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Cover Sheet Points: _____/ 5

Alicia Bernard

Classroom Management Plan

April 3, 2108
5th Grade
Discipline Philosophy Points: _____/ 40
What do you believe about discipline and classroom management? Briefly explain:
○ Beliefs about Classroom Environment (15)
 Create a tri-fold brochure about your classroom management and discipline
plans to share with parents.

This is a written description of the three sections:

1. Classroom management: Classroom management is about being
organized, managing your time effectively and setting boundaries for
your students to follow. It is about respect and understanding that
rules are in place to benefit the student and that if they are not
followed there will be consequences. Classroom management is what
sets the atmosphere for the entire year. It is what will lead to success
in students learning or chaos in the class and students that are not
going to gain the knowledge they need. Without it you are not
providing the best learning environment possible for the students and
they may not be absorbing all the valuable information that is being
2. Discipline: I will have a 4 step process for breaking the rules. Discipline
will be acted upon if a child chooses to break the classroom rules. There
will be a stoplight located in the classroom and all students will have a
name clip. When a student violates a rule the first time they will get a
verbal warning. The second time the student will move their clip to the
yellow light and lose 10 minutes of recess. The third time the student will
move their clip to the red light and will lose all their recess. A note will
be sent home to the parents or a guardian that is to be signed and
returned. The fourth time the student will be sent to the Principal’s
Office and I will call the parent or guardian.
3. Who is Responsible: We all are! Students, Teachers and Parents all
play a part in a successful classroom. It will be my job as a teacher to
present the rules and reinforce them. It will be the responsibility of
the students to follow them. The parents will be involved in helping
the teacher reinforce them as well as managing their child to respect
the guidelines set by the teacher.

○ Philosophy of Education (15)

 Create a one-page graphic representation of your beliefs. This may be included
in your brochure, but also must be a single document on its own.

To be a successful educator I feel you have to master classroom management. This is the way
in which a teacher reinforces and develops student behavior and responsibilities in the
classroom. Effective learning and teaching can only take place if a good management system is
All students have different needs and ways of learning so you have to adjust slightly to each
student. Due to this, I strongly believe in offering all kinds of different teaching styles until we
find the one that is the right fit for your child. I will base my teaching on differentiated learning
styles for different types of learners and try my hardest to foster creativity. Students should be
encouraged to explore on their own. I think many students will remember activities and have a
better understanding of what is being taught if they can do hands-on activities that demonstrate
why things happen. Science is a great field to do this in!

I feel that teachers should also be rewarding children for good behavior. As an instructor, I
will always be watching to see who is doing something well. When I catch a student doing such
behavior I will give the student a reward. Reinforcing positive behavior will have an effect on
them in and out of the classroom. It is one of the steps to molding the students to be successful

Teachers must be open-minded, patient, caring and have a love for teaching. I hope to bring all
of this and more into my classroom. I have a passion for science and helping children succeed.
I am thrilled to be able to combine all this to provide a safe, welcoming and learning
environment where my students can gain a great education and enjoy themselves while

○ Theories or researchers with whom you identify and why (5)

 I agree strongly with several of the ideas and suggestions presented in “The
Classroom Management Book” by Wong & Wong. They seem to be very
straightforward and logical in everything they have offered. I feel like this book
will be very beneficial to me not only as a first year teacher but also as I grow
throughout my teaching career. The idea of this book is to take control of your
classroom to make it a successful learning environment. They work specifically
with new teachers to make sure they have what it takes to be a professional
educator. Wong’s central idea is that teachers need to establish procedures and
routines early in the school year in order to be effective and successful. He states
that the main problem that teachers have is a lack of classroom management in
the form of procedures, routines and a planned system for student behavior.
○ Include at least one link to a professional website that is associated with the theory
and/or researcher you are using. (5)

Classroom Management Points: _____/95

Procedures (45) (must have detailed steps):
○ Arrival (3) Students will be expected to be expected to be in their seats when the bell
rings; otherwise they will be marked tardy. Please be at school no earlier than 7:30 a.m.
and no later than 7:55 a.m.. Once you enter the building, you will not be able to leave
until 3:30 p.m. or until a teacher can escort you back to the parking lot. This is for your
safety. Once you arrive put up your belongings in your locker including your lunch,
jacket and any other extra items. Be in your seat prepared to start working by 8:00 a.m..
○ Tardy (3) If you are tardy enter the classroom very quietly, give your tardy slip to the
teacher, and start working right away. This is not a time to explain why you were late.
Late passes will be in the basket near the door and filed in the student portfolios. After
the third tardy they will be issued a referral and sent to the Dean’s office and detention
will be served. Running through the door when the bell rings is not acceptable and will
be counted as tardy.
○ Absence (3) Attendance is very important. (Parents, please call or let me know ahead of
time if your child is going to be absent.) When you return to school you must bring a
note from your parents. If you go to the doctor, dentist, etc., please get a note from their
office to be turned in with your absentee form. Absentee forms will be in a basket near
the door and filed in the student portfolios. You are responsible for getting any makeup
assignments and notes. Please have your parents call the front office by 9:00 a.m. to let
me know if you would like any missed work sent home that day. Otherwise, work will
be sent home when you return to school. All work missed due to absences must be made
up. One make up day is allowed for each day the child is absent.
○ Homework (3) Homework will usually be assigned Monday through Thursday.
Homework is mandatory and must be done before the start of school. It is each student’s
responsibility to hand in each assignment during the morning attendance. Students will
be required to sit in from lunch or afternoon recess each time they do not turn in their
o Getting the Class' Attention (3) The teacher will whisper if you can hear me stop what
you’re doing and stand up. She will continue to do this until all the students are standing.
There are several other activities that can be done along the same lines. If the class
doesn’t respond she will turn out the lights. If there still is no response she will go to the
individuals that are not listening and speak to them directly.
○ Visitor in the Room (What will the students do while you are with a visitor?) (3)
When a visitor is in the room students are expected to ignore them and not speak
to them unless the visitor talks to them first. Continue to keep your eyes on the
teacher and your assignments at hand.
○ Getting the Teacher's Attention (3) Raise your hand if you have a question. If you need
to ask a question when your teacher is talking, still raise your hand but please be sure the
question is related to the topic discussion.
○ Restroom (3) Please try to use the restroom during recess and breaks. However, if you
do need to so during class, please wait until the teacher is done talking and you are
working independently. Please do NOT interrupt the teacher while she is talking. Raise
your hand and request to go. The teacher will respond to your request.
○ Lining Up/Hallway (3) We will line up in front of the room by table numbers. We will
rotate who goes first every week. Please walk quietly in a straight line, keeping your
hands to your sides. Our Line Leader will help out by “reporting” anyone who is not
behaving properly. If you act out or get loud, you will go to the back of the line. There
will be no fooling around, pushing or getting out of line. Students will stand in a single
file line and wait to be invited into a classroom before entering.
○ Collaborative Group Work (3) When allowed to work in groups, the teacher will assign
who your partners will be. Do not get too loud and each individual is expected to put in
an even amount of work. The teacher will introduce the task and provide the students
with enough time to engage with the task. When need be, the teacher will assign roles to
each person in the group.
○ Transition (3) Before leaving to your next class clean up your work area and make sure
you have all your supplies. Line up and wait to be dismissed. Students should go directly
to their next class. This is a good time to use the restroom if needed. Students should not
linger in the hallways.
○ What To Do When Done (3) Carefully check your work over again. If you have finished
before the other students you can work on your homework or pull a book from the in-
class library to read quietly at your desk. This is not a time to chat with your neighbor.
Assignments will be turned in to me by placing them in the appropriate basket by my
○ Dismissal (3) Clean up your work area and make sure your homework is in your binder.
Get your supplies put away and place assignments in appropriate location and we will
line up. Wait for your teacher to dismiss you.
○ Home and School Connection (3) Students and parents will have access to the class
schedule and assignment’s that will be due on my website: I am available by phone at 817-706-8611 and by email at I check my email regularly so feel free to contact me
at any time and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
○ Bullying Pledge (3). Please include specific steps/instructions for
students as victim, bystander, etc.
 All students will read and sign the anti-bullying pledge:
1. We, the students of Ms. Bernard, agree to join together
to stop bullying. BY SIGNING THIS PLEDGE I
• Treat others respectfully.
• Try to include those who are left out.
• Refuse to bully others.
• Refuse to watch, laugh or join in when
someone is being bullied.
• Tell an adult.
• Help those who are being bullied.

Signed by ____________________________
Date ________________________________

 If a student is being bullied they should contact a teacher or

administrative staff immediately and identify who is causing the
problem. The student should include all information such as
names and what has happened.
 If a student is a bystander and see’s someone being bullied they
need to refuse to watch, laugh or join in and go get an adult
 If a parent is concerned that their child may be getting bullied,
please contact the teacher as soon as possible so that we can
address the problem.
○ Weekly Work - Each week, graded schoolwork will be sent home.
Parents, I ask that you please review the work carefully in order to stay
informed of your child’s progress. Once you’ve looked it over, please
sign and date the Weekly Work Note and return it to school with your

Include a written paragraph on how the teacher will teach procedures to the students,
including a discussion of the 3-step cycle (teach, rehearse, reinforce-See Wong pp.47-51).

Techers cannot expect students to perform as desired if they do not set good examples
themselves. The teacher is the first and most important example set in the classroom. As
an efficient teacher, I believe it is your responsibility to model and demonstrate all the
procedures expected from your classroom. You need to teach the students what is
expected in role play, showing a video or creating a skit. Show students what they need to
be doing and then they will know what is expected of them. The next step is to rehearse
the classroom procedures so you can evaluate the students to make sure they have a good
understanding of what is expected of them. This is a good time to make adjustments or
reinstruct a procedure that a student may be confused about. The last step is reinforcement.
Make sure to encourage students who are following the correct procedures and be patient
with those that need more instruction. Be prepared to reteach as needed until everyone is
on the same page.

Discipline Plan/Classroom Rules (25)

How will you select your rules? Will you do it alone or in conjunction with the students?
I believe in having a prewritten set of rules that will be clearly explained to the students.
Each student must have a good understanding of what the rules are as well as the
consequences that will follow if they are not meet. I will review each one individually and
have students do role play to discuss positive and negative outcomes. These procedures will
be taught, rehearsed and reinforced until they become routines.
○ Complete discipline plan
 3-5 Rules (5) (must state even if students are creating with you—give me
examples of what you hope to have as rules in your class)
1. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
2. Listen and follow directions the first time given.
3. Respect your classmates and your teacher.
4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
5. Try your best!
 Rewards (5) A positive consequence is a reward. Class and
individual rewards motivate students to work hard and focus
on doing their best.
Individual reward: I will give the student a raffle ticket
on which he/she will write their name and place in a jar.
At the end of the week, I will draw a ticket out of the jar.
That child will then pick one of the following rewards:
1. Wear no shoes for the class
2. Wear a hat during class
3. Be the Line Leader for the week
4. Show and Tell
5. Help the teacher pick out a fun game to play during
free time
Class reward: When the class as a whole behaves well, I
will ask them to place a cotton ball in a vase I will have
in front of the classroom. Once the jar is full, students
will vote on a class reward from a list compiled by the
class at the beginning of the year.
 Consequences (5) A negative consequence is a penalty.
Penalties must be clear and simple and must be easy for the
teacher to enforce consistently. I will have a 4 step process for
breaking the rules. Discipline will be acted upon if a child
chooses to break the classroom rules. There will be a stoplight
located in the classroom and all students will have a name clip.
When a student violates a rule the first time they will get a
verbal warning. The second time the student will move their
clip to the yellow light and lose 10 minutes of recess. The third
time the student will lose all their recess and their clip will be
moved to the red light. A note will be sent home to the parents
or a guardian that is to be signed and returned. The fourth
time the student will be sent to the Principal’s Office and I will
call the parent or guardian.

 Type of System (5) (cards, strips, marble jar, etc.) As stated above: I will give
the student a raffle ticket on which he/she will write their name and place in a
jar. At the end of the week, I will draw a ticket out of the jar. That child will
then pick one of the rewards. I will also have “money” cards for good behavior
or winning contests that the students can save up to use at the classroom store.
When the class as a whole behaves well, I will ask them to place a cotton ball in
a vase I will have in front of the classroom. Once the jar is full, students will vote
on a class reward from a list compiled by the class at the beginning of the year.
For consequences we will use a stop light and name clips which will be moved
according to the offense.

 Accountability Component (5) (how will you enforce your rules - parent,
student, teacher signatures). *Accountability component must occur at the
beginning of the year. This ensures that everyone has read and is supportive of
your plan.
Both students and parents/guardians will read over and sign the
rewards and consequences that will be enforced during class. I will use the stop
light and name clips and cotton ball jar so that the student and myself can see
where each individual and the classroom stands at all times. The student will be
responsible for their own actions.

Seating (25)
○ Computer drawn map of your classroom (5)
-See attached drawing
○ Key (Label) identifying areas of classroom (5)
 Student desks will be configuration in groups of 4 to make islands with a
large throw rug in the front-middle of the classroom.
 The teachers desk will be set behind the students so I can watch them from
behind if I were to be sitting
○ Written rationale (5) Include philosophy behind location of all the items in your map
such as: students' desks, teacher’s desk, etc. (5)
 By having desks in groups of four, this will help prepare the students to work in
groups. The assigned seats will change every week so students will always be
working with someone else throughout the school year. There will be a large rug
in the front-middle of the room for students to sit on the floor. This will help
them to move around and keep things interesting. Throughout the tables there
will be alternate types of seats such as zenergy call chairs, scoop rocking chairs
and boundary chairs.
 The teacher’s desk behind the student’s desk will allow for me to observe the
students without them noticing that I am watching them. I do not plan to be
sitting much so it will be out of the way. I plan to be walking around the
classroom interacting with the students the majority of the time.
○ Seating Assignment Method (5)
 I will use popsicle sticks with each student’s names on them to
draw new seating arrangements each week. The current class
leader will draw four sticks out of a jar at a time. This will
make up the group table.

Preparation Points: _____/60

o Before the Students Arrive Checklist (10)

Before the students arrive the teacher should have the room decorated and files
organized and arranged. There should be a specific place assigned for everything that is
currently or will be in the classroom. You are going to be giving a first impression when
the students walk through the door so make sure you are ready. This will set an example
for them to be prepared as well. Bulletin boards need to be up and have material that you
will soon be covering. The arrangement of the room needs to be in the order you want it
to stay in. Familiarity will be useful to you and your students. Have a classroom seating
chart already in order. As the students enter the room, instruct them where to go. This
will reduce a lot of confusion. One procedure I believe that I am going to use is to have
colored dots on tables and as the students enter the room you give them a dot that
corresponds with a seat. Then they can easily see which dot matches theirs and find their
correct seat.
Stand at the entrance of your classroom and great each student. Put a smile on your face,
extend you hand in greeting and say “Welcome, I’m so glad you are here!” Say it with
confidence and each and every day of the year. By greeting your students each day you
are connecting with them and showing them that you care. I believe it is also a good idea
to have a student greeter at the door as well. They can switch out every week. This will
help make a positive connection between the students as well.
Have a first day script ready to go so you can easily follow it. There will be a lot of
energy the first day of school so try to do anything you can to minimize and hiccups.
This script should include when the students arrive, an activity that you will have on
their desk, name tents or another way for students to identify their seats and a student list
on a clipboard. It is also a good idea to how a form ready to fill in by parents about how
their student will get home.
The first day is also the perfect time to establish your expectations. Make sure you have
all your rules, rewards, consequences and guidelines ready to go. Be prepared to show
the students where you expect them to turn in papers, pick up assignments, etc. This will
help students feel more comfortable knowing what is expected of them and your class
will run much smoother for you.

○ Letter of Introduction to Students (10)

Dear students,

My name is Ms. Alicia Bernard and I am so excited to be your 5th grade Science
Teacher. I am thrilled about getting to know you and making this a wonderful school
year! I have so many fun projects in store for us! I am planning a year filled with
excitement, learning, and excitement about learning!

I have always had a passion for science and cannot wait to share all the interesting ways
in which our world works. Other than science, my hobbies include camping, fishing,
riding my horses and spending time with my son. I love the summer months and
spending time outside.

I am looking forward to our school year together and I hope that you are as well. We are
going to have so much fun!


Ms. Alicia Bernard

Room 123 BISD Middle School

○ Letter of Introduction to Parents (10)

Dear Parents or Guardians,

My name is Ms. Alicia Bernard and I am looking forward to a new school term as your child’s
5th grade Science Teacher. I am a graduate of Tarleton State University with a Master’s Degree
in Science. I have always been fascinated with the thrilling finds in the science field and am
looking forward to sharing this with your child.

This year will be an exciting time for all of us. We will study all aspects of science including
vocabulary, literature, writing and skills in preparation for the successful completion of the
state’s standardized tests next spring. I have planned many activities throughout the course of the
year that are designed to help your child succeed academically, not just this year but also in the
future. In addition to these activities we will also be taking a few field trips to various locations
to do hands on research and see science in action.

I currently have set aside September 28, 2018 for our first field trip to the Museum of Science
and History in Fort Worth, TX. Parents are welcome to come! I will have more dates available
for other activities as they are approved.

Discipline will be acted upon if a child chooses to break the classroom rules. The first time there
is a disruption there will be a verbal warning. The second time the student will lose 10 minutes
of recess and a note will be sent home to the parents or guardians. The third time the student will
lose all of recess and the parents or guardians will be called. The fourth time the student will be
sent to the Principal’s Office and I will again call the parent or guardian.

When you have questions, please feel free to email me at or to

call me at school. Our number is 817-706-8611.
I am looking forward to working with my new students this year. I am also looking forward to
meeting you and working with you to help you child succeed.
Best wishes,

Alicia Bernard
5th Grade Science Teacher at BISD
Classroom number 123

1. Tentative Agenda/Schedule for the Day (10)

•Before class: I would have name cards on the tables so students could
find their seats and have boxes of supplies at each desk. I would have
the consequence chart complete and ready to be explained. The
classroom rules that I listed above would be hanging in the classroom to
clearly see. The completed assignment basket will be set up so students
will know where to put their work when they are done. There will be an
illustrated poster hanging on the wall that will explain what to do when
you finish your assignment before other students are done. The date will
be written on the board each day. If students do not already have a book,
one will be set aside for them. Sticky name tags will be filled out and
placed on the desks for students to wear the first week of class. Cards
will be made for a Job Chart with everyone’s name and cards for jobs:
o Attendance Folder
o Line leader
o Door holder
o Hand sanitizer
o Paper collector

• 7:50 am I would great each student at the door and shake their hand. I
would tell them good morning and how happy I am to have them in my
class. I would ask them to hang up their backpack and have a seat at their
assigned location. Inform them that seatwork is on the table and pencils
are in the pencil box. When all students have arrived (8:10) I would take
attendance. The student in charge of the attendance folder would then take
the attendance sheet to the office.
• 8:15 am Transition to the morning activities. I would introduce the
morning procedures and show them the bell assignment. Students are
going to be expected to start working on it as soon as they are in their
seats each day. We will model the correct way to do this by not talking
and working independently at out desk.
• 8:20 am I would explain to the students that it is now time to remain quit
and pay attention to each speaker. I would have the students say their
name and everyone else would greet them. We would go over the
classroom rules and the consequences if they do not follow them. The red
light warning system will be explained to them at this time. Parents will
get a copy of everything we are discussing.
• 8:40 am Break time and students will have the opportunity to play a
morning meeting game like beach ball greeting. Remind them that hands
are keep to yourself, no talking and keep your body in its own space.
• 8:45 am We will talk about the daily schedule for the day and the week.
Remind students that we will be active listeners whenever a teacher is
• 9:00 am Go over the first lesson. After a brief description begin the
lesson. Describe what is expected of the student as far as remaining quite,
raising their hand if they have a question and being respectful of other
people if they have a question.
• 9:20 am Independent work will be started. Give students procedure for the
transition: Walk to your seat, quietly sit down, get started right away,
share the materials and use your hand signal if you need to get up or have
a question.
• 9:45 am Break and practice how to line up. Share the procedure for lining
up: Hands at your side, be calm, eyes forward, mouth closed, stay close to
the friend in front of you, straight lines and quiet feet. Remind them to
wait for the teacher’s instruction, stand up and walk quietly to the door.
Go to the end of the line and stay in one spot the whole time.
• 10:00 am Prepare for lesson number. Remind students to be an active
listener. Ask questions like what does your body do? Your ears? Your
eyes? Your hands? Your brain? Etc.
• 10:15 am Break and Practice what we have learned. This is a good time to
discuss how to get ready for the bus. Tell students the procedure. Have
them put things say and remind them that we will go over it again at the
end of the day.
• 10:25 am Discus procedures for lunch and for recess. We will walk into
the classroom and follow the teacher’s instructions. You will stay seated
and quiet until you are sent to get food. Clean up your trash after you are
some eating and get I into lines when it is time to come back. Remember
to walk, not run. Then discuss the procedure for recess. Play safety and
kindly, come to the teacher when you hear a whistle and when recess is
done it is time to stop playing.
• 10:40 am Go over the third lesson. Remind students again to follow the
rules of respecting the teacher and other students so we can all learn.
• 11:40 am Lunch – Reinforce lining up properly as described above. Walk
in a line to lunch and wait for the teacher to dismiss the students. After
lunch we will line up again and head back to the class in an organized
• 12:15 am Recess – Use the line-up procedure to go to the yard/gym. The
teacher will remind students to be courteous to all other students. Respect
the play equipment and games. Don’t bully other students and be sure to
share toys. Include other people in your games. This is a good time to use
the restroom if needed.
• 12:30 am Time to come inside. Students will line up and wait for the
teacher to lead them inside.
• 12:35 Lesson number four. Discuss lesson and remind students what to do
when you are listening as described above.
• 1:30 pm Clean up and sit down. Review procedures for going home. Pick
up any items you have taken out such as books, drawing utensils, your
computer and paper. Make sure all assignments are turned into the correct
baskets. Once everything is put away sit at your desk.
• 1:35 pm Pack up for home. Pack your backpack with any homework or
books that you need to take home.
• 1:45 Going home! The quiet line goes first. Say goodbye and prepare for
another exciting day tomorrow!

○ First Day Bell Work Assignment (10)

 For the first day bell work assignment I would have an activity that would allow
me to get to know the students and for them to get to know each other. I would
start off by having them do a writing prompt to describe their ideal life 15 years
from now. What is something that they could do every day to reach that goal?
How could science affect this goal?

Next I would have them fill out a form about their student information. This
would include their full name, what they want me to call them, their cell phone
and home phone numbers, email address, birthday, student number and age. I
would also include questions like what their goals may be for the future, what
hobbies they have and what sports interest them. I would ask for the names,
emails and number of their parents or guardians and who they would like the
teacher to call if we needed to contact someone at their home.

I would then move on to a fun icebreaker activity to help the students to get to
know each other. One fun activity is where you hand each student a half page
sheet of paper and ask then to write three interesting things about themselves
without stating their name or obvious characteristic. Have the student’s ball up
the sheets before drooping them into a large container. Shake the container to
scramble the balled-up sheets. Distribute them randomly to each student. Give
students three minutes to try to match their classmates with the information.

○ Teacher Welcome/Introduction (10)

 Prezi or PowerPoint Presentation – will need website link included or attached to
assignment (See Wong pp. 30-46)

See attached Power Point Welcome 2018-2019

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