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Jessica Blackwell

March 27, 2018

Student Debt
2018SP PSCI-315-02

Part 1: Current Event

Works Cited
Hounanian, Natalia Abrams and Cody. The Nation. 4 August 2016. 27 March 2018.

This current event article talks about all the ways different countries handle the student debt.
All of which, are better than how the United States handles ours. There are different programs
that the country implements that forgives students of debts or aids them in paying it back.
Other countries make college cheap enough to where the students don’t have debt. One
countries college education is completely free except for housing.

Part 2: CQ Article

Works Cited
Price, Tom. CQRESEARCHER. 18 November 2016. 27 March 2018.

 Class of 2015 student debt is on average $35,000

 Total student debt in 2015 was $1.3 trillion
o Up 350% since 2005
 16% of borrowers are more than 361 days late on their loan payments
 Since 2007-08 the average tuition has gone up 28%
 In 2012, state spending was less than tuition
 In 1970’s the state was paying 3/4 of state college’s bills
o In 2014, they were paying half
 More than 30% of recent grads have no debt

Part 3: Analysis
States in the United States have been making changes to help out with decreasing student
loans. New York has agreed to pay for in state colleges for families who have a low salary as
long as the student agrees to stay in New York for 4 years after they graduate. There are ways
for the United States to help fix the college student debt but they have not set a lot down on it
yet. Whenever spending in another area goes up, education goes down. Which is why college
tuition is so high.

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