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1) Short Identification (__ points for each item, __ points total) The following key

concepts have been introduced in the course. Choose ___ (and only ___) of these
concepts. For each concept, please define and explain the concept.

2) Discussion (__ points total) Choose one (and only one) of these items to discuss.

Explain the significance of _____ and _____. Compare and contrast these terms.
Explain, with an example, their significance for the analysis of American
government and politics.

Compare the role of the President to the role of Congress for _________ Explain,
using an example, the implications of these roles for understanding public policy
in the U.S.

Compare two (or more) views of _____. Explain, using an example, how these
views help us understand public policy in the U.S.

Define and explain the key differences between ____ and _____. Give an
example of each.

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