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Isabella Gibson

Mr. Summers

Religion Period 6

7 April 2018

Parables Reflections
The Parable of the Weeds Among Wheat:

In this parable, Jesus describes how heaven is like that of a person that sows good seed

into his field. However, the enemy comes and places weeds among his wheat. The wheat sower

represents God and how he made everyone in his image and likeness, and how they are called to

do good in their lives. The enemy that placed the weeds in the field represent Satan and the

temptations on God’s people. Consequently, in the end, Jesus will come again and make a final

judgement among those who answered his call and those who turned against him.

The Parable of the Mustard Seed:

In this parable, Jesus makes another comparison with heaven and what it is similar to. He

explains that a mustard seed is one of the smallest of all seeds, but when it grows, it becomes a

large tree. This is when a flock of birds build their nests into this tree. This parable can mean that

the kingdom of heaven grows each day into a stronger eternal kingdom, much like the large tree.

The birds that built their nests in the tree represent the nourishment that God’s kingdom provides

to the rest of the world.

Three Parables~ The Sorting Net

In this parable, Jesus explains what judgement day and the end of time will be like. He

explains how heaven is like a net that catches fish of all kinds. Then, when the sorting begins, the
good fish are separated from the bad fish. The bad fish were tossed out, much like how all evil

will be “thrown into a furnace of fire” at the end of time. This parable is meant to represent how

at the end of time, the angels of heaven will save and give eternal life to those who had a

relationship with God, and how the righteous would be separated from the evil.

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