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Stari Abdelaziz Almojahed Nadel Alhachimi High School

Grammar: Possession

i. Possessive adjectives:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate possessive adjective:
1) This is Ahmed. ____________jacket is red.
2) _____________school’s name is Nadel Alhachimi. _______________door is very big.
3) I am a student. _______________name is Khalid. What is _______________ name?
4) Wafae and I are twins. _______________birthday is on November 22nd.
5) Sanae and Amina are friends. _______________English teacher’s name is Abdelaziz.
6) My nephew is older than I. ____________ father’s name is Bouchaib.
ii. Possessive /genitive Case (_’s):
Fill the gaps with the possessive case of nouns ( _’s) .
E.g.: Singular: This is a toy of boy. → This is the boy’s toy.
Plural: These are the toys of the boys. → These are they boys’ toys.
1. Abdelaziz has a book. → It's _____________________________________________________
2. This magazine puts my picture on its cover. → My picture is on _________________________
3. Our friends live in this house. → This is ___________________________________________
4. The dress of my sister is old. My sister _____________________________________________
5. Your house has a number! → What is _____________________________________________
6. The walk lasts two hours. → We had a _____________________________________________
7. My sister is Karima. → I am _____________________________________________________
8. That film is named Titanic. → "Titanic" is __________________________________________
9. This school is for girls only. → It's a _______________________________________________
10. The skirts of married women are white. Married women _______________________________

iii. Possessive with the “of” phrase:

Rewrite the sentences below using the “the+ noun+ of” phrase.
E.g.: This is my brother’s book. This is the book of my brother.
1. What’s your teacher’s name? _________________________________________________
2. Layla has a beautiful long dress. ________________________________________________
3. My wife’s earing are golden. ___________________________________________________
4. Is this your neighbor’s dog? ____________________________________________________
5. I live in the house number 201. _________________________________________________
6. Wadie and Jalal enjoyed a five hours walk yesterday. _______________________________

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