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Predicted Start Date Predicted End Date Task (Additional Research, Off Timetable from Original Project Plan)

Acutal Start Date Actual End Date

Planned and Filmed Change in Relationship Task, Edited Short Clips 11/9/17 12/9/17
Feedback from Change in Relationship Task Video, Created Project Plan, Started Researching and Planning 13/9/17 13/9/17
Planned and Filmed Silent Relationship between Objects 18/9/17 18/9/17
Feedback for Silent Clip wit Objects 20/9/17 24/9/17
10 Horror Shots 20/9/17 24/9/17
18/9/17 20/9/17 Trailer Analysis 20/9/17 24/9/17
20/9/17 27/9/17 Genre Anaylsis 20/9/17 24/9/17
27/9/17 2/10/17 Initial Ideas Mind-Map 25/9/17 25/9/17
2/10/17 4/10/17 Draft Synopsis 29/9/17 29/9/17
4/10/17 9/10/17 Target Audience, Decisions, Definitions and Relevant Film Analysis 4/10/17 2/11/17
9/10/17 11/10/17 Moodboard 4/10/17 11/10/17
11/10/17 16/10/17 Key Questions 4/10/17 11/10/17
16/10/17 18/10/17 Draft Storyboard 6/10/17 18/10/17
18/10/17 18/10/17 Rough Shotlist 4/10/17 11/10/17
18/10/17 23/10/17 Actors/Locations/Costumes/Props 4/10/17 11/10/17
1/11/17 6/11/17 Script 4/10/17 11/10/17
6/11/17 8/11/17 Audience Feedback from first R&P Presentation 4/10/17 11/10/17
Improvements on the PowerPoint - Data Analysis 23/10/17 24/10/17
Improvements on the PowerPoint - Data Analysis, Demographics 24/10/17 25/10/17
Improvements on the PowerPoint - Demographics 25/10/17 25/10/17
8/11/17 13/11/17 Vox Pop 14/11/17 22/11/17
13/11/17 15/11/17 Soundtrack Research 14/11/17 22/11/17
15/11/17 20/11/17 Anaylsis of Target Audience Feedback: Social Media, Interview Questions and Vox Pop. 14/11/17 22/11/17
20/11/17 22/11/17 BBFC Research 14/11/17 22/11/17
27/11/17 22/11/17 Final Storyboard and Animatic 14/11/17 22/11/17
22/11/17 27/11/17 Location Shots with Recce 14/11/17 22/11/17
4/12/17 6/12/17 Further Research into the film (IMDB, Amazon) etc. 14/11/17 22/11/17
6/12/17 11/12/17 Research into Production Companies (Film Demographics) 24/10/17 25/10/17
11/12/17 13/12/17 Improvements/Changes Powerpoint 14/11/17 15/11/17
13/12/17 18/12/17 Final Storyboard 14/11/17 22/11/17
18/12/17 20/12/17 Shooting Schedule 14/11/17 22/11/17
8/1/18 10/1/18 Filming 30/11/17 26/1/18
10/1/18 22/1/18 Editing 5/2/18 14/3/18
22/1/18 24/1/18 3 Poster Analysis 11/11/17 23/11/17
24/1/18 29/1/18 Drawn Plan For Poster 5/2/18 5/2/18
29/1/18 31/1/18 Draft Version(s) of Poster 5/2/18 11/3/18
5/2/18 7/2/18 3 Website Anaylsis 5/2/18 14/3/18
7/2/18 12/2/18 Drawn Plan For Website 14/3/18 5/3/18
12/2/18 14/2/18 Draft Version of Website 5/2/18 24/3/18
19/2/18 21/2/18 Final Version for Each 5/2/18 28/3/18
21/2/18 26/2/18 Responses to the footage shot/ Changes Made During the Process 19/3/18 19/3/18
26/2/18 28/2/18 Weekly Update of Progress, Changes, Problems 27/3/18 27/3/18

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