Bartley 1986

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The Implementation of P C Scheme

David H, Bartley
John C. Jensen

Computer Science Center

Texas Instruments Incorporated
P.O. Box 226015, M/S 235
Dallas, Texas 75266

Following Powell [Powel184], the design philosophy of

Abstract our system is "best simple." Whenever possible, our de-
sign decisions favored the simplest and most cost-effective
PC Scheme is a compiler-based implementation of alternatives available. Uncommon features were made to
Scheme for PC-class machines. The compiler generates "pay their own way," while common ones were streamlined
code for an idealized virtual machine which is emulated as much as possible. The result is a compilation strategy
with threaded code techniques. The design has traded off and virtual machine architecture that are highly tuned to
the requirements of space sad speed effectively, resulting our purpmes.
in one of the fastest PC-class LISP systems known to the
2 The Virtual Machine (VM)

1 Introduction The key to a successful LISP implementation on a small

machine is careful design of the environment in which pro-
Scheme [RRRS 85] is a lexically ecoped dialect of LISP grams execute. The selection of data representations is
which was originally developed at MIT [Steele 78a] and particularly critical because of the pervasive use of type
has subsequently been used extensively for research, ed- dispatching in program code and the garbage collector.
ucation, and application programming. Like COMMON Although our requirement for speed dictated a compiler-
LISP, Scheme features lexical scoping and first-class func- based approach, the expected bulkiness of true native code
tions. Unlike COMMON LISP, Scheme supports continu- on 8-bit processors was excessive for the small memories
ations as first-class objects and is properly tail-recursive. available. We chose instead to emulate a virtual machine
Many Scheme dialects, including ours, have also incorpo- representing an idealized Scheme architecture. Our VM
rated environments and engines as first-class objects. simplifies the compiler considerably yet is surprisingly fast.
Texas Instruments has been interested in Scheme for
some time as a vehicle for experiments in compilation tech-
niques and the design of architectures for symbolic com- 2.1 VM Implementation
puting. PC Scheme, a commercial by-product of this re-
Threaded code [Bell 73] is a well-known implementa-
search, was created to support the development of such A I
tion technique for the emulation of language-specific ar-
packages and products as TI's~Personal Consu~ant'" and
chitectures. It combines compact encoding of programs
Arborist.'" Since TI and IBIvi~ PCs with Inte~~-)8088 and
with rapid execution. Our byto.level encoding is similar
80286 processors and typical memory capacities of 512K
to most Paacal P-code implementations: the byte pointed
bytes were to be used as both the development and target
to by the emulated "program counter" is used as an in-
machines for these efforts, PC Scheme was required to be
de.x into a table of machine language subroutine addresses.
both fast and small.
Each of these machine language routines performs an oper-
ation, optionally conditioned by the contents of subsequent
"operand" bytes in the emulated VM instruction stream,
and then executes the NEXT sequence shown below to
fetch and execute the next VM instruction.

xor AX.AX ; c l e a r AX
Permission to cOW/withoutfee all or part of this material is granted lods byte p t r ES:[SI] ; get next
provided that the copies are not made or dis~ribuUxl for direct mov BX,AX : opcod,
commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of
the publication and its date appear, and notice is giventhat copying shl BX,I ; make word index
is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To imp op_tabla*[BX] : and Jump
copy otherwise, or to republish, requires • fee and/or specfic

© 1986 A C M 0-89791-2004186t0600-0086 75¢ 86

The emulation overhead for this NEXT sequence repre- .. D~o~.ptio. Size (b¢es)
sents about 16% of the total execution time for an average "native code:program 72,000
mix of VM instructions. static d a t a 23,700
As shown in Figure 1, the ~ emulator and that part runtime stack 12,300
of the runtime support which is written in assembly lan- C's heap 29,500
guage and C consume 137,500 bytes of memory. The rest (subtotal) 137,500
of the system is written in Scheme. The first 76,700 bytes Scheme: standard system 76,700
of Scheme code are loaded into the heap during system Autoloaded " Edwin editor 109,000
initialization. The rest of the system code is autoloaded as Scheme: SCOOPS 18,700
needed. structure editor 8,200
miscellaneous 30,900
total 381,000
2.2 VM Architecture Figure 1: Memory space allocation
Unlike P-code, which is a stack-based architecture ori-
ented towards strongly typed languages, our virtual ma-
chine architecture is register-based and emphasizes the re-
quirements of Lisp-like languages. The choice of a register-
The others employ simple stack models, with instructions
based model was motivated by the desire to investigate
typically operating on implicitly specified operands at the
compilation techniques for such register-based machines
top of the stack. Like P C Scheme, MACSCHEME and the
as the Motorola 68000, the National/TI 32000, and Berke-
ley's SOAR [Ungar 84], a tagged Reduced Instruction Set MIT "small Scheme" are bytecoded implementations (al-
Computer (RISC). The ~ architecture largely follows the though the MIT design was never completed). The RAB-
tenets of the RISC philosophy but integrates most low- BIT VM is actually a subset of LiSP with global variables
level run time features and many commonly used primitive serving as VM registers. SPICE and the LISP Machines
Scheme functions as VIVI instructions. This is a valuable have microcoded implementations.
aid to increased performance for an emulated VM, though These LisP-oriented architectures have several features
less appropriate for an actual implementation in hardware. in common. Generally, instructions operate only on tagged
The heart of the P C Scheme VM is a set of 64 general data and validate the types of their operands. Frequently
purpose registers, R0-R63. Arguments to functions are used operations like MF,HBER, SYMBOLP, and CONS are im-
passed in registers where they remain available for use un- plemented as instructions. Except for RABBIT, they have
til no longer needed or until another function call occurs. been designed with reduced compiler complexity as a spe-
Except as described in section 2.5, all user variables and cific goal and are oriented primarily to supplying the needs
temporaries reside in the registers so they may be conve- of software developers rather than to achieving the highest
niently accessed by VM instructions. There are also spe- possible performance.
cial purpose registers for the global and fluid environment
Conversely, P C Scheme is an experiment in the design
pointers, the current code block pointer, and the current
of fast delivery vehicles for AI programs. This has lead us
program counter.
to consider optimizing compilers and RISC-like, register-
The VM is a conventional load/store architecture with based VMs for the same reasons that they are of interest to
most instructions operating directly on the registers. For designers of conventional processors. Explicit operand ad-
fast decoding, each VM instruction has its own specific dressing significantly reduces the number of pushes, pops,
operand format and its handler is responsible for fetching and other data movement instructions generated, resulting
and operating upon the operand bytes. Register operands in shorter object programs compared to traditional stack
are encoded as the register number scaled by 4, the width
VMs. Performance is further enhanced by the high average
in bytes of an entry in the underlying table of VM "reg-
level of work performed by each V'M instruction compared
isters/ Other operand types include immediate values,
to the overhead of the NEXT operation. Much of this work
constant table indices, stack frame offsets, and branch dis-
placements. A typical VM instruction is illustrated below. is dedicated to software tag checking, however--an oper-
ation that can be performed much more effectively with
Instruction: ADD RS,R7 ; it5 := R5 ÷ R7 suitable hardware. We believe that our VM is a suitable
architecture for a RISC implementation.
Byte 1: 0pcode • ADD. encoded as 80
Byte 2: SD operand • It6. encoded as 5*4 = 20
Byte 3: S operand = R7. encoded as 7*4 = 28 2.3 M e m o r y M o d e l and D a t a Representations

Other virtual machine architectures for LISP include PC Scheme memory consists of a linear address space
variations on the MIT LISP Machine [Greenblatt 84] and subdivided into logical pages to support a BIBOP (big bag
SPICE LISP /Wholey 84 I. RABBIT ISteele 78b], MAC- of pages) tagging mechanism. An object is represented by
SCHEME, and an unnamed "small Scheme implementa- a three byte pointer. The page number and page displace-
tion" at MIT [Schooler 84} propose VMs specific to the ment are stored in the top byte and bottom two bytes,
needs of Scheme. Of these, only RABBIT is register-based. respectively.

The default page size is computed automatically as The mark and sweep phase causes a pause in execu-
a function of available physical memory each time P C tion of 0.5 to 2.5 seconds for a 512KB 80286 system. The
Scheme is loaded and varies between 3072 and 5136 bytes. longest pause when compaction is needed is about six sec.
A pointer is mapped into its associated physical memory onds. We consider this delay more acceptable than the
address by looking up the base (segment) address for the VM overhead that a real-time collector would incur.
page in a table and adding its displacement component.
This mapping permits pages to be placed arbitrarily in 2.$ Control Model
physical memory. A given page may be made larger than
the default value as needed to accommodate extremely Unlike most LISps, Scheme provides ~escape functions"
large objects such as code blocks and arrays. called continuations which may be called any number of
(Although the release~ product is restricted to 640KB times; the invocation need not be within the dynamic scope
physical memory (768KB for TI PCs), experimental ver- of the binding of the continuation. This behavior rules
sions exploiting extended and expanded memories execute out the use of a simple contiguous control stack for the
somewhat more slowly due to address mapping complica- general case, so a judicious use of heap-allocated structures
tions.) is needed. Likewise, the existence of first-class function
objects, called ¢loeures, dictates heap allocation of some
The type of a referenced object is determined by in- lexical environment bindings.
specting a table of type attributes indexed by the number
of the page in which it resides. A simple bit test or byte The control stack holds the state needed to execute a
comparison suffices for all of the d a t a type predicates and continuation. Since the compiler is generally unable to de-
to distinguish the various representation formats. An in- termine which control frames will be retained indefinitely,
dex byte is also associated with each page entry to allow it optimistically allocates them in a contiguous stack area.
fast dispatching on type. Although each page holds objects When CALL-¥ITH-CURREIIT-COIITINUATIONis invoked, the
of only one type, all objects except list cells, fixnums, and stack is copied into the heap to make a continuation object.
characters have redundant type headers to aid the sweep To reduce the worst-case cost of this copying and to per-
mit arbitrary growth of the stack, a small buffer is used to
phase of garbage collection.
hold the topmost stack frames. When this buffer overflows,
The P C Scheme d a t a types implemented as heap- all frames but the currently active one are copied into a
allocated objects are list cells, arbitrary-precision integers, continuation object in the heap. Thus, a continuation is
64 bit IEEE floating point numbers, symbols, strings, vec- represented by a chain of such control stack segments.
tors, continuations, functions, code blocks, I / O ports, and
environments. The compiler identifies those variables which have in-
definite extent because they are freely referenced from clo-
Integers in the range -16,384 to +16,383 are repre- sures and arranges for them to be heap-allocated at run
sented as immediate values; a page number is reserved time. Thus, the d a t a structure stored in a closure object
as a 'fixnum' tag and the numeric value is stored in the does not reference the stack. Temporaries and variables
displacement field of the reference. Character objects are which are not accessed freely from any closure are allo-
represented similarly. cated to registers or to locations in the stack.
Smalitalk-80"" procedure activation environments (con-
2.4 Garbage Collector texts) correspond closely to Scheme closures and continu-
ations. [Deutech 84] and [Suzuki 84] report that 85% or
Long pauses for garbage collection are confusing and of-
more of Smalltalk-80 contexts may be allocated in a stack-
ten distressing to end-users of applications written in many
like manner since operations that require indefinite reten-
PC LISPs. Although "mark and sweep ~ is acceptably fast
tion of contexts occur infrequently. Deutsch allocates con-
on a nominal 512KB memory, much slower compaction
texts created by normal sends on the stack. When a refer-
algorithms are often employed to avoid the effective loss
ence to a context is created (making it an object), space is
of space to fragmentation. P C Scheme uses a mixed strat-
allocated in the heap but the context remains cached in the
egy. When a memory allocation request cannot be satisfied
from a free memory pool, a m~rk and sweep garbage collec- stack as long as possible. Heap-allocated contexts must be
returned to the stack before they may be executed.
tion is performed. If this doesn't recover enough memory,
a memory compaction phase is run to coalesce small frag- Suzuki also has multiple representations for Smailtalk-
ments of free memory into larger blocks. 80 contexts but permits a context to be executed in the
heap. As with P C Scheme, a small stack buffer behaves
The memory compaction operation copies referenced
objects from pages which are the least full to those which like a cache for heap-allocated environments and limits the
are the most full. Thus, it moves the fewest objects possi- time taken to save it to the heap.
ble to accomplish dense packing of data. Fewer than half Both Smalltalk-80 implementations rely on "lazy" allo-
of tl~e objects in the heap are moved, even in the worst case cation methods at run time rather than static analysis at
(typically much fewer since system code is packed densely compile time. We adopt the same approach for continua-
by the initial load and is never moved). After the objects tions because CALL-MITH-CORRENT-CONTINUATIONhas dy-
have been moved, a sequential pass is made through mem- namic effects on the retention of environments. We pre-
ory to relocate all pointers to moved objects. fer static analysis of free variable references from closures,

however, since it allows individual variables to be selec-
tively heap-allocated. Although we make no attempt to
delay transferring such variables from the stack (or regis- Compiler Phase Tsrn¢
ters) to the heap, it would be possible to do so. macro expansion 18 %
10cal optimization 5 %
closure and any. analysis 6 %-"
code generation 23 %'"
3 The Compiler apeephole" optimization ] 29 %
assembly [ 19 %
PC Scheme relies solely on its compiler for the evalua- Figure 2: Relative time spent in each compder phase
tion of Scheme programs. An interpreter was considered
but was not implemented for the following reasons:

• Providing both a compiler and an interpreter takes

more space than having either alone, especially when 3.2 Closure and E n v i r o n m e n t Analysis
integrated with a comprehensive system maintenance
facility. We have found that two related optimizations, avoid-
ing function closures and allocating variables to VM regis-
• It can be difficult to guarantee absolute consistency
ters instead of the heap, have considerable impact on the
between two different evaluators. Many users pre-
size and speed of compiled Scheme programs. Following
fer to avoid certain subtle errors by debugging their
ISteele 78bl, we analyze each program to determine which
programs in their final compiled form rather than in
LANBDAexpressions require that closure objects be created
interpreted form, despite the richer development en-
at run time because they are treated as data ("funargs').
vironment that interpreters make possible.
All lexical variables w h k h must be retained because they
• The debugging aids provided with our compiler suffice are accessible from such funargs are the1~ marked for heap
for most programmers' needs. allocation in environment objects. The heuristic algo-
rithms used to identify these funargs and variables are fast
• Our compiler's speed is adequate for interactive de-
but somewhat pessimistic.
velopment, particularly when program modules are
Conventional programming languages seldom create a
separately compiled and placed in "fast-load~ format
closure for a procedure at run time because all calls to the
after they are tested.
procedure can generally be found through static analysis
by the compiler. This is often the case in Scheme programs
The phases of the compiler are: macro expansion and alpha
as well and such procedures are well worth identifying. A
conversion, local optimization, closure and environment
related optimization is to determine when a given call to a
analysis, code generation, peephole optimization, and as-
closed function can jump directly to the appropriate code
sembly. The relative amount of time spent in each phase
location rather than indirectly through the closure object.
is shown in Figure 2. A separate utility is available for
Thus, we distinguish whether a LARBDAexpression is closed
converting files in compiled form into "fast-load" form.
from whether a given call to it uses the closure object.
Closure analysis is performed as a simple walk through
3.1 Local Optimization the program tree, marking L/~PlBD/Lexpressions to be closed
whenever any of the following occur:
As with most sytems with architectures tuned towards
the needs of LISP, the performance of PC Scheme depends • The L~4BDA expression appears as a funarg; that is,
more on the "fit" of the VM to the needs of the language other than in the function position of an application
than it does on extensive compiler optimization. The lo- or as the bound value in a LETREC pair.
cal optimization phase, called the 8amplifier, is designed
• The value of the LAMBDAexpression is bound by a
primarily to cope with anticipated inefficiencies in macro-
LETREC to some variable and that variable appears as
expanded expressions and to shape the code to fit the pref-
a funarg or its value is reassigned by SET!.
erences of the code generator. The peephole optimizer is
quite effective in overcoming the lack of more intelhgent In addition, functions taking an arbitrary number of ar-
optimizations elsewhere; it typically reduces the program guments are always closed. Such functions have argument
size by a quarter. lists of the form (A B . C), where C is a so-called rest ar-
A Beta-conversion optimizer similar to the one in RAB- gument. This feature was added late in the development
BIT [Steele 78b I was tried and found to be successful but of PC Scheme and is not supported optimally.
proved too slow for our purposes. However, the compiler Having determined which functions must be closed, the
produces surprisingly good code in most instances due to compiler next identifies those lexical variables which have
careful tuning of macro definitions, the simplifier, the code indefinite extent in order to allocate space for them in the
generator, and the peephole optimizer. This can be seen heap. All other lexical variables may be allocated to reg-
in the sample code for the Fibonacci function in Figure 3. isters or locations in the stack.

( d e f i n e ( f i b n)
( i f (<? n 2)
(÷ ( f i b (- n 1)) ( f i b (- n 2 ) ) ) ) )

LOAD R3, (QUOTE 2) ; r3 := 2
LOAD R2, R1 ; r2 := n
<? R2, R3 ; r2 := (<? n 2 )
JUMP L5, MULL?. R2 ; (go L5) i f ( n u l l ? r2)
EXIT ; return value in r l
PUSH R1 ; save n
~*IlO! R1, (QUOTE "1) : r l := ( - n 1)
CALL-0PEN FIB. 0, 0, (1) ; Jar t o FIB
PUSH R1 ; save (fib (- n I))
LOAD R3, (STACK 0 O) ; r3 :ffi n
LOAD El. R3 ; rl : - n
~*IMM RI, (QUOTE -2) ; rl := (- n 2)
CALL-OPEN FIB. O. O. (I) ; J s r to FIB
P0P R2 : r e s t o r e ( f i b (- n 1))
* RI, R2 ; (* ( f i b . . . ) ( f i b . . . ) )
EXIT ; r e t u r n value in r l

Figure $: SamplePC Scheme code for the Fibonsccifunction

A variable has indefinite extent if it is freely referenced every lambda expression to be traced, and permits debug-
from a funarg or from a function which is called directly or ger access to all variable bindings. In this mode, programs
indirectly from a funarg. Rather than compute the transi- typically execute at about one fourth the normal speed.
tive closure of function calls, we consider a lexicai variable
to have indefinite extent if onp fun~rg is defined within 3.3 Register Allocation
its scope and it is freely referenced by any function. This
assumes that any function may be called by any other. The code generator uses a stack-like approach to allo-
(In retrospect, the decision not to compute the transi- cate variables and temps to ~ registers. Registers RI
tive closure of calls from funargs appears misguided. As through R n hold function arguments at function entry. As
shown in Figure 2, additional time spent in this phase LET and LETP.EC expressions are entered, the next avail-
would still be overshadowed by the costs of code gener- able registers in ascending numerical order are assigned
ation, peephole optimization, and assembly.) to hold the new bindings. (Registers are not allocated to
heap-allocated variables or to identifiers bound to open
Variables are heap-allocated only if they must exist at functions.) The temporary results from in-line expression
run time---identifiers which are bound to open functions
evaluation normally occur at this simulated ~top of stack,"
are never accessed as variables and so are not allocated
although most operations frequently access their operands
any storage at run time. More precisely, a iexical variable
directly without stack-like pushes and pops. The ~peep-
is heap-allocated if it has indefinite extent and must exist
hole" optimizer performs copy propagation and targeting
at run time; it must exist at run time if it is modified by
across entire blocks at a time, so redundant register moves
SET! or is initialized to some value other than an open
are infrequent.
This straight-forward approach is an example of the
This analysis is complicated slightly by the existence in
"best simple" design philosophy. Its success is due to sev-
P C Scheme of the special form THEoFJVII~01MENT,which
¢ral factors:
reifies the lexicai environment at a point as a first-class
* The availability of 64 general VM registers alleviates
data object. The appearance of THEo£MVIlt0104FJT in a
the need to minimize the total number of registers in
variable's scope causes the variable to exist at run time
use at any one time.
with indefinite extent.
When the compiler is operating in debug mode (speci- . The peephole optimizer does well at rectifying locally
fied by the value of a flag variable), it skips most optimiza- inept instruction selection and register allocation.
tions and marks all lambda expressions for closure and all . Several common functions (e.g., MEMQ,*, HOT) are im-
variables for heap allocation. This preserves a closer corre- plemented as ~ instructions, avoiding register saves
spondence between the object code and its source, allows and restores around out-of-line calls

. Tail-recursive calls do not require register saving. 4 Performance
• Many functions have high-probability execution paths
that do not involve further function calling (e.g., Table I compares P C Scheme's execution speed against
(lambda (n)(if (<? n 2) n ...))). other PC-class LISP systems~Golden C o m m o n Lisp,(~)
Large M e m o r y (GCLISP L M TM) version 2.1;IQLISP TM ver-
Improved code quality at the cost of longer compilation sion 1.7; TLCT"-LISP version 1.51; and MacScheme/"
times could be obtained with a global register allocation Most of these benchmarks are taken from the Gabriel
strategy coupled with more inter-procedural variable anal- benchmark set [Gabriel 85[ and were run without modi-
ysis. R A B B I T ISteele78b] employs a stack-like allocator fication, except to account for differences in the LISP di-
similar to ours that works across procedure boundaries and alects. The 80286 runs were made on an I B M P C / A T TM
would work well with our V M . IMurtagh 84] describes an with 640K bytes of system memory, except for G C L I S P
algorithm for allocating environment frames and display LM, which requires additional protected memory to run
entriesso they may be shared among severalmutually non- the interpreter (I.5MB) and compiler (3MB). MacScheme
recursive procedures. We are investigating the application was tested on a 512K byte Apple~ Macintosh. T M
of these ideas to a register allocator for Scheme.
The numbers show the execution time in seconds av-
eraged over three test runs in a clean, garbage collected,
$.4 Function Calls system. The first run of a series was retested whenever it
appeared to be distorted by autoloading or other initial-
The VM registers are a globally allocated resource and ization effects.
must be preserved across function calls. PC Scheme uses
The timings show that the compiled systems con-
the ~caller saves ~ protocol in order to reuse the regis-
sistently outperform the interpreted ones and that PC
ters for argument passing and so that only active registers
Scheme is intermediate in performance between TLC-
are saved. The compiler minimizes the total number of
LISP, another "pseudo-coded" VM, and the native code
pushes and pops by delaying them until the last possible
version of GCLISP LM. These results confirm our ex-
moment. Thus, between out-of-line calls, saved variables
pectations about our register-based virtual machine and
are accessed directly from the stack instead of popped into
threaded code emulator. We have also observed that our
registers and then accessed. Indeed, pops are delayed until
generated code is considerably more compact than both
the two branches of an IF expression are rejoined, since the
interpreted S-expressions and native object code. Our ap-
stack height must be made consistent at such points. Tail
proach appears to be a good compromise between space
recursive calls use the same argument passing mechanism
and speed for small PCs, as intended.
but do not require register saving.
A key benefit to passing arguments in global registers Each system has its own unique strengths and weak-
is that subsequent calls with the same arguments in the nesses. W e note that P C Scheme's performance with in-
same positions in an argument listmay not require register tegers larger than + 2 " sufferson benchmarks with larger
shuffling. As a trivialexample, the code generated for the values; a benchmark that counts a million iterationsof an
function (LAMBDA (A B) (F00 (* it I) B) ) issimply the expression is dominated by bignum arithmetic.
5 The Development Environment
Z, I194 R1,'1 ; Argt :ffi (1* A)
LOAD R3. (GLOBAL F00) : fetch closure The PC Scheme system includes an editor, debugger,
CALL-TR R3 ; Arg2 is unchanged and object-oriented program_ruing facility called SCOOPS.

system execution processor iter recur 1000 20 18 12 6
P C Scheme bytecode 80286 581.51 101.21 25.03 s8.~4 6.76 6.47 19.17
MacScheme bytecode 68000 (1) 243.36 60.17 143.69 (1) 22.50 72.24
TLC-LISP "P-code" 80286 743.45 146.34 88.00 110.47 (4) 18.46 55.11
GCLISP LM native code 80286 248.33 39.46 16.50 29.88 (3,4) 2 . 0 4 6.65
TLC-LISP native code 80286 (2) (2) 40.85 77.81 (4) ! 12.56i 34.0o
GCLISP LM interpreter 80286 2008.37 219.301253.68 221.09 (3,4) 35.30 I 144.36
IQLISP interpreter 80286 (1) 293.62 348.60 273.73 (3) i 37.08 154.10
TLC-LISP interpreter 80286 3107.76 369.74 J 325.62 (3) (4) 49.38 162.67
Notes: (I) This test was not run.
(2) Stack overflow during compilation.
(3) Stack overflow during execution.
(4) G C L I S P L M and TLC-LISP restrictinteger values to 32 bits.
Table L Comparatlve execution times for several PC LISPs

PC Scheme's editor is a substantially modified version code emulator. The principal difficulty for COMMON LISP,
of Edwin, an EMAC$-style editor which was originally de- the immense size of a complete implementation, is amelio-
veloped by the Scheme project at MIT. As a Scheme pro- rated by our compact encoding. We see no fundamen-
gram itself, Edwin was easily integrated into our develop- tal problems in extending our VM to encompass multiple
ment environment, although it was necessary to cut its size values, complex procedure calls, and other aspects of the
considerably. Edwin's Scheme mode provides parenthesis language. Indeed, our results so far corroborate Steele's
matching, indenting comm~mds, and the ability to eval- conjecture [Steele 78b] that Scheme is an excellent basis
uate an expression, region, or the entire buffer. Moving for compiling other languages--particularly other LISPs.
between the Scheme listener and the editor is facilitated
by the ability to split the screen into separate windows for
Both the size and speed of the editor were considerable We would like to thank the following members of the
concerns at the onset of the port. The m~jority of the code CSC Computer Architecture Branch who assisted in the
size reduction came through careful selection of features to creation of PC Scheme: Rusty Haddock, Paul Kristoff,
omit. Achieving acceptable speed hinged on identifying a Don Oxley, Amitabh Srivastava, John Gateley, Mark
few key functions which could be made VIVl "instructions." Meyer, and Glen Slick. Keith Carlson, Terry Candill, and
Although PC Scheme does not provide extensive source- Jennifer Hso were responsible for its release by our product
level debugging support, it has extensive trace and break- group. Jan Stevens guided the development of the manu-
point facilities and an interactive Inspector with'com- als. Bill Cohagan prototyped an experimental translator
mands to display and manipulate call stack frames and from Pascal to Scheme and experimented with COMMON
lexicsl environments, edit variable bindings, trace back LISp with the help of Ken Lewis.
through a chain of procedure calls, and evaluate expres-
sions in the environment of a breakpoint. All nser-
correctable errors trap to the Inspector. References
SCOOPS is an experimental object-oriented program-
ming system with multiple and dynamic inheritance based [Bell 73] Bell, J. R., "Threaded Code." Communications
on first-class environments. Although it is similar in con- of the ACM, XVI, (1973) pp. 370-372.
cept and syntax to the LOOPS [Bobrow 83] and Flavors
{Bobrow 83] Bobrow, D.G.; and Stefik, M.J.. The LOOPS
[Weinreb 83] systems, the implementation of SCOOPS re-
Manual. Pslo Alto, CA: Xerox Corporation, 1983.
lies heavily on the features of the Scheme language.
Other development features include a pretty-printer, IDeutsch 84] Deutsch, L. Peter, and Schiffman, Allan M.
window system, color graphics, autoloading, structure ed- "Efficient Implementation of the Smalltalk-80 Sys-
itor, and a utility that converts compiled object files into tem." In Conference Record of the 11th Annual
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Trademark Information

"Apple" Is • registered trademark and ~/scintolh I • trademark of Ap-

ple Computer, Inc "Arborist" and "Personal Consultant" are trademarks
of T e x ~ Instruments Incorporated "Golden Common L/rp" is • registered
trademark and "GCLISP Llv~ • trademark of Gold Hill Computers, Inc.
"IBh~' is a registered trademark and "PC/AT" a trademark of International
Bulmess ] ~ c h m o . "inte1" ~ • trademark of Intel Corpor•tion. "IQLISP"
is • trademark of Intel~ra] Quality, Inc. ~lacScheme" is • trademark of
Semantic l~ucrosysteml Inc. "SmaUtslk-80" is • trademark of Xerox Cot-
potation "TLC" is • trademark of The LISP Company


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