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Sarah Miller

3.4 Adaptive and Assistive Technology

Candidates facilitate the use of adaptive and assistive technologies to support individual
student learning needs.

1. Briefly describe the artifact and the context in which it was created. What was/were
your individual contribution(s)?
The artifact for this standard is my Assistive Technology Implementation Plan. This AT
Implementation Plan is designed for an eighth-grade student with a learning disability. In
this plan, I selected two tools for this student to use primarily in her ELA class; however,
these tools can be used in any class that requires reading and/or writing. I contributed to
the entirety of the AT Implementation Plan.

2. Explain how this artifact demonstrates mastery of the standard/element under which it
is placed. See the portfolio rubric and watch the videos for more details on what to
include in your reflection for this question. You must respond to each of the items on the
rubric in this question! It is VERY IMPORTANT that you address ALL of the criteria on
the rubric. This one question may need to be several paragraphs long in order to address
all of the items on the rubric.
This AT Implementation Plan is designed for an eighth-grade student with a learning
disability whose IEP goals include: recall main ideas and supporting details in a reading
selection, retell, summarize, and paraphrase when reading or listening to others, and to
independently develop ideas and create a one-paragraph summary with proper paragraph
structure. I chose two tools to assist this student with her IEP goals: SpeakIt Google
Extension and the voice-typing tools within Google Docs. I trained the student and her
teachers on using the two tools for reading and writing assignments.

3. What did you learn from completing this artifact? What would you do differently to
improve the quality of the artifact or the process involved in creating the artifact?
I learned so much from this assignment. It has been tough for me to discern between
instructional technology used for differentiation and assistive technology. The tools I
recommended had been previously used by some teachers for differentiation, but when it
became a need for the student(s) to complete certain tasks, we considered it assistive.

To improve, I would change my recommendation of tools to Read&Write for Chrome

instead of SpeakIt. Read&Write for Chrome has so much for supports in reading and
writing. Then, the training for the students and the teachers can be focused on one tool
versus on two different tools.

4. How did the work that went into creating the artifact impact school improvement,
faculty development, or student learning? How can the impact be assessed?
This artifact impacted student learning because I was able to provide this particular
student with tools and training she needed to work towards meeting her IEP goals. This
impact can be assessed during the annual review of the students’ IEP, as well as through
work completed by the student during reading and writing assignments.

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