Digital Story Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Subject Voice threads

Grade Level Third-Grade

Materials Chromebook or other laptop, IPad, IPhone or other media device that allows
the app

Objectives Teach not just students but also their caregivers how to create a digital story
using the app, Voice Thread. Have students and their families display their
important artifacts by using a technology tool they are unfamiliar with.
Effectively teach families how we use these in the classroom.

NYS Next Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Standards 3L6: Acquire and accurately use conversational, general academic, and
content-specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and
temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went out for dessert).

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

3SL4: Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with

appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an
understandable pace.

3SL5: Include digital media and/or visual displays in presentations to

emphasize certain facts or details.


Start Arrival of families and parents (4-4:30 arrival)

Step 1.) Opening Discussion where some children from my class will explain what
Digital Story Telling Night is and what their families will expect (4:30-4:40)

Step 2.) Families and children will bring out artifacts (if not previously out) and share
with the people at their tables or people around them (4:40-4:55)

Step 3.) After the families feel comfortable to move on, and everyone has gone, the
leader will gather the attention back together. They will then present the
objectives and give an overview of the total idea behind digital storytelling.
Teachers will also show a quick example of one of their digital storytelling’s
they’ve used in their classrooms. (4:55-5:10)
Step 4.) The leader will then explain how to download the app and begin creating.
They will go over the basics of the app and how to get the photos or artifacts
and voice to come together to build a digital story. (5:10-5:25)

Step 5.) They leader will then give the families practice time to create rough ideas and
get use to the app. It will also give the leader time to walk around the room
and answer basic questions. (5:25-5:40)

Step 6.) The families will then have time to create their digital story and have a chance
to work with families around them to create their final product. The teachers
and other volunteers will be able to walk around and help everyone with
questions. (5:40-6:15)

Step 7.) The families will lastly get to take turns presenting their final stories and get to
reflect on all of the differences. They can share similarities and get to see who
else, in their community, have similar cultures or interests. This will rap up the
lesson and have families feel more connected to the school and their
community. (6:15-7)

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