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Grade: 10(15) Unit: Period 4 – Sports Med/Health Science Dates: March 6th – March 9th

Date Lesson Title GLO’ SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Instructional Equipment/ Mot
Planned s related to this Strategies Resources/
to Teach Lesson Technology
Coloring How many types Structure Direct - PowerPoint Coloring
and of contractions - Fusiform Instruction - Coloring/lab page for
labeling are related to - Parallel - I will eling sheet students to
March 6 Muscle 2 2.1 page isotonic - Triangular lecture for students color and
Structure, 2.2 - Uni/Bi/ students on - Laptop label the
Contractions, 2.3 Thumbs What are the 3 Multipennate muscle different
Types Up/Down types of muscles - Circular structure, structures
(Find out if Contractions contraction and types of
students What is a smooth - Twitches s, types muscles
understand muscle - Isometric/
what I’m Isotonic Cooperative
talking (Concentric/Eccentric) Learning
about) - Stretch - Students
Types must hold
- Cardiac themselves
- Skeletal (fiber 1 – slow accountable
twitch, fiber 2a/2b – fast to staying
twitch) on task
- Smooth when I am

Tape the What is the Chest Direct - PowerPoint “Scavenger

muscle on difference - Pectoralis Major/Minor Instruction - Cut outs of Hunt”
the skeleton between major - Serratus Anterior - I will different I will hide
March 7 Chest & 2 2.2 (I will and minor Back lecture muscles different
Back 2.3 know if Deltoid, Traps, Lats, students on - Skeleton muscles
2.5 students are Erector spinea muscles in dummy that we go
understandi Abdominal oblique (for the chest - Tape over around
ng where side rotation, and mobility and back the school.
the muscles of trunk) After the
locations - Posture evaluation Cooperative PP, the
are at the worksheet Learning students
end of Students must must go
class) hold find the
themselves muscles and
Thumbs accountable to come back
Up/Down staying on task to the class
(Find out if when I am not to put the
students lecturing muscles
understand together
what I’m like a
talking puzzle
Tape the What is a Shoulder Direct - PowerPoint “Scavenger
muscle on rhomboid and Intrinsic Instruction - Cut outs of Hunt”
the skeleton where is it - Deltoid - I will different I will hide
March 8 Upper Limb 2 2.2 (I will located - Teres major (Lats) lecture muscles different
& Shoulder 2.3 know if Extrinsic students on - Skeleton muscles
2.5 students are What are the Superficial muscles in dummy that we go
understandi differences - Trapezius the upper - Tape over around
ng where between long, - Latissimus dorsi limb and the school.
the muscles lateral, and Deep shoulder After the
locations medial - Levator scapulae PP, the
are at the - Rhomboids (major/minor) Cooperative students
end of Upper Limb Learning must go
class) Anterior Students must find the
- Biceps brachii hold muscles and
Thumbs - Brachialis themselves come back
Up/Down Posterior accountable to to the class
(Find out if - Triceps brachii (long, staying on task to put the
students lateral, medial) when I am not muscles
understand lecturing together
what I’m like a
talking puzzle
Tape the What is the Gluteus Direct - PowerPoint “Scavenger
muscle on difference - Gluteus Instruction - Cut outs of Hunt”
the skeleton between maximus/medius/minimus - I will different I will hide
March 9 Hip & Upper 2 2.2 (I will maximus, Deep lecture muscles different
Leg 2.3 know if medius, and - Piriformis students on - Skeleton muscles
2.5 students are minimus - Obturator intertus muscles in dummy that we go
understandi - Gemelli the hip and - Tape over around
ng where Where can you - Quadradus femoris upper leg the school.
the muscles located the Upper Leg After the
locations posterior, medial, Posterior Cooperative PP, the
are at the and anterior - Hamstring: Biceps Learning students
end of muscles of the femoris (long and short) Students must must go
class) upper leg - Semitendinosus hold find the
Medial themselves muscles and
Thumbs - Adductor accountable to come back
Up/Down magnus/longus/brevis staying on task to the class
(Find out if Adductor (in) Abductor when I am not to put the
students (out) lecturing muscles
understand - Sartorius (connects from together
what I’m knee to back) like a
talking Anterior puzzle
about) - Iliotibial band
- Quadriceps femoris
(vastus lateralis,
Medialis (tear drop),
rectus femoris)

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