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Kindergarten Lesson Plan: Follow-up Discrimination

1. SWBAT define diversity
2. SWBAT discuss how race and diversity is prevalent in their lives
3. SWBAT explain how to combat instances of discrimination.

Lesson Outline:
Time What? How?
5 min Introduction Are all of us the same? How are we different? How are we
Are our differences good or bad?
Discuss discrimination
5 min Read-A-Loud The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss
Prompt students to think about what shows respect and what
doesn’t show respect for self and others in the story.
20 min Independent Divide students into two groups (dots and non-dots)
Practice Allow the students with dots to receive a piece of candy
Ask: how do the star-belly sneetches look? How do the plain
belly sneetches look?
Do they talk the same?
How did you feel when you did/didn’t receive a piece of candy
because you received a green dot?
How do we use “dots” to make people feel special?
How can we make others feel like they belong?
Provide candy to the other students that didn’t receive it.
Re-prompt students to conceive a definition of discrimination.
10 min Closing Circle Share that the letters have been sent and we are waiting to
hear back.
Brainstorm and make a list on how we can prevent or stop
discrimination in our school.
Long Term Follow-up Follow-up on our anti-discrimination list weekly.
After 3 weeks ask how we can extend anti-discrimination in our
homes and communities.

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