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EP 1770715 A1 (19) » (12) (43) Date of publication: 04.04.2007 Bulletin 2007/14 (21) Application number: 05447236.0 (22) Date of fing: 20.10.2008 ty EP 1770715 A1 EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION (61) Int G21B 19.en0) (84) Designated Contracting States: AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FIFR GB GR HUIEISITLILTLULV MCNLPLPT ROSES! SKTR Designated Extension States: AL BAHR MK YU (80) Priory: 03.10.2005 EP 05447221 (71) Applicant: Tavakoli, Mehran Keshe 18573 Tiegem (BE) (72) Inventor: Tavakoll, Mehran Keshe 18573 Tiegem (BE) Remarks: ‘Amended claims in accordance with Fule 86 (2) EPC. (64) Micro plasma reactor (67) A fixed or handheld micro-plasma-reactor can be build-in, connected with andlor inserted into verious clectricalielectronic devices (2, mobile phones, comput- 13), In various objects (Le. lighting devices in general, light bulb, microchips, ICs), in various container types (.e. cooking pan) and el type of machines, ie, vacuum Cleaner, pumps, electrical car, etc, to generate DC cur rent and/or AC, and consequently the various uses re- sulting from electrical current, for lighting, for heating’ cooling, and desired process (Le. creation magnetic fields) ‘The sel-sustaining plasmatic process gives inde- pendent functioning without connections to any electrical ower network, solar cells or the need to recharge. New |ype of products will be created. Different ype of micro: reactors are decribed, and new methodes of technology. 9V BATTERY TYPE Fig.3 1 EP 1770715 A1 2 Description [0001] We refer to the priority European patent app cation Nr. 05447221,2 / EP 05447221 dated October 3, £2005, introduced by the same inventor. [0002] In above mentioned patent application an ex: tensive description and severalciaime weremade elated to1new plasma reactors. This new patent-applcation contains many of the basic Ideas disclosed and claimed in EP 08447221 in more detalled way or in variations, There are also methods described which were nat disclosed in the abovemen tioned patent application. This invention relates to an en ergy producing system, method, conceptandtechnology whereby in a reactor-embodiment @ chain of energetic events is crested via @ rotatve magnetic initiation of a basic ionization of a gas (Le. hydrogen) or ether matters, Which then triggers a controllable chain of energy trans: fers (s0 called scintilation) tothe next following tayer(s) ofinoduced gasses (ie. He, Ne, Ar, kr, Xe) andallother introduced elements ofthe periodic table (1e. Li, Be, K, Ca, T,..Pt, et.) andlor thelr introduced molecule com: binations (Le. vapor). We show now algo that injection of specific quid metalic elements has advantages. [0003] The technology for creation of light and heat Using the principal of creation of energy of the system Using the principal of the patent, mainly can utilise the single magnetic feld or more magnetic field principal of the patent [0004] The double magnetic field effector higher cur rent production isan altemative. [0005] The other alternative willbe the use ofthe light ing and the hesting in the caroline core forthe creation ofthe extreme uitraviolet ight with or wthout transparent Inner and outer core wall, or the use o this ry inde the rector core for ithography is possible. [0006] The crestion ofthe ionisation which can lead to Current that in conjunction with the matters inthe core of the reactor can lead to creation of the single atleast one dimensionor more this being three dimenslonalispherical ‘or any other shape magnetic field, which can cross the ‘boundaries of any core, this being made of any material, this being plasma, gas or other states of matte, thatthe interaction between the magnetic field of the carotine core of any other layers of the cores ofthe reactor, in Interacting withthe charge particles, which could be de: liberately created, by means of tube , or paint or lamina: tion, inthe vicinity ofthe core or the charge particles in the atmosphere around the core, to create heat or light, through the principal ofthe interaction of charge particles with a magnetic fel [0007] In this system using the principal introduced in the creation ofthe reactor in the main patent application N° 05447221.2/ EP 05447221 the materials can be in troduced through or positioned in diferent parts of the core by means of sadding or ematy chambers or floating cavities of loose balls created by any means or through ‘any method, in they of on the central column or any po: sition in atleast one core ofthe reactor, the material in- tlvidual form tke atomic or plasma or others , or com pounds ike molecules oras compoundot diferent toms ‘or molecules or any other form from plasma or energy package to sold, can bee used forthe containment and ‘material for the core or production of new materials, [0008] Where the matter can be allowed to be in any (gravitational conditions, this being romzerotomaximum tgravity that a system could attain through its design, [0009] A large potential market is open for small plas- ‘ma reactors, The embodiment can be any material, but {or prototyping we use standard steel. In applications such as for lamps a part ofthe body willbe glass or an- other ransparant material (.e.asynthetisch composite) [0010] Wedisclose e fixed or handheld micro-plasma- reactor (10 + 11) which can be buildin, connected with ‘andlor inserted into various electrcalelectronic devices (e. a refigerator, various kitchen, household and pro {fessional devices, cool box, mobile phone, computer, ‘medical apparatus, laser, satelite systems, desalination Unit, desert ar-o-water-transtormer colecting units, EM- wave transmiter, etc) ‘Such micro-plasma-reactor can also be incorporated in various objects (Le. lighting devices in general, ight bul, lamp, torch, light stp, light beam, flood light, floor light, door ight, garden light, trafic-ligt, street-ighting, sig- ‘alization, meter, sensor, heet-generatingciothes, space clothing, plow, connector, wire, conductors, semi-con- ductors, microchips, IC's, magnetic locks, et) [A microsplasma-reactor may also be incorporated or used in various container types (le. box, cooking pan, drum, 40 FT, greenhouse, etc). Meny appications are possible fr all ype of machines, le. vacuum-cleaner, ventlator, calculator, dril, mixer, whee!-chalr, pumps, carpenter tools, electrical car, elec: tric bike, radio, ofice machines, etc. “The purpose of the micra:plasma-reactor can be to gen: erate DC current (sirilar to @ battery) andlor AC current ‘or combination of DC and AC-current, and consequently the varlous uses resulting from electical current, [0011] A mioro;plasma-reactor can be used also for lighting and for heating/cooling, but also to maintain at leastone desired process (.e. thecreation af one ormore magnetic fields, two magnetic fields used for creating magnetic locks, etc) Due the self-sustaining process the operation wil last for ‘long period of time (Le, § years), which can make the abovementioned functioningin devices, objects, contain- ers and machines possible without thatthey are connect- edto anelecticalpower network, without being equipped with solarcells orto any other manner of traditional power source, andlor without the need to recharge, This brings 2 complete new way of use of traditional products and concept, but also new type of products willbe created. [0012] "We descrive now two spect micro-eactors The first micro-plasma-teactor has atleast one closed, Intemal fied reactor chamber in which at least one inert gas (19, 23, 24) or any other gasses or elements oriso- 8 EP 1770715 A1 4 topes or other matters is present, ike Hydrogen (H) (22) or lquid Helium (He), and in which the inside chamber walls) is equipped with atleast one layer andior zone of ‘one or more radioactive materials) that will provoke scn tiation The second micro-plasma-reactor has at least one reac: tor chamber in which atleast one inert gas or any other clement or isotope is present, ke quid Helium (He), to Which a very fight radioactive material (Le. a dition, granules, dust) Is edded that will provoke scintilation, Butin these two micro-plasma-reactors -addtionaly- at least one atomic gas, metalic material vapour (20, 25) ‘andior liquid state element ofthe periodic table can be ‘added, n example: Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Stratum (0 for high temperature operations above 1000K, ete; [0013] Weclaim and describe here also anewmethod by which in a plasma reactor chamiver atleast one me: talic material vapour (20)(.e. K, Na, Ca, Mg) or liquid ‘metalic element layer is brought by injection means be- ‘tween at leat two layers of inert gasses (ie. H, He, Ne, Xr), what willreate -without rotetion or adjustable speed of rotation and If the correct element combinations are sed - a magnetic field by the added metalic type layer (6) (in example: element Sodium between Neon 20 and ‘Argon 40, or 41) causing a recurring process of creation ‘of magnetic eld, where for example if atomic Potassium is used inthe reactor, this element through beta decay lead to creation of Argon and the by-product of scintlla tion for example Neon gas or the Argon itself leading to Tonization ofthe gasses (Le. Hydrogen) leading to crea: tion of free electron for restion of current and establish ‘ment of plasma within the caroline core. This new method makes it possible to create magnetic field (17A) within the caroline core (12) with the use of ‘metallic or semi-metali materials inthe form of vapour Cr solid or any other state of matter in between different layers ofthe material which their mation within the core can eadto creation of magnetic fields due tothe passing of the electrons wich cteated by ionization passing through this metalic or semi-metali material which Is in rotation within the core, and this isa self-sustaining en ergy system orbattery system which thelfeofthebbattery can be predetermined by the atomic count ofall matters in the core. [0014] We describe here and claim a new method of Creating magnetlofieldsin the reactor by introducing spe- clal transparent sadding means where heavier elements (.e. Uranium vapour) inthe shape of plasma (21) or va: pour or any other state of matter can be positioned i: Spectve to the atomic weight in between different gas layers or matters which by means of deliberate pumping Cftotation ofthe material withinthe saddle due to passing Of the electrons through the saddle media electromag: netic fields can be created. This method through which high-level magnetic eld and consequently high gravita: tional field forces can be created at low temperatures in the caroline coreorin another core can be created, which the magnetic feld created can be ullized for high power lamps (Le lood lights), or forthe creation of strongmag- netic fields necessary for shielding, intensive lighting (188) and high heating (178). [0015] This methodcanbe appliedonaspecial plasma reactor where the sedale is tubular (25) and this leads to the creation of the condition for tubical magnetic field ‘where materials (ike amino-acids or dark matters) could be created within the inner hollow tubical (28) body of the saddle where themagneticfeldiscreated inthe outer layer ofthe tube within the layers of the reactor core, [0016] This methodcanbe appliedonaspecialpiasma reactor whare the saddle is tubular (25) andthis leads to the creation of the condition for tubical magnetic field ‘where materials (ike amino-acids or dark matters) could be created within the inner hollow tubical (26) body of the saddle where the magnetic fields createdinthe outer layer ofthe tube within the layers ofthe reactor core the tube creatingits own gravitational fee access hole, chan: nel or area into any layer or layers of the core or the surrounding environment which the system might create, le. for access into the cocoon created by the reactor. [0017] This methodcanbe appliedon special plasma Teactor where the saddle is double spherical (25) and this leads to the creation of the condition for spherical ‘magnetic eld where materials (Ike amino-acids or dark matters) could be created within the inner hollow spher- Ical (26) body of the saddle where the magnetic field is created In the outer layer ofthe sphere within the layers ofthe reactor cor. [0018] A conceptual interesting micro-plasma-reactor has atthe outside ofthe reactor atleast one layer and/or zone of oe or more material(s) that wll provoke or create charged particles (18A) which the interaction of the par- ticles with the magnetic feld created in the core of the reactor can create lighting (188) n any frequencies, or microwave production or heatinginthe surrounding area or vicinity ofthe system [0019] | Amicro-plasma-reactorcan haveinthe embod- iment a mechanical (Ike watch system, tly-wheel type) ‘andlor electro-magnetic rotational mechanism (168), ‘at 260 rpm) which is connected with (18) or making a ‘hole (16A) with at least one central columa (27, 16D) in which at least one container (15, 97) is located that can release precise quantities of the contained matter (e. radio-active materialor liquid Helium) nto the reactor chamber, But a micro-plasma-reactor can have also @ ‘xed central column with on the tip rotational means ‘which pumps through atleastone channel - when needed in the plasmatic process - precise quantities of gas or other matter into the reactor chamber from at least one container in the embodiment. The central column may have at least one channel and with on the tip means of lonization (i.e. a micro-wave emitter, lamps, et) [0020] A micro-plasma-reactor which has no internal rotating system can be started - by hand (Le. pushing a spring, screwing, et.) or magnetically, or wireless, by & Integrated circult (16C) andior by a timing mechanism - by the opening or breaking ofa closed intemal container 5 EP 1770715 A1 6 (15) which holds materials fr scntilation of other mate- ‘ial. This wil activate the reactor. [0021] A micto-plasme-reactor will have an inside- ‘chamiver sizeof 50,000 cms maximum, andthe smallest ‘mieto-plasma-reactor, hasan inside-chamber size in a: rno-aimensions. The embodiment (11) of @ micro-plasma-reactor can be ‘made in any shape and of any material and combination, after the intentional use [0022] We claim here also a new type of light bulbs ‘and light tubes which are in fact miero-plasma-reactors These new lighting devices will have in one version at the outside a transparent layer material (14)(Le. glass) and inside an inet gas = ike Neon -, where the charged particles of the gas create an inner circulation using the ‘magnetic field (17) which created in the core ofthe re ‘actor to excited the charged particles (18A) for them to glow (188), In another versions they have at the outside @ double lass wall with between the glass layers of an inert gas = lke Neon or any other material -, whete interaction between the magnetic fields crested in the reactor and the charged particles create inside the glass chamber ‘excitation leading othe creation of ight or heat from the boundary ofthe system (.e. IR, blue ligt, heating ela: ments, ec) ‘Another version is that atthe outside atleast two areas ofthe reactor parameter couldbe coveredby at least Wo different, two identical or a modure of matters, possible Wise in ferent states (such as other temperature, var lation in pressure.) - which can be encapsulated (Le. in layers, in tubes, or any kind of containments ike square boxes, hexagons, or adjacent to each other), coated, laminated, glued, sprayed or the reactor is suspended Within, which can ereate two or more aifferent electro: magnetic waves of different frequencies caused by the ‘same constant strength ar varying strength of the mag: neti eld caused by the inner cores), what for example results in the creating of two diferent coor lights or one color light and one heating radiation, offer optical com: ‘munication by fleerglass or similar, oF the use in ight computers, or for satelite communication [0023] We claim a light bulb, light tube or lighting sys: tem for nano technology or nano communication using ‘@ nano sized reactor which Is in mult-iayer condition Where the light from the interaction ofthe charges of pro: ton or electrons using the magnetic eld ofthe reactor generate light for nano technology, for nano communi: cation systems or for nano ighting and communication connections. [0024] The new lighting devices can use at the inside the core of thelr reactor a mlcrowave-lamp as source to Create scintillation leacing to creation of for example Ex: treme Uta Violet ighting (i. usedn lithography). They can have replaceable covers tohave a diferent radiation effect (i.e. IR, red light, ec.) after wish [0025] Some of those new lighting devices will have ‘an inner rotaive core that creates atleast a minimal ro tation ofthe inner materials to void stagnation. Stag- nation would creat instability and change of postion. [0026] Since the market uses for many yearstradton- allamps and people have abroed scale of variations the lighting devices can have the same types of fiting as ‘rational lamps, or existing ISO-norms. So people can just replace the old type lamps at home by new micro- Plasma-reactor (MPR) lamps. [027] One type of miro-piasme-reector has a least one closed fixed resctor chamber with atleast one inert liquid Helium (He) gas or any other materials and an ace altonal dition of radio-active matarial so thelr interac tion provokes scntiltion, [0028] A mico-pasme-reactor can be placed in any environment, Le. a greenhouse, where the interection of the charged paricles within thet environment and the magnetic field ofthe reactor could create the conditions necessary - Le. for growth of plants, dacortamination of matters or humdty control - which not necessary can create visible ight or tangible heat but. ivsibleelec- tromagnetc ight [0028] The micro-plasma-reactor can also make @ completely new type of battery (30). This wil generate anddelvers atthe same time DG (35) and AG (34) which can be tapped from the same or several ferent con necting points. A more perionning reacior-battery can generate and deliver even atthe same time various val ues of DC and atferent AC phase power! [0030] The MPR-Batteries (80) can have the same types of connectors (66) as al tradtonal batteries have ((e. igure 3: a 8V Batery type), conform the relevant SO norms, This means that MPR-bateres can imme- diately insertedinaltypeothenchelddevces, otfering a ques fete performance. [0031] A special battary witha sot body embodiment of re reactor or ransparentcan be made where thecre- sted EUV in conjunction with at east one created mag; netic fil of the reactor - this material being inside the core or ouside - canbe ullized for radiation purposes or etching orthography on on ary materi [0032] We czim also anew laser ype where the body of the reactor is transparent or a pothole or channel ‘where mono-energetc magnetic radiation canbe trans mitted through an outer core interection with a spectic charged partes). This verypowertl laser canbe used {or various communication, for very narrow wave:band readers, seneors and scanners, printers and cutingra: chines. [0033] New type of mobile phones and laptops (and allkind of computers) wil be powered by micro-plasma- reactor(s) which can crete currents atmicroelectrovots level which can be placed inside the devis atthe pro- duction lines since the battery doesnt have to be re placedfora predeterminedperiod duetoa specitcatom- icloaing ofthe caroline core (ie. 10 years) Soin stead of a battery now a reactor will power such devices. [0034] We claim e method to build electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, sensor devices, robot, 7 EP 1770715 A1 8 ‘and all other electronic devices without intemal power istrbution lines, which reduces the number of parts in side such devices. [0035] We claim also microchips, IC's, semi-conduc: tors andlor electriclelectronie components (i.e. mother: board) in which a micro-plasma-reactor in integrated or connected with to create or use micro electrovolis power: generated. Such electronics willbe buildin without outer power source and works independently, which leads to Computers with reduced spare parts and no power cs trbution systems. There is no need to transfor current to very low level [0036] We ciaim also new types of robots, cars, com: puters and other electronic devices, which are powered by atleast two micro-plasma-reactors, each forthe pow- ering of a diferent par of the electrical, electronic, mag: netic and/or mechanical system, ie robots in which each ‘moving part has i's awn proper - local independent rmicto-plasma-reactor, the internal and external commu ‘ication systems have appropriate micro-piasma-reac- tors andthe total systemis protectedby amagnetic shield powered by another micro-plasma-reactor. [0037] Batteries type reactors or heat generating sys- tems of nano-size can be embedded in any electro, elec: tronic component or into any sold, liquid, gaseous ma: terial [0038] A method is also disclosed by which @ micro: plasma-rescto Is buld inside an electric device, an ob- ject, @ container andior a machine as @ power source (current, heat, magnetic force, micro pressure devices) [0039] A method is clsclosed whereby around at least ‘one reactor core at least one wire (35) is fixed on the surface (31) or in the body ofthe surface in the appro- priate way thatby rotation oftheinnercore (carolinecore) ‘or the other core that might be involved through the ro: tation into the magnetic field(s) which is created inside the reactorleadingtothe generation altematingcurrent (AC) within the wire, and which can be tapped for various uses (34), [0040] Amethod is dislosed to buld electronic deve fs such as mobile phones, laptops, sensor devices, r0 bots, and all other electronic devices without intemal power distrbution lines, which reduces the number of parts inside such devices. [0041] | Amethod whereby around at least one reactor core atleast one wire (25) is fed on the surface (31) or In the body of the surface in the appropriate way that by rotation ofthe inner core (caroline core) orthe other core that might be involved through the rotation into the mag: netic fies) which is created inside the reactor leading to the generation of altemating current (AC) within the Wire, and which can be tapped for various uses (34), [0042] A method where around or inside the embod! ‘ment (11) of magnetic plasma-reactor a least one collis placed within the reach of magnetic fields) generatedin the reactor core(s), ie forthe creation of AC current Claims 1 A fixed or handheld micro-plasma-reactor (10 + 11) ‘which can bebuild-n, connectedwith and/orinserted Inoanelectricalelectronicdevice (ve, a refrigerator, various kitchen, household and professional devic: es, cool box, mobile phones, computer, medical ap- paratus, laser, satelite systems, desalination unt, desert air-o-water-ransformer collecting units, EM- Wave transmitter, pacemakers, etc), an object (Le. lighting devices in general, light bulb, lamp, torch, lightstip,ightbeam, food light, oor ight, door ight, garden light, traffc-ight, street-ighting, signaliza- tion, meter, sensor, heat-generating clothes, space Clothing, plow, connector, wie, conductors, semi- Conductors, microchips, IC's, magnetic locks, etc.) fa container (ie, Box, cooking pan, drum, 40FT, greenhouse, etc.) andor 2 machine (.e. vacuum: Cleaner, ventilator, calculator, dril, mixer, wheel chair, pumps, carpenter tools, electrical car, electric bike, radio, office machines, etc.) with the purpose to generate DC current (similar to a battery) and/or AC current of combination of DC and AC-current, ‘and/or for usein lighting, and/orfar use heating/coo!- Ing, andlor to maintain at least one desired process (e. the creation of one or more magnetic fields, two magnetic fields used for creating magnetic locks, tc.) fora long period of time (1.e. § years), which ccan make their functioning possible without being connected to an electrical power network, without boeing equipped with solar cells or any other manner of traditional power source, andior without the need torecharge; Micro-plasma-reactor, as deseribedinclaim 1, which has at least one closed, internal ixed reactor cham berin which atleast one inert gas (19,23, 24) or any other gasses or elements or isotopes or other mat- tersis present, ike Hydrogen (}) (22) and liquid He- lium (He), an! in Which the inside chamber walls) |s equipped with at least one layer andor zone of ‘one or more radioactive materials that will provoke scintillation; Micro-plasma-reactor, as describedin claim 1, which has at least one reactor chamber in which at least fone inert gas or any other element or isotope is present, ike quid Helium (He}, to which a very light radioactive materia (Le. a dilution, granules, dust) is added that wil provoke scintiltion; Micto-plasma-reactor, as described in claim 2 and 4, in which adaltionally atleast one atomic gas, me- talic material vapour (20, 25) and/or liquid state e- fement of the periodic table is added, In example: Potassium (Kk), Sodium (Na), Stratum (Sr) for high temperature operations above 1000K, ete.; 5. 8 EP 1770715 A1 10 Method by which in a plasma reactor chamber at least one metalic material vapour (20)(i. K, Na, Ca, Mg) or liquid metalic element layer is brought by injection means between at least two layers of inert gasses (le. H, He, Ne, X0), what wil create Without rotation or adjustable speed of rotation and ifthe corect element combinations areused-amag: netic eld by the added metalic type layer(s) (in ex: ‘ample: element Sodiumbetween Neon20.and Argon 40, of 41) causing a recurring process of creation of ‘magnetic field, where for example if atomic Potassi um is used in the reactor, this element through beta decay lead to creation of Argon and the by-product, of scintillation for example Neon gas or the Argon itself leading to ionization of the gasses (ie. Hydro- {gen) leading to creation of free electron for creation ‘of current and establishment of plasma within the inner (caroline) core (28) Method, as described in claim 5, which make it pos- sible to create magnetic field (17A) within the caro- line core (12, 29) with the use of metallic or sem! ‘metallic materials In the form of vapour or solid of any other state of matter in between different layers ‘ofthe material which their ation within the core oan leadto creation of magnetic fields due othe passing ‘ofthe electrons which created by ionization passing through tis metalic or semi-metalic material which is n rotation within the core, and ths isa sel-sus- taining energy system or battery system which the life ofthe battery can be pre-ceterminedby the atom: ic count ofall matters inthe core; Method of creating magnetic felds in the reactor by introducing special transparent saddling means where heavier elements (Le. Uranium vapour) in the shape of plasma (21) of vapour or any other state of ‘matter can be positioned irespective tothe atomic Weight in between diferent gas layers or matters Which by means of deliberate pumping of rotation of the material within the saddle due to passing of the electrons through the sadle media electromagnetic fields can be created; Method, as describedin claim 7, through which high level magnetic feld and consequently high gravita: tionalfieldforces can be created atlow temperatures inthe caroline ore orin anothercore canbe created, \which the magnetic field created can be utilized for highpowerlamps (..foodlghts), ofr the creation ‘of strong magnetic fields necessary fr shielding in tensive lighting (188) and high heating (178); Method, as described in ciaim 7, where the saddle istubular (25) leading} the creation ofthe condition fortubical magnetic field where materials (Ike am no-acid or dark matters) could be created within the inner hollow tubical (26) body of the saddle where 10. nn. 12. 13. 1“ the magnetic fields created in the outer layer of the tube within the layers of the reactor core; Method, as described in claim 7, that can be applied fon a special plasma reactor where the saddle is tu- boular (25) and this leads tothe creation of the con. dition for tubical magnetic feld where materials (ike ‘amino-acids or dark matters) couldbe createdwithin theinnerhollow tubicl (26) body ofthe saddle where the magnetic feids created in the outer layer of the tube within the other metalic layers of the reactor core, Le. for creation of the condition for the atomic welding within the tube Method, as described in claim 7, that can be applied (on a special plasma reactor where the saddle is tu- ular (25) and this leads tothe creation of the con- dition fortubical magnetic eld where materials (ike ‘amino-acids or dark matters) couldbe createdwithin theinnerhollow tubical (26) body ofthe saddle where the magnetic fields created in the outer layer of the tube within the layers of the reactor core the tube creatingits own gravitational ree access hole, chan- nel or area into any layer or layers ofthe core or the surrounding environment which the systam might Create, i. for aocess into the cocoon created by the reactor, Method, as described in claim 7, that can be applied ‘ona special plasma reactor where the saddle is dou- ble spherical (25) and this leads to the creation of the condition for spherical magneto field where ma- terials (Ike amino-acids or dark meters) could be Created within the inner hollow spherical (26) body cof the saddle where the magnetic field is created in the outer layer of the sphere within the layers of the reactor core; Micro-plasma-reactor, as describedin claim 1, which has et the outside of the reactor atleast one layer ‘andior zone of one or more materials) that will pro voke or create charyed particles (18A) which the in- teraction ofthe paticles withthe magnetic field cre- ated in the core of the reactor can creete lighting (188) in any frequencies, or microwave production Cr heating in the surrounding area or vicinity ef the system; Micro-plasma-reactor, as described in claim 1, hav- ing ether: ‘a. in the embodiment a mechanical (fr. Watch system, fy-wheeltype) andior electro-magnetic rotational mechanism (16B)(Le. at 260 rpm) which is connected with (13) or making a whole (16A) with atleast one central column (27, 16D) inwhich at least one container (18, 7)isloceted that can release precise quantities of the con- 18, 16. ”. 18. 1. " tained matter (Le. radio-active material or quid Helium) into the reactor chamber, b. afixed.entral column with onthe tip rotational means which pumps through atleast one chan nel - when needed in the plasmatic process precise quantties of ges or other matter ito the reactor chamber from at least one container in the emoodiment, . central columnwithtleastonechanneland vith on te tip means of ionization (Le. a micro- wave emitter, lames, ete) 5. Micro‘plasma-reactor, as describedinclaim 1, which canbestarted-byhand{.e. pushingaspring, screw ing, etc.), magneticalty, wireless, IC’s (16C) andlor ‘bya timing mechanism - by the opening or breaking ‘of a closed intemal container (18) which holds ma- terials for scintillation of other material; Mioro-plasma-reactor, as describedinclaim 1, which has an inside-chamber size of 50,000 om3 max! ‘mum; Micro-plasma-reactor,as descrbedinclaim 1, which has an inside-chameer size in nano dimensions; Micro-plasma-reactor, as described in ciaim 1, of Which the embodiment (11) could be made in any ‘shape and of any matetial and combination; Lighttulo, as deseribedinclaim 1, orlighttube, being ‘amicro-plasma-reactor with either: 2. atthe outside atrensparent ayer material (14) (Ge. glass) and ineide an inert gas ke Neon -, where the charged particles ofthe gas create fan inner circulation using the magnetic field (17A) which created inthe core of the reactor to excite the charged particles (18A) for them to glow (188), ». atthe outside a double glass, (or other similar transparent or opalic material(s) or combina: tions) with between the (glass) layers an inert gs - ike Neon or any other material -, where interaction between the magnetic fields created In the reactor and the charged paroles create inside the (glass) chamber exctation leading to the creation of light or heat from the boundary of the system (Le. IR, blue light, heating ele ments, etc) C.althe outside at least two areas ofthe reactor parameter could be covered by at least two di ferent, two identical or amixture of matters, pos: sible wise in diferent states (such as other tem perature, variation in pressure.) - which can be encapsuiated (Le. in layers in tubes, orany kind of containments like square boxes, hexagons, oF adjacent to each other), coated, laminated, EP 1770715 A1 20. a. 23. 24, 25, 26. 27. 12

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