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Chapter III


General Overview

The proposed system is designed and developed using HTML (Hypertext

Markup Language), Bootstrap for designing, and PHP for the backend/server side.

This makes tabulation faster and easy by changing computation from manual to

automatic. Thus making the system dynamic was one of the primary priorities. The

GUI (Graphical User Interface) of the system is designed to be as user-friendly,

simple and interactive as possible. It is so simple that even in the first few tries, the

user will surely be able to use the system without any hassle.

Privacy and Confidentiality

The proposed Dynamic events tabulator is very concerned when it comes to

privacy and confidentiality, because the event result must remain confidential until

the event result is final and is ready to be announced. Thus the scores of individual

judges should be kept to themselves in order to establish confidentiality and avoid

copying scores from co-judges. Furthermore the access of the judges should be

minimal compared to the administrator. The administrator should have total control

with the event except with the judge’s scores because it may cause alteration to the

events result.

Technical Challenges

Every system faces technical challenges. The proposed Dynamic events

tabulator is no exception. All throughout the development of the system, challenges

where faced. Because it has to be dynamic, the developers of the system needed to

take into consideration every detail from the login until the very last part of the


In logging in into the system, the login type was considered. It was

implemented not only because of security purposes but also because the developers

want to establish control on what the user can access depending on the

classification of login he is in.

Another challenge that they faced was creating criteria for each event.

Because every event has its corresponding criteria that are different from other

events, the developers needed to create the criteria dynamically.

The said system also required some trapping in order to insure the accurate

result of the system. Some of which are making sure that the judges will give a score

that is above the score bracket, disabling event while the criteria is incomplete,

making sure that the criteria does not go beyond 100 percent, making sure that only

the chosen judges of the event are able to view and score the event, and not letting

the judges score the event until the administrator allows him to.

Printing was also taken into consideration. Because for some reasons, the

would want to print the details of the event, the system provided a print for the very

details starting from the contestant list , list of criteria and last but not the least the

outcome/result of the event.

Financial Analysis

Expenses are always present in system especially in the development stage.

The proposed system is not an exception. During the development of the system

researches where made and interviews were conducted. This said activities required

financial supports such as load for the internet and print outs. Here are some of the

expenses that the developers shouldered

Transportation: because the developers needed to conduct interviews and

meet in a particular place to develop the system, they spent resources for


Research: in order to fully understand and have better knowledge about the

system research where conducted. In this case, the materials were not available in

the library. That is why the developers utilized the internet by means of video

streaming; PDF downloads, searching related topics and other references.

Print out: soft copies alone were not enough, which is why printing out the

some research materials was a necessity. This includes the drafts for every chapter

and researches.

Food: because developing the system takes time, it is normal for the developers to

experience hunger. Hunger can deeply affect the developer’s performance and

effectiveness. That is why keeping them out of hunger or making sure that they are in well-

fed is a must.

Financial Summary

Expenses Amount

Transportation 40.00

Research 80.00

Print outs 40.00

Food 90.00

Total 250.00

Table 2: Financial Summary

Table 2 shows all the expenses and its average cost that was necessary in the

development of the system. This table reflects the total expenditure during each session.

The prices may increase or decrease depending on the sessions duration and difficulty.


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