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How to make a report using

‘Report Designer’
- Part 1. Basic report using database connection

M2Soft Co. Ltd.

Definition of Sample Report
 General view of sample report.

Report Designer Version File Definition

Report Designer 5.0u User Define

System OS Report Type

Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP Table Form

Name of Report for exercise Database Connection

Sales List ADO - ODBC (DSN:M2Soft_e) used

 Choosing a right Report type in Report Designer is

crucial to present data correctly. Data Source
M2Soft_e.mdb (Automatically set
 Please refer to the Manual for more details.
when installing RD)

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DB - 2
Start Report Designer
 Let’s Begin! Please follow the steps below

Click here

Installed Directory of Report Designer

../Program Files/M2Soft/Report Designer 5.0u

Directory of Report Designer Example Files

../Program Files/M2Soft/Report Designer 5.0u/Examples

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DB - 3
Report Designer Editor Layout
 Report Designer Editor = Word Processor + SQL

Menu Bar

Tool Bar

Work Area

Project Management
Status Bar

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DB - 4
Create a New Report
 Create a new report – Menu Bar or Tool Bar

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DB - 5
Creating Report Dialog Box
 File Definition / Report Form / DB Connection

File Definition

User Define
Create a report by the users’ preference

Create a report according to pre-defined steps

Report Type

Grouped by data presentation property DB Connection

Please refer to the Manual for more details. Databases


External Data
Select User Define – Table Form - ADO

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DB - 6
New Report
 New Page on Work Area / Menu Activated

General Steps of
Creating Reports

1. Drawing Report Form

2. Data Fetch

3. Connect Data to the Form

Create a report
according to steps above.

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DB - 7
Drawing Report Form
 Create objects – Text Frame, Table

Table Text Frame Steps of Inserting Objects

1. Select an object to be

2. Create by Click & Drag

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DB - 8
Drawing Report Form
 Input text – Title, Header

Input Text
1. Place a cursor where
Header you want to type in.

2. Type In

If a cursor is in ‘Selection’
mode, only an object will
be selected.
Change to ‘Text Frame’
mode or simply double
click on a place where you
want to type in to
enter text correctly.

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DB - 9
Drawing Report Form
 Edit Form

Selection Mode
Middle Alignment
Font Type
Center Alignment

Font Size In ‘Text Frame’ mode, block

areas by dragging a mouse
and edit the whole blocked
Select Multiple Object by area simultaneously.
Shift + Mouse Click

Middle Alignment by Page

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DB - 10
Drawing Report Form
 Edit Form

Report Type - Table

• Header Section
Header of a Table

• Repetition Section
Automatic Repetition Row
according to data
Blue Line : Above – Header Section
Below – Repetition Section

Data can be displayed in any

section, Header or Repetition

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DB - 11
Data Fetch
 Select ‘Connect Database’ from Menu Bar

Once the report form connect

to Database, SQL can be

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DB - 12
Data Fetch
 ‘Connect Database’ Dialog Box and Database Connection Message

4. Confirm the connection string 5. Confirm Successful

1. Create a ‘Connecting String’ created by Wizard Database Connection

2. Select OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers 3. Use Data Source Name – Select M2Soft_e

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DB - 13
Data Fetch
 Select ‘Query Definition’ from Menu Bar

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DB - 14
Data Fetch
 Create a short SQL by using the Query Wizard

1. Select Table – ‘From’ Section 2. Select Column – ‘Select’ Section 3. Select Sorting – ‘Order By’ Section

Select DaySales from the Table List

Add all columns from DaySales Table
Add SaleDate in Alignment

SQL Statement -> SELECT * FROM DaySales ORDER BY DaySales.SaleDate

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DB - 15
Data Fetch
 Verification of SQL and Viewing Record

SQL Result

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DB - 16
Connect Data to the Form
 Select ‘Connect to Dataset’ from Menu Bar

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DB - 17
Connect Data to the Form
 ‘Connect to Dataset’ Dialog Box

Fetched Data Field Report Form

Lastly connect dataset to the form.

Fields selected from Here is how to do …
SQL ‘SELECT’ section
are shown here

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DB - 18
Connect Data to the Form
 Connect Data to the Form – 2 methods to connect.

1. Select a block to connect a data

2. Select a field name

from the field list

3. Click ‘Apply’ Button

(2nd method)
3. Select a next block to
connect a data
(1st method)

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DB - 19
Final Form - Basic
 Final Form

Run Viewer
Run Viewer

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DB - 20
Viewer Result
 Result at Viewer

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DB - 21
 Memo

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DB - 22
How to make a report using
‘Report Designer’
- Part2. Basic Report using File Connection

(Data File: All csv type Stream. txt, Web Script Language (e.g. asp, jsp, etc.) stream, ...)

M2Soft Co. Ltd.

Definition of Sample Report
 General view of sample report.

Report Designer Version File Definition

Report Designer 5.0u User Define

System OS Report Type

Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP Table Form

Name of Report for exercise Database Connection

Sales List File

 Choosing a right Report type in Report Designer is

crucial to present data correctly. Data Source

 Please refer to the Manual for more details. Sale_199802.txt

Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

File - 2
Start Report Designer
 Let’s Begin! Please follow the steps below.

Click here

Installed Directory of Report Designer

../Program Files/M2Soft/Report Designer 5.0u

Directory of Report Designer Example Files

../Program Files/M2Soft/Report Designer 5.0u/Examples

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File - 3
Report Designer Editor Layout
 Report Designer Editor = Word Processor + Data

Menu Bar

Tool Bar

Work Area

Project Management
Status Bar

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File - 4
Create a New Report
 Create a new report – Menu Bar or Tool Bar

Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

File - 5
Create a New Report Dialog Box
 File Definition / Report Form / DB Connection

File Definition

User Define
Create a report by users’ preference

Create a report according to pre-defined steps

Report Type

Grouped by data presentation property DB Connection

Please refer to the Manual. Database


External Data
Select User Define – Table Form - File
Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

File - 6
New Report
 New Page on Work Area / Menu Active

General Steps of
Creating Reports
1. Creating Report Form

2. Data Fetch

3. Connect Data to the Form

Create a report
according to steps above.

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File - 7
Creating Report Form
 Create objects – Text Frame, Table

Table Text Frame Steps of Inserting Object

1. Select an object to insert

2. Create by Click & Drag

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File - 8
Creating Report Form
 Input text – Title, Header

Input Text

1. Place a cursor where

you want to type in

2. Type In

If a cursor is in ‘Selection’
mode, only an object will
be selected.
Change to ‘Text Frame’
mode or simply double
click on a place where you
want to type in to
enter text correctly.

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File - 9
Drawing Report Form
 Edit Form

Selection Mode
Middle Alignment
Font Type
Center Alignment

Font Size In ‘Text Frame’ mode, block

areas by dragging a mouse
and edit the whole blocked
Select Multiple Object by area simultaneously.
Shift + Mouse Click

Middle Alignment by Page

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File - 10
Drawing Report Form
 Edit Form

Report Type - Table

• Header Section
Header of a Table

• Repetition Section
Automatic Repetition Row
according to data
Blue Line : Above – Header Section
Below – Repetition Section

Data can be displayed in any

section, Header or Repetition

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File - 11
Data Fetch
 Select ‘File Connection’ from Menu Bar

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File - 12
Data Fetch
 Enter a path of a data file to be loaded

1. Local .txt file 2. FTP Server .txt file 3. Web Server .jsp file

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File - 13
Data Fetch
 Data File

Field Delimiter

This Data File is composed of 5 Fields,

‘^’ is used as field delimiter.
Field Delimiter can be set by users.

Fields of Data File are the same as

Columns of Database.

Result Set of JSP, ASP should be same

as above data file format when a
web browser source is viewed

Field1 Field2 Field3…

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File - 14
Data Fetch
 Field Definition 1

1. Select ‘Field Definition’ Tab 2. Type in ‘Field delimiter’ and click Add 3. Edit Field Definition

Edit ‘Field Name’, ‘Field Type’, ‘Length’

4. Completed Field Definition

•To use a data file, repeat above field definition steps for
each fields.

•Field Names are the same as the name of columns in


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File - 15
Data Fetch
 Field Definition 2

2. Create fields according to

1. Select ‘Field Definition’ Tab number of fields in a data file 3. Edit Field Definition

After setting ‘Field Delimiter’, set

a ‘Number of Column’ according
to the number of fields in data files
and click field definition edit window.

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File - 16
Connect Data to the Form
 Select ‘Connect to Dataset’ from Menu Bar

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File - 17
Connect Data to the Form
 Connect to Dataset Dialog Box

Fetched Data Field Report Form

Field Names from

Lastly connect dataset to the form.
‘Field Definition’
Here is how to do …
is shown here.

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File - 18
Connect Data to the Form
 Connect Data to the Form – 2 methods to connect

1. Select a block to connect a data

2. Select a field name

from the field list

3. Click ‘Apply’ Button

(2nd method)

3. Select a next block to

connect a data
(1st method)

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File - 19
Final Form - Basic
 Final Form

Run Viewer

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File - 20
Viewer Result
 Result at Viewer

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File - 21
How to make a report using
‘Report Designer’
- Part 3. Editing the report created

M2Soft Co. Ltd.

Definition of Sample Report
 General view of sample report.

Report Designer Version File Definition

Report Designer 4.0 User Define

System OS Form type

Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP Table Form

Sample Form

Use Form File created in Part1 & Part2 (using Database, Data Stream, XML File)

Form to create

Edit the list form using functions and menu

 Please refer to the Manual for more details.

Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Edit Form
 Data editing and Print editing

Data editing

Perform sub sum/ group sum/ total sum by using a summary functions to Data Source

Print editing

Conditional print control, Cell merge control, show empty form without data, etc.

How to edit a form in Report Designer

To edit in Report Designer

1. Use is as you would in Word Processor
2. Use it as you would in Excel
User friendly GUI of Report Designer makes it easier to call methods and functions

Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Using function
 Add Functions to the form created by previous steps

- sum by date(by customer/product), sum by page, total sum

- Page Break by specific condition ( by SaleDate)

- control number of repetition + draw blanks

Preparing summary :

Set text format amount =SaleQuantity * SaleAmount

- Flexible print attribute

by size of SaleAmont

Print repetition data

- Use only one
- Merge cells

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Function 1 – Data Operation
 Operation SaleAmount(SaleQuantity * SaleAmount)

1. Add row – after locate ‘SaleQuantity’ column, Add row by clicking ‘insert right side’ button
2. Summary check – after selecting repetition of row, in ‘connect to dataset’ dialog box
click ‘summary’ check box to enable ‘preparing summary’ tab


Insert right side

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Function 1 – Data Operation
 Operation SaleAmount(SaleQuantity * SaleAmount) (Continue…)

3. Preparing summary – click ‘apply’ or ‘OK’ button after entering

‘SaleQuantity * SaleAmount’ in preparing summary section

SaleQuantity * SaleAmount

Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Function 1 – Data Operation
 Operation SaleAmount(SaleQuantity * SaleAmount) – result

Data by produced from ‘preparing summary’ section

Next practice:
How to change font attribute
and color by condition
(when SaleAmount > 100)

Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Function 2 – Using ‘preparing summary’
 Set print attributes by Sale Amount 1

Possible to change print attribute by using iif(), changerowattr() in summary funtions

changerowattr(DaySale.SaleQuantity*DaySale.SaleAmount, “FA@FC”, “B@255,0,0”),
Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Function 2 – Using ‘preparing summary’
 Set print attributes by Sale Amount 2 - Result

If Quantity > 100 ,

print row by Bold, Red color

Next practice :
If change only cell of Quantity,
use changeattr() instead of
changerowattr( )

Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Function 3 – subsum/total sum by ‘preparing summary’
 Sub sum/total sum – sum by date 1

When editing group sum/ total sum, use summary section.

1. Move cursor to repetition part and add summary section by ‘add summary section’

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BASIC - 10
Function 3 – subsum/total sum by ‘preparing summary’
 Sub sum/total sum – sum by date 2

2. preparing summary – set operation to get total sum by sum() in preparing summary
3. summary condition – select by SaleDate condition in ‘by field values’

sum(SaleQuantity * SaleAmount)

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BASIC - 11
Function 3 – subsum/total sum by ‘preparing summary’
 Sub sum/total sum – sum by date - Result

Sum by SaleDate

Next practice:
How to show sum by page
and total sum

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BASIC - 12
Function 3 – subsum/total sum by ‘preparing summary’
 Sub sum / total sum – Result sum by page and total sum

It is easy to add in a row to calculate sum by page and total sum,

by adding a new ‘summary section’ for each condition you want to perform

Preparing summary1 – sum by SaleDate

(by field values – SaleDate)

Preparing summary2 – sum by page

(by condirion – insert every page)

Preparing summary3 – Total sum

(by condition – insert the last page)

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BASIC - 13
Function 3 – subsum/total sum by ‘preparing summary’
 Sub sum / total sum – Result of sum by page and total sum

1st page • • •

Sum by

Sum by page

Total sum

• • • the last page

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BASIC - 14
Function4 – Text format
 Text in sum/total sum 1

To add in a title text for each row

1. Select cells by Click & Drag, and click ‘merge cells’ from table edition bar.
2. Type in ‘Total Sum ‘ and ‘Sub Sum’ as shown below.

Merge cells

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BASIC - 15
Function4 – Text format
 Text in sum/total sum 2

You can set non-fixed text in ‘sum by SaleDate‘ row.

1. Connect SaleDate dataset in a cell to show date
2. select ‘Alignment-Text format’ from menu tool bar

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BASIC - 16
Function4 – Text format
 Text in sum/total sum 3

3. select text format in the text format dialog box

Also custom setting of text format is possible by enter in additional text to the text box

Text format

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BASIC - 17
Function4 – Text format
 Text in sum/total sum - Result
1st page • • •

• • • the last page

• • • pages • • • How to print only one record ?

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BASIC - 18
Funtion5 – operation repetition data
 Editing repetition of data – ‘merge cell’ / ‘use only once’

1. After selecting dataset connection, select cell you want to edit

2. Select either ‘merge cell’ or ‘use only once’ checkbox

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BASIC - 19
Funtion5 – operation repetition data
 Editing repetition of data – Result of using ‘Merge cell’

Next practice:
How to break page by a specific

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BASIC - 20
Function6 - Conditional Page Break
 To break page by a specific condition

1. Alignment – select page break condition

2. Select a Field to use for page break – the field should already aligned (Order by)

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BASIC - 21
Funtion6 - Conditional Page Break
 To break page by specification condition - Result

1st page
2nd page 3rd page • • •

How to set the size of a table same in each page?

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BASIC - 22
Function7 – Set Table Attribute
 Set Table Attribute

‘Table-Set Table Attribute’ can give options to number of repetition by page (control number of Record by page),
Cross-tab, table as multi level , draw blanks.

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BASIC - 23
Function7 - Set Table Attribute
 Set Table Attribute

1. Show only 15 Records in a page by selecting 15 in ‘Number of repetition’

2. Draw blank table at the bottom, instead of empty space when number of record is less than 15
by using ‘Draw blanks’ option

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BASIC - 24
Function7 - Set Table Attribute
 Set Table Attribute - Result

1st page
2nd page • • •

• • • last page

How to print sum at the bottom of the table?

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BASIC - 25
Funtion8 - Detail option of summary section
 Inserting a sum after blanks

To set summary section appear at the bottom of table,

check ‘insert summary after blanks’ in each summary section.

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BASIC - 26
Funtion8 - Detail option of summary section
 Inserting a sum after blanks - Result

1st page
3rd page • • •

• • • last page

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BASIC - 27
Summary – Form Editing
 How to edit a form with Report Designer

Actual form to be made in a project might be more complex than example forms shown above

1. Complex SQL to get desired data sets.

Works fine as long as SQL syntax from the database is correct.

2. Complex form of tables and layout may be used.

Powerful and easy to use Table Editing functions will be useful for users

Just by using the previous steps, users can create most report form they might need.
But ‘Report Designer’ offers more powerful functions and methods for power users.

1 2Data
Form Edition Form
Creation Definition Connection (Menu/Function) Completed
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BASIC - 28
How to create a Report using
‘Report Designer’
-Part 4. Operating Report Designer with Web

M2Soft Co. Ltd.

Form File
 Developer creates a form file by Report Designer Editor

The following report is created by choosing ‘database’ as a report creating method and ‘default’
as a report decorating method. Form files which created by Report Designer would have “mrd” as an extension.
For web reporting, form developer first needs to create a mrd file then upload it to the server (WAS) via FTP.
The mrd file would be called via URL on the web.

Copyright ⓒ 2005 by M2Soft Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Web - 2
 Resulted report by pressing “Run Viewer” menu from editor
(Screen result by running rdviewer.exe)

The following is a screen shot, running mrd on rdviewer.exe. You can get the same result on the web,
only running on activeX control instead of rdviewer.exe is different.

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Web - 3
System Architecture
 System Architecture of Report Designer for Web Reporting

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Web - 4
Web Reporting - Sample Source 1
 Basic - Definitions

Web reporting means showing the produced final report as it is embedded in web browser (IE)
using Report Designer ActiveX control (OCX). (Plug-in Style)
Report Designer ActiveX is defined in an object tag of web source.
Report Designer ActiveX provides about 80 APIs and you may use them by writing you own
codes in JavaScript or VB Script.
Web reporting is defined by “FileOpen” method and the method takes a mrd file path value and
parameter values of user inquiry conditions as its arguments.
Default output form size is auto-adjusted according to the size of Report Designer ActiveX
control within a web browser.

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Web - 5
Web Reporting - Sample Source 1
 Basic - HTML Source

// Calls mrd file via ‘FileOpen’ function

// Definitions
// Auto-installation/auto-upgrade is supported

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Web - 6
Web Reporting - Sample Source 1
 Basic – Output Screen

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Web - 7
Web Reporting - Sample Source 2
 Advanced 1 - Definitions

Improving the look and feel of the final output screen provided to end users can be done by
some of properties and methods provided by Report Designer ActiveX.

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Web - 8
Web Reporting - Sample Source 2
 Advanced 1 - HTML Source

// Cancel the auto-adjustment

// Configure the output screen ratio as the same as the original paper size
// additions // Set the RD OCX background color as white
// Hide the RD OCX bottom status bar

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Web - 9
Web Reporting - Sample Source 2
 Advanced 1 – Output Screen

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Web - 10
Web Reporting - Sample Source 3
 Advanced 2 - Definitions

Since the top toolbar of Report Designer ActiveX is a bit crude, you can hide it and put nicely
designed customized menu button images to reshape the look and feel of the toolbar.

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Web - 11
Web Reporting - Sample Source 3
 Advanced 2 - HTML Source 1 (Some parts are omitted)

// Organize
// components of
// menu to
replace // the
original RD
// OCX toolbar

// Each image calls a necessary function by onClick event

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Web - 12
Web Reporting - Sample Source 3
 Advanced 2 - HTML Source 2 (Some parts are omitted)

// A function which would be called by clicking on a specific menu image

// from the newly organized menu bar from the previous page, recalls the
// method provided by RD OCX.
// It’s possible to call RD OCX method directly when an image is clicked.

// Hide the top toolbar of RD OCX from screen

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Web - 13
Web Reporting - Sample Source 3
 Output Screen of HTML Source 3

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Web - 14
Web Reporting - Parameter Delivery
 Parameter Delivering Method – By /rp
(Classifies the values of parameters by the delivered order)

// Delivers the parameters as a second argument

// to the FileOpen Method

You may give various values of parameters as a second argument to the FileOpen method for
such as user inquiry values, printing options or database information.
You can use approximately 100 types of inner classification parameters provided by Report
Designer to classify the values of parameters with different properties. You can use them in
conjunction with others. (Refer to the manual or help for the details of inner classification
The following 2 samples demonstrates the two ways of passing user inquiry values to the inner
query of mrd.
- /rp : maps the values of parameters passed by a /rp classification parameter according to the
delivering order
- /rv : maps the names of inner defined variables with the names of parameters passed by a /rv
classification parameter
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Web - 15
Web Reporting - Parameter Delivery 1
 Parameter Delivery (By /rp) – Query Definition

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Web - 16
Web Reporting - Parameter Delivery 1
 Parameter Delivery (By /rp) - WEB Source

// $1 $2 ...

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Web - 17
Web Reporting - Parameter Delivery 2
 Parameter Delivery 2 (By /rv) – Query Definition

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Web - 18
Web Reporting - Parameter Delivery 2
 Parameter Delivery 2 (By /rv) - WEB Source

// Maps with the names of variables used in the query definition

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Web - 19
Applied Cases
 Applied Screen on WEB

HTML with an OCX viewer

attached as a frame

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Web - 20
Applied Cases
 Source Code (JSP)

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Web - 21
 Memo

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Web - 22

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