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ISA Transactions 44 共2005兲 55–68

Adaptive control of uncertain continuously stirred tank reactors

with unknown actuator nonlinearities
T. Zhang, M. Guay*
Department of Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
共Received 29 July 2003; accepted 19 July 2004兲

Adaptive nonlinear control is investigated for continuously stirred tank reactor 共CSTR兲 systems using neural net-
works. The CSTR plant under study belongs to a class of nonaffine nonlinear systems, and contains an unknown
parameter that enters the model nonlinearly. Using adaptive backstepping and neural network 共NN兲 approximation
techniques, an alternative adaptive NN controller is developed that achieves asymptotic output tracking control. A
novel integral-type Lyapunov function, which includes both system states and control input as its arguments, is
constructed to solve the difficulty associated with the nonaffine control problem. Numerical simulation is performed to
show the feasibility of the proposed approach for chemical process control. © 2005 ISA—The Instrumentation,
Systems, and Automation Society.

Keywords: Nonlinear systems; Adaptive control; Backstepping design; Lyapunov stability; Neural networks

1. Introduction In recent years, many interesting results for chemi-

cal process control have been reported in the lit-
Many industrial processes including distillation erature 共关1– 4兴, and the references therein兲. Most
columns, exothermic chemical reactions, and pH of these feedback linearization strategies require
neutralization can exhibit significant nonlinear be- exact mathematical models of the plant dynamics.
havior. If these processes are operated at a nomi- However, it is generally difficult in practice to ob-
nal steady state, the effects of the nonlinearities tain an accurate model because of the inherent
may not be severe and traditional control schemes complexity of the chemical processes or the lack
based on local linearized models provide satisfac- of informative process data. It is necessary to
tory control performance. However, if the systems implement adaptive techniques to handle system
are required to work over a wide range of condi- uncertainties when high control performance is re-
tions, conventional linear control approaches can- quired. A number of applications of on-line adap-
tation in feedback controller design have been
not handle the system nonlinearities. Under such
documented in the literature that demonstrated su-
situations, closed-loop stability can be guaranteed
perior performance in the presence of unknown
only when the controllers are sufficiently detuned,
and time-varying process parameters 关5–13兴.
leading to losses in closed-loop performance 关1兴. In this paper, we consider the control problem of
a class of continuous stirred tank reactor 共CSTR兲
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 共613兲 533-2788; fax: systems given in 关2,8兴. The process dynamics are
共613兲 533-6637. E-mail address: described by

0019-0578/2005/$ - see front matter © 2005 ISA—The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society.
56 Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68

Table 1
Parameters of the CSTR system.
Parameter Description Nominal value
q process flowrate 100 l/min
C a0 concentration of component A 1 mol/l
Tf feed temperature 350 K
Tcf inlet coolant temperature 350 K
V volume of tank 100 l
ha heat transfer coefficient 7⫻105 J/min K
a0 preexponential factor 7.2⫻1010 min⫺1
E/R activation energy 1⫻104 K
(⫺⌬H) heat of reaction 2⫻104 cal/mol
␳1 ,␳c liquid densities 1⫻103 g/l
C p ,C pc heat capacities 1 cal/g K

共⫺⌬H兲a0 ha ␳ c C pc
a1⫽ ⫽1.44⫻1013 a 2⫽ ⫽6.987⫻102 a 3⫽ ⫽0.01
␳1Cp ␳ c C pc ␳ 1C pV

q temperature may cause significant bias in the

Ċ a ⫽ 共 C a0 ⫺C a 兲 ⫺a 0 C a e ⫺ E/RT a , CSTR model. Second, manipulation of the flow
rate yields an easily implementable control
scheme compared to the manipulation of the cool-
Ṫ a ⫽ 共 T f ⫺T a 兲 ⫹a 1 C a e ⫺ E/RT a ant temperature. Although the dynamics of the
V CSTR considered are simple, the model exempli-
⫹a 3 q c 关 1⫺e ⫺ a 2 /q c 兴共 T c f ⫺T a 兲 , 共1兲 fies the difficulties associated with the control of
such processes. It should be clear to the reader that
the techniques developed are applicable to a much
where the variables C a and T a are the concentra-
tion and temperature of a tank, respectively; the broader class of such chemical reactors. In this
coolant flow rate q c is the control input and the paper, we restrict ourselves to the above dynamics
parameters of the plant are defined in Table I. to provide a clear account of the techniques pre-
Within the tank reactor, two chemicals are mixed sented.
and react to produce compound A at a concentra- The major challenge of this control problem is
tion C a with the temperature of the mixture being that the plant does not assume the customary con-
T a . The reaction is both irreversible and exother- trol affine system structure because the control in-
mic. The control objective is to manipulate the put q c appears nonlinearly. For the case where the
coolant flow rate q c to control the concentration system model is known exactly, the application of
C a at a desired value. It should be noticed that the input-output linearization control for a large class
above description of CSTR is different from those of general nonlinear systems has been investigated
of conventional chemical reactor control systems in 关2兴. The application of an adaptive learning
关4,14兴. In most applications, the coolant tempera- control to uncertain nonlinear systems was studied
ture is chosen as the manipulated variable and as- in 关16兴 and 关17兴. Control applications to CSTR
sumed to be constant through the cooling coil 关2兴. systems were provided to illustrate the advantage
There are two major advantages of choosing the of utilizing learning and adaptation. However, due
flow rate q c as the manipulated control input. to the high complexity of neural network systems,
First, the coolant temperature is allowed to vary a rigorous stability analysis was not provided for
along the length of the cooling coil 关15兴. If the the closed-loop control system in 关16兴. The
cooling coil is long, which happens in many prac- scheme presented in 关17兴 requires the measure-
tical plants, the assumption of constant coolant ment of the time derivative of C a , which is diffi-
Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68 57

cult to estimate in practice. The approach pro- ẋ 1 ⫽1⫺x 1 ⫺a 0 x 1 e ⫺ 10 /x 2
posed circumvents this major limitation while
addressing the major technical difficulties associ- ẋ 2 ⫽T f ⫺x 2 ⫹a 1 x 1 e ⫺ 10 /x 2
⫹a 3 u 共 1⫺e ⫺ a 2 /u 兲
ated with this control problem.
In this work, we investigate the application of an ⫻ 共 T c f ⫺x 2 兲 ,
alternative adaptive control method to the CSTR y⫽x 1 , 共2兲
plant 共1兲. The method combines Lyapunov’s sta-
bility design, adaptive backstepping, and neural where the unknown constant parameters are a 0 ,
network approximation to derive the control algo- a 1 , a 2 , and a 3 . The control objective is to design
rithm and adaptive law. The paper is organized as a controller u such that the output y follows a
follows. Section 2 presents some notations and desired signal y d .
background. In Section 3, an adaptive backstep- There are two major difficulties associated with
ping design is performed. Both stability and con- this control problem. First, the unknown param-
trol performance of the closed-loop systems are eter a 2 appears nonlinearly. As a result, it cannot
addressed as well. Numerical simulation results be estimated easily using conventional identifica-
tion technique. Second, the control input appears
are given in Section 4 to show the effectiveness of
nonlinearly. Although it does not constitute a ma-
the proposed approach.
jor drawback for controller design, it requires a
more careful analysis than standard feedback lin-
earization and backstepping-based designs. In this
paper, an alternative design scheme is presented to
solve the adaptive control problem for processes
2. Problem formulation
with similar structural difficulties.
We first state some assumptions that are re-
Let 储•储 denote the 2-norm, i.e., 储 A 储 ⫽ 冑兺 i⫽1 m
a i2 quired for the development detailed in the next
with A⫽ 关 a 1 ,a 2 ,...,a m 兴 苸R . Let 兩 • 兩 1 denote
T m
1-norm, i.e., 兩 A 兩 1 ⫽ 兺 i⫽1 m
兩 a i 兩 . It can be seen that Assumption 1: a 0 ⭐ā 0 , a 2 ⭓aគ 2 and a 3 ⭓aគ 3 with
兩 A 兩 1 ⭐m 储 A 储 .
2 2
known constants ā 0 , aគ 2 , and ā 3 .
In this paper, we assume that plant parameters Assumption 2: The desired signal vector x d
q, C a0 , T f , T c f , and V are at the nominal values ⫽ 关 y d ẏ d ÿ d y (3)
d 兴 苸⍀ d with known compact set

given in Table 1. The activation energy E/R⫽1 ⍀ d 傺R 4 .

⫻104 K is assumed to be known. The state vari- Given the parameters listed in Table 1 and the
ables, the input and the output, are defined as x irreversible exothermic property of the chemical
⫽ 关 x 1 ,x 2 兴 T ⫽ 关 C a ,T a 兴 T ,u⫽q c ,y⫽C a . Using this process, the operating condition of the CSTR sys-
notation, the CSTR plant 共1兲 can be reexpressed as tem 共1兲 is restricted to

⍀ x ⫽ 兵 共 x 1 ,x 2 ,u 兲 兩 c 0 ⬍x 1 ⬍1, T c f ⬍T c0 ⭐x 2 ⬍T max , 0⭐u⭐u 0 其 , 共3兲

where the positive constants c 0 and T c0 are the tems to overcome the restrictions of matching con-
lower bounds of the concentration x 1 and tempera- ditions or growth conditions in nonlinear adaptive
ture x 2 , respectively. The constants T max and u 0 control. This scheme has been further developed
are the maximum values of the tank temperature in recent literature 关19–24兴 for a broad class of
and the coolant flow rate, respectively. nonlinear systems. From the first equation of plant
3. Adaptive backstepping design 共2兲, we may consider the function x 1 e ⫺ 10 /x 2 as a
virtual control for x 1 . Then, by controlling x 2
Adaptive backstepping techniques were first de- through input u, we can drive the nonlinearity
veloped in 关18兴 for parametric strict-feedback sys- x 1 e ⫺ 10 /x 2 to a desired one which achieves the
58 Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68

control target. Therefore, plant 共2兲 satisfies the tri- ␦

angular structure required in the backstepping de- V̇ s1 ⫽⫺k 1 z 21 ⫺z 1 z 2 ⫺ ˜␪ ␪ˆ . 共9兲
␥1 1 1
sign. In this section, a two-step backstepping shall
be performed to develop a nonlinear controller and It should be noticed that the adaptive law 共8兲 con-
an adaptive learning law. tains a leakage term ␦ ␪ˆ 1 with constant ␦ ⬎0,
Step 1: Define which is similar to the ␴-modification learning law
originally developed in 关25兴 for improving the ro-
z 1 ⫽x 1 ⫺y d , 共4兲
bustness of the adaptive system.
4 Step 2: It follows from Eqs. 共5兲, 共2兲, and 共7兲 that
z 2 ⫽x 1 e ⫺ 10 /x 2
⫺␣1 共5兲
4 104 x 1 ⫺ 104 /x
with smooth function ␣ 1 to be assigned later. It ż 2 ⫽ẋ 1 e ⫺ 10 /x 2
⫹ e 2 ẋ ⫺ ␣
2 ˙1
follows from Eqs. 共2兲 and 共4兲 that x 22
4 104 x 1 ⫺ 104 /x
ż 1 ⫽1⫺x 1 ⫺a 0 x 1 e ⫺ 10 /x 2
⫺ẏ d ⫽ẋ 1 e ⫺ 10
/x 2
⫹ e 2 ẋ ⫺k ż
2 1 1
x 22
⫽1⫺x 1 ⫺a 0 共 z 2 ⫹ ␣ 1 兲 ⫺ẏ d . 共6兲
⫺ ␪ˆ˙ 1 共 1⫺x 1 ⫺ẏ d 兲 ⫹ ␪ˆ 1 共 ẋ 1 ⫹ÿ d 兲
Choose a positive definite Lyapunov function can-
didate ⫽g 1 共 ␺ 兲 ⫺a 3 g 2 共 x 兲 f 共 u 兲 , 共10兲
z 21 where ␺ ⫽ 关 x 1 ␪ˆ 1 y d ẏ d ÿ d z 2 兴 T and the smooth
V 1⫽ .
2a 0 functions g 1 , g 2 , and f are defined as follows:

Its time derivative along Eq. 共6兲 is ⫺ 104 /x 2

104 x 1 ⫺ 104 /x
g 1 共 ␺ 兲 ⫽ẋ 1 e ⫹ 2 e 2 共 T ⫺x

冋 册
f 2
z 1 ż 1 1
V̇ 1 ⫽ ⫽z 1 共 1⫺x 1 ⫺ẏ d 兲 ⫺ 共 z 2 ⫹ ␣ 1 兲 . 4
a0 a0 ⫹a 1 x 1 e ⫺ 10 /x 2
兲 ⫺k 1 ż 1 ⫺ ␪ˆ˙ 1 共 1⫺x 1 ⫺ẏ d 兲
Hence, choosing ␣ 1 as
⫹ ␪ˆ 1 共 ẋ 1 ⫹ÿ d 兲 ,
␣ 1 ⫽k 1 z 1 ⫹ ␪ˆ 1 共 1⫺x 1 ⫺ẏ d 兲 , 共7兲 104 x 1 ⫺ 104 /x
g 2共 x 兲 ⫽ e 2 共 x ⫺T 兲 ,
2 cf
where k 1 is a positive constant and ␪ˆ 1 is the esti- x 22
mate of the unknown parameter ␪ 1* ⫺1/a 0 , yields
f 共 u 兲 ⫽u 共 1⫺e ⫺ a 2 /u 兲 .
V̇ 1 ⫽⫺k 1 z 21 ⫺ 共 ␪ˆ 1 ⫺ ␪ *
1 兲共 1⫺x 1 ⫺ẏ d 兲 z 1 ⫺z 1 z 2 . Since
Now let ⳵ f共u兲 a2
⫽1⫺e ⫺ a 2 /u ⫺ e ⫺ a 2 /u ,
˜␪ 21 ⳵u u
V s1 ⫽V 1 ⫹ ,
2␥1 ⳵2 f 共u兲 a 22
⫽⫺ 3 e ⫺ a 2 /u , 共11兲
⳵u2 u
where ˜␪ 1 ⫽ ␪ˆ 1 ⫺ ␪ 1* and constant ␥ 1 ⬎0. Differen-
tiating with respect to time, that is, it follows that, by considering Assumption 1 and
the operating region 共3兲, we have
˜␪ 1 ␪8 1
V̇ s1 ⫽⫺k 1 z 21 ⫺˜␪ 1 共 1⫺x 1 ⫺ẏ d 兲 z 1 ⫺z 1 z 2 ⫹ , ⳵ f共u兲 aគ 2
␥1 ⭓b 0 ⫽1⫺e ⫺ aគ 2 /u 0 ⫺ e ⫺ aគ 2 /u 0 ⬎0,
⳵u u0
leads to the adaptive law 共12兲

␪ˆ˙ 1 ⫽ ␥ 1 共 1⫺x 1 ⫺ẏ d 兲 z 1 ⫺ ␦ ␪ˆ 1 共8兲 冏 ⳵2 f 共u兲

⳵u 2 冏 27
⭐b 1 ⫽ e ⫺3 , where e⫽2.718,
aគ 2
with 共13兲
Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68 59

0⬍gគ 2 ⭐g 2 共 x 兲 ⭐ḡ 2 , 共14兲 As shown above, the Implicit Function Theorem

guarantees the existence of a continuous function
where gគ 2 ⫽infx苸⍀ x 兵 g 2 ( x ) 其 and ḡ 2 ␤ ( ␺ ) only. No analytical expression ␤ ( ␺ ) is
⫽supx苸⍀ x 兵 g 2 ( x ) 其 . In addition, available for controller design. Hence, a function
approximator is needed to estimate the unknown
⳵ 关 g 1 共 ␺ 兲 ⫺a 3 g 2 共 x 兲 f 共 u 兲兴 ⳵ f 共u兲 function ␤ ( ␺ ) . A linear function approximator
⫽⫺a 3 g 2 共 x 兲 ⫽0. 关e.g., the radial basis function 共RBF兲 neural net-
⳵u ⳵u
works 共NNs兲 关27兴, high-order NNs 关28兴, or fuzzy
Next, we invoke the Implicit Function Theorem to systems 关29兴兴 is used in this paper, which has the
establish the existence of a continuous function following form:
␤ ( ␺ ) such that g 1 ( ␺ ) ⫺a 3 g 2 ( x ) f 关 ␤ ( ␺ ) 兴 ⫽0. By
the Implicit Function Theorem 关26兴, for any state ␤ 共 ␺ 兲 ⫽W * T S 共 ␺ 兲 ⫹ ␮ l , 共18兲
x a within the compact subset ⍀ x , if 共i兲 g 1 ( ␺ ) where ␮ l is the function approximation error, W * ,
⫺a 3 g 2 ( x ) f ( u ) 兩 x⫽x a ,u⫽u a ⫽0 with ( x a ,u a ) 苸⍀ x , the ideal weight with weight number l. The basis
and 共ii兲 兵 ⳵ 关 g 1 ( ␺ ) ⫺a 3 g 2 ( x ) f ( u ) 兴 其 / ⳵ u 兩 x⫽x a ,u⫽u a function vector S ( ␺ ) ⫽ 关 s 1 ( ␺ ) ,s 2 ( ␺ ) ,...,s l ( ␺ ) 兴 T
⫽0, then there exists a continuous function u 苸R l is taken according to the chosen function ap-
⫽ ␤ ( ␺ ) such that g 1 ( ␺ ) ⫺a 3 g 2 ( x ) f ( u ) ⫽0 in a proximator. In this paper, a high-order neural net-
neighborhood of ( x a ,u a ) . Since 兵 ⳵ 关 g 1 ( ␺ ) work 共HONN兲 given in 关28兴 is used in the follow-
⫺a 3 g 2 ( x ) f ( u ) 兴 其 / ⳵ u ⫽0,᭙ ( x,u ) 苸⍀ x , we con- ing controller design. The basis functions are
clude that for g 1 ( ␺ ) ⫺a 3 g 2 ( x ) f ( u ) ⫽0 with selected as
( x,u ) 苸⍀ x , there exists a continuous function u
⫽ ␤ ( ␺ ) 关which may be trajectory-dependent i.e., a s i 共 ␺ 兲 ⫽ 兿 关 s 共 ␺ j 兲兴 d j (i) ,
different trajectory sequence ( x, ␺ ) may result in a j苸I i
different function ␤ ( ␺ ) ] such that g 1 ( ␺ )
⫺a 3 g 2 ( x ) f ( u ) ⫽0 for ( x,u ) 苸⍀ x . e ␺ j ⫺e ⫺ ␺ j
i⫽1,2,...,l, with s 共 ␺ j 兲 ⫽ , 共19兲
By the Mean Value Theorem 关26兴, the error e ␺ j ⫹e ⫺ ␺ j
equation 共10兲 can be rewritten as
where 兵 I 1 ,I 2 ,...,I l 其 is a collection of l unordered
ż 2 ⫽g 1 共 ␺ 兲 ⫺a 3 g 2 共 x 兲 f 关 ␤ 共 ␺ 兲兴 subsets of 兵 1,2,...,6其 and d j ( i ) are non-negative
integers. Universal approximation results in 关28兴
⫺a 3 g 2 共 x 兲 冕 0
1 ⳵ f 共u␭兲
d␭ 关 u⫺ ␤ 共 ␺ 兲兴
indicate that, if l is sufficiently large, then ␮ l can
be made arbitrarily small over a compact set.
With the NN function approximation 共18兲, error

⫽⫺a 3 g 2 共 x 兲关 u⫺ ␤ 共 ␺ 兲兴 冕0
1 ⳵ f 共u␭兲
equation 共17兲 can be written as
ż 2 ⫽⫺a 3 b u g 2 共 x 兲关 u⫺W * T S 共 ␺ 兲 ⫺ ␮ l 兴 . 共20兲
共15兲 Consider the following control structure
where u ␭ ⫽␭u⫹ ( 1⫺␭ ) ␤ ( ␺ ) .
u⫽k s 共 z 2 兲 z 2 ⫹Ŵ T S 共 ␺ 兲 , 共21兲

冕 1 ⳵ f 共u␭兲 where Ŵ is the estimate of W * chosen to satisfy

b u⫽ d␭, 共16兲 储 Ŵ 储 ⭐w m in the design of the adaptive law. The
0 ⳵u␭
design function k s ( z 2 ) can be viewed as a control-
it follows from Eq. 共12兲 that ⳵ f ( u ␭ ) / ⳵ u ␭ ⭓b 0 ler gain to be specified.
⬎0 and, therefore, Define W̃⫽Ŵ⫺W * . We may rewrite Eq. 共20兲
b u⫽ 冕 0
1 ⳵ f 共u␭兲
d␭⭓ 冕 b d␭⫽b .
0 0 ż 2 ⫽⫺a 3 b u g 2 共 x 兲关 k s 共 z 2 兲 z 2 ⫹W̃S 共 ␺ 兲 ⫺ ␮ l 兴 .
As a result, Eq. 共15兲 can be expressed as
As b u is a function of x 1 , x 2 , and u 共and u is a
ż 2 ⫽⫺a 3 b u g 2 共 x 兲关 u⫺ ␤ 共 ␺ 兲兴 . 共17兲 function of ␺ and Ŵ), it is known that b u is a
60 Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68

function of ␺ and Ŵ. Hence, we may denote ␦ z

V̇ 2 ⭐⫺k 1 z 21 ⫺z 1 z 2 ⫺ ˜␪ 1 ␪ˆ 1 ⫹ 2 ż 2
b u ( ¯␺ ,z 2 ,Ŵ ) ⫽b u with ¯␺ ⫽ 关 x 1 ␪ˆ 1 y d ẏ d ÿ d 兴 T ␥1 a 3b u

共noting ␺ ⫽ 关 ¯ ␺ T z 2 兴 T ) . Choose a positive-definite
function w0 z2 ⳵ b ⫺1
⫹ ␺˙ 储 ␴ d ␴
a3 0 ⳵u

V 2 ⫽V s1 ⫹
冕 0
b ⫺1
u 共 ␺ , ␴ ,Ŵ 兲 ␴ d ␴ .
¯ 共23兲 ⫹
冕冐 冐 z2

⳵ b ⫺1
u ˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ␴ d ␴ .
兩 Ŵ

Its time derivative along Eq. 共9兲 is Using Eqs. 共13兲 and 共16兲, we know that

V̇ 2 ⫽⫺k 1 z 21 ⫺z 1 z 2 ⫺ ˜␪ 1 ␪ˆ 1 ⫹

冏 冏 冏冕


⳵2 f 共u␭兲
⳵ u ␭2
d␭ ⭐ 冏 冕 冏 ⳵ ⳵f u共 u 兲 冏d␭
1 2


␥1 a 3b u 2
⭐ 冕 b d␭⫽b .
冋 册

冕 ⳵ b ⫺1 T
1 z2 u ⳵ u 共 ¯␺ , ␴ ,Ŵ 兲 ˙ 1 1
⫹ ¯␺ ␴ d ␴ 0
a3 0 ⳵u ⳵ ¯␺ 共28兲

冕 z2 ⳵ b ⫺1
Ŵ 冋
˙ T ⳵ u 共 ␺ , ␴ ,Ŵ 兲 ␴ d ␴ ,
⳵ Ŵ
册 Equations 共12兲 and 共16兲 show that b u ⭓b 0 ⬎0.

冏 冏冏

冏 冏 冏冏 冏
⳵ b ⫺1
u 1 ⳵bu 1 ⳵bu b1
共24兲 ⫽ 2 ⭐ 2 ⭐ 2 . 共29兲
⳵u bu ⳵u bu ⳵u b0
Using Eqs. 共27兲–共29兲 and error equation 共22兲, in-
˙ is to be assigned in
where the rate of adaptation Ŵ equality 共27兲 can be reexpressed as
the following. Noting controller 共21兲, we have

V̇ 2 ⭐⫺k 1 z 21 ⫺z 1 z 2 ⫺ ˜␪ ␪ˆ ⫺z g 共 x 兲关 k s 共 z 2 兲 z 2
␥1 1 1 2 2
⳵ u 共 ¯␺ , ␴ ,Ŵ 兲
⳵ Ŵ
⫽S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 ,
⫹W̃S 共 ␺ 兲 ⫺ ␮ l 兴 ⫹
w 0b 1
a 3 b 20
冕 z2

␺˙ 储 ␴ d ␴

⳵ u 共 ¯␺ , ␴ ,Ŵ 兲
⫽Ŵ Ta
⳵ S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲
, 共25兲

a 3 b 20
冕 0
˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ␴ d ␴ .
兩 Ŵ
⳵ ¯␺ ⳵ ¯␺
It is observed that 兩 z 1 z 2 兩 ⭐ ( k 1 z 21 /2) ⫹ ( z 22 /2k 1 )
and a 3 ⭓aគ 3 共by Assumption 1兲. As a result, we
where Ŵ a is the corresponding weight vector for have
input ¯ ␺ . It can be seen from Eq. 共19兲 that the first k1 2 ␦
derivative of s ( ␺ j ) with respect with ␺ i is V̇ 2 ⭐⫺ z ⫺ ˜␪ ␪ˆ ⫺W̃ T S 共 ␺ 兲 g 2 共 x 兲 z 2 ⫺g 2 共 x 兲
2 1 ␥1 1 1
d 关 s ( ␺ i ) 兴 /d ␺ i ⫽ 4/关 ( e ␺ i ⫹e ⫺ ␺ i ) 2 兴 . Since 4/关 ( e ␺ i
⫹e ⫺ ␺ i ) 2 兴 ⭐1,᭙ ␺ i 苸R, we have
⫻关 k s 共 z 2 兲 z 22 ⫺ ␮ l z 2 兴 ⫹z 22 冋 1
2k 1

w 0b 1C ␺
2aគ 3 b 20 册
冐 ⳵ u 共 ¯␺ , ␴ ,Ŵ 兲
⳵ ¯␺

⭐w 0 ⫽ sup 兵 兩 Ŵ a 兩 1 其 . 共26兲
ˆ 储 W 储 ⭐w m

aគ 3 b 20
冕 z2

˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ␴ d ␴ ,
兩 Ŵ 共30兲

where the positive constant C ␺ is the upper bound

It then follows from Eqs. 共24兲–共26兲 that ␺˙ 储 共see Appendix A兲.
of the function 储 ¯
Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68 61

The following theorem provides the NN learn- Theorem 3.1. Consider the closed-loop adap-
ing law and design function k s ( z ) such that the tive system consisting of plant (2), controller (21),
stability and tracking performance are guaranteed and adaptive law (8). If (i) the following projec-
for the closed-loop system. tion NN learning algorithm is used:

␥ 2S 共 ␺ 兲 g 2共 x 兲 z 2 ,

if 储 Ŵ 储 ⬍w m or

˙⫽ 储 Ŵ 储 ⫽w m and Ŵ T S 共 ␺ 兲 g 2 共 x 兲 z 2 ⭐0
Ŵ 共31兲
ŴŴ T S 共 ␺ 兲 g 2 共 x 兲 z 2
␥ 2S 共 ␺ 兲 g 2共 x 兲 z 2⫺ ␥ 2 , if 储 Ŵ 储 ⫽w m and Ŵ T S 共 ␺ 兲 g 2 共 x 兲 z 2 ⬎0
储 Ŵ 储 2

with constant ␥ 2 ⬎0 and initial condition 储 Ŵ ( 0 ) 储 ⭐w m , and (ii) design function k s ( z 2 ) is chosen as

k s 共 z 2 兲 ⫽k 2 ⫹ 冉
1 1
gគ 2 2k 1

w 0b 1C ␺
2 ⫹
2aគ 3 b 0 冊
b 1␥ 2l
兩z 兩
aគ 3 b 20 2

with constant k 2 ⬎0, then (i) all of the signals in the closed-loop system are bounded, and (ii) the mean
square tracking error converges to a small neighborhood of zero whose size can be adjusted by the design
parameters ␦ , ␥ 1 ,k 1 ,k 2 , and NN node number l.
Proof: (i) Consider a Lyapunov function candidate

储 W̃ 储 2
V s ⫽V 2 ⫹ .
Its time derivative along Eq. 共30兲 is

V̇ s ⭐⫺
k1 2 ␦
z 1 ⫺ ˜␪ 1 ␪ˆ 1 ⫺W̃ T S 共 ␺ 兲 g 2 共 x 兲 z 2 ⫺g 2 共 x 兲关 k s 共 z 2 兲 z 22 ⫺ ␮ l z 2 兴 ⫹z 22
2k 1

w 0b 1C ␺

2aគ 3 b 20 册

aគ 3 b 20
冕 0
˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ␴ d ␴ ⫹ 1 W̃ T W̃
兩 Ŵ
˙. 共33兲

The NN weight tuning algorithm 共31兲 is a standard projection learning law, which guarantees that
储 Ŵ ( t ) 储 ⭐w m ,᭙t⬎0 for 储 Ŵ ( 0 ) 储 ⭐w m 共see 关25兴 for the proof兲. Following arguments similar to those used
for the application of the projection algorithm in 关25兴, we obtain

V̇ s ⭐⫺
k1 2 ␦
z 1 ⫺ ˜␪ 1 ␪ˆ 1 ⫺g 2 共 x 兲关 k s 共 z 2 兲 z 22 ⫺ ␮ l z 2 兴 ⫹z 22
2k 1
⫹ 冋
w 0b 1C ␺
2 ⫹
2aគ 3 b 0
aគ 3 b 20 册 冕
˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ␴ d ␴ .
兩 Ŵ
Considering Eq. 共32兲, ḡ 2 ⭓g 2 ( x ) ⭓gគ 2 , and 兩 ␮ l z 2 兩 ⭐ ( k 2 /2) z 22 ⫹ ( ␮ l2 /2k 2 ) , we further have

V̇ s ⭐⫺
k1 2 ␦
2 ␥1 冋k2
z 1 ⫺ ˜␪ 1 ␪ˆ 1 ⫺g 2 共 x 兲 k s 共 z 2 兲 z 22 ⫺ z 22 ⫺
␮ 2l
2k 2
⫹z 22
2k 1

w 0b 1C ␺
2aគ 3 b 20
册 冋 册

aគ 3 b 20
˙ T ¯
k1 2 ␦
兩 Ŵ S 共 ␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ␴ d ␴ ⭐⫺ z 1 ⫺ ␪ 1 ␪ 1 ⫺g 2 共 x 兲
2 ␥1
˜ ˆ
k 2 2 ␮ 2l
z ⫺
2 2 2k 2


aគ 3 b 20 2 2

␥ lg 共 x 兲 兩 z 2 兩 3 冋
⫺ 冕 0
˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ␴ d ␴ .
兩 Ŵ 册 共35兲
62 Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68

˙ T S ( ¯␺ , ␴ ) 兩 ⭐2 ␥ lg ( x ) 兩 z 兩 共see Appendix B for the proof兲, we have

Applying the inequality 兩 Ŵ 2 2 2

冕 0
˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ␴ d ␴ ⭐2 ␥ lg 共 x 兲 兩 z 兩
兩 Ŵ 2 2 2 冕
␴ d ␴ ⫽ ␥ 2 lg 2 共 x 兲 兩 z 2 兩 3 .


V̇ s ⭐⫺
k1 2 ␦
z 1 ⫺ ˜␪ 1 ␪ˆ 1 ⫺g 2 共 x 兲
k 2 2 ␮ 2l
z 2⫺
2k 2
⫽⫺ z 21 ⫺

␪ˆ 1 ⫺
冊 冉 冊 2

␦ ␪ *1 2

⫺g 2 共 x 兲 z ⫺
2 2 2k 2

k 2 2 ␮ 2l
Now define a compact set

⍀⫽ 共 z 1 ,z 2 , ␪ˆ 1 兲 冏 k1 2 k2
z 1 ⫹ គg 2 z 22 ⫹

␪ˆ 1 ⫺冉␪*
冊 2

␦ ␪ *1 2 ḡ 2 ␮ 2l

2k 2
. 冎 共37兲

We can see that V̇ s ⬍0 as long as z 1 , z 2 , and ␪ˆ 1 Since the NN approximation error ␮ l can be re-
remain outside the compact set ⍀. It follows that, duced as the NN node number l increasing, the
applying a standard Lyapunov argument, z 1 , z 2 , tracking performance may be improved if a large
and ␪ˆ 1 are bounded. As the projection algorithm size NN is applied. Inequality 共38兲 implies that the
output tracking error converges to a neighborhood
共31兲 guarantees 储 Ŵ 储 ⭐w m , we conclude that all
of the origin whose size can be reduced by in-
the signals in the closed⫺loop control system are
creasing the controller gains k 1 and k 2 , or the
node number of neural networks, or by using a fast
共ii兲 It follows from Eq. 共36兲 and g 2 ( x ) ⭐ḡ 2 that
learning rate ␥ 1 . This completes the proof. Q.E.D.
k 1 2 ␦ ␪ 1* 2 ḡ 2 ␮ 2l
V̇ s ⭐⫺ z 1 ⫹ ⫹ .
2 4␥1 2k 2

Integrating the above inequality over 关 0,t 兴 , 4. Simulation results

冕 0
z 21 dt⭐V s 共 0 兲 ⫺V s 共 t 兲 ⫹
␦ ␪ *1 2
Table 1 shows the plant parameters used in the
simulation. The initial condition of the CSTR sys-
tem is x ( 0 ) ⫽ 关 0.1,440.0兴 T and the control objec-

ḡ 2
2k 2
冕 ␮ dt.
tive is to make the concentration y track the set-
point step change signal r ( t ) . In order to get a
smooth reference signal, a linear reference model
Hence, the mean square tracking error satisfies is used to shape the discontinuous reference signal
r ( t ) for providing the desired signals y d , ẏ d , and
冕 0
z 21 dt⭐
V 共 0 兲⫹
k 1t s
␦ ␪ *1 2
2 ␥ 1k 1
ÿ d . The following reference model is to be imple-
y d共 s 兲 w 2n

ḡ 2
k 1k 2t
冕 ␮ dt, t⬎0


r 共 s 兲 s 2 ⫹2 ␨ n w n s⫹w 2n

where the natural frequency w n ⫽5.0 rad/min and

the damping ratio ␨ n ⫽1.0 with the initial condi-
tions y d ( 0 ) ⫽0.1, ẏ d ( 0 ) ⫽0.0, ÿ d ( 0 ) ⫽0.0.
z 21 dt⭐
␦ ␪ *1 2

ḡ 2
2 ␥ 1 k 1 k 1 k 2 t→⬁ t
冕 ␮ dt.
To evaluate the control performance for the pro-
posed adaptive scheme, a PI controller is also con-
共38兲 sidered for comparison. We implement a fixed-
Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68 63

Fig. 1. Reference signal y d 共‘‘—’’兲, PI control 共‘‘- -’’兲, and adaptive NN control 共‘‘¯’’兲.

Fig. 2. Response of NN estimated weight 储 Ŵ 储 .

64 Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68

Fig. 3. Manipulated variable for the tracking NN control.

gain proportional plus integral 共PI兲 control law The simulation results given in Fig. 1 indicate
commonly used in chemical process control given that the output response of the adaptive controller
by displays some oscillation during the initial 5 min.

冕 共 y ⫺y 兲d ␶
This behavior is due to the lack of information that
kc t
u pi ⫽k c 共 y d ⫺y 兲 ⫹ d 共39兲 the initial neural networks has about the CSTR
Ti 0 plant dynamics 共note that the initial NN weights
with k c ⫽440, T i ⫽0.8, and u pi ( 0 ) ⫽100.0 关16兴 as were chosen as zero values兲. After several NN
an alternative to the proposed scheme. The param- learning periods, it can be seen from Fig. 1 that the
eters of the PI controller 共39兲 are selected to give tracking error of the adaptive controller decreases
an adequate response for step changes r ( t ) in the significantly. Fig. 2 confirms the boundedness of
set-points of ⫾0.02 mol/l about the nominal prod- the NN weight estimates during the adaptation.
uct concentration of 0.1 mol/l. The numerical experiment shows that better track-
Second-order neural networks were selected for ing performance is achieved with the proposed
the controller 共21兲. The element s i ( ␺ ) in Eq. 共19兲 adaptive NN controller.
are chosen as s ( ␺ 1 ) , s ( ␺ 2 ) ,...,s ( ␺ 6 ) and all pos- The value of the manipulated variable required
sible combinations of them 关i.e., s ( ␺ i ) s ( ␺ j ) with in the NN controller and the PI controller is shown
i, j⫽1,2,3,4,5,6] . The total number of NN nodes in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The NN controller is
is 30. The parameters in the adaptive law 共31兲 are considerably more aggressive, but the self-tuning
taken as w m ⫽30.0, ␥ 2 ⫽5.0, and the initial NN nature of the NN controller provides an appropri-
weight Ŵ ( 0 ) ⫽1.0⫻10⫺4 . The other parameters ate control input strategy after a few set-point
of the controller 共21兲 are k 1 ⫽1, k 2 ⫽100, ␥ 1 ⫽1, changes. Note that the PI controller could not be
and ␴ ⫽0.1. tuned more aggressively. Any increase in the con-
Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68 65

Fig. 4. Manipulated variable for the tracking PI control.

Fig. 5. Closed-loop response with the NN controller with undesirable controller tuning.
66 Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68

Fig. 6. Manipulated variable for the NN controller with undesirable controller tuning.

troller gain yielded sustained oscillations at the of neural networks remains an active area of in-
high set-point value. The reported performance re- vestigation that warrants further research that is
flects the best possible tuning of the PI controller outside the scope of this study. In most applica-
for this highly nonlinear process. tions, careful tuning of the NN controller remains
In practical applications, high oscillations of the the best strategy to ensure a proper response of the
output are possible. These oscillations are related closed-loop system 关30兴.
to the lack of knowledge about the system nonlin-
earities initially. However, they can also be in-
duced by the specific choice of tuning parameters.
As an example, Fig. 5 shows the tracking response
and the control action of the closed-loop system 5. Conclusion
when the value of ␥ 2 is increased to 10 and the
controller gain k 2 is reduced to 10. The corre- In this paper, we have presented an adaptive NN
sponding manipulated variable is shown in Fig. 6. control scheme for a class of general nonlinear
A very undesirable behavior results. This issue can chemical process control systems. Lyapunov’s sta-
also be resolved by careful a priori training of the bility techniques and an adaptive backstepping de-
neural networks off-line. However, there is no sign have been used to develop the control struc-
guarantee in practice that data with sufficient in- ture and adaptive learning law. It has been proven
formation would be available initially. Therefore, that the proposed controller guarantees the stabil-
the simulation study reflects a typical situation ity and asymptotic tracking performance of the
where only limited knowledge about the system closed-loop adaptive systems. The effectiveness of
nonlinearity is known before a controller is imple- the proposed control method has been illustrated
mented. The issue of iterative and off-line training through a numerical simulation study.
Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68 67

¯˙ 储
Appendix A: Upper Bound of 储␺ it follows from Eq. 共8兲 that

From ¯ ␺ ⫽ 关 x 1 ␪ˆ 1 y d ẏ d ÿ d 兴 T , Eqs. 共2兲 and 共8兲, ␪ˆ˙ 1 ⭐⫺ ␴ ␪ˆ 1 ⫹ ␥ 1 C 0 .

we have
Hence, by the comparison principle 关20兴, we have
␺˙ 储 ⫽
储¯ 冑 ẋ 21 ⫹ ␪˙ˆ 21 ⫹ẏ 2d ⫹ÿ 2d ⫹y (3)2
d ⭐ f ␺ 共 x,x d , ␪ 1 兲
ˆ that

f ␺ ( x,x d , ␪ˆ 1 ) ⫽1⫺x 1 ⫹ā 0 x 1 e ⫺ 10 /x 2 ⫹ 兩 ẏ d 兩 兩 ␪ˆ 1 共 t 兲 兩 ⭐ 兩 ␪ˆ 1 共 0 兲 兩 e ⫺ ␴ t ⫹ 冕e 0
⫺ ␴ (t⫺ ␶ )
␥ 1C 0d ␶
d 兩 ⫹ 兩 ␥ 1 ( 1⫺x 1 ⫺ẏ d ) z 1 ⫺ ␴ ␪ 1 兩 .
⫹ 兩 ÿ d 兩 ⫹ 兩 y (3) ˆ
We first find the upper bound of 兩 ␪ˆ 1 兩 . Defining ␥ 1C 0
⭐ 兩 ␪ˆ 1 共 0 兲 兩 ⫹ .

C 0⫽ sup 兵 兩 共 1⫺x 1 ⫺ẏ d 兲 z 1 兩 其 共A1兲
x苸⍀ x ,x d 苸⍀ d Defining a compact set

再 冏
⍀ ␺ ⫽ 共 x,x d , ␪ˆ 1 兲 x苸⍀ x , x d 苸⍀ d , 兩 ␪ˆ 1 兩 ⭐ 兩 ␪ˆ 1 共 0 兲 兩 ⫹
␥ 1C 0
␴ 冎 共A2兲

␺˙ 储 ⭐C ␺ with C ␺ ⫽sup(x,x d , ␪ˆ 1 )苸⍀ ␺ 兵 f ␺ ( x,x d , ␪ˆ 1 ) 其 .

it is concluded that 储 ¯

˙ TS(␺
Appendix B: Proof of 円Ŵ ¯ ,␴)円Ï2␥2lg2(x)円z2円

Case 1: 储 Ŵ 储 ⬍w m or 储 Ŵ 储 ⫽w m and Ŵ T S ( ␺ ) g 2 ( x ) z 2 ⭐0. It follows from the adaptive law 共31兲 that

˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ⫽ ␥ g 共 x 兲 兩 z 兩 S T 共 ␺ 兲 S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 .
兩 Ŵ 2 2 2

We know that S T ( ␺ ) S ( ¯
␺ , ␴ ) ⭐l, with l being the node number of neural networks because every element
of S ( ␺ ) is positive and less than 1. Hence 兩 Ŵ ˙ T S ( ¯␺ , ␴ ) 兩 ⭐ ␥ lg ( x ) 兩 z 兩 .
2 2 2
Case 2: 储 Ŵ 储 ⫽w m and Ŵ T S ( ␺ ) g 2 ( x ) z 2 ⬎0. In this case,

兩 Ŵ 2 2 冏冋
˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ⫽ ␥ g 共 x 兲 S T 共 ␺ 兲 S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 ⫺ S 共 ␺ 兲 ŴŴ S 共 ␺ , ␴ 兲 z

储 Ŵ 储 2
2 册冏

⭐ ␥ 2 g 2 共 x 兲 兩 z 2 兩 S T 共 ␺ 兲 S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 ⫹ 冏 S T 共 ␺ 兲 ŴŴ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲
储 Ŵ 储 2
冏册 .

Since S T ( ␺ ) Ŵ and Ŵ T S ( ¯
␺ , ␴ ) are scalar functions, bounded by 兩 Ŵ 兩 1 , we obtain

˙ T S 共 ¯␺ , ␴ 兲 兩 ⭐ ␥ g 共 x 兲 兩 z 兩 l⫹
兩 Ŵ 2 2 2 冉 兩 Ŵ 兩 21
储 Ŵ 储 2
冊 .

˙ T S ( ¯␺ , ␴ ) 兩 ⭐2 ␥ lg ( x ) 兩 z 兩 .
By the relationship 兩 Ŵ 兩 21 ⭐l 储 Ŵ 储 2 , it is concluded that 兩 Ŵ 2 2 2
68 Zhang, Guay / ISA Transactions 44 (2005) 55–68

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