still maintain professional status
as owners rep

Construction Phase (5)

Single Contract\

Separate Contract
Classified - Degree of
Complexity & creative skill
Group 1: Simple

Group 2: Moderate

Group 3: Exceptional
Group 4: Residences

Group 5: Monumental
Group 6: Repetitive
Group 7: Housing Projects

Group 8: Extensive Detail

Group 9: Alteration

Group 10: Consultant

(6) MoC

AN + CN + TN = Direct Cost Percentage of Project

Direct cost x M = Fee Construction Cost (PCC)
Fee + R = total cost of service charged - detailed in Architect's
to Client Guidelines

(shall be made known to client before

agreeing with this MoC: rate of staf
MDPE (non-creative
work; M=1.5-2.5%
depending on (1) office
setup, (2) overhead and
(3) experience, (4) and
project complexity;
based on technical
hours); R (paid by client)
(transpo, housing and
living allowance for
foreign and local
(exceeding 100 km) from
area of operation;
charged to client: over
the 7 copies submitted
to client, calls, tests,
licenses, fees, taxes and
Professional Fee +
expenses (continuing
relationship involving
Lump of projects) Fee
(government proj)

Per diem/honorarium
(personal time; plus out
of pocket expenses)
Mixed MoC

Provide full info (reqts)

designate rep in his behalf

promtly examine and render

decisions (avoid unreasonable
delay); Owner should issue
orders to Con thru Architect
Owner to direct Ar the f:

Promptly pay for Ar and Engg

and allied servies
Pay for the design and
consultiong services

Arrange and pay for such

legal, auditing, insurance,
counselling and other services
Pay for all reimbursable
expenses as called for in Sec.
7 and all taxes including VAT
(but not including income tax)
If Owner observes or aware of
anything that may impair the
successful imp[lementation of
the project, written notice to

Conditions for the Architect's

Other services

Per Diem and Traveling


Extra sets of Ocntract

Changes ordered by owner

Work suspended or

Diferent Periods of

Charges of Specialist

Separate Services

Full time Construction



Government Taxes and

Ownership of Documents

Cost Records

Design and Placement of


Project Construction Cost


Project Development Cost

SPP 202
SPP 203

INDIVIDUAL - Sole Architecture - defined as the

Proprietorship - DTI- blending of aesthetucs, functions,
registered space, materials, and its
GROUP - Partnership or environment resulting from
Architectural Corporation - various technologies and skills of
SEC-registered diferent fields

Specialized Architectural
Services - deals with specific
expertise for further enhancement
of the archietctural interior and
exterior components of a project.

Architect's responsibility to
man and society - make sure
that both the building and its
physical environment enhances
the lives of people by strictly
adhering to national and
international standards with
regard to public health, safety and
Consulting Architect - shall refer
only to a RLA who may also be a
separately RLP

For SPP 203 - term Architect refers

to Consulting Architect who may
be holder of a Specialist
Certificate (issued by Board and
commission upon due qualification
by IAPoA)

Starts when the owner

outlines his requirements to
the Architect. Covers: from
analysis and study of needs
to preparation of the
necessary instruments of
service and finally
supervision during project
implementation; Ends only
when the gen con turn over
the completed project to

Owner Requirements &
Arch'l Program
consult and confirm
conceptual framework
and related reqts

gathers data leading to

definition of reqts and
scope of Ar services
reviews and refines owner
space; translate to archl
prepares initial statement
of PCC

Conceptual Plans and

Schematic Design

Evaluate owner's program,

schedule, budget, project
site and proposes
methods of project
Prepare initial line dwg
(design studies leading to
solution) including general
description of work
Submit SPPCC based on
current cost parameters

Design Development
DD Docs - plans, elevs, sec,
and other
Outline specs: fix and
illustrate size and character
of entire project - type of
Matls and Engg system
Diagrammatic layout of
Construction Systems

Updated SPPCC

Contract Documents
(See General Ocnditions
UAP Doc 301)

prepares complete
Contract Docs

Prepare Technical Specs -

describing type and quality
of material, finish, manner
of construction and the
general conditions
submit to owner 7 sets of
all construction drawings
and technical specs (for
obtaining bldg permit)
update SPCC - based on
changes in scope, reqts or
market conditions
assist the Owner - filling
form - secure approval of
govt authorities

Bid Documents and

awarding construction
Architects during this
prepares Bid Documents
forms for contract

documents for
forms for invitation
and instruction to
bidders, forms for
bidders' proposals
and general/specific
conditions of
assist owner listetc
prospective contractors

contractors/long or
short listed)
complete sets
of Bid Docs -
loaned to
Bidders at an
sufficient to
cover direct
and indirect
costs (prep.

property of
the Ar (Sec 33
- Ar sole
help conduct
and organize
responds to
bidders (Bid
assist owner:
(1) obtaining
(2) analyzes
bid results,
(3) prepares
Abstract of
Bids, (4)
notice of
award, (5)
Contracts one
contractor only
decisions on all claims of
the Owner and Contractor
prepares change orders,
gathers and turns over
written guarantees
periodic visits (general
progress and quality of
works and if in accordance
with Contract Docs) - shall
not be exhaustive; shall
condemn work
noncompliant; report to
owner defects and
determine amount owing
and due to contractor
Certificate of Payment
(based on observation and
Contractor's Application for
Necessary inspection - to
conclude dates of
substantial and final
completion and issue final
Certificate of Payment to
Should more extensive Que
inspection or full time ry
(8hours) construction
supervision is reqd, a
separate full time
supervisor must be hired
(SPP 204 A)

* both cases - civil liabilities
remain saparate; RLA does
not assume civil liability of
the other RLP

Basis of MoC - Architect's


simplest utilization and

character; without paritition
moderate complexity; with
exceptional character; need
specialty consultant or
science related
single detached, single
attached, duplex, rowhouse,
shop house, small
apartrment house,
reuse of plan and psecs for
repetitive con
Construction of several
residential units (Group 4)
use of 1 set of plans, specs
and related docs
Built-in components, special
fitting, screens, counters,
architectural interiors,
development planning
Alterarion, Renovation,
rehab, retrofit, expansion,
addition (groups 1-5)
Render advice, clarification,
explanation on technical

Through Man-months: man days

x 8 man hours x multiplier
(direct and indirect costs e.g.
overhead) or as prescribed by
Architects guidelines
certified survey of site,
topographical and relocation
surveys covering grade
lines of streets, alleys,
encroachements, and
related info (boundaries
with dimensions and
complete data pertaining to
existing buildings,
structures, trees, plants,
water bodies, wells
,excavations / pits, etc.)

other improvements as to
the availability of
utility/service lines both
public and private;
zoning compliances,
clearances, deed of
restrictions, encumbrances
and annotations to titles,
association guidelines and
standards, and soil
investigations, boring and
test pits necessary for
determining soil and sub
soil condition
Based on the PCC; When
the Ar. Has to render
additional services, addl
compenstaion is reqd
To be recommended by Ar
for Owner's Approval. To be
payed by owner: - other
service provider and Ar for
coordination fee
chargeablle to owner if Ar or
rep is reqd byond 50 km
from office (Ar. Letter head)
Owner shall pay addl sets

if approved, owner shall pay

for extra time, resources,
office expenses
payment=stage abandoned
90% if plans are already
Construction period
adjustments proportionate
to service fee adjustment
Suspension of construction -
if exceeds 6 months -
charges shall be doubled
engaged with the consent of
Ar. - paid separately from Ar
AI or SDP or Urban Design.
Owner shall pay ar in
addition to the Ar. Fee -
(compensation based on
SPP 203)
upon recommendation of ar
and approval of owner, if
engaged shall be paid by
the owner; and shall report
to Ar (if no CM/PM)
Ar have no control over cost
of labor and materials, or
factors go into competitive
bidding. Does not assume
any profl responsibility for
such cost estimated,
UNLESS glaring errors or
discrepancies are clearly
The Ar Fee = net Amount
(all taxes except income tax
shall be paid by owner)
All instruments of service
(designs, drawings, models,
specs, and other contract)
are the intellectual property
of the Ar (executed or not)
shall not be reproduced or
used on other work except
with a WRITTEN
AGREEMENT with the Ar
(Sec. 33)
Owner shall furnish the Ar a
copy of records of expenses
being incurred in
construction. And upon
completion - Summary of all
cost of labors, services,
materials, equipments,
fixtures and all items used
for the completion of
All signboarss (Gen con, sub
con, jobbers, and dealers
shall be approved by Ar)

After completion, the lessee

or owner shall consult the Ar
for the design, size

Nothing should be installed

inside or outside of the bldg
that would compromise its
safety and aesthetics
means the cost of the
completed bldg to the
owner, incl structure,
plumbing, sanitary, and
other elements attached to
the bldg including AI and
SDP designed by Ar are also
part of the PCC
Cost of materials and labor
(shall be computed based
on the current market
does NOT include any fees
of for the professionals or
salaries of construction
shall include cost of
construction as well as all
professional fees.
Clearances, utilities and
cost of acquiring the project
site/lot, cost of money
SPP 204 A

(23) SAS past 50 yrs - owner, Ar

- Architectural Interiors and SC, Contractor and
- Acoustic Design supervisors
- Architectural Lighting Lyout and
- Site Development Planning (SDP)
- Site and Physical Planning Services
(Master Development Planning,
Subdivision Planning and Urban
- Comprehensive Development
- Historic and Cultural Heritage
Conservation and Planning
- Security Evaluation and planning
- Building Systems Design
- Facilities Maintenance Support
- Bldg Testing and Commissioning
- Building Environment Certification
Aicc - directly and
- Forensic Architecture
professionaly responsible
- Building Appraisal
and liable for the
- Structural Conceptualization
construction supervision
- Preliminary Services
- Contract Documentation and
- Post Design Services (including
Construction Management Services)
- Dispute Avoidance and Resolution
- Architectural Research Methods
- Special Building/Facility PLanning
and Design
- Building COmponents
- Management of Architectural
small/manageable pro -
construction inspector
complex - Construction
supervision Group (CSG)
to do full time inspection
CSG - normally
recommneded by the AR
(based on performance)
hired by owner,
answe4rable to both
owner and ar


- Quality Control
- Evaluation of
Construction work
- Prep. Of Daily Inspection
- Filing of Docs
Dual Capacity (Ar and CA)
or as CSG
AoR is in better position to
interpret his drawings
(staf can be assigned to
full time supervision)
CA only or as CSG
Percentage of Project
Construction Cost

MDPE (7copies)
Professional Fee +

Lump sum/FF

Per Diem, Honorarium

plus Reimbursable
Mixed Methods

Limitation of Authority
CSG or Ar, shall not
assume the responsibility
of the Contractor's
Projects superintendednt
CSG shall not make
decisions on matters that
are sole responsibility of

Legal responsibility

- admin matters to Owner
- technical matters to Aor
Article 1723 of Civil Code,
CSG may not havfe a legal
responsibility for plans
and construction

However, Service
Contract/Agreement bet.
CSG and Owner may
stipulate such terms
particularly if party is to
review Contract Docs and
interpretation during
course of construction.
cross claims may be filed
if non-performance of
certain acts are traced to
the CSG

BSA degree

Extensive experience in
design and construction
and must be very
knowledgeable in bldg
materials and
construction detailing
SPP 204 - B SPP 205

Due to increasing Bldg Administration and

complexity of contrsuction Management - goes
proj, there is an upward beyong maitenance and
demand for more efective upkeep functions. Efficient
cost control and faster and economical operation
project implementation. and maintenance of a
Filled by Construction bldg, facility or a complex
Management Services

CM could either be: channels of

- member of staf of communication are open -
Owner bldg owners, operators,
- independent individual ar, engrs, builders,
- firm hired by owner manufacturers, bldg
research groups, utliity
providers, furniture and
equipment vendors and
bldg admin/prop.
Managers to provide
acces of info regaridng
the performance and
upkeep of bldgs

Ar- can serve as CM - ar - engaged as bldg

training in coordination - admin/prop. Manager -
quality, workmanship and maximize lifespan and
cost produce max economic
Bldg and Facilities Admin

Function and Description include function of CSG Bldg Maintenance

of Tasks (4)
- Coordination and
- Cost and Time Control
- Quality Control of Work
- Keeping of Records
may hire CSG under his Grounds and
employ or may supervise Landscaping
CSG hired directly by Supervision

Bldg Eqpt
Business Devt and
Dual Capacity (Ar and CA)
or as CSG

CA only or
separate compensation % of Gross Rentals,
from AR maintenance and security

Monthly salary/fee
Limitation of Authority Shall not
involve himself directly
with work of the
contractor (to not be
construed with
impose Civil liability)
methods, systems
or designs that will
substantially afect
construction schedule and
impair design concept of
Legal responsibility

- directly responsible to
owner: programming,
coordination, quality and
cost control and time
CM assumes no liability in
case quipment fail to
function or if a portion of
a bldg collapses:
- due to deficiencies in
plan, provided CM did not
participate in Plan review
- due to deficiencies in the
manner of construction,
provided CM faithfully
discharged his functions


Must be State-regulated
professional (RLP)
Ar who are cpontractors or
who have already been in
responsible charge of
construction - capable of
being CM
SPP 206
(1) comprehensive
Architectural Services, (2)
Project Management
Comprehensive Provide continuity of
Architectural Services services

Range of profl services

covers : Pre-design,
Regular Design,
Specialized Arcl,
Construction, Post-

Ar- Prime Professional ;

functions as author,
creatorand coordinator -
need knwloedge building

Not expected to perform

all services; agent of the
Project Management (PM) Firm - Owner hired

involves management

over-all objective control

over time, cost and

does not relieve the

designers and contractors
of respective duties. PM
complements fucntions of
Ar, Engr, Contr in meeting
the broad and complex
reqts of the proj.
Comprehensive Archl
- All in good condition Pre-Design (12)
- formulate and enforce Services
rules on proper use of
- sevurity monitoring
- maintenance and
upkeep monitoring
- landscape contractors Regular Design (6)
and gardeners Services
maintenance of landscape
- maintain orderly in and
egress and parking areas
- maintain streets ( ROWS,
walkways, ramps)
- assist 3rd parties all Specialized Allied (23)
eqpts are properly Services
- innovate schemes to Construction (2)
attain max. bldg Services
- bill tenants for rentals
and utilities (electricity,
water, telephone, cable,
gas and other related
dues) Post-construction (2)

Project Management

Pre-construction regular consultations -

Phase As early as DDP, perharps
even concurrently Ar
Construction Phase Oversee cost, time and
qualoity control - if also
serves as CM (refer to SPP
204 A-B
Comprehensive Project management (PM)
Architectural Services

dual role of PM and If PM is hired by

CM or efectively the Owner, it may be
overall coordinator responsibility of PM
given above to hire CM/Fulltime
functions supervisor (PCC,
under him or under
client) or serve as CM
may form a team PM operates as
consisting of profls member of O-A-E-C-
such as but not team.
limited to: (10)
Team approach: -
each member will
have precedence in
his own field of

Architects, Engineers, Principles:

Market Analysts,
Accountants, Genera - Ar and SC - plans
Contractors, Real - Engr - plans
Estate Consultants, - Contractor - men,
Socioogists, Planners, equipment and
Bankers, lawyers delivery of project
- O - makes decisions
and assures
availability of funds
PM - prime
responsibility is to
exercise OVERALL
(plan, program
activities and act as
adviser on material
costs and
PM - percentage basis
(see Architects

Ar as PM performs Regular
Design Servise, shall be
paid separtely for such)
SPP 207 SPP 208
(1) DB by Administration,
(2) DB with Guaranteed
Max. PCC
- best to achieve need on
balance of elements of
time, quality and cost (Ar
performing DBS)

- Ultimate goal project

delivery : (1) shortest
possible time,
(2) lowest possible cost,
(3) acceptable quality and

- Educ, training and

expertise - qualifies to
take direct role ( from
conceptualization to

- DBS - simplifies and

expedites process while
providing cost-efective

- Ar -assumes profl
responsibility and civil
liability (for both Design
and construction)
DB Services by Admin

- similar with Ar. Regular

Design servies (5) : PDP,
- during Ocnstruction Prep of schedule of work,
phase; service goes program and estimate of
beyong matls, labor, services for
supervision/periodic construction
inspection to include f:

Nego and entering into

ocntract w/ piece work
contractors and evals of

Procurement: materials,
plants, eqpts, licenses and
Authorizing payment of

Keeping records of

Nego with govt and

private agencies having
relation to proj.

Management of all other

business transactions,
related to projj
DB Services with
Guaranteed Mac PCC

same except provides

Owner a guaranteed Max
PCC for ocnstruction of
Savings - divided equally
by 2
PCC not to exceed 10% of
estimated PCC, ar liable
for excess amount
additional cost: legit :
CVO - Change/Variation
EWO - Extra Work Orders
NEDA - certify substantial
escalation of costs of
materials and labor
Arrangements part of a member of entity
onstructing his design. Or
works in tandem or has an
atuorized entity to
ocnstruct desing

himself a Stet-liocensed
variation must adhere to - SPP 200 (CEC) and SPP
- owner shall pay all costs
of permits and licensesnd
other incidental works
- Ar may appoint
purchasing agent,
timekeeper (not
deductible toi Ar fee)
- may be modified based
on SPP 202 alternatives
SPP 209
Specialized Allied Services Architectural Interior
Services (Sec3 & 14)

(AI) - involved the detailed

planning and design of the
indoor/enclosed areas
(including retrofit, renovation,
rehabilitation or expansion
work (arch'l and engg
systems) RA 9266
Scope of Services Work on a development
concept (develops design by
the size and interrelationship
of interior spaces, layouting of
furniture, movables,
equipment, built-ins, fixtures
to support thye reqd activities,
contributing to the total

such that they contribute to

the physical, visual,
intellectual and emotional
comforts intended end-users
SPECIALIST prescribes space plans,
stacking diagrams, sections
and computations

layouts and prescribes and

prepares specs of AI
assist client in conducting bids
and suppliers
checks and approves samples
of materials and shop drawing
of AI components
reviews and approve billings

final inspection

Manner Dual capacity - Aor and CA

CA only

Moc Should it require extensive

detailing of AI components,
the Architect's Fee shall be the
percentage of the AI work

owner should pay diorectly to

SC (Specialist Consultantrs)
For payment see Architects
Acoustic Design Services Architectural Lighting Layout
and Design

to control sound transmission for detailed planning and design of

compatibility with the archl design light transmission, timing and
concept; control for compatibility with the
architectural design concept.
limiting criteria
limiting criteria
Architect: prime professional to Architect: prime professional to
coordinate works; shall make sure coordinate works; shall make
that all inputs comply with sure that all inputs comply with
requirements requirements
prepares dwgs and specs (acoustic prepares dwgs and specs
design and treatment, sound (lighting design,
control and reinforcement, sound illumination, fixture
absorption, reflectance, insulation, placement, efficiency, energy
etc. considerations, etc.

assist in bidding & nego with assist in bidding & nego with
contractor contractor
checks and approves samples of checks and approves samples of
materials and shop drawing materials and shop drawing

assist owner in evaluating the assist owner in evaluating the

amount due to subcon amount due to subcon
conducts final inspection conducts final inspection

Dual capacity - Aor and CA Dual capacity - Aor and CA

CA only CA only

depend on complexity of works depend on complexity of works

owner should pay diorectly to SC owner should pay diorectly to SC

(Specialist Consultantrs) (Specialist Consultantrs)
For payment see Architects "Cost of Work" - total cost of all
Guidelines fixtures and accessories by SC
that were used or installed in the
For payment see Architects
Site Development Planning Site and Physical Planning
(SDP) Services (including Master
(LANDSCAPING) Development Planning,
Subdivision Planning and
Urban Design) Services
The space planning, Physical Planning - orderly
architectural lay-outing and arrangement within a piece of
utilization of spaces within and land or property in which vertical
surrounding a specific bldg / structures, horizontal
structurein relation with the devcelopment (ROW), open
existing natural and/or built spaces, and activity sapces are to
environments. be proposed.

Concerned with the grounds and

(immediately) surrounding space

Multi-disciplinary team
Ordinarily: landscaping layout of studying its interrelationship with
small building projects could be other structures, the surrounding
done by the Ar as part of SDP environment, and their efect and
efort. However if its large in impact on the neighboring areas
scale, the Ar must hire a
qualified SC

Beyond study of human behavior;

in depth study of the host site's
economic system, laws and
regulations, tax structure,
infrastructure, utilities and other
upon design of cldg/structure, ideas and concepts to physical
complements this with the plan. Ar by vitrue in coordinating
design of the surroundings that of a multi disciplinary team, the
will make fit for a specific mood AR becomes the logical Prime
and for the required specific Professional.

Laysout the open spaces in and

around the structure such that
they contribute to the totality of
the project
achieve a well balanced design Physical Planning - concerned
of the nevironment enveloping a with the general quaity of settings
specific bldg for people, activites, buildings,
and other natural and man made

undertakes the site planning -

requires composite arrangement
of several buildings and their
requisite amenities, facailities,
services and utilities

Lead professional of the Physical

planning team - should other
services such as environmental
studies, feasib studies, market
analysis, access/movement
systems, impact analysis be
performed by duly qualified

Additional SC - paid separately

When commissioned to do
physical planning for bldg sites:
confers project
examines laws, ordinances
prepare SPPCC for the total
physical devt
undertakes modifications,
revisions and changes
reqd by owner
prepares finalized plans
prepare construction
prepares Project Cost
Estimates (PCE)
conceptualizes the entire SDP:
civil, hardscape, softscape

conceptualizes specs for civil

works and utility lines

when no SC available: assist in

bidding & nego with contractor

Dual capacity - Aor and CA Dual capacity - Aor and CA

CA only CA only

depend on estimate of works, For payment see Architects

magnitude and complexity of Guidelines
project; especially if Ar is also
RLP ie Landscape Ar.

owner should pay diorectly to SC

(Landscape Architect)
For payment see Architects

not mentioned : 30 % more if

Landscape terrain is complex
Comprehensive Development Historic and Heritage
Planning (CDP) Conservation and Planning

based on the concept of CA provides research,

expanded physical planning; assessment, recording,
realization of a Master management, interpretation and
Development Plan; parallel conservation of historical
preparation of (EIA/S) heritage
environmental impact

Multi-disciplinary team
CDP services may place heavy
emphasis on the non-
physical/non engg
componments of the devt plan
(i.e. financial, economic, market
demand, forecast,
legal, socio-culturalo,
environmental and the like)

MDP services - puts a

premium on physical
planning and e ngg
components - direct or
sequential translation from initial
CDP eforts

If suitably traioned and

experienced and synthesize or
organize in a whole above multi
discipline - can take lead
CA is concerned with
(management and use of land,
concervation preservation and
upgrading human environment)

if separate RLP (Environmental

Planner) suitable training, social
commitment, and technical
experience as coordinator of
several disciplines - qualified to
lead mdt in ofering CDP
Need RLA and experiences EnP -
may include: (5 scope of
- Physical Component
- Economic Component
- Socio-cultural Component
- Transport Component
- Legal and Administrative

Development Planning (CDP)
- calls for the detailed study of
phsyical, social, economic and
administrative components; as
such requires the expertise and
knowledge of Special
CA is commissioned to do CDP
efort, he performs the f:

- identifies existing land use,.

Resources, social behavior and
- undertakes environmental
analysis, demographic analysis
and feasib studies
- examines existing laws,
ordinances, political/social
- prepares conceptual
development plans, policies,
implementing strategies and
master planning solutions
Dual capacity - Aor and CA
CA only

Through Man-months: man

days x 8 man hours x
multiplier (direct and indirect
costs e.g. overhead) or as
prescribed by Architects
Security Evaluation and Building Systems and Design

CA arranges and formulates Ar. In this area engages in

methods of rating and methods of producing bldg
ascertaining the value of components of producing bldg
structures or facilities which components ina ahighly
must be fully secured, kept safe, engineered, efficient and cost
protected, assured, guaranteed efective manner, particularly for
and provided sufficient residential and commercial
safeguards for the oncudct of applications
any work or actitivty.
Facilities Maintenance Building Testing and
Support Commissioning

provides owner measures to ensuring that the bldg is

ensure the proper function and planned, designed, installed and
maintenance of the tested to perform according to
bldg/structure and site after final the design intent.
Building Environment Forensic Architecture

Building Environment rating Ar - undertakes a scientific study

system - needed to evaluate the on the built environment's well
envl performance of the bldg; to being , focus on ways to best
encourage market migration maintain and prolong bldg life in a
towards sustainable design coefficient manner, to provide
recom to owner

Rating system must be: - determine casues of deterioration

- credit based (during planning, - cause of bldg deficiency -
design, construction and noncompliance with bldg laws,
occupancy) deviation from original function
- flexible (need not meet identical - research on possible faulty
reqts to qualify) activities and operation during the
- consensus-based and market- proj implemnentation phase
driven - to accelerate development - determination of faulty plan and
and implementation of green or construction methodology
building practices
CA - must have more than just
knowledge of Green arch and envl
or sustl design, governing envl law
and investigation procedures such
as : Philippine Solid Waste, Clean
Air and Clean Water Acts, DENR
Admin Issuances
Building Appraisal Structural Conceptualization

Appraisal - defined as an act or Ar - conceives, chooses, develops

process of estimating value the type, disposition, arrangement
and proportioning of structural
Ar - places value on the bldg elements : safety, cost
condition and fects, includi ng its efectiveness, functionality,
repair and maintenance, including aesthetics
reqd improvements
Preliminary Services Contract Documentation and
Review Services

Ar - much more than basic Ar - much more than basic

knowledge of Services of SPP 201 knowledge of Specification wiritng,
Estimation, QS, Archl Production,
Archl Software, Archl support
services, and contract Docs Review
Post Design Services (Including DAP - DISPUTE AVOIDANCE AND
Construction Services) RESOLUTION

CA - much more than basic Ar - much more than basic

knowledge of Pre-con, Con and knowledgeof the various modes of
Post-con and other services under ADR (under RA 9285, the ADR Act
SPP 2014, 206 and 207. of 2004 and its IRR i.e.
Construction Arbitration, mediation
Included is preparation of FALAR - and conciliation, Negotioation and
Fire Safety and Life Assessment of Contract Admin, Quality Surveys,
Report (reqd by R.A 9514, the 2008 Appraisals and Adjustments and
Fire Code of the Phils and its 2009 Expert Testimony.
must be state-accredited
Architectural Research Special Building/Facility
Methods Planning and Design

CA - much more than basic much more than basic knowledge

knowledge of Research Methods, of the planning and design
Philippine Ar, Ar. Materials and processes reqd for: Houding Devts,
Finishes, Bldg types and standards, Recl and Tourism Estates,
Archl design trends, Ar writing and Healthcare and hospitality
photography facilities, transpo and telecom
facilities, economic zones,
industrial parks, community
Building Components Management of Ar Practices

CA - much more than basic Ar - much more than basic

knowledge of Building materials knowledge of the types of Ar office
and finishes, Construction operatiojns, management,
methodlogies, bldg envelopes, accounting, finance/tazation, ar
Archl fenestrations. Hardware, marketing, contract admin, file
fixtures and fittings management and limitations of
BPO and KPO operations
Methods of compensation

Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses Professional Fee + Expenses

Application Non-creative Work (accounting, Continuing relationship involving a

secretarial, research, data gathering, series of projects

Computed Yes Yes

How? Adding all costs fo technical services Fixed sum over and above the
(manhours x rate) and then multiplying reimbursment for the Ar's technical
by a multiplier (covering overhead and time and overhead

Legend A= Architect's rate/hr

C= Consultant's rate/hr
T= Rate/hr of technical staff, researchers
and others involved in the project

AN, CN, TN = No. of hours spent by Ar

consultants and technical staff

Multiplier (M) 1.5-2.5 (depending on office set up and

complexity of project)

Reimbursable expenses transportation

housing and living allowances of foreign
per diem
housing and living allowances of local
consultants and technical staff (assigned
places over 100 km only from area of

Direct Cost = AN + CN + TN
Fee = Direct Cost x M
Total Cost of Service charged to the
client = Fee + R

= (Direct Cost x M) + R
Lump Sum (Fixed Fee) Per Diem/Honorarium

May be applied to government for work which will require his personal
projects (since they entail more paper time, such as:
work and time consuming efforts) (1) attending project related meetings,
conferences, trips
(2) conducting ocular inspection of
possible project sites
(3) conferring with others regarding
prospective investements or ventures

No Yes

Less reimbursement on top of er diem/honorarium fee, they

shall pay the architect's out of pocket
expenses (travel, accomodations and

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